ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TUSAJN t,16 ORONO0 WEEKIJY TIMES ('Authiorized as Se)ýcond Class mail, Post Office Departitmenit, Ottawa) 11oy C. For-rester- Editor and Manager Member of the Caniadiani Weekly Newspaper Assoc, Member of the Ontario Weekly Newvspape-r Assoc. Subscription payable in advance In Canada, $1.50 in U.S.A., $2-50- Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Published every Thursday at the office of publication Mdain Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario No Lcicking 0f Tale-nt Many people often bemnoan the fact that the Gebod Old Days are past and especially the community spirit hh often centred around organfizations that used the local school house to provide local entertainmnent in which everyoetokpr i oe 1omo other. H1appeningls in the Vi lage durinig the past two weeks points out that -omnmunity activities are stili very mnucli in evidlence and very miuclIi appreciated. Televlsion and ther formns of canned en- tertainmnent hias not byv a long- shot replaced thie offerings of local talent. 'The Good ld( Days' are stili withi us in this res e t D)uring- the pasit two weeks large1caaunshve filledj the Orono Town Hi1-all to watch and lenjioy local talent entertain. Othier medJias have furthered thisenrtim t by local artists anid all have been enthusiastically received b'y the public. Hlere we imention heexelen iad professional saigo The Torch Bearers by a group known as the Orono Players. Last week the Orono H1-igh School Gîce Club camne to' the fronit with a musical programi which packed the Town Hall and provided a, Most pleasinig program f n 1usc-byt!ý he lba Vithl solos and' a short one-act playý,. Hee-again ithe program w-,as exýcelent and more than enjoýyable. Over the past week-enidanother local group provedl that theý expression of individualism is not past. This latter group is knowTn as the Oronio Art t jgrup ndthjey had Ljon ehlbit their art whiich, to uis, wa-s a most ama-zing showîng of ability. The children wý,ere alsO ac-tive and the MNIission Sand Tea-is just another' exarnple where community activities are stili an enjoyable part of oui- communiity. Talent aboý,unds iin theý area from dramatics, to music, art, leadersip-) and iýn many other fields. The expressing of this talent through thie activities Of organ"izationis in the Village is a part of com nity living that is mnost commiendable and m-ost enoyale . After the past two wveeks we wvonder if 'Thle Good Old Days' iOcld have been 's good as ithe present? It mnight be suggested that more such local talent could be used at our anual fail fair. The dramatics are already.entered but the program ýoudl be varied -with great effect with the-addi- tion of an] art exhibit b)y the Orono Art -rouip, and numbers by another most execellenit and talented group, thle Orono Public Sehool Glee Club. "Thiiat's wh er e Judcy l'ives..o.is IN MEMORIAM MUTIR 1h loviag memory of a dear mnothier and grandmiother, Mrs. Is- abe1a uir, whlo passed away Lvgand kind in al her ways, !Jp~%iit ndjust to the end of her days. S,!incere and trpme, in her heart -and NOTICE Lawn jCujtting with power mnower Custom work. Reasoniabl)e prices, Phone 1239, Orono or conltact Georg-e Wilsn.c- sheeer lucky!" Judy certainlIy is lucky. She li.ves in a Medallion Electric Home. And the home that wears the Live Better Electrically Medallion is the.,-most envied address in àny neighbourhood. Medalilion Homecs are a new standardof modern living. 