Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jan 1960, p. 1

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NO 'Vo1cmie 22, Numkber 4,8 Thursday Januiary 21, 1 Subseription $1.50 Authorized as Second Glass mailý, post office Department, Ottawa _____ _____ Assocation hesd a lmeeting t ty mattg er u and asoe deliaioan. ci ad latees f rom te wheleipinmne WscposaudreeSiongh a ýI ý2,ýnCÀ siîotIýý1ý* hotheilarea. 1The ,tîetic w i con ti gescd eetng itI h( he Pire Mar.. Dvr a smofmeney as soon as Cite shal tu obtain infumatonon thelCommOissonis funciong. The, avenues cf approach to setting Up Cmisin il, in tuirn, bo aide te> som frmof fire lprotection. Stone obain -Pgrnt or hei ex id qustend fa puiblic meetingturesiladte filesoet (ni ntenlnce swould ot be in order and aise said dintrcton t uatc watr as rniyavailablel ApproacliC b---ý-eing the Tnly absent member Couci reeietitxo eque sefo stemoffi roection in thIýs e Twr ship anti al !Ï e ctith Oon Sehee- -11--lnspetor-. ent-thn ,mec-!ltant rixe nmater be letoven unilth Jnxtmeeting anialsoý gi-ar indfînitly. pprov al waswavey uhinnstiinfe C-ry, .PT ROAD PROGRAMv Coucilor toe akedif ouciL TheOnoo olieTruistees mnet OrnoHetiulualSoicy e r end prgn-Iwich tey stateti gu et faý1 nt-i lie uonth etof on. he fu eaebl. . C. For.. Délt taetitiatha had i nt ns yet. rstrstatedti hat flitePolice Tu Thî RendSueitnntChs tees wer e the opinion thait the Stape!ton, 7informneti Ci-uucil- Uat lTowuqsh 1ip shIoli new ývbear full est! th-ýe nw gae ebe de ofectietlite rond pnogrnm tonoiling ant i on husdy t hi wck chip-stoue as il wns ruow te policy FIRE PROTECTION throughiout the Township. He stateti1 Mn. aunce Ptiwll e tie No th ltiey wýere bringing thein re.ý 9 sctin e ted Tensiiepoke eusI befor-e T shpeanly this Counil oncnnig fne rotctin yar in enter that it mny be lu... S,ýatd tht in iýeow uti-, Inle Tewn,-jship rond bu(L ati stat vet lSitaItho dse la th Ton. et .M. AMercen stateti that onel sii wn "stig cks" wd ih e qýuarter oet[the population etflte ~etctin.He nd le ld aîktiTowuýship nesitiet inlOrono anti thiat le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a Necsi "-"llgt uexpeuclîtune oetS5,000. on ronds ab lotig wîth agrec lainte Village sheJulti net be eut et r.rtent but tiin .fvitiual thie wny lun a total Township Budget agcmet. I edwehl statet etf from $90,00.00 te $100,00.00.« they ould 1hike scec somne atonHe saiti that preper, rond censtnuc.. takente prvideliteneeti pro... tien nlong with oiliug anti chlips ne,.. icclien, tuaîîy ,-saveti mouiey lumaintenace. Mn. s-ttanMeLnenspoke Jte Wa re bothi nterested ilu lie bel- Cuclon beliai f etthleChamben terment et the vwhole Towuiip, le etm Commenurce ant i l e ))inteti eut ýsaiti. itenect fer tire protection ia thei ThIle Oneno pnogranm was includeti Tbusti. ieSuggf-stetýitntCom-ýitJithîe To"wniship prograni aid cii! organize a mneetinig wil its ewn t 'unaci ever te thie Rends anti rnimbers anti nepresenaaives f nom Bidges Commitîce te stutiy. Reeve Èite O--no Chami-ber, the Police Wn-Vlkey statedti tît the Rond Bud Tusesaidtfite Fine Mnnshnll's gel muitst be completeti prier te th', offi-ce 10 tiscuss the imeans lu whicl eud etofFebruany« . He aise thanketiý protection ceulti be establîshedth ie Trusteces in briug-ing lu theiný titre-ugitout th e Township. Thec requeqss cnly anti congratuinteti Citmbr, taet Mn MLarn nsMn Simpsoni on ils decision te holti inteestti u hlpig l anwnymun-icipal ffceanti on his suc-cess posbeas they feit thlene wns a la the election. Mn11. Simqpsoni replieti 4inLite nýeeti. Fine protection, saiti that lie\was finiding il very intienest tice Cham'ber nepresen tilti ve, woulti ilig. beý fairly renso)nable on a tax-.ation The folbowiug wns reqiuester! by bai.Titose now- pnying foir pr..icOnn Police Trustees: teclien from Ornoe would, hie felt, Th1'le Onono Police Trustees rc- pyless u.nçer n Tewnisiip scihere.I quest tLic Tewnisiip Council teoli.