Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1960, p. 7

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N == Bats And Otker Night Creatures ColoeI"Cs of butS wCeualways- w'iC.hlus (in oiiiic)Some of henfed thir "-bab!ies periodicai- J rLy duing clear igh s.OICers semdto stay awvay until r-n in g, whiIe the ]m-aJority f ed fro.n dusk untiil dlark and te hoiled uip a?,iin, beliies f illetd witli el--Aedinseeýts. Ail in eoneett ~odueda pee-ved orýý jocuind din, acrigto Ltheir eAhangingmod - irritations caused by the irudce çs4hoving and jostling of arrivaDis huinting for û ~econtentingucomfort o ctý her Bas, ase know,,, are pre.- 4ominanitlyedes tupon wiged isects, Yet srane o say, no fIying mmLal Ieolved before thcM to take advanî,age &I this tnormous food uply and bats not -until ilosof'years af er Thsecs l~came bundanit. Re- me'mbe, toothat bts are he oniy imamtmas iamong thousandaý ef kindis wi ever evolved 'he i r ýw n iwing s, saomethir.g hchis ifïdeetd ?amySteCry. On one aiîde of theý shack un- <1rthe lo&-se ahnie ived the Nolossus major clique, some 11ifty" usy-2rre îdividu.als vith tL aUs iinct as those of g.brews. On the norVih ide we tad the Tadarida antitllularumn caa verY dark, homnely-faced kt whoGse tails wver.e even longer, while stili other larger specics swooped abouit in thie glacm in Ihe trails atdsk and 1 found QUEEN'S OWN - Prince Philip, who ie commander of fthe Queen'z Royal1 lrish Kunar Regimetnt, ,ours hie forces îin S'iaGermany. tiny ones wihich iived i *. us- ands in the nuseating bre'ath of a deep volcanic fissure high in ihe mniüLiit&aîns. Froni the dense blaekn.ess, es- pc ally ri lhe wetVest night,, ii caeth ieasing sounds f rai th]e lthrots of littie f ree trop., Th-e wetter it mas the more they piped, ild y the liit cf a hur- ricane lan.terri I watohed thelr Chemical Additive ln Foods May Prevent Tooth Cavitiols By JERRY BENNETT 10o food l en etd Tiec chemicsai is calcium phosý- phate whici aper aturily' la al doses 1- in ay foodS. 9cienitiStS at the Nationa l insti-i ùutes nlt Healtih in Betihesda, Mdi,, have f ourid ttiat unrezsed n- ouints prevent cavies inlbo- ithey rnow are tryi.ng tae- termine i ie e heeicel wil have îlie 5ame etfect o.n hurnanz. Tii. testlnig ground if seval board- irng ycols ila North and Soui.il Dakieota. The naines efthtei. chools yc )t beuig made publie. Hau cdt Vie studentS are f4 phokspated bread; tic other hahf eat tie store-boughtf kind. For sev erl years th.-y will recelve annuel dental 'hc tue deter-. mine wihich group lias fewer ecapvities. Shliould the phosphiate - etn gr.up have consistently. f, e eaiVes lche imical my sur- pasa soliunsfund a i o Piosçlhated bre*d, cakes and pies could bu. available b a IL, ,vt oid be a boon ta m.il- lions now dikgunrMfloridet- ed -water wio are d.prived of this type et, cavity prevention. Dr. F .AnliJr., li f o NIH's Institute etf Dental Re- geai-oh, saersfiat morae inone- thIrd cf thé nation', oulto wýpyy neyer receive the benefitt ee 1lu0rlde-treated water. These are tie p*ople w7cho jetq 1114fJr dsmIrLking ",tr from pri-. y*ktt e walz i'ahb.r tuasionm-m *te water spleJ'un.epro- 1rtin mchnery Leio oli ahu ioi coa lureprosang, dû e cmle carb.oadp'ted, 10l deep ,wer dls. *ml sm e',s oin. cQonnunitietocemllne l ufl.uOde traitwe W er. Ai- thu fhas proen safd cnue il ïcientse xland flucride. fjullut $0 mlal proee hepul&een deve-pedt e edue.lt pte, NR proips tc-ng,,theyt temn fer, M lolon pereos a saeby1,900 coreslls e ceie a£ko-fatatlcle.wtf lt4? It ev elic edztesrmino4haï, 