Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1959, p. 2

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'A r r- -A paeuts for thc Bell systeiti. Lat ea, nmbr emcrsane]h .5girls between i PETITION TO trucks crashied into dJeep on Durham Yfgso 2ad 6f uhm ÇLOE W-ITEKWEN--County roads and several of thls County will be taklng part in "nTh1 Th Otai o cil-vehîïcles %were extcni-sivel--y damajýged.Supr-lb pe1c. tthi rCu The OtarieAssoiatio et Cild eeting ihcy leara te preparea rens idSoieies presenting 55 Iwd variety of sup_-per dishes which ýT 0ýganiizaticns, has petitionied Pro-ý are both nutritional and economnical in vin.cial Welfare MnstrCecile *to I-if-li inteD-ToAheer(n a lbl, close MT1rs. Bertha Whyte's mission Evcry year ,ttî ie h e h eivwn a ilb partmnent et Lands andFoest x- held in O inoin February, at whichi forchidre ner )cwmnvile. celves enquiuies from Individuals thi te club1 girls will exhïbit -_ W. A. Gof f, assoiationl ef ecutive 'C cored wiL the conditions Ofitheir Record -Books and will pre... sLec1etarY, said recentl at Braint- tMhe'r 'evepgreens"t The comrmon sentt aprgam based oni the! f9r thre houd e n moe br-complaint is that many ofthe nvee-wok hey hj-ave aken lan"The ga~uig wthivrs.Whteles have turned browni and are fail- Suipper Club'," projeet. W.HIuL ,O Mo al cl r g off, giing the treýe a inost un- QwYecorp said a letter had been sent ïealthy appearance. Toshp.Patn wlbedn tpr.Wl-hytyingthýlaw willtng 'm have te take èts course unless she There is nô ueed for conera, as mainly by hiand. clears lie hom-e iof eiden E d in Most cases this is Simply a non- prets iving ihmee iegahly. mal pnocess. Contrary te0 general Whle anýy factors, both contlrol- There are -pro)babiy 16 pensons beief, "evergreens" are net ,,Illable and therwise, willinfluence frimfive differ-ent famuilles livinigevergreen in that ln each falthe'rtesria fths e~ig ù at WhVytehaven, Ie SSaIde MsWyte three (somnetmes four) year old 1 no (ne can accurately predict the brownand ie, 1 number of mature !mes Miat wlil cd e lnd$25 a day for every needlcs tturn bowiad igiving idviow aehpfu ht ar day she perate-s the home atter sIre the tree a "dying" appearance. in, lvlp eï-,, ipllta a 1? charged. the sprîng, new green ýneedies wiîî v1est ýof tet-iemlinboard ft. HesadpaenscouldaOse be fo)rm again on th1_-e new shoots. or enough lumber to build 2500 av- Serage ps dhome)so -il result fhom fined $200 if tPey lAtt MhIt blîdrn 'u rnn) h ede éWefiAAY hýa hmeatter i-, was declded « this ronn oftrneds heeaîpliins sl~iukl re rgistreýcu ntceabie this fail on ed poue unsightll-ry - EAST OF NEWCASTLE moay oetragr J eitaad A. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Thqacg prtos aebenwTyo cf MInden recently sghted unerwa o igwa 41eàst of ' fou.-OueM at t e de o ghay No. - Necrief n jnderrwan -pisit nrh"-VI-,u Vn lo~ oe e taf' Fqrçssbegan tImfail PUHnMn ~ JI onQcobW15hdespite socy sntcteeyrri snyr 1 bUgeN7 CurLe , T r 'owcather. inàl, aj ofa millin seed- >thelcss uicommon enough te bet haEune Cur lf' iii4phof cei i toc . ïlngs xwillbe planted in the ineyttworthy otnieii on 11agcoôd deer t" s"'Jal, obur~ Th bdX a~threc wceks. 0f these, seventy-fivc range, less tan 5y; of the aWduioec fbàùd by Çtei Turnlçey luiank iPeinnt wîll be r x and whhe, pine poulton bear tripletes, about 60%' FPeee at 7 a.mn. The prnisener haci. and term jd,-spruc iamt- hae.i4s tt ' q usiéd 'bis own bell. n tak se1a rmi~ ~cr iil à4. Culette was arrested and charg plaated la tlle County Fress whle overbrowsed range, the mnai onty cf ed~~~~~~ jihiesSp~me 0 htie remaînder wifL e U d be- (!