~ounty HoI~ nd Ontarlo and county Bradford arc CrOP Im. -CnrlLake ain Authorit3$ >troSoUIand AssoCiation 0-t. Coavention 1,Gelh MýARKETiN,6 BOARP PROGRESSIVE <RMERS I Mr, Abbott yuiil be comp]i in 'g a nd De planning br proved the pi Netstep ftjeta Get your arnd if suitablýe we you h-,w ta rnake PER ACRE te-ms and have a market supplied k't ff n ýET REMA ition ICETi C 14 tee A 31VN working ?z~se provîdes bis own' touts and machines. For exai1mple aa f armer buys the tractor, cultivator and otilier equipmeut for bhis f ayrm. Tu iudustry, equipmnt is too expensive f or one I«J to buty, and plants and machinesarre bon g4t with the invested savings share- holiesi At ,The S,ý,ef-1 Comp-any >1Caada, Lij.12e, thp average liuvestmer)rper employe iplant anll equipment is $21, Û, THE STEEL COMPANY 0F LI miTiED MONTRlER 'ùAN A MOPUc HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO Canadian-matie steel f ioff ai anowedplnts ed niot gui- ' 18 car th-em in il, PORT H SEES PR OWNERS .~4.o.o~4,*a.<~.o9ocr<~ *0 IOUR i A j SHOP, V77- t, / ll"e"