1,900 onian wle drnk xte preLser lm. ui f l souie 1 flride atr hpl pr cen botI 25 er cve thathe ..to'gh populat, or tnoieie benef ils c fluorîdatio e l h hule DÙ4teth cliu h*s- pitNh ec ml try l d- why lIs befit rleltae wlf on prop elilaniount f flnide hbui atrtdiey ad itheir alt-t0 ci-k-uventis teo ne that li impa1ssiCn1ed i' oot-m S il i in g fro-n lIow adg1tniglae platfrms. The foa eedeli- caVle littie 1thingswthgldr- med eyes, 1-tir hdiscf v ous-shades c&ohe and brown,, and somne wlth cam-oufiagingo ligter srpsreebigtheý mid-ribs cfd dad lea'.ves travers-: ing the cent er of their backs. AilUadthat deiightccl vhd- awake exresionw'ich only wet and couirt ing frogs can have., From their c r e aî - colored throatcs, balloonrs ouf of al pro- portion wouid suddcenily exprand, like blocbs of bubb-ýle guni, and as, these littie wind mau-_hines rose and f elh, here camne the sweet- tLoned penetrating sourids. "Co- leef-co-leet," ey seemed fo sawith Cenormnous per-sistence frons dark until laVe z aftit, and, the females muISt have 1been, eharrned inideed b'y such dul.Cetý aýnd energetic haRrmoni-y. - Frofn: '*This Worid (o, Living Thnintgs," by Paul Gr7iswol;d Howes. Vocabulory For The Handy Mon "Bafts" Cdon't ncessaily 1 in beifries, "squares" are't ai- ways thoýe whoý arc lot he, and "furrinig" cePn be e-ither the collar cf a wmnscoat or stnips tfwood. These fermrs can bée bafflin.g ta, the uninitiated, but every home, owner or buyer should be fa. Imiliar withý theni. These are termis usedi by biild- ers, remodehing experts,>a.nd -ai- inmost everycue who cen hamnier s- nail Vo comiplete P 'do0 it your- sýelf' project. Expe-rts eXp1ain fhat "batts" Ai-e rectanigular Sections Ct rock wooi, enveloped in heavy-duty paper or aluiiinum rnfoî !or use- n îinsulatîng a housýe. A "sqt)arc-" is an area J.0 feet 70Y 10 feet (100 square fe-et), a- unit ot m1easuremnent used tô de- termine the ai-mut of materiais tticlaIvbor re&qui.d tO cover a roof, rie. rof on aailerago hýouea. measureg approximately JO ta 25 squaems and a builder or roofe-r uses, ths yardstick ta estimnatt hi. csts. Mink may interestt he lady la the. hougehoid but "furing" "Tay b. mucli mort lnteresting -and 0a great deal 1bos expen- ,4ivf-.-Wthe .farnily ha.ndy mis. "FurrlDgý" rer'Obtlie strip8 e4 w"food or metailiaI are applied t ewallm, ceilings, or roofs tb ,provide ,even tmurfaces for instal- -l'on otfwall boar-d, FCoustical 11,or hnls These are oýn1y a few 'et the jîlorteomm~ion building terma liaI hould b. lnluded in thé voea&bu1ary of the handy man. 90oine of the meanings of a few qomInonly used building terms Jollow: Sheathing-.-Fibreboard or gyp- jauin, often impregnated 'with asphalt, whlch covers the exter- Ior frame cf a house. SIdint-The exte.,ior finish cf a house, generally wood, brick, aluminum, asphaît, ýor asbestos ahingling. Framing- The wooden sup- ports,' suclia studs, joists,si, and lintels that- make up fie framework of a house or its parts, such as doors, windlows, and th. 1ke. A stud àa usually ;a vertical, piece ef wood, two by four inches hik;joirti are horizontal beama used la support Ceilngs or floo)rs; sisr are large honi- montaT beeama upon which ret 1h. stuhe rof thi:framiyework, and itlinfel d0esn't float In sop. I xa a orizontal beaui. Poer a door- wey r e-a window. Dry wal-Thep covering over an intenior, part 01 the framing wTith wrallbOard, usuaiiy gypsum board, Vo ensure an "even -finish.