Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jan 1960, p. 6

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sare f ull Thrifety! Easy! So stisfactory7! Make your,-i own slip-coývers by follIOWing ou!r illustratedi step- by-step m-cethod. You'l turn out a miost profe-ssional-looking -*obo! slip-cover a chair or sofa!l Step-by-step Instructions 841 for aq basic cover; six other types. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, uose Postal note for safet y) for tis- pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 ightLenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Prirt plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAMIE and AD- DRESS. New! New! New! Our 1960 Laura Whecler Needlecraft Book j,% ready NOW! Cralimed With excitin.)g, unusu-ýial, popular de- signs to crochet, knit, sew, an broider, quilîtwe-aVe-fash01Âs, home furnishings, toys, gifts. bazaar lits. In the book FREE - 3 qu'Ilt patterns. Hurry, send 25 cents flor y-our copy. sprayingý, wit.l DIDT solutions of varions strengthi and the cmIr bligît, while not precisely vani- ishing,hols been kept at bay. That mnade the tree enitu siasts happy, but the bi en- t'husiasts were soon up in arme. The birdi enthusiasts claimied the' DDT was destnroyîngthe robins. Not SC), saithe true enthuis- asts. Until recently, this diK~erence of opinion between the f wo species of nature enthui-siastes las heatcd ,3 but inrcone1 lsive, chiefly because no anecoculdi prove anything. A bird enthu- siýast wol say vinit she hadn't seen a robin on lier l'awn al si uii ni e r. A tree enthusas would counter Chat le lad a lawn ftjll of bird,0ai of MIhen Making the dawn n a i s y Ait their songs. But then aongcam-e Che uni- versity scientîsts w ith- somce facts. The tuce cnthusasts - xvhile not adlmitting for a mo- ment tlat tiie facts mnean wla they seeni to mnean -- no are on the diefensive. WlVat Profess-ons Hfickey and H-unt did wa-Ls take- a census A1 songbirds in two Milwaukee suburbs, Wawaos ad Shore- wvood, and the city of janesville, ail of whioh blave sprayed btheir elms. Then they took a similar counit of feathered heads in un- praycd mareAsofMadisn tougîýyton, and Portage. The neý- utts were quite dec isive, wr-ites ',obert WWVells in The Chiris- iarn Science Monitor. The thre unSPraed aneas averagecb 175 pairs of robins per 100acresn Janesville lad 31 Pet cent as many, Wauiwatosa 30 per cent and Sliorewvoodl - whce thc LIEU lias been applicd m rost liberaliy -- only 2 per cent. Shorewvood la-nd only li e cent as mnany commron graicklcs, Ml per cenitas many bouse w re ns, 12 per cent as înany mournig doves, 35 per cent as m-any biue jays, 10 per cent as miany Baltimore orioles, and '03 Per cent as many starlings. Wau- wýatosa and Janesviîlle lad more of m-ost v"arieties' than ShI-ore- wood, but fat, fewer Clan Che test apeas. On thecaverage, the research- ets fouind 407 pairs of al] kinds of bîrdls per J00 unspraycd acres. Sh-orewood, byconttrast, liad onl1y 41 pairs - an. average o'f iess than a pa,ýir for each Cwa acres, The university tcami conciud- cd that DDT spraycd areas were "a trap" for b1-irds ,bat m-igrateý tîcre to nest. Spraying in the trees' dormant season mugît ýpane NMay migrants, but neyer- tleless takes a beavy toliOf bird life, Vhey said. Thc report 1las been jtbtckid as incumnplete ïfor varionsros- sons, inciuding, CIe fart Chat it does not tale into account the effcct of thc sait solution nused on noads tA meit winter ice, Ce lesscning of insect !ie on wieh the birds' feed, tIe rise Ai shop- ping centers hihreduce birds3' feeding areas and even the habit of the angleworm. Stil imo st neutral observens are inclied f0 go siong withi tIc Janesvillc forester, James ýý. Harvey, wbo s a id tlete's nro 1doubt Chat sprayig las an cf- feet on songbird. "We ha-ve tuo make a chloic-e between uing it (tue DDT) and Ioaing our trees," le added, w'hicl brings us rigît back ta î w'herc we began: Robins or elms. Q.Whenl a bride-eiect rýeceives 1a wedding gif t which fias been brolten in tr'ansit, should she mention this îiilher letter of thanks to thse donor? 