Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1960, p. 1

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-Volumii 23, _Nurnber 10 .Thursday, April 21st, 1960, Orono Ontario Suscipio in ' Caad 1.0 iU .$26 NwGrcgByIw Committee Viws Oo Plajers To WeauPlanning New f*atures Go~ To Twp. Cou ncil ~ Resuscitators Authentic 1922 Dre~ssFrOoo alFi To G To w p .C o u n illiConiiiiteeheadls af the Orono The Orona Players will appearo _____Frîday evnîg at Founds in order athentic dress of the« early 1920. be The Directors of the Durhanz The ron Polce rMstes et ee tat he dbri wa pike Up an C omec et atthOrnstgMa27nd8toerrposadtaetthe work Thi pernco orewUii ,amb Plans Central Agricultural Society held a nMoayniglît completing ari The chiairman was requested ta liný'eup for thec Year. in the play "The Torcli Bearers , a meeting in the basement of the, rangemlents to have the Garbag intlo the probabiity Df e-nfarc-ý Ticketý i 1k- thec Traver Trailer ar ee-c hilarlous comedy. Township Hall, Orono, on Manday s Iook C1oltelr' ylwwthnte (w naeý e Byla pssdin wh,1ich ail res-inthParsB-lw ihlte 1 asaend csartab Th'is wilî be a f irst for the Orono joueCol îiriyeveniing when full discussion of th dent-is wil] be, obligedr ta) pay the -,oc Villag1e. j disuributedý igîhou the area. gru to aperi h rs ftOrono Fair was held. Tentative a man)ith ecage o grae ik R. C. Forrester informed thel fo arae i-Te Colt Derrný 1i(i is ta be perop ta appai the ryess aite TeOo RdCsaln% pnswre laidn tora he far nd up. On motion af G. E. Simpson and Trustees that a p ocea $290.00 hiad held Julie l8th also came up for dis- ten. The gowns and accessories frepresentatives froni other organi- features rltn otefi n e UT M. Mercer the bylaw is ta bel been submîitted ta paint the audi- cussion. It appears that the numnber ino doubt, add greatly t-o the at- zations who are supporting thie p ur. pecially tu Friday features. presentedl ta the Ta)wnshîp) Couneilitorîumri af tlie Muniicipal Building., of colts this year will Jbe dOwn mocsphiere and entertainîng value. chase of a resuscitatar, met on Mrx. Da ne Found reported that hiz, Under flhe new by-law il house- reevd1a heDprmn s area. This, ai course' mneans that To liter the set the Orono the Orono Municipal Buildng to co-oesand that plenty ai in- holds and commercial establisih- to a grant for the building. there wiil be ani extra ci'asslfied A-2thletic Association voted a suni of view a demonstratian of two resus-itrs cogroe hwn h metsmut pa te ee DfaltHYPRO race. The .'iitertainmenmmttee' S15.00 ta rent adequate stage light- citators. An axygen and an electrie troers i w a ging a hown by th, acùounits wvill be aInie a h the Hdra meetin accaunts 1 eerq ce a~rag fo ane 1im-, whieh 'vili temporarily be in- i-machine were demanstrated with goesi ragn ipa ts tax ~t the an-j la e e monto or ienerin tî)arre ore o hetol h gapta h the Fair. A further meeting was t were plil.acrepase idth ashaw o f rngo etfeelingn t b ploxygstlldnfr heew shelgsInthinrupfPorg hattHopegn boned nTuesHoedn u aya The chairman, R. C. Forrester $2,283.06. The question ai hiring a ce thle gra -dstIan'ic for the( Julie May. resuscitator mare suitabie for tis ight!î A motion was passed by the s stated that Mr. L. Taylor was Ita f ut-th-we employee again came up ti-ý evenit. Tie traintistoi Mrs. G. M. Linton is in charge ofai e Fair Board that this year they clea.n up the Village (lmp thiS but was shelved until the report lie viewed between flhe various race thle warrbe departnient and The group wilî meet again to. would extend the prize list 1by add- wee. G E.Simsonsai itwas firan, the Ontario Hydro is recelved events. f would appreciate the loan oi any aight, an-d on May 5th whnte ng adprmn o oac x certinl in mes an suportd ý dresses, fans and fan feathers dat- will view other types of resitsclta- hibits. Mr. Found also reported that suggestion by the chairman that as - ing the early twenties. Alsa needed tors. Fallowing tefinal demnio> tley were erideavauring to have ~a the Township was now ta buy their -I are lengths ai silk, chiffon, taffeta