- Damp proofing-The applica- lion of aWa. -rsi n pith m M M AGENTS WANTEO "DISTRIEUTORS wanted for low priced quallty razor blades. Dlsplay card. Big proflit. Protected territories. Argosy import Dept. O., Box 221, Station 11, Mointreaýl, Que." BABY CHICKS NEW rodcecd prices on BRAY dayold and started chicks, prompt shipmeent. Ses local agent - or wirite Bray Katch. ery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. CAMPING IQUiPMENT HEILITE Conivertible Camping Trailcris - Sleo-ps 5-6, 230 Ibs. - 1 wheel - Sts camp i minute Free iterature. Aberdeen Camping Trailera Saler, and Rentai MS. Hope P.O. (Hamilton) IIJSINESS O.FPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: Goosi General store in thrivlng Oixedj faring district. $50,-. 00.00 turnover, Bldg. can be sold or leased. Comifortable living quarters. Over 70 viish te retire. Apply M. D. Roùs_, Elkhorn, Mani. ICE cream, soi t! Investigate the pos- sibilities hiutisis tremendous business. Cao bo installed i nyour present store jix addition f0 your regular business. Sinall Investment; large profits. Box, 212, 128-i8th Street, New Toronto, Ont. NATION-WI1DE, eetomsaerentai outilets are seeking additi-onal reliable end ableo mon tao rganize hItheir aroas. Tbey wiil control al renttais and sales of our nationiafly advertised product. No triflors please. Must have sý minium 0af $2.000 to invest. Yito miust ho in tise y15,000 - $50,000 cail- bre. Write Loumnar and Asýsociates Ltd. 309Batisurt Street, Toronto 19. On. taio BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL store and equîpmient, 2 gas pumnpa, atoromoom andi garage, siso a 5-roomaes bouse, plus bath Rud fur- nace, soUl reasonable. Apply ta box No. 22 Port Rowan, Ont. GIFT and Novoîf y shop. In fhriving village on a pavosi road. lIas snack bar and could he used an dispensary. A goosi brick building witis sizeable apatment aboya. Facililties, new imosi- ern school, iigis scisool, bus, close to aenk, aena and churcises. Surroundesi by excellent fariing comimunity. Ifealtis baves ownor anxlous to selL. Other business estabIliasments, bouses, ferma and wooded areas. K. G. Lotch, )real Estate. R.R. 1, Guelphs, on 24 higb. waey near Erin Ph. Frin 25R45. LONG establlshesi self-service gýrocery, tnd fruit store and butcher sisop for sale, including stock lu trade andi equipmont, together wlth adjoinlng residence ansigarage, aituatesi in Mada- waska VaIley touriat ares. Turnover tri 15-1500 Premnises and books open for inspection. Reason for seling --llpesa of own-er. Walter Wilkie, ila- ïo. Station, Ont. SASKATCHEWAN Licenaed Hotels For Sale - 35 rooses, *60,000 wltis $30,000 down; 7 rooma, $15,000 wltis $5.000 dcwn1; 7 rooma, 117,00wltis$10,000 down; 10 rooses, $75,000wltis $55,000 down; Il 1reooma, $*0,000 witis $15.000 down, & rooms, *27,000 wlth $17,000 down; elty 55 rooma, *$S",000 wltis *150 00 down. BONNEAU'S AGE7NCIBS, Resà Estate, Gravelbourg, Sask. RESTAURANT andi service station" wlth three-edroom epartmnent above asitu- sted on No. 3 Iilghway about f1ve miles from St. Tisomas. Will seat about fifty persons at a flxe, building Ini first casas condition ud large parking ares, wlll 'teke country In part psy, ,111 health reason for sellilng. Phione or write Geo. If. Cross, Broker. 86 Mlyrtle St. Tihomnas. VARIETY store, building, business ansi stock for sale, well located In central villa geCof Mantoullin falansi. Establsi. t4 18 yeara. Wonderfi a usmer tae airge modern 6-rooni upatalrs aat ment. Cash. Contact Hlaroldi R, Cooper Box 6, Mindemoya, Ont. WELDING andi blacksmljith sbop, orna- mental Imon womks. Goos i~l1ding an&i location, Weil equippesi, Muaf get out, Âge andi 111 health. Very reasonialle g own paymient. 