ORONO WELV t1M THURSDt FOR SALE Badmntonstarted Off Vwithlots V L ose Openier Nn--omh usead lotio Mai ofactin onM-1 a ni-i t151 ______Stree, Oron. Telphone 13 f prosPlreqent toake part linthe' (Cotinulted f frmpae1),or merbers to take part lan FOR SALE tiqwnersort. pBadminton I ýsbeMtel another wal, n soebo n or- Sï $2.(K0. Phone Oroo1175. A1Vn-o -lo on and ev1 c Wdmesay sien) S ror.. evening from 7:00 o'cloclç on. Take Carl Bul ~Wil beplayd i WiloriGrov 1hS I ersruit EVNTSout a m-renbership and join ini tire Ia The second ane of the series fuin 't'is ýyear.Bona Gepae nWlo rv oi OMING ______________ Sunday afternoon when the Orono 1K 8Yrsdn boys must corne up wîit a victory Remember to keep oDen Fri'dayîKRE CHURCH ANNVERSARYl on SunýýÏ to stay îincontention for the .afernon Otobr Ilt, ami bonu lchr tarl Ohapioship Itappered35 cents f1rom01o11 ilggy ,bank or iKirbUnied (IAniesry 1 s from the ga-mne on Saturdaýy jjtha a sandw 'ich and ai re-freshing c(upof"eveswI be held S-undlay, Ot-afe the locals shoulld be able to corne '0"p1tea at st. saviou's Sunlday i hol br 25thi at 2:30 and 7:30 pm.n Speak- iadMs. with the importanti victor-y if thýleyrom Corne inl good time SoyOu iErsto be 'Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A.,h. cai] findu he îttinlg power hich ocaa haýve a choice from the t'able of .D, armçip U&iedChurch,- Osh. j e A they Iacked ~ ady home baked -oods whih il be on a v- a. Spec-ial rnuisic at, botir sýervices Cowan. saiémafter 2:(00 p.m. a-c c35c L"Mr1. LI oDress-Up YoUr Home On Our Budget Saving P cCONGOLEUM RUGS IN LA ID LINI fJ We have too many Cogoleum Rugs6f oThey are first quality. This is your 2pee ny chance to biiy a rug cheap. Just coin- in EnIand with can [)pare prices. .,..... 6x9 $4.95 best of quali'ty at the o %x .. .$6.95 9x9 .. $825 pice of $1.50 a squa G9x101/2 .... $925 9x12 ...$995wats ehngha o1. tile at lower prices, C ~ 9x3'/ ... $1.5 9x~5. $1.50 this value packed offe i TILE FLOORING WALLPAI If you wvant .Tile at low prices and Oof good quaity, we have thein in Remnants of 4 ta 1 stock. Don't miss thein. papcr. This is new oLinoleum 9x9............. 9c. each patterns. You Can bu SVinyl Tfle............... 15c. each than haif price. rices !OLEIJM -- Ifeet wide, made avas back. The SMost ridiculous ire yard. If you twill out wear come in and see Fer. LPER .2 rolis of Wall- stock and good uy j hein at less 200 Pair Hbuse Shoes Go On Sale Ô Ô o, G'o g, g g G BOIIESIE OYS' JACKETS g 110115E SHOES any colors and'sizes. They wr g About 200 pairs of Rbuse Shoes wirhahgbs$85.Yuko G gfor al ite f amily. They are broyken teyoldbchaat..$25 iphes and we have divided the In MEN'S JACKETSg three lots. They go for a song. 18 only WoISp ort Jackets size f Rgular $1.40 to $2.25 ... ,59c- 3,3 n 4 ny hsecot r $3.25 to $3.95....for $1.49 w3rth3fromd4.9 onl $17.95 gatsa $4.00 to $4.95 ........ for $1.89 Your choice for only ........ $9.95G EveningsStore Open Friday & Saturdayg Opei AllDayay Armsetrong's I cdyg Open Ail Dfiy For FPayour À And Made and Bttled by 1 rj- mWMm 7IF7 e'ws' vis, OhA.war) i 's. C.a. Crn- 1, k;V:-'U ' Ieut V t()y lU 5U 1a iIIC.ý . Mr.J. E. 