Orphans dcnthe barriers ln creed, religion - ~ ndcolour. Idleness is the worst thlng for youth. He chalienged thle rhas o piay a large part in assisting it arganizing and coachingthie \,outhl o! the Village. Hiere thiere is a great wvork to be accomplishied along wý,ithl a great reward. Bill Hewitt was then introduced and spoke brîefly to the g-athering a?îid congratulated the "hiome-brew" lub.AMr. Hewitt ceiebrated hlis 85thl bi~dyon Sundiay. Ken MeMillan, president of the G.DH.A. and donor, of the Intermedi- ate "C" Trophy, pointed out to the O)rphan players the part they pho ldpay now in- assisting with rnior sports and the youth of the zommunýity. Hle doubted that there was any need to say "keep it Up" lit O)rono. Mr. MeMillan then present- Pd the trophy to Junior West, cap- tain of the team. Junior West, in speaking- on be- - haîf o i emmates, ithanked he fans !ofr f heir suirt -es îal ORONO WEEKLY TIMES yeý(ar and congratulated both], Et',, Caneton an Gary Cooper who Tr cng Sw an 'er-Ie always o hand even thoughi they saw littie action during the play-ffs.Flights North Bi3Haneybuisineýss im-iaager of' he &H.,lten prese'ited the 01.. A medals for thie team to Charles Armtrog.Charles, ini speaking, -~ ked h lbs supporters -for their support and stated that the 1téamI spinit this yean was thle grýeat- est i[t had ever beeni in the Orphani club. Hle also con)gratulated Eric Canleton and Gary Cooper. Lorne Cooke, past presîdent o! the 0.H.A., plesenited the champion- ship cr-est to Mlel Schell, assistant captain, who commented that h hadi really enijoyed playing with theé Orono Orphans this yean. 0. W. Rolph hin presentinig the jackets to the boys stated that On- mowa proud of the tepla1and \was hopeful that the Onphans would [Ilïu~.Hs pe~tto 'as 1]V'toth ca&' Cliff Cooper, iwho he said hiad giveni the boys the li to(ù n Mnj1. Coprthanked weî-onewhohad assisted in anly way during the year. - ja,ý £U tl'u e k,""-I during the. play-offs and alsotak ed those who hadi worked wvith the P. M-N. Lunn also brie! ly addressed team, makîn-g it possible to bring- the group offeï-ing hîs congratula- the championshlp to Orono). 1Here tions. lie xentioned particularly the work per Dean, and Harvey Partnen. He Mr Jack Reid then condiucted the pýer Dean, and Harvey Partner. lihe elriination dlraw for $100.00 which11 mentioned the team strength this was won byMr Bill Wannanj. il 1Y),'t cn)ud it' a hlluicina- tien if vou 1 Pe s Me wirdiy c--1 oured whistling swanis; thiey're ail pato! a st1dy on ch1ov"emntis of whistling swans now in progness. S'wans are t rapped in Marylland, Ohio and Michigan and dyed for fied rcogn;ition, reports )-Jndsýay DititBiologi-lst K. K. -)zwa f the Ontario Depa-rment o! Laids and Forests. Many of the birdcs mîgrating north havt\e been dyed and banded to 1elp determnine whiere ilhey cýon- centrate in dhe breeding asn d>ra:wIl'emin iibe Lake Erie marshes o! Ohio are cýoloured green Mlaryland birds have wings and i ý Ji o . luv upei(M a.a -nar lbc) Mchian irds are coloured red on the bod(y and lower "The success of tins project de- pends upon adequate neporting o! obsrvaion,"sayvs Mr. Inizawa "Aniyonie, especialiy bird watchers and naturalists, seeing the birds is asked to report to thie local Con- servation Officen or Ranger Aead-, quarterjs the locality o! the sighiting, date, colourandi) eve' nm and address.', THURSDAY, MAY l9th, 1960 Don aid Welsh, Second.