Volume 23, Number S Thiursday, M-ih3l.st, 1960, Oronlo ontalo Authorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawe Subseription ini Canada $1.50; in US. $2.50 Orphans' Experience- G*ivos Two Gcmue Lead, The roo rpan1payngons 1o at 6-2 for the Orphans. lamiliar ice i the b3owm,--aniville Again ini the second periodi the Aren onSatlurday nigit (came up Bancroft crew took to the ice to wiha decisive victory over the, score twvo goals, the f irst being in 3andéroft lintermedliates by pilinlg th1f-rs few minuttes of play. These up 13 goalis to Bancro-ýfts five. The twl wr cuneace by goals byl eýxperienýceof the Orphianlsagain, Rnbbie Rbno h a wre Proved the10ir greatest asset %while'a enatyshot when heliewas hleld the Bancroft plyesvere at times orla reaký-awvayv. The second Or- hcwildred a the play of the Or- phans goali the peýriod went to phans. Raye \West who pickedI a rebouind of enrf t *goal whlen Junior Weý,st toOk a shlot 0on a1bl'eaka'way. Th e ,Bancroft bys isplay-ed their Tesoeeddi h eid84 !fast skalting ad ieach period cam ou toscoe teirgoas cr l At te 52 s(econd nmark-of 'lhe in the'pei !il bthe first te hr eidthje rBancroft crewj înetted thleir-irs goal at the 48 s& Î,red tls,- oir finial goal of the nlight. s'econd nmark1- and again tallied at In ti e last six minte(s of thepgame theeleen inue mrk.At us hE rphanils boun-ded back with p'0o ihe Banc1roft boys ,led 20 vegasKihWest from ll . The. rhashe 11 opened up at the Pwl and Junior '"est, Keîth 12 mlinute point with PhIil Long XVtj.l1 uio X<st Oug ,Pow- taking , , passout 1f frm Keith and eh from RyeWest, Junior\West Liunlior West to nmark Orono's first from Rjjýeith West and RayeWest tal.Then Robb'ýie- Robînson count- IfrmKeith West and Mel Sehieil. ed11 two wieOrOloowsshort1, h1and(ed with DugPowxell sitting in Vincýe Va,'nstone ini the Oronio the penaIlty bo(x-for charging. Uts lnets ý'playedexepl oalyVell nd first wvas oni a finie play from Chats. tune lsidle a nube )fsht thle other f romn Keithi. 'Keith West fro'cOse in dfuring the first tr then netted the puck -onla shot (of each neoriod whvlen the TBancroft f rom behýind. Raye West then'11playevrs displayved thieir sneed. picýkeîI upl two qulick couniters cýatchI- Raye Westi topped the O)ronio in, a rbudshýot by Keith andsors with four, Robinson and the, second onaplay started by Keith Wst with three each and EricCneo and Keith West.Thsige to Phîl Long, Juniior West soeat the end oýf the fit-st perîiod and Doug Powell. To Have Fire N/arsh-all's Office M ake- Township Survey Twenty miernbers of the Clarke T-ownvisip )Fire Commritte along with miembers of the Clarke Town- ilU Orono, on WVed. evening to herMr. Dave Low-e of the Pire Mashllsofic adto discs î- prtcto- f 0wh Twshpof Clarke. As a result of the meeting th.,e, FireMasal'sofiehas been rle- qumested tn nmake a Surï,vey ýf the -o1n1hip ilcnnetite mak a eomedajtiontoth( omi0e ansd cuncîl. 'Mr. Lowe rfe-om-mend(edl that theý su le hnadeý, by his depa ten beforce any act(ioni was taken by the Committee orrcounil. The motionr recommuending the surxvey was movd y A.,-MLae andMr Per-I Mr. Lowos expressod his view toi wht angementiý--ii,;,s could 'bemiade Which inluded the purchase of two ,new, modemi pumpnlers which would peaonot of Oronio 11nd Newton- vile ith the pt-sent Orono pum, pet- bingmovod te KtendaL. Th-s h-e said wu1ld give fire protection teevrycone)f the Townsh"ip. .Fie was also cý-f the opinion ca insuirance rates in the TwpI wouldl lower to the point whiere savings wvould go against the cost of the new equipment. He also suPgested that such a programa could be set up over a two- year period. 