'Richards attended a Spece'sSupe meng in ftr of M' and AlrS. J. W. Roe. Mr n rs ap.Willlis -andM Sharn v1i n Lin.dsaiy on Sat- Maaid Mrs. Dud Hay aad fau- il 1f,eý lntnvisited on1 thle vweek- Uvy IýE m end with MDr. and (jMrs. R. E. fLogan. O j M. gan returne'd horne fi rmthe i Peterborýough iCivic Hospital o byplneo M ada fter visilnrg Gr friecnùs la the Wýest. O A ___ M.Carl FitfEldt'ae . ~. r and Mýr. Co,-wan. G Mr. and Ms, lerry Leamn o0fl Cooksville visited wthMr. Vw. J. Dis h Cloth's, checked pattern. Colors' red, blue Leatme n on(t-e weekend. green or yellow. Sale price................15e It is eXp)Cec that a Dramna Work- shop will be started in Bowrn- ~L'~sBnbufnu ?i0 ville in the near future under thýe PûoesLde aio, ac ùýh sponsorship of the Bowmanville Re- f round neck, short sleeves, assorted colours. . $3.77I crieationial Commnission. Aayone who! 0 Mnay be interested la taking pa,ýt ilaj r this course durîag the corning se- Lowney's Original Bridge Mixture son are asked to get la .touich wi i Sale Price 2 lb ............30c Mrs. Margoet Smu proio S--..l .. .... urdlay of this week.toS-1h......... Mlr. and Mvrs. Alden Haw, and ijeans Boxer Style Corduro-y, wîde elastie waist cldr(,jea H3elen and avid cot vistedMr. Hwar Wlshon un fi.tssorteui colours. Sizes 3 to 6. Sale Pice Pair 89c Maser obet Tylo wa a at-~J Special Ha-If Slips,. Tricot Jersey. Colors bu len)t ini thie BwavleHsia white, turquoise, pink. Lace trîim.......7 Mr. ame Nion asse aay lan i FlorerPot1Ls, plastic or cday. Priced 2 for ...25c, Monda, Octber th. IMr. N'ixoa for'g manyyeas fmedin, the Clarke- Union Setoolhe farm nnow O c- f Potting Soli, al1 purpose and African Violet cupied b hcson Henrzy. Fis wî1f e' o12 Pt. Package.,iEach ...........19e theomrMr el losrie '1\ - and Mrs. Jas. Middleioa at .New Snîpment Artifîcial, tiowers. Stem .10e - 29e tendecithe cJ-eson-Middleton ,wed- I I ding at Claremnoat oni September 20. j Rit for, dyeing or tinting, il 'shades to choose 25e Mr. Joýhn Patton is a patient langRit Color remover and Nylon Whitener. Pkg.>.. 25e the >owmanville AMemorial Hospital f Rain Beauties, Women's clear plastic Overshoes BillardCham s athat wýill keep the feet warm and dry-. Flat or Seeki 'g Tuile g (uban heel. Pair .................... .$1,59 TheSaokr ouramatat URONO 05c.% TO $1.%OO STORE tu wthte oy bain dwngSELF SERVE - PLEASE CARRY BASKET as t s eangteend of'thefirstg quarterofth pay OPEN FIDYEVEININGS 23-3 lyn agaiast B pruce Ton- bis~ ~ ~~e brthr i 1 -20-62 7,7)________________________ adTerry Caneton28- 33 - 16. Th 1nesrfte etontÎr- WILL BE LOSE ceive a ,ý cas fCcaCola ora$50 - cleaifna vuhe b cClean- ne.xt Weel, For AWhile 'a:r b- tiarting bSept. 2 O~ ~ N Mnster k Re. ailLng jHope To See You Better, Late-r SUNDAY, OTBR1,15 CHiJRuCH SRIE Wirby -9:,15 a.mn. R.E. LOCIAN, Pron. Oro0no 11:0017a..B -' Leskard -7:30 p.m.. j Phone 11816 Orono, cýOnt.. f Kirby Suaday Sehool -- il-a.m. ____________ Orono Sunday I-'hcQût - 10 am. SALES Anvd SERVICE A 1 Useci Care cUr complete service guarantees year roDund ciriving pleasLlre CARVETH MOTORS SPhone 3251 Newcastle, Ontario '1~ ~~1- '4 -4 -4 'k- -- '4 -4 -k-, -4 -4 .4 k--' -4 4-. -k-i -4 -k, k--k -.4 --k '-k .4 .4 -4 '.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 4' -'i k-, n i~C-kk n .4 .4 4 n s '-k 'i-k n '-k k, .4 i