1 A. It wvould be mnore tactful ta, om-it this fact. 1Instea-d, if she knows the store froni w 'chlte gif came, she can handie wt th"ett1direct. SHE WILL NOT LEAVE- The face oi 74-year-olçl Mrs. Elizabethn Prettyjohin reflects the yeo.rs that she has lived by the sea. lts too nl<ny yeairs Io leave, lhough her homne, batter-ed by the waves repeaitediy, is the sole remvaining building of the village of llalisands, England, which wacs waished aowa/y in aD 1917 storm. The rugged individualist hos lived alone since the deatfh of her brother six yeairs ago. 1 IH,6rOiCLRFA S Weillyou uldneyer guess wlat happened here on Chi st. mnas. Christmas, of ail day-s! We wokc up ta a cold bouse, that's what Somcetime during tIc nigît aur furnace gave up the glost, We thaujgt it had blownvP a fuse but it, hadn't, anIrd yet the ne-set button wouldn't wark. Sa, Ch)rist - i-aýs Day though it w:as, we lad ta put in ar neency cdli foi repairs. Te Ic man %vas biene with in an haut, nmanaged samnehow t,' sýtart tIc fur:nace agaein but said if it stoppedi it would not start of its own accord as there wa.- a- defctie ,sitc Uh,.HUcshowed Psrtnr whtotado and aid i le couIld-get 1laid Ofr nwmator le woid l back. But oif course 'h le idn't manaý-ge it -haitwod le too muchLto exPcct et Christ- ma.Uwvr -Ic -weather wasn't cold and as wve lad ai! plannr-ed a amuly gtîe'rîngat Daughiter's place in Toronto we toak a chance and wcnt. We came back ta a cald bouse ail rigît. Bo'b rmanaged ta get thefrnc going once again but it stoppecd* permnanently du-ring thie nîgît. Uawever, t ri mn arrivcd with a ncxv matr hy the iddlc of ChIe morning and s0 everything was' fine wvithin the haut. Wc couid only think how Iucky wc wcr ut lappened wvlen it did and nat, at a ture wheni it mnight lave been ten beiow zera. 1, suppose hat kind of hn lappens in plenty of homes 1bu wlaht nmade it, uniîsuai here vwas it hsppenied an Clristmias Day. We wene glad w'ýe wore tfl old- ing- Christmans lere. That wuld havebeena litt aIwwrdt 'ay tCpIe lst AtDaugýhter' s wrld wa-on - derifl ime On Clnristmais Day. Alil five grandsons w ,Orgodlt naisy. Dee's boys lookod hIe Hitte cherubs with Ceir whit, shirts and bow\ tics. Ntuiralil, CIeý illusion was soon dLispelled! Ccdiric aur youngest gtandson. 1sort of stole tIc show le wa'sos goad and fricndly vwitl every- anc. TIc test Of LuS were 'sad1- cnoIjd ta lest that a wl-ie ncphcw lad suffercd a ru1-pturied] appendlix just aftcýr arriv-ing withi his wvife and childron at lis car,1- ejt' lame ta spend tl<holias On aur w ay homne Chistmas.ý niglt wve camne tît1ougihetI Exhibition grounds and saw th(c marvellous dmCoains Ross was sa tlrilled lis eyes wFee almoýC popping. As if that werc not enougl wlhen xwe Zg o lae l faund Santa Claus lad hU ~hM the vworking mandel of Sa power, do thar orde teeL f c urse ant élad been r nerou1 s l ond and - shades of stummler - one of aur presents was >a psu of gardon chairs! Perlaps t'he 'gre ait et excite mnent conce rned -. al smaH'I pal-cel that David lad put on t'nc trec for Grandma "LoGrainma, tlat's for you. I dlid it aI i y wnself. Oper it, Grandcma - sec wlnt's inside." Weil, we the Liue came ta un- g-ra-p the parcels I founid it was a cndie in a painted plasticineý holder thiat he hiad madeC at sichool. Hec got more piessuLre out, of-doinig that for, me than froini ail tIc presonits le received for NcîwKiemni was in Toron- ta andc lad ta return by;bus ta Peterborough lin that a.wful ice- tanm. We lavýeFnot yet heard if he arrived ail rgt We are1 naturally anxious. Conitions liere at that ftue were- wet buit not danigerous. I tried ta talkhlmM juta stayîng in Toronto aver- igît but oh no, le lad to get back and ta rcturîn by train wouild be toa late. Well, now it is Monday mata- ing and it is a pretty gcriilook- ingward utside. Wet and icy but apparently noting l, ere ta wlat somre districts further north are expericncing. This district scecafs ta be a regular littie S1haýngýri-la during a-ny kind 0f storny weler. May it so conz- tinuie. Isn'tit strange, almiost cvcny year wc get a stormy period in betwecn Clrisztmnas and New Ycar. Yearsag it didn't aI Co mrucîi difl'Tcncî(e but nowýý peai- pie trave] the( highw-,ýayýs no mat- Cen- wlat the ro(ad and weather cnditionsý and tnc loss of life iS often staggcning. Partner is out- sid1e at this miomient opening up ditches t9 lot tIc wsater away. î miean cracking tIc ice-fHe sayýs kepthc ditchesý openl and youý hiave flooding pole 1 icked beor heyv start. 