'lfe also ponoot te the mieet- ing that thle Council had the auth- ority to purchase fire equiipmenit without going to the people. He didi Hleather Relo Hïeather Rebekah Lodge has pas- lsed anlothermiete and on on day-eenin Marh 28h., elobrated te th Liirteeth lbîrthday. Dring thie past tirteen years we, hae et and spent many happy anjd bujsy holurs. We have met on several very sad occasions wchenweI sbrdsorrow a'nd lenta elping band. The party look form of a pot luck sitper, Huisbandls being the hontour- cd guests. Sixýýty-two ladies ami -~gonts sat dowvn shocrtly aýfter 63:30 \n.to a very deiclous and plenti- fu]i dier. The tables wý,-ere appt-o- pritel dooraedin fthe Easter thmbuinnies and chicýkens, with rnapy oloulred easter oeggs wt yellow and pink candles weertst- ical1 placeét aong the tables. sa-y hlowever that the r-atopayers of the Township should be well educa-P i) ýinth set-up), whiatLever it wý,as tei ho.A.G. eGlIaskod the price of1 plaeing two new puý-mpers n the Tewshi whch r. oweesti-- Thie(cest of oeain osivr i~d onidralybut asnotan- Mn". VWl. R ,Kry se if itp would ot ho ore feasible te locate lorno ilydro S rl , Regst ered 7-8 pv-e Thie Oronio Hydre Comnmission mot on MAoniday ueveing wh%7ien E. Donýt, mngr ulndtefinan- c-ial standcin g of th1e Comm-rission truhthelir operation in l1959. The total revenue rduriig dieye- anvute 'Io S27.377.15 of which $j2,094l.95ý was an operating surplus. The poraingsurplu, lho said, was ifrom i7%, te 8% whAich is below n ;ormal. This wvas d1ue te thie roc- Sduictionin l rates inl 1959. Th'le Commissi on is now awaiting the ~ ~ ~ Il fidnsc h udlitors before adjstmntsat-e suh Mr. Dentl >said that at the fit-st of th.e year tiiere wvas a deficiýt of $1700.00 wchwa sini the fit-st thiree rnonithis ehimnatd. ydre, ho said was now oper 1atin1g onl an evenke. Accuns wrepaid in t-he am- oýu t of $2,23-1.90 of wihpewevr costsS of $1500.00 ws the largest. Thýe Commissioners and Manager! are te- attenid a tour being heldt of, téTorýont-oiinstallati o on Wednes-ý day, A- pril 63th. Censidlerable discussioni was lheld iin connection with training a pe- sonl to ebat-n hydro anid a proposed sceuiof paywas aise discussed. The-yr is teoderiefer ap-1 With Bike Scrawble Mesport open)s this yoar for itsi first eveni, tin riday, April l5thi vwen the Nortown Motet-cycle Club hiolds its fit-st event of 1960 iný the form of a Motet-cycle Scràmbles. The activities are to rorinto action at 1:00 p.m. With fivei classes beinig run during-the' afternoon. Scrambies, is a motet-'cce race on! a closed circuit in a hilly, -cass- cjeveredj f ield. Thoe course is usually1 ,/ te 3/4 of a ile in length and' mnay ncue osalsas sand.l waemurî, rocks, or, jumps. At the present time mrost courses ini this araaelaid e'ut on rvather dry! lad ut lwy centain a Jum-rp and ofteni somne sandf.i The machies;at-e fitted wvith Courses Open Through Recreation Corn. The Clat-ke Township Recreation Commission hias informed that thîs summer durinig the month of July theore is an opportunity for anyone wvho mighit wîsh te take instruction lu- cennection wîth a number of cra"fts, art etc.. Classes are beingl l-'eld at the MacDonald Institute in JGuelph fromi July 18-22 where a cempetent teaching staff will i- struet. Those reg-istering- must be j 8 ears or over. Thie gsrain fee for fthe courses is $7.50 (ýand lodging and board at the Inistitute is $10.00 for theiý five d(ays. Put-tlier to the cours- oseveingentertainment is heing aragdalong wvith a trip te the 1tafodFest ivl T1he Courses being taughit this yeaIr vwill be art, ceramnics, club iac- tivities, drama, leathercraft, metali - craft, millinieny, weaing training for leaders lu church- activities, tengrsenior. citizenls and folk