The Orono Pool A Couple of weeks ago thle Oronio Park Board mnet wt rep- resentates of the Nrhmeln-uhmHealh Unit whien ai thorough dsuso was field i;! connection wilth the- Swimmning tank at the Oîrono Park. It %was apparent f rom the views expressed bjyHe Iealth Ui representatives that thle operating of the Or- o)no swýimminig tank in its present condition %will ot be allowed aifter this summier season. There is noro ')Jinin aynesmd that improvements are neddat the tank and waanNtd.The tank, even in its present condition is a spimming centre for a great numnber during the smerand people from far and w vide as well as those of the area ma I se of this service. "'Tecodiio f îthe water fa the ank is no!ot what it should be and fiitering of the water is a requirement Whch should be estahlished along MAt chlorinating. This not only purifies the water but ais(, tak;es ont 'any foreign elemnents Wvhichi are unde- sirous. The Healthi Unit representatives outlinied a number of im- provementswhc should be, made to improve the ficilities at the pool and whichi would be welcomed by those wvho make use of the po.The1ir first reomnainwas hwever filtering and chlor- inating the water. They ais sggested that improveme>ntii eould be startedthis yar andl continued in following years. DLtisdihatng te think of the Orono park without a swý.im- ming pool and th-at is what will happen in te not too distîant fu ture if improvements are not started this year. The Orono Board has a chalenge and oe e whch we-c hope they will acceipt. The facts are niow known ... elther imrprove the pool or close it. We beleive tsoldneyer be coe and that the impilw)ements are possible. GuestEdito-ri*al Tsoi io By rnest Dent The fact, that a ratepayer wi11 pay more of a teachar's salary if hielias four romse and a bah, rathar than four rooms and a path, is still one of the stranga anonmalies of the assessmient of property for miunicipal taxation. it, along wt many oCher incongruous factors in assess- n-e'nts, malkes a nc-(kery onut of logic in arriving at a municipal tax ftritreL pacs l'pemliumilon11squalor. 1Lt parperuatas ug- liaess. Ltfsudues cli rie t sta-gniates educational needs. It prmtsovercrowdin--g.Lt has resulted in the loss of family privacy, rest, entertainmant, even a place tu study. Lt bas driven mur eldery people frm their h nms!tpone ortwoarom living. iltbas tisaei Our sense of Values è, oward(s possession o(4ins raterthn te riion of serviUcesthat oLur municipal govern- ment cel üuldl give us. LIn rural and suburban areas it hias createdi alanstopn wr btwea armrsand lownvers of smiall holdinigs. The reason for these happenings, is that taxationi for mnicipa1l purposes is based o(a erteaerspossession of, nd jeteri- ati on bosesmn f the value of what is known as real 1prop- erty. Tis ralpoprt s our ladibuse anid bidn appui- tenant to it. For te purpose of this cmmentary-, Lwil ouiy con- sider tbe aspcts of assessment as owned by the average homec owner, and WHl xld assessmentis on businessý and ildfustr, wbicb in' themisalves h1ave many examples of "assessm ent fool- ishness." To show how tese aspects ceaathe situations nmentioned, it is necassary to fiolte nmethod by whichi assessments are ar- rived, The assessor, makes two separate valuations on your prop. erty. One is the physical valuation. This is the size and character of the ]and and buildings. Thae construction ef the buildings are categorized, andathen he adds values of huilt in featues such as the type of floors, plmbing. heating and wviing. The rate par square foot is related to tbe (categorýly in, wbich it is placed. The( Othervluto is supposed to var*y according to its location, type- Of rondcs, availlability Of services or other fators thlat tend to ia- erease or decrease its rentai value. The two valuations are added togetber and divided bJy two tu arrive at your assessment. Lt sounds ln theory Cike a sound practice, howvever in dleteriinlg the rentai factor for cap)ituilation, the assassor has adifct decision. Ln imany cases ht can only ha an assumipton, lielbas no accurata maeasuring unit. Now la regard to the physical valuation, we ail know tchat if wve make imiprove-ments ta our homnes or buildings our taxes increase. Thius we subsidi7 sqîialcar. fi we landscape our property tSe value and assessment rMes, sa we perpetuate uglines.if we demand local improvaments the rentai factor inicreases and se we subdue our civie pride. Ln the samie way planning is defeated despite its objective to premote aconomy la comm-uities. Edu- cation, wbicbi is a large part of our municipal tax, is hindered by, relation to land assea2ýsments without pupilil-load lan rural areas. Ba-cause size is a determîning factor