- sseeve Walkey statec i lat lie lhac Orono W.A. Impnorta lie janua meetfing of the \VA. wsheld oiTusdyafenon Janarylthin the Sundcay SeheIol oo.The rsiet Mrs. 11. Allen waïn the chiair and openied thIeý eeigby repeatling the .A Motto. The W.Aý. teeSOI"g* wasI sun,-g aad thje Lord's Prayerý- repeatI Mr.E. Raýiney gav the dvto~ ailmessage. The scripture read ing was fJrom thie 9th chiapter of !Mark, -vers3es 33 to 37. !ymn14 was sung and jMrs. Rainey cotne vb eai- ing ýanl interesting Stor'y "The ChrIýstianl as a citizeni"[the Itheie bng"Love thiy neighibour as thy-1 self."Shie closed te d1 oton0 wihprayer. The president extendled a vel- conetothladiUues presenit and to Rv W.Longwh was present tCo n tail te 1960 officers. AIrrangements wýere madle fora tuý,rke-y dîniner to ha served t'0the SWomen's Teachiers' Federmti ofo hui~mlte la January. The secretary, Mrs. Logan gavel the armual rep)ort whichl showedi a busy and sujecessful year. ýThe treasuirer, IMrs. Cornishi, gave t4le financiait report. Money rie dliring 1960 was $1195.7,1. The corresponding secretary, Mrs, Iwn reported sending out 99 eairds dLuring tLhe year to sick and ing uý thtOi îte purchiase twe uew etset ocky ýweate-rsfo the- hockeýy teams. The Atheti s spsingforilm this year. Mr. Paofnrcaie lite Or-. uei Bantanis t eamn,.i s donntiig tunthier swveaters ' tde h a ]3tami- cilb. This donation ,vas ,,reatiy aw preciateti b-y the Atidetic andtihie boyie e cub. A motion was passeti a nti a cOmmiite et orsH..BnLow üý4zitan r.W. Reiti, SetLup)te0m aêr- rangements to have Ithe ýnua1 l pay agnîn stageti this y-ear. r~don Simpilsgii anti Roy Fer-. retrwere appointet te look atter equipment oiwned by, the Athietic and te see that lIt s listeti anti siga.. !od fer when taken eut . The equip- ment is te be storeti above the Or- eue Fire hlall. Boxes for equipment are te be built for use ait therink anti above the Pire Hall. ForSugsin The Onono Chamben et Comr nience is asking the help et cvery- eue la the area lu entier that they ny sel up a progrnm et workiý for the comning yenr whcV il] further the ativancemeat -of lthe area. Tho presideut, Mr. H.. Duvaîli has asked thal anyone whto has au)y suggestions for prejeets wichýî the Chamber imay untientake te adtiance the aren lu aay forn that they write a note on letten te the sec retary out1ining their sug'gestionis. Thlese, sugg-estions wýi1iliten bel bnoi ùght before the Chamfber te beý discusseti anti if teasible te be act- cdupen. It isthug this mens Ithal Mie Chiamber hopes te be aible 10 witien (uontinueci page 8)------ ------------------' .--.- I ' nect. Auny suggestions will be a Orfe the Mýissojil Band sang two songs ciated. Magaet 1Middtieton paytia Letters or notes are te) be actpinosoo which \vas enjoyed 'Dy ahl diressed te the secretary,Mn Leslie Sharon Allen nrea i the minutes et W omr k Ait.O ono ntalnie. tHeclast meeting. The Incas stated, collecti;on at thle lasI meeting to be keestinig story whIichi foutiapprovýal I-â tn lh r oM k i e eeryoue present. Lunch was ser- Extension ToCraiidstand vE, aîne Fenrester anti Marilyn1 beeaet, ndat Christmnas imlye 33 