(es yîeld coaly a sngle awn or' appeared in Brighton on Tl'tiurs¶l.'y, t~ l ~ d s esnteiceiMaginraleR~ B,. Baxer reser-v@d juçlgenlent. rown Attorn(,y Harny R~ -N d lto tG l e Man, .C.,stald Ébt aninqu-,estNtem i citor MI ~ b d& The Qevernor f ette jà,l is Edward Mottershead, { P~ p n d RETWEST PRUYIARY SCHGOL FOR USE 0F RETARDED CHILDREN aetekytthchianoth Port Hope Pubjic Scirnool Beard>teDe as fanofth mhàdc i officiai at their imeeting pon y as jdasat a 1r ur 1Board of MngmnMn.Dog la D'. Power's S(h1001recentlyI as n of fc rs ,frvhlie Jhstnwo spk lify andz thè ~ fdr ct,]cd U-tanf a$40000adtontthgveheeyfalyothaclj ren ef Port Hope anid Cbugcud "ie o'isHon e h ge pone uénnedn r ay4 havete e ie uuccpieiwsttheDe'trm heconratos rd ohwlexRemfcv ie Unsite prima jy sho o nmnltefordilisal Associts xvasprenCunis andbced by C. J. Smith te the officais of, saine stteas!"n-tX, un overte them. ïTh-e cei rrmony took :ae on Aed - ing su ttn~~trW .Duýncaniý 1a ie- orner sto)ne. Mr. Duncan has 1-een super;intendent at th Blig.00D home or 13 years and i sated it wasq his 1ho1pe that ~le luhoge DONORIS wouldndomfort a.d Are pace for those who choose to ïrnaKe CqTIZNS Te key wvas p)resenteýcd to î1 archItENs$Banet't iand Reiiel . Mr. -Barnett then presenited it to Port date *is Novéùbe'r dth. 1959 Hope- Reeve Read Budige who ac. wLo' -omnt enrcpe lo bhi fCbr~ F or "a4az-,,r Best eles mé ade Lbette r w ih buttr irs. m. lHall and family i u memnory work wih hMr. Lon, )f Mn. NMadisýon l "l in appreciation )fcatening dlone a year, ago with ,a The W.A. Sunda iollcy donation enrclosed, ingdfor. Rcv. TW: SradMr. 1Ford as Arrangements wcere mnade for u -ky dinnier: Mris. Mallcy is te be Themetg os ýi chlarge of brcad anid butter; )lr.endcion [oar, pies; Airs. Mcarn econ-1 ,ne thle rmaking of ltea; cs. Cr IIOMELITE PERFORMANMCE DEPENDA DfLITY for ail cutting jobs iWeiphs offly 18 Ibs., pFefls fr,eeS up to 4 fi.i dia meter. * Full poweF in cry1 * Easy on £as and Icw maintenrance. *ýýs Flui chndce for groond-Ievel cut#ing. Quick setrs in cny weaehee. ~r Super Zip lauicli Air CogIed Moters Laiçeshore Road PZRT HOPE, ÈONT. TU 5'2760 -j Ce«ýANADIAN CLUB 0F Thursday, October 22nd, - 815 p.m. Speaker rig. Cyril D. QutjlIamr Sùbýec -Whither NaEtser Admission by Mlem-bershiP Gard onfly Schedule for rest of Season No. 4-jsExcellenicy Frâncis Lacaýse; Subjectz France '195q Jan. 7th-Maij. Gen. W. H. s, a HnC.E.E.. C. D;Sbet ol Febh. lt-rhrL hlps A., RSC;Suet:andn Ma. th- Alan Jarvis; Suietq1 r ecessa:ry? Please ~eep ~ li fr fuure rfrne O RO NO/'UNIT ED C HlURCH i SERVICES Our Special Services 'ýwiII be held on Sunday, Oct-ober I a11-00 a.ni. and 7.00p.. OUR OUEST SPEAKER WILL BE SRev. D. M. Mathers, M.A., B.D., PhD Profeîssor of Systemantic Tlieology andiPiooh c eiin f rom Queen's Trheologir-aI Colleqe, Kjngstonr, Special Music by aur Choir 4s0e. *eteoe.j (Çontinued jfrom pagýie 1) Met là oflb P ren are caught firinïg BB guns inlJe tan Turkey tew. ~c<ringt y1aiv 1736, the___ use of fîrearms is prohibited wvitinr ,nOtbr6haý 7hteTan s d thre town limrits, !he points oeut. A4 c-lol bus loaded with child- n cOo Lctbrthander7tof the 111ain he jnish the creafmhen; -If both parents are working, as iren on thjeir way to scheool on Fni- inicolfrLaeso h l h coe etp fte 'Mrs Cor7nish ,Ms sometimes is the case, ma1kc red a y morning, September 25th, Henn4ig Du rjet"h