-time Orouo Riepresentaiîvts Winne 0f TophyAttend Mosport Mteet Thu'arsday even iing .-. ecr j Juniors: Pauil \Winslîïw, Idia; Fred representing th~e Orono Police Trus- Donalld WelPsh1, 1Bo«zmanvi]le with Bowmanvýille; James Byers, 'Burke. tees and S. B. Rutherford, repre- a sor o 56(7 poýints was te \win- ton1; Ronnie aker, Hampton; Mur- senting the Onono Chamber tif ner for, the second year in a row of ray Brown, Bowmnanville; Grant Comm iertce, attended a meiga j .unmers Mmra Tro-i Down, Bowmanville; Donald Rick- P'-,etnborýough lat whichi the presi- phy presented by the Bowmanville ard(, Bowmanville; Shairon Bigelow, dienlt, Mr. Bunlting O! Mýosport Lîm- Lions Club. Th'le runner up in the Bethany; Mlarlon McCa1musCvn ited, ouitlinied the adlvancement o! ccmpetition wýýas Donald Winsl,,ow. Davidl Brent, iomaville; Elaine terpoetnrhws fOoo thc ilbok41J Caîf Clubh. The Sy er, Fraserville; Kenny Wilson,,R reetivso Penbogh (ach of tme winning team in the Janetville; Brian Bradley, Bowman- Press and Television wecre also cùrpettio ws James Coombes ville; Keni Stainton, Bowmranv7ille; present. whoi won theicE. A. Summeizs Fed- ville; John David Allun, ]3owman- Mr. Bunting outlined the ,ite eration o!f giutn trophy, Marie Hloskin, Port Hope. Kenneth nGrth of Orono and c iommented wvhile the runner Up'1 coach \vas Kný1ox, Hamipton; Dale Stinson, Jan- that it had been choseni only after Avis Heleni Knox. The standing in cetv-ille; Ross Neal, Bethany; Glen a great deal of search',*: for a per- rs ' ettion was as fol- Sihti, Cavan; WValter Verleysexi d of three ý'ears. The new inack, w sl Wlh owm1anville; Hlamptoni; Grant Yýeo, Orono; Mary on. which work \vill be started th S 1 ", T slmes C'oombes, Strong, Bethany; Robert flamiilto' g year, will be a great spectator Bomnil;William Tamblyn, Bowmanville; Richard Staples, course with natural advantage Orono; Doug, Jose, Newcastle; Han- Bethany; Edward Stephen, Bow- Points evenywhere. oldYeowe, Enniskilien; Paul mÀilý\1le; Mlervin Smith, Bowman- The course will be in operation TabyOrono; Ron. Welsh, Bow- ville; Blayne Flint, Bowtnanville; this year almost v~ky The new manville; Marie Kenit, Newcastle; Marlene Timmns, Bethany. track will be constnucted this year *t'inton, Bowmanville; Jas. Novices: Robert Osborne. )-amp- alt a cost of over $230,000 ,and will Riekard, Bowvmanville; Allen Mc- ton; Ron Dinnen, Port H-ope; Gwen bDe in full operation in 1961. Camnus, Cavan; Pat ricia Knox, Glaspeli, Bowmanville; John Han- The two Orono representat ives Hlmpton1; HlnStrong, Bethaniy; cock, Eniniskilleni; Allani Westlake, report a very interesting and i- Pruce Bowmiani, Enniskillen; Janice Hlampton; Scott Rudceli, Newcastle; f ormativýe meeting. Timims, Bethany; Lorne Tink,i Nenneth Spires, Hiampton; Bryan! Hzampton; Johnn ±ougnien, Port Hoýpe-; Gail Baiker, Hampton; Helen Knox, lHamptoni; James Osborne, Iloskin, Port Hopie; Lanry Welshi The answer can only 6e tiiot year after year, Chevroletb6uilds trucks best in the opinion of men who know trucks bes-the men who make a living fromn truck operation. AND HERE ARE JUST SOMEOF THE REASONS I lilY CREVROLET TRUCKS ARE CANADA'S FINESI CT 1260B RO Y.