ORON WEELY TMES TURSDAV, JUNE 9th, 1960 Orono Sp -rt griefs RU N P 30 UNSThe Orono girls converged on New- RUN U 30 RNS castie eighteep strong with the The Orono Junior girls on Mon- majority seeing action. ay night !a Newcastle ran Up a lû,gh score of thirty runs in a free Marie Hoüey pitched the first ;icoring game. This total gave the three innings for Orono with Faye local young-sters a one-sided 30-10 \Tcosncompleting- the final two.1 Ivictory. The game was the first for Pleggy Hancock caughit the entire the fifteen years and under girls game. Hornie ruas for Orono were who are coached by Mrs. John For- scored by Faye Nicholson and Lin- rester and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson. da Tyrrell while another team-mate Best Qua ga and~ àlity Fuel O*1 Stove Oil at the -Most R EAS 'ONABLE PRICE VIGOR QIL TelephoeeOsbawa lA. 5-iioq-Orono 1567 78 Bonid st..West SBRANDT'S FARM EQUIPMENT , Cocksbutt Dealer, Sales, Parts, Service i All Types of Parut Machinery Arc and Acetlyne Welding jPHONE ORONO lR5 LESK ARD, ONT. I V 3 Miles North of Orono p I=Oc $8.85 H. H DARLOW DNE 2191 - *lCO* ONT. Bowmanville MA. 3-5136 ~1~~ SKESPREPARE FOR NEXT WINTER O- - - To Ski- enthusiasts, the first ski-o£m uwuu uu- weekend of the season alw,,ayýs '~ * * f ses JSt aound the fcorne %DÎF '-I N thuhsand deeds tura to 0 getting tehlsrayfrtenx winter's invasion. 1 0T Oshawa Ski CIlub members are I'UbRI~ buisy v ýery Suda, weather per-, 01 mtncombing thie 50 acres ofU9Y huis remvingrock 's and planting g' tr'ees along the ridges. cni a ,~ v~ st hlostly poplars and LsmUlr piEesft are used to form snowbreaks whichO 0 will improve future skiing coni 3 Miles north of Orono on H-ighway il15 At llorner's Texaco and Fruit Store f tions. To date, club' members have Markiet, owned and laper ated by "Bill" Horner. p]anted more than 10,000 trees with 0 their prograim calling for 2500 more iâ 90 A snow packing machine( belong- f ing to the club is used for lighit con-U heavy stones. l s PRINCE',PHILIP TO VISIT I BATTERWOOD WEDNESDAY f PrnePhilip who is to lie lnU Toronto June 8 and 9 spent the night of the th as the guest of Rt Z Hon. Vincent Massey at Batterwood f forth of Port Hope.0 g-Ib a 02 Are irnu facing the SletBreu ChceGdn2 French Fries, Crisp Chef Salad, and future blindfold? J3 four own French Dressing , piping A Crwn Lfe Plicy fihot Bar-B-Q Sauce, Rolis, Butter- safeguards you and g (Beveragean desert extra) 1 yours WhyChildren's Fare 75c, SAccommodation for 120 - Parking g.for 50 cars. Make it a dlate this week- Il This Thursday. Friday, & Saturday Consuit the Cxown i Le Mau f CEOCE . ~OW ~Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Ail You Want 192 King St. East, Box 194 M âeal hours: 10:3 0 a.m. until 12 midnight Sharon Willis, knocked out a bit every ime at bat. JUVENILES PLAY FIRST GAME The OronQà Juvenile Basebail fClub took to the diamond on Mon- they faced the Bowmanville crew, and went down to a 19 to 2 defeat.' The local boys were just not up for the gaine and found themselves ia difficulty throughiout. Don Danchuk, Terry Carleton and DnneLvcett shared the Or- ono mound duities 'wit' Wayne Ken- were scored by Don ioanchuk andi nedy catching. The '2 Orono runs Larry, Miller. BANTAMS The Orono Bantams travelled '(o Bowmanville on Friday and suffer- ed their first loss of the season to the-Bowmnanville boys. PEE WEES The Orono Pee Wee c ~sand their coaches are enjoying a veryl active schedudIe but have yet to find a victorv. This. oers not dampening their enthusiasm in the -aine of basebail. -sfee ~Early this week they ufrda 13-0 defeat in Port Hope when the Port Hope hurlers pitched a no hit game. The local boys lacked the power at the plate and Port Hope took 16 strike-outs. Ira Orono on Wednesday night the local boys again met Port Hope and fared mucli better la a 12-6 score. GAMES THIS WEEK PEE WEES Tuesday, June 14 Cobourg at Orono Wed., June 15 Orono at Cobourg JU YEN îLES Thurs., June 16 Cobourg at Orono START SOFTBALL TO NI GMT An effort is being made tonight at the Orono Park to start up an I Orono and district softball league. i There will likely be one game to- night with the rest'of the eveningi 1bigset to organize the teams and , la schedule. 37,000 NAMES There ;,ýe more than 37,000 manufacturing com- panies in Canada turning out the products Can- adians use every day. These compaies provide more than produets however. For example,, The Steel Company of Canada, Limited, since it wp.s incorporated in 1910, has: Smade 36,817,000 tons~ of steel; Spaid $1,020,000,000 to its employees;, Spaid $2 76,000,000 to government in taxes; sp2nt $1,930,00000 for materials and services. Sinvested $365,000,000 in plant and raw material sources. This is how Canadian manufacturing coiitri- butes to the wealth and progress of Canada. THE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA ION~A. CNA~'"rHAMILTON IIANTFORD TORONTO Canali an.made s tceI from Cana(dian-owned plants OfiONO WEEKLY TIMES :>Qc=o oc=>C- C= GC=O O<Z=>O<=o OC=OCZ=>Oc:=>O oc=>CLC=Do<=Do<:5'