'They have at least one m-ajor apliance inistalled and electric service is provided for several more. Medallion Homes are light-conditioned with- a ne w high standard of Eliting f'or ail areas-inside and out. Every Medallilon Home has adequate circuits, outiets and switches for modern electrical livingZ plus extra capacity t-o provide power for the new appliances you wil add in the future. So, when you're buying a new home-or remodelling an older one-step up to a. new standard of modemn eleetrical living. For complete information on Mekdallion Homes.. . eaU1 your local f-lydro office or consult your electrical contractor. LIVE BETTER L2L: -.I4DR Iyours y CARD 0F TH-ANKS The Orono Aaer Ahei Association wishe te iank il Uwho) helpedl in aniv yt aetepo ductioni of "The lýTorc-li e.rte of y-our ml oagodcur.a HELP WANTED Female helIp wantedl for light in- dustry in Oronio. Apply Keirit or phione 230J, Or- ono, Ont. a-c LOST1 A round Gold Brooch - valuablei F'inder please contact Mrs. Aif. Sa.-unders, Church Street or The Oirono Weekly Timies. a-p FOR SALE B3eatty Electrie*Washing Machine J. 1-1. Arnott, phone Orono 15211. a-p FOR SALE A quantity of Garry feed Oats. Apply George Carson, phone Orono 3 ring 10. - ap CARS FOR SALE 196Fairlane Ford, fully equipped,i clean throughout. 1 mindNOTICE Belutifull memories shte left behiind. The Agricuiltural Society 's ha- Daugn AlFr, ndgad ing a BEE t1ge necessary work sonisSad and Tommy. a-c done at thie Fair -;rou-ndis. _________________________ if you can sparýe a few hours~ S7T1Lt. L R THE DANGERS Wednesdlay atron JUne l5th, 0F RABlES you will b&e most wýelcome, Skunks heve been the Only wild1 If you have a svel, axe, s;aw Vor lomp-as w-,Ioroven rabies in elev- ammer, these , I be most wel- en counties in Ontario during 1960, cone too. lp,-rlbp M reort y te Onar- This invitation is ç'xtende'-l to eýv- i> epatruntof Health. There ery man in the comunîtv. I1t'si lias be a 72 percent redc tion in yorFi.Scyu Wdedy the numspr of rabid foxes but no Jn 5h iredu,,ctioii i rabîd skunks compared-- with lastyer The continued ap- NOTICE i rirnce of skunk rabies in South- Rýgîstration for the Recreatio-nal (lrn Ontario po)ses a threat to man Program at the Orono Park during ard animals. Since skunks are fre- Julv wtll bhe made June l6th at 8 quenty encountered in towns as, nn. ý- te Oran"Mniia Bid velas in the coutry and at re-inl',, c"parents are asked to reg- j rtaeas, evey effort should be ister their children on this night. maeto keep cas and dogs from a- !%f i. tW-tt1 yi Te mily and othier COMING FEVENTS pesis te estoyany domestic an- ild! tat bas encouýntered a rabid The W A t rnoUited Wildaima1. Children should be es- Cuc ww a" uo nWed- P(ecialy waurned of tCe danger of nedyJne2th consistirng of banlin e~n bbyskunks which cl masala'ds ;nnd straweIi' j tey reeenty ish to treat as indl kep tis date iind. l pet. Tesemay be in the incuba- c17 tive Stage of rabies. Anu'Hotcutra Ismmtrc Loalthere ]has been a rmarked Paci at righitolnion')atur'day, W1ceaei the numnber of rabid June lh.Bs leaves Tosvn Hall aYnaIs reporic coprd with atf 11:30 a.mn. Fare 1O.Dnr at 19 59, accord ing to Dr-. Charlotte M. It $L.50 r ~ O ,onr iclOf cer of Health Anyone interestedin going please nto the NorthumLber1and-Durham phone Mrs. C. W. Billings or Ms feit nit. TlO the end of May the Norman Alun, b-c folowing cases have been reported:. 1 Lr igiton Twsip )1 skunk, Bow- The KirY Un0tedChurcli is ld manvile 1 skunk, Darlington 1iling thieir Thank Offering Service skunk, HmUio Township 1 cat on July 3rd at 7:30 p.m. and 1 cow. HoVý,-% 1 dog and Seymnour Onu the following Tuesday, Juy 54 Township 1 cat. There have been the Sunday Schl(oo will be holding :x-oeinv*vtigations ths year bya t ery So&alj in thle Sunday, _îah UitLinspectors because Of School at 53 p.m. Following the slip-' hmncontat wit animaIs sus- per thiere wAill be entertamnimenit. ;e ted of1b0i9grabid. Thirteen re- _______ s'lnsof th'e United Couinties have SWIMMING POOL MEETING 1ecv l treatmnt with rabies A, me(etinig of the joint Building W-0 %w" eause of such conta ct, Comitteýe of the Oronio Park '~ i" "" rd 19f 0 Board anid the Chamber of Com- iner-ce illf be held on Mlonday ev- ening, June l3th at the Kumirite Aýpartmenitat 7:30 pin. sharp). ac I SCOUT PAPER DRIVE The Oronio Bo cusare holding in.June llhl at .rri,.Those put- tiing out paper are asked to echer - h1ave thle paper tied or nal ie Pap ns tatcae1popcry ted btn COMING EVENT -Leskard Cuci-AnvraySr vijce will be hield on Sýunda.y, June 26thl at 7:30 p.m. The W'ý.A. supper wl eld on StrdyJune 2Sth. Coldmet salads, and strawberiesý will be served fromn 5 p.m. tîli ail1 Fra ndean car. Orono after 5:00. Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK PIHONE ORONO 2221 WALTER FRANK g McQUAY and KIDO g REALTORS 177 Church St. gBowmranvilîe MA. 3-3393 Building a flouse? mor rýemo)deiling your present flone - iheri contact f fl phone 2191 Orono Foundations and Septic Tanks j ioured. Forms available. I STAFFORD BROS, L e1tte r I o L iLor Dear Sir: ,ilw i ilall te world , to b)îeý fical unt" wîchappe-ared inth le last issue of thle 01rono0 eekly the Idd iieniond M~.Claura -Hardy, of WAest D(Jtidsbury ,aldNfrienld of" nmne, thlough 1 I hv lheard of betor. Years. IMy hoe was iii es Didsbury before I camie to Canada and Mrs. Hardy 's soni attenided miy late bus- band's sehiool. It is a far cry from West Dids- bury te Orono a ,dl you can imagine my surpise and deliglit when I read the art11icle tabý.oe nentionied. Nedestu say I wrote lier im- f mediait(eIy to co]gratulate ier ad teil lier of my pesn upie yours truly, Lear Sir:- I am dfelighted to see by y-our paper, The Oronio Weekl.y Ti'mes, that the Orono Dunp lhas been cleared up anid I sincerely hope that steps will be taken immediat- ely to stop the indiscriminate dlump- ing of garbage on side roads, j which would otherwise provide de- lightful walks for those whio appre- diate beauty, anid really enjoy the peace anid quiet of a country road. A Newconier. Phono Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E,. Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let' us erect a handsom,, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your loved ones. It's flot expensive. And seeing this last tribute wigve you endîess comifort. -I la Mlo Sadie Hamilton jEvery class of Insur- J ance is represented in Iour office. The f ollow- ing. are some of the main coverages we,.can If ffer: A utomobi le, L if e, Accient an-d- S'ickniess Plate Glass I abiity, Fire, Burglary, H-. pitalization, Livestock, Boiler, Wïnd, Polio, %all, Pidelity Bono( etc. Sadie Hani.iton PHONE ORONO IR16 FIRST MORT-GAG-E LOANS - -~e.-~ -- - -mo --0 I Prefe~sinuI Dfredr~ A.ý F. McKEItNZIE, IMD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Off ice Hâurs 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te 8:00 pm. Saturdays and Wedne.d.ys by appointments only PHONE 1471 OROI4O DRt. R. J. TAGG ART VETERINARY SURGEON 1phone 1"16 Orono, * L~ê3ÂL Lawrence C. las.., LA. Barrister. and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55M3 R. R.KA LY C . MANST., 0ORONO Telphoe V8 rono f L. J. SKAI1F E Chartered Accoumtant BY APPOINTMEÈNTS Saturdays or Week-day Eeig Lycett's Irsurance Office -P.O. Box 69, Orono Phone 125!d IN SUR"ANCE SEE FRED LYCETTf OFFIC-E - MA.N ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11715 JACK R>"EID Auetioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fartu and Furniture Sales Conquit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - OrGne fTED J-AC KýSON)1 Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sl'mn and at reasonable rates Commtjnicate .v'th~ himn at Port Perry. Ontario.- PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS IFOR FARM and 110115E -WIRLNG Free Estimates AI-11LIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliance3 i'Mjl as Motors Water i or -Radios -Stoves MVonaumenis and Family Memorials Dur quality and service leaveýs nothing to~ be-desired Asiç the psj'son who bought f rom us- a neighbour, f1iend -or relative The RUTTER GRAN!TE 73 Ontario Street POnT HOPE "lLargest Display in $outherr, Ontario" OLASSIFIED SCTO THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1960 1958 Fairlane Phone 1612 1 'a - ý ýv - ýr Pa',