-RESav 16eIT WihPectin - 24 PETUiI FAnè, lu Cais iaEx q q ýORONO WEEKLY TIM r BEST BUY! Medium Sa;AS Fancy QualIty -Save1%e -15oau TinS BEST BUY! Save 9c- Stokely's any 20 oz. Tin B E S T BEV-QuickCooin -Saveilic - 14 oz. Tins- Ni 1at ar d Cor J'i BETBUY! lt,a' Dc -12 ez.,Tins BESTBUY!- Fve Vrieies Sae 24 - 5 oz. Pacae BEST BUY - Cubby or Regcular Sape 30c GXIC=OC==>DC=O oc c=:>oc=:>oc=:>oc=:>O%==>Gý oc: g 1? o g g 7 for $1 E - Celoured, Twin-Pack A FEAPTUF-BE! -Clour Quick Save 16e 1 IL pa kýages Rosej In 4 tiroCtive 4 for $1 B)JR DSE YE Frozen nF'rcod Feature JOl-INSON - Reg. 75c 2 for $1 iQo S1ze Chcoae ar 2Mor$ MEATS LEAN CHOICCE MIEATY LEG seatrrBirons cg 1 ïs iorrun eia DOLE at nalt acI i--a -r o2 e "~. ~, j cx ~ s- t- ~tCL. ~ Si ~' for ~ ~-, w c- V <i i~ '-tri vs'-- N~t c. J ic.>'s <i 13e F-~r~'~ VnSVOU, - 14 pFg~ ~ ~anzan1'a 8 oz. ice box jars 3 for $1 cd 20 oz, Tins 3fo1 $1 "K" erel -Corn Flakes - Sugar Srtiacks , Sugar Pops Kell'ogg's Cereals 4 for $ 1 8 oz $ le JelIy, Two-Fruit Marmnalade fhe church hall anmd pnink :candves and flower-s decorated (the tables, die bridai abe enre ith a tbree fier cake ,adep bhe bride-'sý aunt, Mrs. rFoster. Mrs. Wes Ellitt ofOronoandl Mr. Ross Elliott we-re Sunday'IVisi8-1 tors with Mr. anid Mrs. Rleg. Eliott.l Mix1r John Patton, Mr. and1 Mrs. Royý Patton and Mur.Eaniatr1 of O(rono were visitors witÈ .andI Mr.G. Cathcart on Sunday. M\r. and Purs. Chas. Cooper-l of 0r- ono visited their daughtýer indf arn ily, Mur. and Mrsý. Ja-ck Stapletoni Mrs. R.Brw of St. Ctaie Diedi liermteMs :Ge woodon ?idayand atur and famîl are -o prents at Caý-Ice Bay. Mifss Betty Savc,î-ys spending a few days tihÀ,nJane Fostèr. Pur. -iand iN-s J. NJle nofJarvisi FriçndsadreaiefrmK- There was gDd .tt dnerat i, rieSr a cJýwAnvrary riii lth il Kendal1 itdChrc as Sn oay when ev. Turner cf owa- ileue ae fine ïliessa,(-ic The Pclliden l. enadF l he sît-tdin 'thesericgsead te ild-ï sar [r$i i 41ncodce n nee ajmat3-la of immense depth -of & Wit -Taîl Tinis imcang, entitied "Týhe J-buse built 1~/TL ~ ~> ock, refrrin tothe love iuilii< -~ G indness and COainl Christ a di'-layed la ~r l î portant i Chie-Save 15c 20 OZ, Tins 9 -aatrsi's-ihn te chus-ch.1 L foutus;ir y ur c a c m cpc v0-cour0r CO ri -1r- C M ' -t rlvD -r crrO *~r- itr ~'~-c S Iy ri- i SAVE fIAT MiES THURtSDAY, JUNE 23, 1960 KENDAL NEWS ýO Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell Car. rruthers (nee Patsy June Foster) ohave' returned from their weddingi Qtrip during which the37 visîted thie bride's rmaternai grandmllother, Ms 1,j E. Gosney in Dýanvill, wowa, ounable to attend the wed1ding in the 9 KendalUnited Chiurchý on junle dh oAmong the honoured guests ait he' Q wedding were the Ird' grand- omother, Mrs. M. E. Foster and the' Q roorn's grandparents, Mr.an Mrs. 1-H. Carruthers. Atteninig îthé bride %vwas her sister, Miss Carolyni Foster, I as maid of honour vt her sîster, O Miss Judy Foster andI Miss Ph1ylisý OJackson as bridesrnaids. Mr. Terry QPrice of BowmanviIJle attended t -heý Ogroom as best man and M.Gr OiNesbitt and Mr. Wayýne Fotr1 h Qbrid&ýs brother were ushiers. TI-le brides aunt, Mrs. Allen Foster, Qplayed th-e wedding muisie and ac- eom.,panied the_,soJlist, Mr. -Keith hosang "h edigPrayer" pbefore the emoyad"'V alk 0 beside you" urn esiginýg of 9thEt regster, Tadz,ettQ if 0 inLA YC =fV~ NOW IWASTED New kind of oil fi'ring saves 1 gallon out of 3, say users SPEC UAL Johns-Manvilic $45VALUE FOR-- ONLY $2- When you visit Our store,' ask for free couponrm worth $2.95 towa-rd this,50-foot fine steel xneasuring tape. Youl 'l find hoýn-. dreds of uses for this hancly tp.A special value ... for you!, Oronio Fuel & Lumber Limited, Orono Ont. Phone 14816 No0tice to Residents of the Corporation of tIv-e Township of Clarke Building By-Law No. 1351, a by-law to regjulate the erection and to provide for the safety of building has niow been given First and Second Readings in Council and for the convenience of the residents will be posted up at the local Post Offices and general sÏtores in Clarke on or before June 3th next. Ail interested personsare hereby invited to meet with Coun.cil on July 5th 1960 betwveen 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to assist in the discussi 'on of this by-law biefore Third Reading is proposed in H. E. M%,ILLSON, Clerk, Towxnship of Clarke, INSU RANCE- GUIDE) -if you 'haven't b, s c~ lTARIO HOSPITAL SEt LES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONT/tRIO R Bowmanv'lle M A. 3-5589 Wel mae -s r,-acl ~~tmRuT~lrl~rT NO SMOI{E... .NO SOOT A flame that slarts cleaiz andi staîs ,c-Iran, thanks to VoluMetric Cmutotheý new method of oh fir ing that make ,cs the big differ- ence in fe i' gcomfort, tion. Cc,'e n ad e oi oursclf. N N N N N N -r- N N N r-r N N N -i N r-t N '-r N -r N N N N N N N N N N N N t-s N N N N N N N N -r * 't N N N N N N N '-i N N N N N N '-I r-' -r.- N s N N N N N N N -.4 .5 N N --r N -i N N --r N N N r-' N "t -t -t r-t s N s s r' -I N N 't -r' N N N N N N 'r N O-c=oc=oc=Doc=oc=>oc >O = oc-