lu assessmnent of homes, box- likastructures of two bedrooms have become the pattern of our living. Ilt bas causedi overcrowding in aven tha sm-all 'fanil.y, where seelusion luiaml if e is almost imipossible. And .wheni we assass a fîve hutndred te a tbousand dollar garage for nmunicial taxation, then exclude the two, thriee or four thousand dollar car, tat is housed, la it, and follow it up by assessing the show,ýer fitting in a bathroom as an extra. This shows the absurdityef our sensa 0f values, and more so the ln- coasistencýy of the meanng of "rea! property%' Finalywheni municipal tax is damanded from a farmer's land and buildings for educational purposes, without any consideration of the pupil- load from it, in compa-risen with the pupil-load from smnall hold- ings, ha bas som-ejutfcio for complaint. On the other band wnimunicipal counicils in rural areas start usingite Planniïing Act as an instruinent to impose restrictions on thle small holding so that its assma ilm t tat of tfli mer's omie, land, and buildings. '!he owner cf tho malhodigba ause to ob) ject The&ar eny soa iem-s cf Our'"assessméent foolishniess". They cannot ha emeîdat th(-mnIiipa,l levai, but suraly w',ith the "glult" of bc-acasl our Legisiative Assembly, who sit for four tu five years, thay ( col e well-employeCd -n finding some better method of assessmant for municipal taxation purposes. ' The regulr monthly eeting Of A small Wben a child who liveý-s far from theý Oro-no Pubrlic Schol Bard will hwee Roi] -i lrg rtbopaeclic centre is be held Monday evening, Apri '1 ood,' hoti crippled and cannot walk to aLm isea f usdy pril -)th. a- to Mr. Ale: ic because of polio, cerebral palsy______ o, an injury through acvcident, lie1 ATHLEJTIC PMEETING is not forgotten. As a matter of 1A meig of the Direcors te A MstWo wmc ha a loeng sIjugar t t orelOooAbeijsscainiî i and more these days as theOn1tar- j elIno h ooMnicpl3I-pice set. io) Society for Crippled Children, ing tonight, husdyMarcb "YLstL Poe1 ïrlong with the moemibers )f some a",800oclc.AilrhosS s1~iiig 222ervceclubs trogou 'ho with wýinterartuvLies pleasýe 'bepre- provine, sponsor mote Of the 0-l unique mobile cliics lawbib he tnow. Nir] dotrs1urses anid equipmient go NOTICE bird killed as close to the >,ou ng patients', Teachers intmesed in doing uc- Phone O homesas -possble.csional sppyvork in the COrono ocokP,.nl Financed by the Easrer Seal llcScho4 aremitLedb ppi Campag~>, ie ciinics are helà in tj te unerigned, stating expert a hospjnal - if the towni is iarge onuce, quailificaitio,-ns and telephionie irs enougu o ut have been 1neld juÀ1e namber. n1xFr 'Jccs.tI 1ormuntycetri e, lin als and o1ter buLild.ings. ?~Of sev eral yeas Laýrge inu 1 Os f crîppled chiildr-en- sometimes as à S Ilau a'tay i - nave oenen c- am-iiined by spec2ialîissin ilts typel o! portLablè ýclinic at Timm111isCocr-i rane, Kirkland Laýke, Haliburton, >.-aul t.Mreadmany -other1 centres. WVhen a day aM place are selttedl J a ci>!c tul,a11 ewspa1persý and radio stations usually advertise thie details. Doctors wti a 75- mile radi;ius are alerted and sendi registration cards so that cýrippledý Raidiswshng te attend i igit do su tbrough their family doctors. W. GRDONCOTTER, ScrtrS-S. No. 12. Clalrke. AN NO U N CING corne in and mrieet Mr. the new barber. is nIow as of Legere, HUltDSON-Born iitoMranl rs JamesHudso a 7 b. 2oz. duhe Bowmnanville Memiorial Hospital. If a tr'ansporýtation ipr:obýlem is:1 ENGAGEMENT involvad an Ontarlo Society niurse I aitadacipd childx ni's commi-iittee. Mr.% and Mrs. Bruce Hiancock an- of thie locali service cl1ub work out' nounce the engagement of their the detais so that the child reaches second daughterCao Yvonne to his appointment on time. They also M,.ax Lamib Lycett, son of Mr. ad m-ake sure there is a good suppy of Mrs. WSilliam Lcet, owmianville. Milk and cookies and toys on1 hand 'l'le marriage is to take place April fori- -enstless and fretfl children 1(6tb in Trinity United Churcb, while thy waiit ther turn. 1B.owjmmanilie. -a-p The t-eam of experts wýho exam- EIN MEMORIAM ine thie long uine -)f handic-apped COU)IVIERLnIi loving mnemory of ýcildren usuially consist of tWo or- ourl, dear, mother, who passed away j thpaedic surgeons, one neurologistoMac31198 and -ray spýecialist, sevaral secrae "n biesesles1 paeu tar1ies, ithe Society nurse and ptib- le Pclehn'urses in Che district and slepieoyw lal lAy seric cubmembers as wllas ee. A ýt¾ ' d'S dI ýsabý i l ieam Lovinigly ramiembered by Velma, t!