Chistimas cards and30 boxes eto cany, iftwraped aie 'lare lTe Duirhamýii Central Agrlicultunal basket et fruit and 1 small baisket ýSociety hieid their aninual meeting so igat ersm etn e et) fr-uit. Site rendmssgs touWtietiatenon la the 'coatin thýanks from rsý ý'. C. Cooper, Mis.TwspHlOon.Agolye ucnetinwt iplayed by A.Mor-rison. Miss Estella Penfud ume ee sn forthmet teloaltoacogrowýers Daniel Mrs.KayHogi, Ms. . scmeu, t discussisng past ev'enls andte Feu d ni1W. Ril neporteti thatu' Mc nt rs ely Ms1Go erk, make Pllns for Ithe Lfuture. TMn. J. C. prgesht enmd nita Mss rnaMrs. VW. Moffat r. Gmesecn etary au id 1treasure eut- a eiiedcso o e g-,et- ~ndMrs SinpsuMrs Heer inei he flu-ancýýT i-peiiIlelhebyte growTer. olwugJn 8 Iuc,,M. Rowlanld and Mrs. RoeS eywihsoeia ncr-enlseti C. W. Biligs statiCthîat lhe wouidi Brow. blanefovr tat t asI ear. The lik,e te sec anitaddiionbe ateielt alneis set t$0î3 ie~atsad Thiis vs spere TIle Litera-tune SccretaryMrs. C. VW. Blinsaud W.Riicx Wi Rid ho uggste atd Bihig atite evtonl ere.pressed Ilteoilhtte old tiis ont cither Cend. srosTaby tar Mr. LngandMrs Horstables at the seuth etfthe Agnîcul- ttei hat hlkiwee a baralý patysecretany, reporte .i biefl!y. tuic buil dingw ie aadwihwas lu gOod 1con(iïtion ceuldl Ail offîcers mnoved the c-adoption et ani !should poss-11ribly be rem.-oved. M'r ba. ax lynanI J. ikri that thilepoirtannd il wvas secoudied B1lns epredo the annui-al fail be purchas i r0.O Amte 'yMrs. Carson).fais on anin ntistateti that thje b .Tmlnat .1tedta Re.Mr. Long lu instligthe Ooofaýir dates for tecomtiiingCrisTalibllynl, C. Bilns' adlW ofes, Poke oetIlle leyalty aniyn oldb tber9ati1.RiiiLe a omrnitt ee te majke the courage et tdies cet the W.A. Mnysugges7tions wer matedu-urhsndpeedteuttd- aiii et hbis apprecint1i of etthe help ngt mei"-gll, te reviing Ithe Itiens lote the resent nadstnd g !e 0 ehlm and to thle Chur-chl. prize l'ist b off*es'ing ton pniZe They are te be in thefometbla Mr, lln.thepreietra n oe ndlasomne cases extendiag ces iuteretiag essage herm the W.A. thde classes -te attract ml-ore ýexiii- RuslObrnatiFuisJs Buýlflet1in, 'The H-eant et the Suppen'. tÎors. Changes wýere sugg,-estc-d for oeit otnetetet rpcm eau~~~~~~~~ ge1eko ahohrat etCti.TeesgetosWr dted t cothe le iIo!drcons Itl telthow womlen et the Ch-urch the hohrse, ight thorse and peitions ~gi this year. b)eome finsat, a church supper,, made by M.1 H. Staples, Wmn. Reid weeJack âMotfat, Wmi. Rititle, A. perhnps better than la anyv other and Geoirge Carson. Carles Tarn- ~Ja ýkemnui, ant i c etn u way. 1 blyn pl-ointedti tethe iutenest ilu thel, -, _;kjjOt u W. oisei shw t te airani sidditrsare Wmn. RitItile and Ne il The Meeting closeti with teW ltiso t thefar n s Pd1orter. Secretary-tcreas,,urer, j. C. A. benteiition. 1 Ithat therewa a nieeti fer a largerïaey 'Orphans And Lindscay m~ a ko m O MFmmNe R',%#,m ijorufiu1g cefeated thle "Candiens of theo BowmianvilIe league by a___ score( of 3-L. The Otoi teani lackS The, Oromo Orphains playing onami lo ied a nuinhber of their regtùlr play- hi oeieatteOoora jcrs dueIC to SickncIss and %were cerom efr -mae codof spot pellcd to use thre Banampb yerscrdrpe an alyed ute f seconds to ai, euditheooO phn - The local boys played hard. game te enly recover la the last1 WyeMcra reccuit rnemnber of Rayve West, whio pauei 0gal the loca I club is proving to be ani proue 1sitduç e twogls overcomaing a 04)O deficit Wet- asset te the club. Dane Regersonadoeass uru h ih esday nigbt at the Peter Campbell -~pnedthesceingofUicgane ! cane u iththeticng oal48Arena before 150 fans the, Port the frst pried.Deug offat sco eonds beoreo the end of the game. HoeOnaio dgdth ista ed the oeth ree Oron o goal s vwirl This goal wvas assisted bly Rbi rn Opasl hrlighcç two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i- bigaisdby rseWa Roisn hoCeutdasitf ey match by a 5-4 count. The Or ahfive goals by (Oreno duriugth phsrawidi thefispeoI lace. Thie loue BwaiegoalL nasrnsdintpf-peoý was by Maosf romr Pulc. Terry nIiglit. and led 3 fi Tliey added another in Carkton and Robby Reid refereedTeOpastektela a the theOpeu'iug lmites cof the second, the game. ll 1 bu okteI-a nteýt the Otristhenl stcadicd and Tuesday inight luntheOreo nk ci ero y outor1Th pd (on by terrifie goal tendiug rag n st03ýl11goal rKa by ary dspaybySmny lasil, tÇ Ie illbrook PeeWpes rng npaCooper ith asss ste Robbie Rob.p y tatdth oghaul Upth. 1U-4 victry ý-over Qrono PeesPnonadKihWet uirW s ars With the wionercorlng at The local scores for Oron-o vwere nete te ex Oon centr ron 5,2 tth(fial cnte, o. nng scoedbyCeeu! Kennedyvwo -forRobinson and Raye VWest 15 ftehicno Fraser Woac n re for Davidr Green. 1Lindsay ,,outscorý,d tise Oýrphan",s Ceorge Westfall started onc1- ATMS liqN ACTIOrq in the second framne and ran their off with an nassised tally at 12:50 The Oroo Aoms1avef in1îy to efive. Raye West frorn Rob- ?f theopenlinýg period. Robbie %Ob- met actji corning uip aanta rson counted on the beard for the %nnmaie it 2-0 a mninute later, Strenig Atemn Club from Mý%illbrook. localswh Gary Cooper aise count- agýain Unassisted, and scored hié The fibst gameo of a two game ser, 1smg, wth hls second of the uight on second goal on, a loacesertie at 19:04 les was played in Orono) on FiaI 'aCStsfomn Robinson and Reih l te Mwdde frame at 5:13 Johnny evening last. This garne\vent t West. Th'le second perliod- saw sorne Sh1etier got -O-o's fourh9oa Miilbrook by a score of113-i. 0r. ugge'd hockey uwth both sides go- 1WeaIClepf. ereadSa eueo lacked the ex-,peri-euce as Jit 1ingte heavy checks. VsaJ wvas thieir fir-st game of [the season.f Time was runng out for the Th Onrisialy roent Stee estscret te lneOroo rpans in the final stanza aand the sçoring co111u1111ata 6:05 ln the, ceunter on a break-away. Thie MilL not until the last mlinute ef play didseodasPuWhlyltt Id brook club is also made Up of a the Orphans corne up with the tie- light from- JiMmyFreran A 75 great aumber of boys who are ten inlg goal. This ail-important coupter Lijarris Mcee piedrnt 7:57 year-s of age while the locals :range, waSs cored by Ry esPna asdoeasIsts gopige Porty Can3 dow a yongas evn.fro0m Robbîe Robinson at the 19:12 cilaadJmy~le. A 90 On Tesdy eenig te lcalmar.lBbby Weiss bulgee- the twvine on a Atomns return~ed te MllliIbrook where The ODrono Orphans goiito ac. lay wý,ith P'aul Wvl-atMeeen they fareti somewhat better in a te gi hs .andi ilwas 43 for nbAgisng linto gaine with asoee92i ave 1011te Orno in i Fri2 evening atthtirsaza j ef Mîllbrook. The local club, titi show a great improvement for this1 gaite ight frnnt the goalle, te the1 deteuce ani forwvard attackes-s. Thec t\ýio Orono geais came in thc final petrot. Steve West nette lte firsI goal with Robin Tnggart netting- thie second enfly a fcw m inuteIs inter. misi.011Bmand News Tie regulan meeting oethlie Orono' Mission Ba nt was helti oun Wbines- diay attennooni, January 2th wilh n geeti number pncseult. Mr.A. A. Drummnoi led the. sýiuging portions oft lte meeting lu thihet members participaleti. Sharon Allen led lte