29 Lewis St., Fort Erle, CATTLU INSECTICIDES COQNTROL THE PACE PLY WITH the "BEST'" Cattle Oiler andi Insecticide, Oil. This serlous fiy la ai- ready attacking Cattie uIn great num., bers. Several sstlsfled usera pra cticslly eliminates tisis pest during 1959. Start treatment early ,f or effective control. Can ho bung In pastures or feed lots. RiNbla lice &a iwnf or andi files ail sum- mer. Save5-0-75 Iba. on each anImai treated. 51h5 your local dealer or contact George E. Gilbert Eguipseent Ltd., teamington, Ontario. PhoneF. CATTLE SALE SIE EF C AT TL E ABERDEEN-ANGUS - over 125 Iseasi pume-red breedlng stock; 10 bulls, 158 tomates, many calvesat5 foot. Soiling at public auctlin Monday, Junie l*th, St, Andrews 515sf, Que. (between Ottaw& nd ,Montreal). Estate of L. T. Porter, ,C. 58, St. Andrews East, P. Que. CHINCHILLAS 50 CHINCHILLAS, ail equipruent. Sac- rifie. Urgently neod cash. Best offer takes. 2764 Parent, ýei,ton Park, Windsor. CROSSWORD PUZZLES WIN PRIZE! Crossword pzzl,.esi dally papers andimgzns Instruc- tions $1.00 H.I. U. Bishop, 405-C Second Streot, Neenais, Wisconsln, U.S A. OOGS FOR SALE Rteglstered Ylo ardr.So and hunitIng stock. Virgulta Freépiarc E a . FARMS FOR SALI FOR Sale: 118 acres, 95 acres tillable, balance in bush, two neyer faillng wells. Sprig li pasture, good barnx, Implemcnt shedi, two garages, hon bouse, dalry, granary, chieken house, modern nine roomesi house, goos iuse- ment, electricity, tolephonie, scisool bus passes door; cheese factory. Apply: George Allen, Box 46. L'OrIgnal, On- fario., 130 ACRES, 6 room bouse and garage, 2 barns, one "'x32', tone fouindation: concrete floors, sfee1 tancisions for 24$ hoasi'of cattle, litter carrier, milk bouse, silo. Other 50'j,100', concroe foundation, 50'x50' Ioafing barnx witis feesi bunka, concrete floor, 50'Y.50' plg pen wifb concrefe floor and troughs. Hydro ains waf or tisrougbouf, seedlng done, $10.000. W. Jewetf, 5.5. 2, Have- lock. 100 ACRES c holce Cday bauxsoil,pail under culfivation, corner location, square farm, 4200 it. frontage, 1 mile West of Woodvillo Onitario, paved rossi, solisi brick home, 2 entrances, coulsi easily ho dividesi, fireplace, new iseavy wIripg, bank barn, concrete stablng, secondamy barnx, large implement bouse, hon bouse, garage, ail buildings paintesi andInli good repair, goosi steel roofs, 2 goosi welîs, wafer In stable, g ood. fonces, bus service andi scisool us at door, buildings close to rossi, shade trees, roasonably pricesi witis ferma. 'SECOND 100 acres, dazy baux soîl. wlfin 2 miles, ail clear, no buildings, nover failing streamn. Terma. Mrs. Mel Dukel6w "Phone 34R3 Woedvillel" R.R. 2, WOODVILLE, ONTARIO. 100- ACRES of good workable roil, drained and fencosi. 4 bedroose brick bouse wltis furnace; Barri 40'x96'; Shsed 50'xz24'; isydro lin ail buildings; plenty of water fromn well. Located h/sýý miles fromt higisway on Scisool bus routa. Apply Mm. Norris Sillery, P.R. No. S SEAFORTU, Ontario. Thsis advertlse- mnent la publiahes free as one 0ff..c seany benefits of: THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 OUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. F LAS H LIGHTS RECHARGEABLE Pookot Flasisilghf! No batteries nieedesi. PIluga Inte bouse A.C. 100-120 Volt ouflot. $3.50 postpald. Frte details. Frank, Lessi 195-B Mg gabi Street, Sydney, Nova ýcotia. GARDEN PLANTS varleties. Special bargains. Price lst cen request. Orton Riobinson, 1C68Duffomlar Street, Guelph, Ontario, GLADIOLIJS BULIS 100 Glacliolus Bulbs, $2 INl ton variedtios t iloom ths summer. PostpaId. Wiistland amHarrow. ont. MEDICAL ITS IMPORTANT - &VÉRY SUFFERER OF RNEUMATIC PAWNSOR NIURITIS SKOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEOT. JAUNRO'S DRUG STORE 9305 GIN OTTAWA $1.25 Ixpresa Cellact. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE IANIMSn the tonnenit et dry ecïeuxa e shes ansi weeping akin troubles. x st's Eciemna Salve will net disappoint you. Itcisng, scallng ansi burnig ecze- ma, acixe, ris>gwommi, PIMPlea and, foot eczem(a wiil responsi readily te t0,. atainlesa odorless olatuxent regarsileEa cil iow stubborn or hopeless they secux. gent Peajt Prteaon Recelpt of Prise PRICE $3.50 PUR JAR POST'S REMIDIES 1545 st. Clair Avenue Elit TORONTO NURSES WANTBD Generail Duty Nurses FOR modemn 50 bed hiospital. 'Resisi- ence accommodation availalile, 40 hour S-day week. Goosi personnel benefits, Starting salary: ne« graduates $2759.00, with experience $285-00, wlith Ontario Regîistration. also Supervisor of Nursing requiresi. State experienco nsi salary expece d. Ad. dress enquiles f0: ThL Asieistrator, Sioux Lookouf Generai HospitnI, P.O. Box 909, 'Sioux Lookout, Ontarlo. MISCELIANEOUS CREDENTIALS, Club Memnborsblp, Identification carda, drivers liceuses, newspaper dilppinga seales inluplastic. Maximum 5x7. Senàd 50d each. J. Bar- ibi, 146 Souths Street. NEwark 5, New Jersey. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIN AND W*MEN bE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LE!A01NG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Leanx Eairdreýsaig Pleasait dignuflesi profession; goodi wages. Tisousanssof suiccessful MWarvel Graduates 4moirica's Groateat systeni hIlustratesi Catalogue Frats WNrite or Cail MARVEL HAIRORESSING SCHOOL 358 liber St. W.. Toronto 40 B in, St. W,, Hamilton 72Ridleau 1Street. Ottawa. PERSONAL ALDULTS1 Personal Rubiser Goods. 36 asýsortnmont for $2.00. Fineat qualif y, test esi,guaranteed. 1Maillositinplain Sealed packagee plus, fr00 Birtis Control bookiet and] catalogue c-f supplies;. Western Distributors, B1OX 24TF Regina, Sssk. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVEI SAVEI Films developed and 8 magna pr.ints in album 40f ï2 magna prints iialbum 604 aeprlnits 5ý scýii KODACOLOR Developlng roll $1.00 ('flot inc1udlngf prits). Color prints 35ý eachi extra. Aa1ssco and Ektachrome 35 mm 9-0 x- e'osures mouanted in lides $2.Coîor prlnts from slldes 35ý, each. Money refunded In f uU for tunriTied nega- tives.' FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BO0X 31, GALT, ONT. PONY SALIt McLELLAND'S i2th semi-anniual Pony aud Saddle Morse consigninent B'ale oit Saturday, âune llth, starting at Il a.n. Over 200 head of ail types and coloi?. Be sure to attend Canada's oldest Pony Sale nt tise Bervie Livestock Saleea Barn, seven miles East 0f Kincardine, Pony eqipment sells first. POULTRY & SWNE TI171E lower egg prices go now andl tise longer they stay dlown In price the isigher tisey will go this Fali ýa 4 tise longer tisey xill remain at iigis prices. The time to buy chicks is wben egg prices are 10w,. not wiien they are hlgh and be sure to purciu4se tise right breed of chicks for the Job you want therm to do. Our best white egg layers: Kimber N-137, Twaddle 400, Tweddle 401, Californiia Grey X Wht% Leghorn, ail tremeildous layera, Du4 purpose.: Ligist Sussex X lied. Red X Light Sussex,, Red X Barred Rock. Broilers: Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock, Vantress X Nichols No. 108. Turkey ýpoults: Bronze, B1eltsville. Older pulIets, ail ages. Swlne: Engllslà Large Black, first cross Lute Spotteý Hybridi ad Laindrace. Catelogue. TWIIDDLE ÇHTICK FHATCHERIEý,S LTD). FERGUS ONTARIO PROPERTIES FOR BALIE !MUSKOKA or Lake Erie lots $1'5 Up. Improvemients. Easy termns. iojing faýst. Box 431, HIuntsvllle. IN lforth Grimsbsy. 