stration a resuscitator will] be pur- commercial e.xhibit for thte fair, put outa -teut athl e e 4-H Crons dump. or damaslk in solid colours. chased far use in emergency. on by some bf the larger Tob'aceQ noit rodt h rso-up opnê.Tedslywudb This move 'vas suggetd i ordet AL(1N f1 , Rehearsals are now in* full swing, open on Friday evening which is stated that garbage 'vas heinj - f - the our ti es . Mree. Geoge CaC upoeupslVi eigcniee that bettet- control ai dumping At O rj onG IYI etLAL -% ur hefor ta also include sveih demonstrations could be exercied. The chairm an enter t e fi a fo r w ks b ors e d r h pa o a c i i g a d o h r r l t v _________________ eha gaueag ersni astbac ien adohe el braught ta, the 01,011 duimp fram Nearly 160 Dnrham county 4-H sert1 an eket edrln has stepped. up in the astare tSo i a also ta choose a Tobacco Queen. c-entres other tian Orono and club nmbers 'vere present at A new club for which aIadia,,g oviapr aae yMr. R. the cost ai colletng garbage in oes-day night for the 1960 4-H- or- mnotive and machinery saiety 4-H jjoinedl the cas t, who are wvorkiag odyvArl25haoln feater. Firi evetin as t 0ronoz woufld iinc-rese considerabl.y gaiaimeethlig. -4ub at1tracted 15 meri-bers. ýhard ta present still anothier An- Il iiunity Hall1, wa.qs tle scelie aiof~ slstya.Ohr netlmn if ;it had tao be triicked f ive or six iflua orsua pA. a uial hiit by the Oronio Players. very suc!cessfuil Leadership Schoo l .t be -sa)ught ta augmlent the pro- mils utai aw. . M Mrcr Sve 4H cub wre ored ai Ariultra rpsnatlsils - A.- Comnwlncinlgat 10 a.mi. and cotnu r n la ront ai thie graa-dstan propo,ýsed thiat the Trustees mfeet!f icers 've eecd and projeet, Olve D- rmpe thi .s -I .n nî ..tedywssetdrn h v igrcs wit Cunilbefretain an a- atril ws isriute i te hei flu irst club ai ifs kiad in' in Âssl pnimbeIeyw CoUroron oain an ni(itrbt( 0 h a study1 ai al, phases oi oýaai- Mr. Jac2k Reid su_1Ïggested ai Caif ticn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ancnrligîu rnodm ebr itevriuîlb. Cnd.I as heen1 set up t1 o eacl zatona work Th.s -n-ue du- e bi %,taue o udy gesio me u, the îý appmv'li 1 h see clbs th dair clubs tcyugpal.~ mitLtees, purp)oseýs of hlig ee-teAscainny:aey rher clu atrate theý faogi, group -1i-ti11t' gf ma aiCBeasa Il be al 0nrdcn fLu ;,,ipe for d he ii 's an way ad ensima-csdrtonstab gve-hs er,.L~mo ýzIog cather la 1 auio aa seio diisionti yer - ,ti Clu , Cr Dar l said ,lIIý- ,i ;"ý l")'lI t1k-1 at la a srve tak:eaU iat umr.r,-aÙ, raurra, Th ý holi _cionadls bt la th oad Failair. luoaîotced]omnil adlece hirs l7th birthday. grame ncud aope aic il ý vîsits b- ), as aiay thxýve 7a the dark , ,eeaa ai Agicltr ta fote hl au hort ta puchi, aeor eane tha th services af aou Justie ai f1 Pc-:ýe coufld lie -used Eahufte ruptav letd P s in oficr, puorniy sne j Ths emt rea7usue 1' but aadý for.~ . "'~~'i1 abeceswuhwudsa ta giphmjttth I~alby-a. unerft-ir ew 4aficers andi bath willl be in's truto leatlOigo-wtn ~ t4~latteb o -li in-~e fiel byôlh ý ý t, «'I~ want ta fpeelt! c the Sumnaxy Conviction Ac.Un- l uneîh edrhpa - a u.eigfèd yRil o s Oute~ Ô f « flie dark, hisScuo derths rovsin luedo ctcer cs7 Association president, Francis me1e it~>QtroAl~r dly thes I)omls4aint th e Jus ctcrJaTse. Iai Colege engineering departmnent niotlier lig!ltly rested lier hand an ail secf'- ai the Peace wlua in turn issues a The junior group willJ have at staff, a vîsit tramao weraex i rw n teiteiiowmr rsl fiet hepra alwn lt-criast 17 meinhers and the senioar plain Highway Traiiic Act viola- mlured happily, "I teed God's hiaad," 1 rangv dogtaru atlage I th fne~ roup will have 32. tions1 and passiblY visits ta ataeanfeaseP, u c Gna ad within a certan time ft Lry elh'a ecdprs-cut .This is a parable af 'vhat theato Vhen goles 'ta cýourt. He suggested if lent ai the junior groupi. GOi-r ai-, To lie eigib1e for t lb em clnirch is doing flurauglu its Over'- stitute.. t:i Is acinwas ta bce taken ta con- ficers are Donald Rickard, vice- bers- are required ta lie 16 years of seas Relief Wark. Millions ofilni- mers tro dgsrun'ngatlagetht