group linlte Mission Bauid PurLpese. Th-e (collecý- tïin wns takea ujp by Johni Duval anti Michael Carman. Ms-s. Dran-i [lhe Pot ope ,Intelrl-ediate Club. Plhe local boys will be Ioeoking for ai Victeny Ite een lte score with lite1 P'ort club. Thiey -will aise be loeking! for, nore supporters.i The Or-ono Club ou Tuesday niglit itatl twlcplaYens tinesseti wlo il live ilu Onono. The Orplias are cerîiulyn hoe-club téam anti woiy et ofbetter suippor.t, t . Pont Hop)e lad six oethlie Il min- OR canities ,e Robinsonetolthe Tuesday mgrn or pitants wttCac On fusdaybogh Orpalisdrew a mnisconduel. 1lie Tic Orono Art Class lias matie a then stanteti te fligýt wiit 011cr change lu ils meeting aigitî anti Port H-ope players oven lte penalty wvill u e cevery Tuesday evea- box fence. ibg inslcat etTitustiys. The group is st11 seeîting new mcem- Paul Wakely anti Bobby WNets bers anti n"yne intlnestdinlutitis scoreti twice for tche Ponts, while course et iastruCîion are AnvtedtileMeenl lad a goal andti we lelp,. attend, r tet a ie enn rs. Bih anilaanti Jim Freernan The cnch garnueretiEapain et assisîs. Illebbie Rebiasea ledilite Orfita-' Public Sehool evcry ,ýTuesday even- Fwoiî aRbns eo ls, tie orgen ing commnencing ni seven o'celock. Wesfli lad n eofgoalsantiln Gsorse Funlter tetails may be obtainetiVsfJ a gdadm sit fromi Mnr Donald Stapes or aI lte Tits is the tirst loss for lte Or-. Tusiay metings. The course et in-u plans in titir receat scitedule of ýstructi!on icludes miany phases et plny The puck wus net beuncing i arti from penýcîl ti'aing le p Sul ifvur etflte local boys %Wlo tik sng. evcryîhing but put il in lte net. WÎRC Chiooses SitesFor Wcite r D rringIn 'Villag e The Onlarios lest lutIle lime in Iying il up as Paul Wakely strucit pny-tint aI 1:-17 fhem Freernan andi MeNlKýeca. PMay ragetl back anti forth anti bot goalics, Vanstone a-nc HI-askijl were calledt upon bo makae somne bnlliant saves. Finlly aI 151:52 Port Hloe selint lte Orono cati anti Wess Tuestiny -atternioon rmcl wititMnàA Wattetlle GOntanie WnýVtenRe soures ommisio, M. Geo M of nîfiMck-n ntiMo 4n ntonalWatn Sppl Liillti mnitiI n îe iLtitaf lite vi-ey etest lltea wreaddsul strata. TitisaIstpaent ifbylie tený arens miy lepieketiin-wvis Ëeasible te dril1. The one is lun thl seuIt lteVilage runnlng fromr Prncess Street le a point tour hua.. tiret fetedsouth oet CobitlediM; St Tic oýher sec--tion wý,oulti inclutie ay -area nortb l C! ordon Wntsoa's house.d ThIc Comnmission recommentieti t jli teTeltrlngsiteulti begimn laý- 1h l ieul e lt Vlag he irue tet ioles are no be dnleti.. If tiis area dues -net supply amle wcr iey ativise tuIwitest drilling be untiertaken atlCi nert othe Villa,,gere possibly tour test hoies woutibetiilleti. Il Was aiseý suggested that possqibly somoe test, Iig siouiti be dou1e lu bot ane-as ns itfol pr-are ft ite futuire. Tic -group itien leunet lte village anti ieketeut a anmer ot aneas xWiene otsh!tnilg coulti be starleti IL was tc tiettestanî testiug in tic seutitoet lite Village witi tht-e test- itoes from Pnincess Street to soiitlitet Cobbietiick streel. The Ononio Polic Trustees are niow ta oblain lte necessary options en ith preperties chosen. Work on lte preject is expecteci te commence withii two or titree weeks. The projeccl will estblsi whether or net sutticical Wvater can be obîninedti hrouglithti se of welis fer a MuLncîpal sapply. theKentiirndLeskard area but neti lasuh resas Kirby andl Newoxiill. eeve Walke reconi" 1 r, gý

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