2/5 acre wltis cot- tage, living-dining, room, 3 bedroms kitch,-i, athroomi, flush toilet. Appl1; C A. Bridgman, Winona, Ont. $2100 FULL price - 1 rocto boue ILa Corbetton Ternis. APARTM4ENT butilding - thrlvlng vil.. lage on Hlgisway 10. 7 aýpartmnents ail occurpied. $6500 full pice.., Terses. A roal bargain, Clayton G. llogg, Realtor, Phone Dundaplkl 356 aftor 86P.M. STAMPI' 100 DIFF. Britishs West Indies $2.0. 200, $5.25. 200 dlff. Canada $3.25, Laiie Stamps, Peaks Island, Maine. TUACI4BRS WANTED QUALIFIED Protestant teacher for S.S. Ro. 2 Osgoode (Scotch Sehool). Apily Seted. Iuist omneSp.8 Iwin Hill, Sece.-Treas. * r.R. L Metcaffle,ý Ont. QUALIFIED teaclier for Separate School No. 8, Huntley. Dutles to _com- mence Se pt. Grades i to 8. MInimumr 551513' $3,000. Apply glvlng experlence and naine of last Inspector to Mrs. .11. Willîaias. Sec. Treas., R.. Corkery, Ont. eOUTIS Brighston Twp.,School ares - enutre a Protestant teacher t0 teachà "Ur grades, 1, 2 7, 8 In a rural scisool etj Per Saiary 9csedule. Minimum no ïxp-rier>3 00.00. Dutiei Commenc*, epebr6tËs, 1l6. tel tatin Experience. Salary and te npectorate to asMr, Cadli Alexanidtr Se..Treas. ft.R, 1, Brlghton, Ont., CLARENDON TSA requires, teachers, principal for Plevna 2-roosiesciiool and thr.First class certificate requlred, Sasyoffered: *3,000 to $~0,accord- Ing toa chool and experience. Pleas* *tâte last inspector. For information contact Mrs. E. A. Card, secretary-. treasurer. Pievixa, North $'ronitce. ,TEACHER irequired for mnodemj coun- try s(chool, Sudbury district, 4mie îrom town. Starting Sept. termi. 201 te 25 pupilâ ail Grades. Apply statlng qUalifications and salary exLpected tô Conrad Springer, Sec.-Treaýs, P..S. No. iBaldwin, MlcKerrow, Ont. WHITE RIVER PUBLIC SCHOOL REQUIRIS FOR SEPTIMBER A quallflied teaciser to act as principal two-roomn scisool teaching Grades 5 te SALARY: Basic $3,3 00; $100 per 3ýear for experlence -up to 8 years; $500 for principalshlp; $1,000 for B.A, or equi- valent;- $200 year Incremrent GI2VE experlesice and names of lat inspectors. R. G. MEALEY SECRETARY-TREASURER BO 9o 7, WHITE RIVER, ONT. suMAMER RESORTE CHALET Brunielle, Sportsmren's north.. ern rendaîvous on Remi Lake neve Rapuskasing. Modern accommodation, 'fine Frenchs cuisine. Pine 414, writ. Andree and Rene Bnunelle. Moonbeam, Ont. ROSELAWN LODOE, SALA ROOMS, cabins, all running aeo private batisroom, fine food, beach, summer sports, friendly moderate, write or phone Roselawn LdgBals Mulskoka. Blue Water Confere-nCE NEAR WALLACESURG, ONT. CHRISTIAN FAMILY RESORT $3.50 to $800 daily; 8a1 recreational facîlities; evening meeting; Bible andi missonay seakrs.Folder. Write 153 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINO s. 'N N. N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N N 'N N N 'r N N. 'N N 'N 'N * N. N N 'N 'N N 'N 'I 'N N 'N N 'N N '4 v 'N 'N N 'N '4 N 'N 'N 'N N '-4 -'4 --4 .4 N 'N N N 'N 'i N N N N N N N 'N 'N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N s. 'N N N N 'N N N N '1 s s N 'N -v 'N N 'N N 'N 'N 5- N N N N 'N s. N '1 N 'N --'-s 'N 'N 'N CALCIUM IPHOSPHATE - otb dectly prevetive?

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