an's Assocation of Q QnO Unitd A banguet Wiïf b BB gua areIoeke a~wa befo"e 'ashed into a buclk deer on a Cart,.. Suppér Chib"~, was Iield lii the I. Chur-ch was held on Tuesday afteir-]Cae açrso eaving te house se that cldren W1 igt Township road in u rha 0,. Hll n Ooo .ret e no, Otbr6, Witth the eiet Nvemb.er 1. C cannot get at tliem," advises Chief County. The deer was )illIed i r rln5ite h 1yh o uT-Mrs Il Allen in the chair. tRainey, Mrs. W. 1] KiLpey. tait1yr an<d athough ilhe Lfront rurn- tics in 1ý hich th1is projeet wllbce ~k~adbe youngster was hît in i-ag gear of the ibus passed over cnutc hsti.TeL~çs Ms ogcnlce h eo Qns adMs the throat with a pellet while on ýj - the -deeri, the bus driver was su-,ere: hn, Mrs, _R. G. Preston; tional service, he (hem big Q te da waY - te scool reýcently. cessful in keeping the big vehicle ron aaM-,.Bep;Eiaeh~~Gv hak oa"semd n-wl ae ete the r ad. ville, M rs,.' . M eA lister, fi. . t i es h g com rents on the fym na aa Pr e-sb yer yv. _ Mi P4?PANT GETS Thickson; Garden Hill, Mrs. B. ý "rn inl the Sheaves" and "-)0th)e çneorw GM ORDER Conservation Off icer Douglas K. Mrs. F. Catna; Mairie Grove, Ms closed the Devotional with the siig- Mrs. Etear andMis Powell of4 Orno was caUled te the Ray Dubeau, . Ron !3Froolcs;ig ftshy . will be in charge e.1 In the face of strong cormpetitîOll, seene and drescd~ the 4-arcass. Tihe Solîna, M ns. wAshicin,-Mrs. )P. JrwîtyreVîs1ts t1~Ceburgplat o GG~ wichveIson was broughit in te Liadsay THock4ýay; Tyrone, Mirs. NMurray Yeoi Ms eogaro ssetry The presidentan speciaizes ln plastics, las just ie- District Office where it was d(1ô- ;nd Mrs. Lod skinne. !;,l the absence ofT Mrs. î,oan and wcPeb1ey C ceived two trial ordlers whch havýe ated 'te a charitable institution. jun Liycp, omt read the minutes of the SeptemlberPu'sCuch, p3 a 14 ç~tenia~. Tr~ cstoers~e issmeeting.. -Mrs. Cornish glave ithe 1Thursday, Qtober General Motors of Canada and thél Durhlalfl County carnies a fairly Horne 13(onomiist, was in charge cýf treasurer's report and read a letter tin at 9:0 A;n N or he n le tr e o. eT M e tr al heavy po pulation of deer an d a s t he tw o da y T ra in g School. She f ro i.vn n ux l a y ? ~ b t e P e i e t Th~e parts fin Genrail Motorsfncs x n brier te thesè aai- was assistedi by Mrs . Smith, the jpesn prcainfrtehl fpsoa hre are heater ducts for tlhe new, Cor-'mals they roar - over the coaty at Coutnty Home Ec-onomist for P mne1the VW.A. gave them at latwedding women's gnzt vai cr wil. lw rdr or pnh-will, eften wvandeing eut on the Edward adNhmerand Coun-lin Jffly and a $10.00 dlonation Wa15Mrs.Long nd Ms.ý vai ,~r w l i i t h d e-fo N t h-om highw a s w here the:, create a haz- tics. 1co e . S e as e d a Jet' r m p j a d t t d er lcti s eejhn e e---- cndlteetraffic and passeagerstealike. DISPERSAI SALE 37 Reglyster.4 Herefords j Friday, October 2,ý,rd AT 100PM. AT PETERBORD FAIR GROUNDS 262 55: BuIxrai f Srvi c Some wih 33 1/f%à Go v ernïm e n Bonu. Cws ithcales y sIe n:J rebred to Zato Heir., operi ~atIoge snton recuest Carl hompon &SonProps. OR EYVIL L E, r D-ar o. W. S O'N fl &Son, A ctin ee rs j' r r r IAbel-fýrdeen Angus j 5OTOKESND"- FE EDER'P 100GRDEAND PUREBÎRED COWS AND1)BRýE D H E 1FE RS SOME SR1EBEAEBULLS SATURDAY, OCT., 31 LJINDSAY SALES ARENA LUJNCH-IAVA4LABLE spensoreti "y Eastet'n Ontar7o Aberdeen Angus Associition A. C.MaTge' Malcolm B;,iley Sec.-Treas. President Ce, %f S A >71 ' ALE

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