- e, Madelines and 1Vic. a-p i-«4the W er ictes hi« ing __ noss ndreommndtins IopaCARD 0F THANKS traserbedinter for the usI<wisî to thanýk ihe nitbus tbf-medcalnersnne inolve. f enu, ebekahs and the Even- Otta hcdotos nvsea amp 11 g Auxiliary and WA 4 if theOr-r sesnoat oe f theSocetvs sm- United Ch-urch for cards and 1 loizodleeal]v if imernt and c h eoilHospital, Bw ~~>.s->ne ae valaleto 0ope %with iaiýnvil. Dr. A> F. M!cKpnzie and, bituàricuar iifîen. OberiseDr. H. B. Ruadie for their kindness ha avbe en toToont o oa -cad help during my stay Au the! ibc ther lre eiclcntres forbopt. ~'w racs, cutces o uhsioter-Luther Barrabail is, carried out officially by aoa of 11-eson hestf f he Ontarlo Soit~for CripedCildren - an orranization chich n ow npeds $850,'0C00to contlinue to take hope and -iopportuniity from oeaend of tb" rovnceto He othr lusimilar cl lc.The mag ruas fromn March 171li to April l2th. Keep Check On Bug KpyxilleDrs Insctiideexperts are keeping ai dor cbeck than ever on 1960 bug killrs. Reaon: contamination Prvnilifntoologist H. W Gobe svs:"We've al-ýre'ady taken several insect kielrs off our rec- omnnded Eist because of the chance of mneat and milk contain- ation. OfficiaIs of the National HeaIth and Welfare Department in Ottawa baýve 1-rud lia hatnsecticides) that leave harmful rasidues on f ced and market crops can no long- e baued." Crops to kaap eut of livestock j faeds wvii hhapan vines on wic DDT was used for apbid control andl corn husks and cobs that h-avaý beau treatad with andrin or DIDT for cor- borer centrol. ForaW,-e crops on whchldrin, enidrin, dialdrin, toxaphene, or DDT was appIied mlighit be contaminated too. 'Whlen these crops 'are eaten by- animaIs, the chemnicals may stay ln the milk or meat.- A cash cýrop insecticide, hfeptach- lor, bas beau taken off the recom- wcînded list for markcet crops, says Coble1(. Don't use bpaho for n-on- troï cf rot maggot on1turnips, rad- i5iiish ndonions; -or'for ontof carrot rust Ilyv, wIrew-orms, cut- womand ,vhite brubs on pota- tc-s IIptclonay beusedOn ],n;s', of co)urs'es, shlade ltrees, and la amyplcewhare food (crops ýare not grown. Phosphata-typa insecticides such as mnalathon, parathion, guthion, Scogog cleanel s 'IOrono Ajencitv ~rLoc'a P<. ed. I Oelivr PHONE Iii7 a-p Orono Weekly Times PWWfnM9rMORONO and phosri may be used on crops fed t.o ivestock,. But onfly if thara -i sufficient tIime batween treating and feeding- for the residues to es- campe. Thiese time-spanis appear - on the maiiuftetu.,ar's label. 115,, eewc Drum-s, two oOr three FOR SALE tirT>"k 'vfor Easter ne to tonpouds$.O> 1and dressedc. m)iono 22316 after four, IELP WANTED as,' fuil or part timne. e'ýsidle BrB-Highwmay, _astie, RR 1. ipply, after 4p). m. or an WL TERFRAN K McQUAY and KIDD f REALTORS 177 Church St. Bowmanviile MA. 3-3393 f I and Tax Records g Whitby, Ontario Contact BRUCE GERRY u HORONO4 PHONE "1191 ,Building a Iquse? i or, remodFJeUing yixr pressent I one tlhen contact IPhione 2191 Orono Fo-unclationis and Septic Tanks pr LiurecJ. Formis available. STAFFORD BROS. Phene Wbitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a h1andsom, dig- nified monument ever the.-- est- ing place of your loved cnes. lt's not expensive. And seeing this lasi- tribute wili give yeu endless comifort. Insurance Service -Sadie Hamilton i Every class of Insur- ance is represented in our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we eau off er: A utomnobile , L ife, Accident and Sickness Plate Glass Liability, Fîre, Burgîary, Hon.. pitaiizatien, Livestock, Bolier, Wind, Polio, Mail, Ficielity Bond etc. SaUle Hamilton ýýT MORTGAGE LOANS DR. R. J. TAGG ART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Ont. LaWrence C. Masl, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-551 ~ W, AY LYETTB. A In the Offices of R, .Waddell Q.C. I MAIN ST., ORONO Telephonle"8Orn EVERY SATURDAV UN ORONlo 9 A. M. -5PM Lycett's Insurance Office 1Orono Phone 12516 J A CK R' ' -%E1D Auýcioneer and VfiIhator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consit rmeý for ternus and dates PhOne -à r 18 Orn TED JACKXSON, AulctOIoneer and Valuator Conlducts AuCtion sales Of ait 5Sit« and ai- reasonable irates Coniunicate wit h hlm at port Perrr. Or-ono 1Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and H1011E WIRING Free Estimnates APFILTANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire to ail kinds of Electricai Equipmenit and Appliances as Motors Water Hea,-rs j .-Radios Stoves - Irons LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational PliJcl.ej Protection and Savings Plans f«r Children and Aduits; Mari-gag. InW surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT Oreo, Ont." Pho, 11"" The R1JTTÈR GRANITE COMPANY ~'oeTu r-52-b I P.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. "Buy Direct and Save Commissions' Monuments, G ravestones, Engraving, Goldleafing 1