and square cdancing. Anyone interestecLi l te course aire asketl to contact the Clat-ke Township RocreatIonai Committeel of whIchX- . C. Hutton of Orono is' the chauirman. This leaders insti-1 tute is being sponsot-ed and e-a izedl h)y itheCommunity Program'Is I Branch of thie Department of E-i caition. Law Society To Pay Russeli1 C. "oen(ey, f Port Hope, President of the Law Association of Norhumet-andand Durham t-Lô daýy advýýised this papor thiat ail de- factessuffered by clients of the fermier PortHoesiitr Ilomer1 Winson Atcheon, ere now bo- inýg païid byth Law Society ifý Upper Canada. Mr- Atcesnvas sentenced te ho appeared beo eoIagistrate .I 1.~ ~ ()]2el Poice.Courtin Pett Hope last weok. He Law Society Orono TrusteesPrepa ring Garbcsge By-Law 1 Te OonoPolice Trustees on iIVpeSetteîs ul Ion lMonday nighit passed a motion to r c omplot e a by-law ini whichi a Gar- bage accoi.mt is determined and to l HOjrTorafi n set the necessary charges. Theicby -oKe ornm n 11W is thenl to be presented to the Town-ishiip Counicil te be passed. Six Orono business establis- menits were represented in a snook- Withi the passing of this by-lawIer t ournamrent Tuiesday ight at every fam--ily vuit wvithin thie VillageFons Billiards in wIch "twelve -will be obligod to pay ganbage focs playvers weore involved, two from wýhich are to remain at 50c a month. eacWh establishiment. The tourna- The fee will still be collected ment commenicedi shortly after 8:00 thrlOug-h the Orono Hydpre office a-slo'clock andc progressod' until m-id- hias been ini the last number of igh efore t(he staniniigs were de- yearsý. A rýesidïence is defined as aIt ermined. building or part of a bhuildin)g usodi as a domestic establishiment and The calibre of siçili of the players conIsistinig of tw,,o or more rooms in vaid from one extreme eIoain- wchpersonisuuay sleep or pre- oter bt wre ievelled off W,,ith pa-re meals. A commercial b)uildïing han4li(icaps whilh were determined isdfnd as a building withl one by LyalI Lowèry,, the tournanient or more rooms fi whîch wholesale manalger. or retail dealing are exercised. In the new by-law both relsidenles e)bïiged te pay the 50c a month fee. Any one failfig to pay thefewh ho charged the amount on their tax bll. R. C. Forrester informod the mieetig that the Recreation Com- mnittee was now lu ineperation and that there was a need for some money to assist wvith the operation. E Simpson an amounit of $25.00 was allotted te assist with the o)per- a3tion. R. C. Fort-ester pointedi outl that next year the comimittee wvould be, self-contained financially as they wvould receive thieir grants. In the correspondenice a letter w ,as receivod from thile Ontario iWaýter Rosources stating that test drillhhigin Orono %was t'Iommni-ence! lýIdo ini March or early April. , A et- I ler from the Lake Onitarie Develop- ~ti-ntAssciaionoutineid the dat-je and time for the JunFRL .M. Metce-,asa rprsetaIo to thei AsscitinistelookIafe hear- rageens e ttnd A letter wasi aie ecivdfro;m the Orono Cha1m- be ofCommerce comnding thei Orono ,)Trust(e5 Don the efficient unbor of A1uiiary p pers "nbb"tireýs - avr xgeao Po aa, hih1sth 'aue i1mc ny lttl threughout the Tewunshp rahrnwtie Atouhte-ped t-gvrnn bdpo ers 'n the Main street cleared of snowv. ta buigtwo largo eoesv andaeslo i xeso 0Poic f Ontario, d1isbarred Mn machnes Mr Loe stated fthat the mh ti eyfs orti ye0 iceson last year whieu the shdort- Buc hMt-or Cbude BinteChie, Auxîýliani1es'Weree I'C nly stanld-by 1terrain and can be quite spectaculan -ag(os in hlis trulst account em rsndhibugtfrheie p pesadcudnet 1replac,,e the 'lhere are 5 cl1asses cf -4races de-; knýý owu te eSoity 1aditors. department or dthe