o~Conýg ratuti1ions to -Mr. Milton1 Rc.bînson on lits 741th birthdlay-. Ie Shad inner with MIr. and Mrs. 11. Foster andfl y on SundIay ,andr thiere wauabirthdlay cake vwith canies. He w'as supp er guest with 1J Ms. B. Alexander and Mrs. F. Faills andl visited its wife ini the O ethome in Newcastle. pOStudents from the Sixth Linie hiad to ývalk to Orono High, School 15 Vroads to traffic, a distance ofabu c f:2e Fiymiles. ows ormpsale% co r.adMrs. H.Foteran taheters eddhpg anniversary of' This W,,eeks Cornte-St W inner Mr. and Mrs., rn yr fMr 1VIP RO~TLINTbniglit. MUr. Foster took pictures. 13 Wle are sorry tfe hear that H. _Martinell is nfo very well ait 13present and beri daugliter, -Mrs. Ai,- ober" Colon of Hamilton, is looking U l 13after lier for awhile. WVe hope she 9PURITY will soon be feeling better. 113 ~Mrs. B. Alexander visited with o b 9 C9Mr. Jh Pattoni and MNr. and M\rs. F L.> L5 b baOcRoýy Patton) for a couple of dlays re- o 1Pl ~cently. LANCIA 13 e hThe farmrers ajre glad thiat 'ggs 0 e h ave gonle up lin price. SpA GHrigE TTI 2 lb cello 29 c Mrs. T. Danchuk hiad the mis frueof cuitting lier leg on some U OWH-ITE SWAN - Whate, Grýeen, Pink, YeIlow u glass on Mondlay and this required j Toil 'is-sue 4fr eDuîham Farin Calendar Kote Santary- Reularriday, April lst - 8:00 p.m. - Ap- c pJle Growers Mleeting,Necse ialist, rgtn CLJLVERHOUSE CREAM LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN 0 Friday, April lst - 7:00 p.m.- 9 n'D1urhiam County Seed Judging Cm Con 20 o for 3 5c Beans 1 5 oz 6 for $p1à ptition, Parish HUall, Temperance oGREEN GIANT - "NEW" Medium Small NIBLETS BRAND 13Friday, April lst 90 p.m. - Or- ' anization 160Durham 4.-H-IGrain Peas 15 oz 2 for 37c Corn 1 4 oz 6 for $1 Clb aihHlTnprceS. LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT LIBBY'S FANCY - 48 oz. Tin Bowmanville. i U Friday, Apr-il 8th - 1:00-4:30 p.m. Drink 48 oz 2 for 69c or ato J"s 4for $1 nnual Sheepan olofene Drnkoz fo J IC ~i aiy attle Pavillon, OAC Ç~GEM RED & WHITE EV/APORATIED corep. For sheep producers el- * v ,K frterinformation cn I tailtins 1 ~ act, Ontario Departrnent of Agri. SM argarine '5 lb pkg-s$ i MAL7iIk-iscltrBwnavle ___________________________________ I DWedncesday, April l3th - 8:.30 p.m. D epartm-ent of Agriculture, Bright- on.InerCounty exchan:-ge visit TENDERGRQWN, SWIFT'S pREMIUM - Oken Ready 2 - 3 lb ,agerage oiiie meeting. 8 &fflWensAy,*p i 2tli. 8:00 p.m. H /X o"&m ra e A b 3 C Durhami 4-H Clubs. 0 Durham 41-H Beef Caîf Club SWIFT'S PEAMEALED 1 Durham 4-H Dairy Caif Club C OTTAG EROL LS lb 45ec uha - Durham 14--H Tractor Mainten- fl ance Club SWI1FT'Su Hope 41-H Caîf Club BEEF LIVER sliced lb 49c Dhm.- iaeCr Club ~TASTY CHUB ITEMS: Bra,,isilweiger - Liver and Bacon - Sandwich Spread 1 Note: Any rural young person 12 O ars of age by M ay Ist, is eligible CHUBS 8 oz chub your choice each 25c f Wednesday, April 27th 8:00 p.m. ÔDurhiam Junior Farmer Meeting. 100F Hall, Orono. A special pro-. 0 gramme is planned. Ail young men LARGE SLICING VINE-RIPENED 0 and women 16 to 26 are urged tLo A Rur-al anl Safety Council Organi- 13Friday, May th. 7:00 p..Dr hiam -H- Clubs Livestock C.oaching NO. 0 Niglit. Place to be announced. This per ~ S c O an a4-H aCubmeeting fr a per ibMay Oth to 23rd - Scottish Young MILO, WEET0 Farmers visit to Durham Count3r. MILD, SWEE Our guest is Miss Sandra Fra'ser. - Spanish Onions 2 lb 25C ecsl a CRSCRY-10 oz. Cello Pkg. 2 k 3~ iD m e rs George Sundberg, 38, of New-i __ Up 8.88 Milis Darlington township 1960 iii idcnts. lin previous years tliere was rate is anniouncedý as 75.83, repres- a genýeral school rate. Instead of the, enting an increase of 8.88 xnills general sCool rate, school levieî over last year. Tli arm and resi- are( now imi-posed as, local scliool dnalrate lias increased .8 milîs' rates. to 6S8 mîlis, while a sliglit drop is Other dates on whicli the average- shown- in the commercial levy 11-111 rate is based are as f ollows: whicli is down fromn 12 mnilîs t& Durham District Higli Sehool Board 1.8 milîs. 15.9 as compared to 12 milîs in 1959- A jump in the township contri- Roads 16 mîlis, as compareçi to 15; bution to the United Countles which milis in 1959. Cost of snow removal lias assessed the town;iship 13.2 milis during the winter montlis has larg- as against 9.5 in 1959. ely been responsible for the in- The actua!, toehship rate is oniy crease here, it is pointed out. up 1.6 milîs. This increase includes Fire protection is down haîf ithe estimate for the roads depart. mill to one miii %vhile Hampton ment for which a bylaw was passed street ligliting is 'also down haîf a Monday to authorize an expenditure by area is increased .3 milîs to 6.9ý of $13-0,000. mii to 2.5, whie the debenture lv 1A change this year is in the as comp)arecf to the 1959 levy of 6.43 schiools' levy against township res- mrilis. KAY'S BEAUTY SALON invites 3you to attend OPEN HOUSE £romt 2.00 - 4.00 and 7.00 , 9.00 WedneSday Aprl 6 Maini Street, Orono DEM ONSTRATIONS - D001 PRIZES Everyone Welconie I o Best Qualîty Fuel Oul -and Stove Oil at the' Most REASONABLE PRICEg VIGOR OIL 00. Limited Telephone Oshawa RA. 5-IiOq-Ormno IL567 78 Bond St. West s N s s N N s- N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N s N N N -~1 ~~'1 N -4 N -4 s N N N s s s N N N N N N N N N N s s N N -s N s, N N N N s s s s N N -s N N -4 N N 'N N N N N 1~~ s N N -N N N N s- N N s N N N N N N N -L s N s N N s N N s N N -k -k N s N s N N -N --k N ROYA LBowmanville ROYALMA. 3-5589 TITS THURSDAY TO SATURDAY Evenings at 8:30 p.m. and Sat. Mat. 2 p. m. Also evenings only at 7 and 10 p.m. "THE H-MAN (Color - Aduit) Japanese Science-fiction thriller Next MON. TO WED. (at 8:30 p.m. only) "The Best of Everything" Hope Lange, Stephen Boyd, Joan Crawford Restricted to aduits 18 yrs. and over also "V/iolent Saturday"5 (Color) with Victor Mature (at 7 p.m. oniy