M.D. A. F to 4:09p.m. 77;0to 800P. Saiurdays w att.-ieesdays by appontmntsonly 10% Dis-owit on ail cleaning I for the month of October 11 WALTER FRANK MQQUAV and KIDD REALTORS 177 Church St. 1 Bowm-iapiviîle MA. 3-3393 1 peamit,5 Sadie Hamnilton cuv ~ p "Bu> Dilrec Eri- ra v ng-. PFAMIni j' of the we can A~jtoobiIe Lie CCidEnt andi Sickness, Pina a as, LiabiIity, Lietc,:Bij es-, AWi nd, Polio, Hall, Pidelitv Bonids etc. pHO411NE ORlONO FIRST 'ACRTC-,'GE 0RlA Il Ila ruMluh ' 4uo ma kzlvr (nuv ice tOp.of to -q pirade fr o ur cr il Ince c1 d:ýCLOl1bI '~'j ~ rtt;î~ famiI y against baos by having Sac. Discuss your requ. mientî with 1 13INSUIRANCE I ~rLiinitNdF. PORTER P4.256 - I -,-2o- PHONE 147à ORONO DR. R. J. TAGG-ýART VETERINARY SURGEOV Phone 10616 Orono', Ont. LSÂI,. Lawrence C. iasa, LA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. office MA 3-5688 Hom~e MA 3-5553 W . KAY LYCETT9 A luJ the Offices of M AIN ST., ORONO Friday 'i p.si. - JO V.M. Saturday 9 a.ml. - 5 p.M. I Telephonc 138 Oronu JACK'RIEID A4uctionteer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Fuftûture Sales Con,,uIt tme for termeo and dates, Phone à r 18 - Orons TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auct ion Sales of ail d'an andi et reasonfibie rates CO-mnwnicate witb liim at PotPonyr, LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plan-s; Educational Polidoesl Protection and Savtigs Plans for Chiidren andi Aduits; Mori¶gage l#j soraice Plans. F. E. LYCETT Orono, Ont. - Phono 11716 Typw.ýrliers Remiýng-ton Portalà-ies 4 ModelIs. Free demonstration. At $1.00 dojwei ad $1.30 a week. Up tn 20% off on dem.Yonstrators 01-HAWA BUSINESS MACHINES 329 simcoe st. S. Phione RA. 81211 Evernings 59743 ISTAFFORD BROS. Phone Whitbhy 5,52 318 untas St. E., Whitby IFINE QIJALITY *MONUMENTS AND MARIKERS Lot us erect a hardsome, tig- nified m-onumenýt over the rest-i Iing place of your &oved ees It's not- expansive. Ant, se.ing this laest triIbUte *wilI give yuendl.ss conifort. UOno Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM an~d IIOISE WIRING Free Estimrates APPLIANCE SALES IPrompt and Guarant-eed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Applianýes Scias Motors Water 1iea,rs -Radios -Stoves .. rons 'rIMES T Payne, .ment,,O Oak' Istruct!o 1Mrni0, .et o vote i Uvoters -,)-,gs to errors ,,or- 'the last e 13 th da y of October, po-f Clarke!ý E BuiUieg A floeuse? or remOdellïIn your presen t one Floyd Nickls. Phone 29191 Orono Focundaf ions 2nti Septic TanksI pouet Prms available for a tbw i maîntenar ul use. Not ov Phone <J; ow for Detcrds IU4