1 hope le will le rigît aan TLone - . - uintil wc get bel- ton o rgaizdmy I le forgoven if Iuse this coiun tathank ta send u LS Cîrisýtmas getns Yùour good wîsbos were muLch ap- preciated( and in return i cei- taiiy wihou ail thc very lest of eer thngduing theCcon- ing yar. e owwe can't here's hpigtI o far ouLt- weiiv t'~ bdnow and stoip Tease Troubles French A womnan rcntyasefoi a divorcebeashehuad could not spuak rnh."we noýth-Ings souind So( omoplc wvhen wispered in Englishi" n comnpained ta the juIdgIe. Fe refuised the petition,bu sgetdto the husband Inhat he learai a few simnple phrases sudh as Ma Chérie which hio wiïfe fouind so uch molnire ro- m1,1aic than ,IMy darling.", Unlike English, the FrecI laguage s e Ido iofficîaly chnges. It was eStalished in its; present foriover a century ago b-y teAcadémnie Frnçase.Ne wordsare alowed ony after- careful considler-ation Jb a lan ed boynipofessors, who pr- pare the dictionary, Petit Lar- OUSSe. Thie ltefdition cr -s2o the ,first tule the word "stýr np- tease." The dons decided tht, sinice itapes in neon iit over ev r thýer Icý lubiPrs it could hardly ,-be oitdfo the officiailbokof wrs Besides, srpeiswr o ing a oaringbuIsinessthr wýhile our g r ,iîFadfathc r s w thrilled by thie sight of an acci- dentally xposcd feminine ankie. But l1nw could leydefine the, wvord we hlad ney(,er scen To settIe thieir polmie went' along to a club famnous for its economy on sho(wgirlS'os tum-esý, and alktr lengthy cn1 dieration produced this deîfirni- tbon. "English, to strip,déhble (uniýdres.s) toü tease, agaver *(o provoKe>. auggestive undressing cxeCcuted to aI background of music or dance." Which showvs that eveni pro- lessocrs canan a t1iing or twvo In the Latin Quiarternihsts Rýoyal Saleswoman For- years tile Duchess of Kent, whO waýs fifty-three last mionth, bas ranked amnong thewod' ten bs-rse wonr. Fashion epr say that this charininig xVo,ýMani, wh o wa s christencý-d Marina after the Grcelk saint, is always sufficiently a-head 0-f ai new faqshion to mnake ber tIc fashion leader, net rmerely "in the fashiion." Since thc Duchcss so tragic- ally lost her husland in an air crash in 1942, she las consîst- ently performied her fulli share of the publýlic d7uties which f al ta thc Royal Famuîly and l1-as devoted herseif niotonly to br inUp 1er oidebu tGt imainy causes acssociatcd withi charitable work. Fer wcedding ta the late Duke of Kent, in 1934 waýs the socýial event of the 'year in Britaini. U-er bridiaI frock wa7s of white an-d silver brocade with the "Rose of England" delicately in- terwovcni in the sofat material. Princess Elizabeth, n üovw.,tIc Queen, was one o'f 1er tan bearers. The Duc.bess is also an ex-, 1tremnely talcnited and clever artist. Shc las donc a -tnumber e915 /Y~ WONDER blouses -- saw easýY and sa sma3rt! They take se iIttIz f abie, yau can wlip lip ail threeý for practically pennies. Printcd Pattern 4915, MiLsse' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 1,3 top style 1I-/a Yards 35-inci-; rmîd- die 1/ yardis 39-mol; I ower 2' Yards 35-inrh. Prîntcd dircections on eaùh pst- torr. part. Essier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS(sap cannot le acrepted, uise. postal note for safcty) for this patterii. Please print plainlyv SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STfYLE_ NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMIS, Boxz 1, 123 Eilgîteentli St., New Taronto, Ont. CHARLEY'S EX Long-haired Susan Magness, 24, halds hnds with her daughter, Susain Mairee, 7 mo.nths, in Hiywo.Sh2 was divoried from Charies Chaiplin Jr. in Nove-mber after ci year and a haîf of mrriaýge. Chapiinr,'s faither, the comedian, requestýed thait Miss Maigness bring the hiidte Switzedrlnd, where the eIder Chap'in lîv/es, for a visit. ofprtat ktce in cý-rayons. Herpoise, eiegance, ense ot affirs have won lber,,miny, friends. W Je1sh'mad oc tour as president of the Aiea- andra RoseDay cenres ,Lo- don in 195ý0, s olda rose c one mail fora udrd uneà Q.Is it propýer to wirbae lets and rings uver ime S Pev- ing gloves? worn over the govs b nleyer t1he rings. Leaviýe Your ing jinsideý the gloves,werteye long. Q.0m', many vgtbe si nýecessatry to ereat a I- prepareddnnr A. Two vgtbeuuly

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