yepar $1100.00ý la)rger mlac hine(. Futher you woidi cidedl on by the proficiency of the wih$p4.0hsaray he sfi11 havei te have a vebîicle to biauilrider and thie enigine capacity of Mn. Heney advised ta somne 1etfranwsofotie x tehose aý,nd that you wolId havel tho machinle ho (b ý;i iing.yoar- ag e eLaw Soccity sot up e ak h itecifsbde n thig ecanny al sup)ply of, ater. Scrambles evoents ,at-e sanctioned a omen ation fund e hich each wsacpe hc eta xet fie necommenided that a truick by- the Canadian otryceAsso- Ipractising lawyer in the Province edbalance of$170.00 anhich old sh(old arry adlequatle water but ciationj, to which th1 e organtizing I of Onitarlo contnibutes $20.00 perhouefrfutrne eupm t niot ovon 500galn as thon acluib must ho affiliatedl, and everyC year. Prom thiis Lund the Lawv So- at the ond of thie Sear. w"neight problem w-\-ould lexist. rider is insured against îjr by ciety- re-imburse any client who bas Th seaerwa skd f an teCMýA, of wiheh must be a suftered a monetary loss as the ne - The chlairmnan stated t1hat 11te aseset could ho omited iflds- menber. Ili addition [the Nortown 1suit of the dishionesty of a solicitor. uI ,eeawaiting wý,ord from Mn. La-shi- colid b onlitc'd!Il CCs insures the spectators as '1 lleNrtuanadadDu-lý estin i h li tributîng fthe cost' to thle ratepaylý.ers. extra safety measune. TeNotumelndad u-l e otng up th e ciplall- Itwas expr7essod that ;nnýly fat-m Th'le competition is professional hal:m Lawv Association is cenlstitult- as a Cemmunity ÇeC( hecar buldngasesmetssheuid be used lutatewner nciv p-Z ed of practising lawyers iu the twe manl was authlorized to contact n.r when levying thec rate against a mioniey, but on the othoer IbandI there counties. 24r. Honey said that thisLahe ntimte. fa- reet.To thiis Mn. Lowe nio dealer or factery support as Association is very pleased te an- stated that Council could enact a,-there is for sports car anid stock nonc tat ail proper dlaims I oncinwt îeak byiaw ývof emittting the use ,of fanm- crrc1.a artM.Atheo r e e-lto a ecoived freimthe (Coun-j land assessmlent uipen the receipt of _________________ ing paid from the compensationty nges stating thie procedlure ai pition frnm twIýo-thlird(s of the fund as sonl as the-y are propenîy[ob followvedincstuiga ratpaer l te owshp.it left the supplyiugmncpaiyetblse erpyet sidewalk along thle CouintyV Road lu an ackwand position. Ut wou1ld be -)Ver Cob Hi. G. E. Simpson, in Hoe exp)rossed the opinion that ,ho botter te punchase youn own equlip- cag of sidlewalks, sa,'id ho was did neot agree With anIy mncpliymnhe said.B to~Forwiigu til te sniow w-Nas -n purvchasinig fine protection fnom n- ev WBadb dnesn te~ m inton or efone making any, inspection. othr s t asto cotl. unhe J (Continued from page 5)â_eh o Chilciren The Dogs runniîig at large thoni came before thie met i PndR.C. f . 1Thiis Fridaty evening a ubro )ekah Celebrate 1 3th oirtnctay mlemibers of the Cr-)ono Badminton _________________________________________________Club vwll be at the Crono AMunicipa Building whf(,etiey wi nstruct fit-st -Tow vLewis wbose birthdav ç,i-'-r?ý-ou'ilv rnjé '-.-î--, wals noarest March 6th Second rhere fioe a short siug-song 7:30 and ail school stu-dents at-e in- prize went to the husband who b adi lot by Gladys Brown at the piano vited teo comie and give the gamie a eGtnord OO 0 ie hi eigaften which Everett BrPown veYry tx. Some rackets wil hc available -ord.Watson. (Ceuificentially Gordnd ivsoe ldso i ecnil.Oi ihbr tol1d us thiat lho had enten 3 pieces of11 i îdl oecd ileMofibiesta. gwihbrs cake too! !) 