hepresident, Ronniie' Baker, secretary- age and must keep expense rcod paverislied refugees, feartul in flue afian, Trustes irs lar e th o thwe treasurel" and Wayne Beckett pressU aifle vehicle tluey are using for dark ai their hopelessness are cry- Hg of the Village. The Trustees sup- secretary. e~ club Mri Kn worrk. cte president ing ouf, "Where is a God 'vho Breedj pote fba te b ctcerno e- Loi-ne Tink wil head. the iio c ares?" Then, tram unknawn bene-! Servic fare hebyla uin te rois -group with vice-president rat Knox ai the new group with other exe- f actors cornes a, balle af clothes and' Counti ionsce the Sumaryuin h C ovios ectary-treasurer Grant Glaspell,~ cutive positions -beinig filled by blankets. Like a mother's comfort-,lasî Acf. The fine is expected ta bec la and press secretary Bill TamblYn. Haol Yelles vice.preasdet inig hiaad, they feel, in- the touch ai 1 theneihbqrhod a s800.The beef calf club, under Bey1 Bill Tamblyn serfr-r.srrtheir iellaw man's concern, fhefThsrt7-_, G. E.Smnipan pesenfd a lfferGray, 'vili have 21 members. Win- anid Dan Weish press secretary. Peence ai -a God wha cares. ship 'vere, Fred Wics, Sec- lre d ' ,--- . traE. flue so epar ente ai Highway ner ai fthe 4-H heef cali club A-1 The tract or maintenance club m ian Yorký Couaty Fed. ai Agricul-i outlan lue Dproedu at of îîogwa clievement Day award at Black-1 wIll lie under the leadership af la 1959 the tntdCuc fure, Ray Hergott and Dave Crone, meians ai carrectiag then. Also flue taobai a5% rat a o strc sock Fair las t f ail, Ricky Rickard, Lloy19ýd Kellogg, aithouglu Most aif Canada shipped more than 100 tons O.F.A. Field Services aad Miss El-' leaders aad a number attending s'ldewalk alang a Cajunty Road. He ai "Newcastle, was elected president.' the instruction wili lie givea by' ai relief clothing and flue nieed is eaaar Saracuse aa ak Ei1,4ack, ýstaged an impressive nd hurnorouss, wa ~fhrîedtacotiue~wrkag Other- aificers include viepei aouGray. talmnost as great as ever. Prgame Bra-- aiO t. -,-i ski, rtrayýinga eicteme- nue ~~~ Sarin Proheme Spring1, Comfit Drivet ai Edcin s, a i.f ,,as flu sidwl rtgrm R.t C.dn Ioad Rickard, secret ary.ý There are 22 members headed by îagaio. m. (Which ill could recagnize as Farrester stated lue hiad hall re- t-aurr RoneBkradp-ý Caiud pg 1Ifor Relief Clothiaýg is an. Yaurý 0f(A cua intLerest ta the be-iag ail fao !ommon.-) que"sts, forw sîdewalk ar at Mm Fguid is ceains"and "good re- school wajs a film- showîng le the he Sauina Wamlen's Institute Brmaomuesand Wml. Glnvll s* * m u ar" and almnost anythiag can lie praper methods and procýedur in catered ta flue group for the nioan H. M. Mercer aand 'G. E. Siinpsan, eh(III t~ C U~ II I used. They stress underwear for ahl dèaling wvith a business meeting, 1 :irnùiieon and served a most delici- mav-,ed that two, street liglts lie er % a d II lldf r--'l T -H c vE ages, clotling of ail kinds for ad- o)utlJiining common mistakes and ous meal. ss ected on Division street for 'flue its and cýhllîrea, babies need lay-1 timeeiag I ~~ 'i I ~ 1 ettes, diapers and knitted things, R.C. Forrcester reoth le price 1je~ I S O.. ltesîK biankefs, toweîs, soap, etc. > en e c erN II1 r k ai Male tees ad Re Oak rees~~ ~Don"t forget your, aid nyvlons for " andr a motion 'vas passed ta pur-1 th oenwios h hv u ll-pe a liwend Onhkrn Pr or mtaau Yearly maintenance casts were up a large indfusfry and can support .ig S hoo Q n A prl23t whr i shae n usdyngltw eto agaie ltcuse andoo if was.i' deie ht hi fmle.Thyrp yeadr 'Fý-P-1In hp niinpc]11-1 01,1,0ParkBoad Mni Mwe ~ ~ ~ l dea 'seapl aie fue tas ytar t,' at'er averf has povd uie sccssai H ai rthr ha edaO'1t-, pfe pOyn gre wluile others- passedu f-lapeie adà BwanviL scoaiWrscleto if u, sstaedtt, umber ai places aI.id , C.)f cous hsdpne o epeue lepinofclte n tests. Te. meeoting cosed 'vîfl tley wHIllegive alnhiBor Tlue nexfmetn wili -le at Or- s v, er - isse2 aid wvas autharizeti toi (te availabuiY ai o sufcîci't funds ue pipi ad Mh Park. prayer andt taps. ie V(ns(a, jj6ý

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