-W. NCu'HO0LS FOI\AN VIL' E . COUPTICE Lt lablnUono; Walter 1-'ickanI,! ri 1Bowmanville; Vincent Coburn, sp Bowmnvile;Johnny Herninga, [ B EF Ponypol;Robent McCamlus, Cav- anEih Knt Newcastle; rc NO INTERMEDIATiE -SALL Coooes Bwm~vile.There wI be no 1Intermiediate Idseal playd'i n ono this year. Eight l Jasses o vsock w\ene ih theis-ýisoltion o!fHIe Lake- judge durng HIe dy.The c ýompe- hr Lau Ooohas noplc tition stanted at 8:30, Stida'. ý1y, o ~ atan.TeDra May the li, at the-f arm o! Lloyd iLeague-nul 'Oronoieligibe, t Ayne where cas&of Hamlpshlre L pelyin tilatgop hsyenwt sud juthjwn heep~ver juded w h rsit thtinteedatebail 15 luge tlihefarnm ! eyofn which aumben o! years ago pnov- and twýo classes o! Hoisteins at the ed m11ost success!ul. farm o! Canlos anbyOnono,I Th]osc' in 1hreo h aiu GIRL'S SOFTBALL classes wýer-e lD. A. Taylor, Agnicul- Oronio has' again this yean two tural Repr)lesenltative, Picton, John! girls' softball teams, seniors and Cockbunn, Assistant Agricultural ýjuniors. The junior division has Representative, Brighton, Mn. G. E. ibeen practicing for a numnber o! Nelsn, leidan or he Hîstin-weeks and goes into action, on Tues- Fniesiani Association !fromn Port day, MKay 3lst at the local diamond Penny and nr. Bruce Taylor, En- against Bowmanv ille. The Junior~ n]i!kIillen. The competîion was un- schedecule has been drawn Up in dlei the direct1ion o!fMn - Robent wichI four centres are negistered:. Cotna , Ass istantI .' gicuiltuial NewatlOnono, 'Bowmaniville Representative and A. (). Dal- andf Port Hope. rymple, Agnicultunal Rersenta- JUNIOR SCHEDULE tîvet~a.uuiiaCintiMay31: LBowmlanville \vs oronoj Jine (6: Onono vs Newvcastle rg ~ j- ~June 13: Orono vs Port Ilope Hope Iwp. OUuss Junie 27: 1OnIon-o vs BowVmanville " I nY -5: Pourt Hlope vs 0Onono b 7'iUa? LI]12. Bownmanville vs pn Subdivsio D1Q Y Jly25.- Orono vs Pont Hope Repeal o! the coqoesa ope Aug. :î'ýeweastIe vs Ononio. TownshýIip subdivision control' by- ý1 lg 22: Orono vs owmnan)vîlle- law, hias: been approved by the i- ug. 30: Pont, Hope vs Onôno isten o! Municipal Affairs, and the SENIOR GIRLS' BEATEN repeaiing by-law hias been registLen- The Orono Senior GrsSo!tball edl atthie Fast Durhaim registn>y of- teami trave1led to Pont Hope on Friay evening whiere they su!fened a 17 to 1 de! eat. The local girls,, hast year' s vchampions, have been -unable to practice due to e'da - ~ .%-foks ond (conditions. M IN OR BSBL Last nlighit the Athleticý set up a schedule o! practice times for the local Pee WeBanlams ;and Juv- enile tearns which, wil cairy the Oronocous th'is year.Ths practices wviil be hleld at the Oronio Park and[ staringi on Mnnday, May, 2dare as folos Juveiles Monaysat '3:00 Lnthi cpci ces ArcandA ficye in ort ope 3 ie oth f onipcur lc~