1tnpttebousbacdagirtseaMaritimes. Hol gave a running comimenta-y of Bt esan il t- nie Theonman weaing a red neck tie1 the sîdes and they proved very ed-1 tfor thois fit-st nightl frem gadesix as the wînuer of the thlrd ie, cta as well as beautIfulIand o-Pint High School. Providîng ths was Porc.n. Lucky chair - iOeesing. EvTeryeuýe enjoyed tbe [oei eneuigh înterest shlown [ho prize 9was won 'b ML,.sEd., Young-îpictunes and we apecaery cMasses wil hbe ld other eveuings Mll. -nuh Ever-ett t1aking ime frm his and possibly ou Satunday until sum- After everyone ibad partake fvr uy cuot endte 0-nirsprspn [hofodPoc Lti, n is oval eing ith us. It is now, unlderstood [bat tho and gracieus muiner thianked the - Thus passed the thirteeth' an- IBewmanvi-iiile Badmiinton Club will Robcekahs on behaîf of the bus-nivensary of the Instiution of 1ho inCt-eue on Friday, April Mth baudffs, for the invitation an hoped He11ather Rebakah Lodige No.334, 1whepn an initer-clIub Tournamient will it wouldn't h o teelong tilithy e of orwrdte inany met-e be field li the Orono Miuicpal were in»ited again. MihWed Raiueyj happy and prospeous yoarS. iBuilding. The Orono Times -Mudcllers of Rayve West and Aoy Fot-rester, the latter who càibld enly give moral support, wvere th~e top wvinners, but' iilt after being well challenged by Èheý Partne-r Sinkers of Mlax Lycett aind Harvey Partner. These two teamrs canie out in a tie after the reguilar sehedulé and were forcedi into -a tie-breaking gamne: Raye and Max displayod their skills while Havyand Roy iookýed for- easy set-ups. Cedaridaile Bottie Br>eaklers, Johin Tamiblyn and Koen Nixon ended in thlirid position followed by the Ten- nain Cannonbales, Don and Glenn Toninant; the Mýercer's Oil Cans,. Haiirry and Ross IVercer an-d finally the- Founld Clippers, Matt and Dane. It is quite possible that another challenge will be oponed before toa lon.g. Red Cross Fund Drive 'Unrderway Thle Red cross Canvas for, funds ln O)rono and the Towni-sh-ip of Lat-ke has been hamipered by winter road conditions With thl-e re- suits that funds have been, slow in coming in. M'\,rs. A. F. IMcKenpýe,. camlpaign treasurer, rpot lltat te date $2141.55 had been received fr-om four of thoe Orono canvassers. _4 cmne(of the canvassers from the toýwnsh-ip have yet reported. The local br-anch of the Re-d Cross have set an objective of $1000.OO for the camnpaign. Their own budget hais been increasod $200.00 wil amunfIit is to be used te hielp pay foi- a resuiscitator to be used in the area. thrlocal projects will include RcdCross Swimnming -instructions, Vitamnin Capsules for public school chIldren and other needy poersons. Fort-ester said that nulmrous dogs couîid net be caught. Ho outtlinied a prceur sed flu ether c-entres Uhr acare I s presented truhthe Jutc f the Peace. H. M., Mercer said that, somi-etiuig hadl te ho doue and the chairman wvas asked te investigate further pr'oecdure "te o uig charges through a Justice of- the Peace. The mneeting adjeurued. Orono Pu blic Schoof Mn'. A. G. ce a be ie lun WiarIton. He was chosen by the as the new priincipl- 0f the Creneoli local Board f rom founteen wblo ap- Public Scbool. The contract with plied for the pincipalshiip ef flic Mr. McGee, who is takinig ever [he.(oo) chol Principal dutiesfomMr. 1H. LowesiJ1-iet.owsvhlasbn iu September of l1960, was signled on n uetLwswo abe Saturday of hast week. prncipal of the Oreno ' chlool for Mr. Mceebs beeni principal of principal as of June, 1960, wîhen hoe a1 twe-room -ipublic scho11ol in Lionls!enterýs theo ministry.. and Mrs. Head, Bruce euislfor the patLowes and fainily are moving te for earis Pand bas been tochngMissouiri wýhere Mn. Lowes wiil. for a total of f ive yeat-s. Mn. M-c- stuidy for the ministt-y and alse, Gee- is married and bias been living bold a congregation. 1