Orono }Iigh Bchool News ýtuclents" Council Carefuj With Funds At Buget Meeting by H-eather Jean Rutherford -varnings. fl)-day" is Mvonday,. D)ecember 7th for most of the stii- The Higti School Student's Cotin- dents, with examgs coiftinuing un-, assem-bled in the laboratory on tii the fol1owingltiesday, i;ember 26th for the purpose of eniting- and discussing the bud- The Christmas examinations are, for he ear being heid slightly earler thLa stthe Glee Club representa- 1year so that the students wilI have were calleci on to presentiUmore timre after the comipletion of budget to the couneîi. Itemslexams to prepare for the Christ- as follows: mnas for mai. .00 for trip~s to festivals and The time table lias been setup, rts. imost of the teachers have their 0for some new collars. fexam questions compieted, andcth students liave begun to study. Tu2 00 for- risers for the (Glee club1 the stage is set and iready to be un-~ Ad on. This item, as explained1 rolled for the annual Christmnas ex-- representatives, is to be sub-; anisat O.LS. to the Boardt in hopes thatj ,rill make a donation towarclsl--- Stiulent's Council passed teý tand $160.00 wiIl be turned ~1e Cubfud s ;Zon FOR A SAFE, the Cheerleaders budget was!DPN A L ted whiçl¶ was for new1 to add to tlvair uniform. The i.mount requested was 235. >)ne agree dit was a necessity it was passed. M\4ajore1ttes also presented bDidgt foi- $57.40. A umberRE I -is which were~ conideredun-1 àry were t4Iken~ off and the passed1 a suri of $45.00. ly the Ath4leitic Association Convienittbgt tr ted their budget of $142.00 up to 5 Vars to;pay was turned downl. The&couni- ,,ided to deduct the amount LWAYS LOO Tc IIIPIAL FOI li[ofs in from the athletic fees -lie $142.00 wihich lef t $50.00. vas passed and. the Athletic -ition was In full agreement.1 total amnt of funds given Is $307.3,5 whiich thie Students -L iagreed to be a fair sum for~ -dividual clubs of- thie schooi. by Doug MartinpA T E se dreaded records, 4"The ex- are ar1ost here," echo onc throughout the hialls of Or H:-igh School as teachers give; TELEPHONE ORONO 1782, tudents last minute advice andi mouy-tat' thîm E ne hn Frma luuae Alhog COM AC PACKA Es bultefoo spce i ivs he os<mc~nà. t n