Clare Concil Toms Down High Sehool Approval withaIl .embrs pesens ad with, Depuy-reve al-y in the car Counil a themeetng unanmos ;ly agreed Inot"to support the ssuin ~f debentreS for 1000forthe buildng o two ew }igh Schools, This esultd inhe f act that th Townshp Couni ave beenpei tionied to withdcraw vfL-oi the area and set tUp Cheir aown UHigh ,SchooJ Aérea. A second resolution as A5asoi -x-ssed la which Council members a gaiin ua uanmo1ly supported the de-I1 ,cision- to w-thdraw f rom t'he area.ý Council are to meet la the very nqear future to set up a committee -fromn out-of. the To,«nshlip to pre- pare a subinission to withdraw and tu provicle the necessary -informaa- tio)n for its implemnentation-- Thie clerk, H. E. Milîson was in- ýstr-ucted to prepare a by-law for the issiuing -of debenture 'to support the Memorial Hospital la Bowmnanville. %hv'1il corne before the Council at their Novemnber meeting when -it wUI likely be given 'two readings. A delegation froin the Orono Chamber of Commerce approacbed COunc'l cor-cer-nitg a schemne to pro- vid 'tOse ln the Township wjth iieprotection. It was stated that thie Chamber was considering hold- nga canvas to finance a fire truck ~SLu'ible ý-or the Townslhip. t was akdif the Township wý,ould ap- poesuch a scheme and if they oudnegotiate with the, Orono10po- lice Trustees. CounIcil gave -tna tive approval bJut f elt noCthinig de- finite coudIIf be done until the first ')f the year. Township Nomination meeting Is tuo be held On Friday, N\sovemnber '20. EeCtionl day, if necessary, will be tiecember lst Grand jury Ispects Public BuildingsI The ran Juy epanelled Ifor, the EFaP sizsat, Cobourg I visited' tourof ispetionandreportedto Tha ordsir. Justie C,.ID. Stew- aton the four building.s. They were the BwIuanville e morfial Elospit- ,LI, Bowvmanville Boýys' Traininlg School, Counties Gaol andte e -Mùnicipa l Building of the United Conisat Cobourg. of theL jury was- Douglas Coyle, R.P.. 3, Th1e report of the-C jury fouand that '1h.e hospital was rua la as an ef- JCxclenî mannier as the crowded con- itoswould allow. We do recoin- ÊrienOditat the planned expansion prograin proceed withI ail possibleý At te On)tario Trahiing SchoolI forBoy, Bwmavîlethey fpund the general atmosphere to'be qulte ~cneiland the boys wl fed and la the appe--ý.arnce of good health They recomnmenided for the b'etter- 0',t o their hecalth and posture, that the mattresses anda spriagýs of il beds be eaie andý replaced, vwhen founid lacking ia comfort and ooweak for proper support. The machine shops were inspect- (ed and iýt was fouind that good ,eýrftsmaiiship wvas being developed. A f ew safety measures ;,ere recoin- .znended, su-ch as safety g-lasses and g,ýuards on beIts and saws. The hospital and djormijtories were aiso visited and ifouni-i o Wbe ean andl fairly we-,li ventilated. It was ~stroýnly recoDmm-eîidMd that il fire ctdoors be ch ang-ed to Open out in al buLilding-s and th lat thle hospital have afire-esc,_ape fro)m îte roof to the g rùkn d. To insure îthat thi; s is arried out înd that a il fire extinguish,-es ,are ta wvorkin niin , it was sug- SchuggCIeaaei S Orono Agency orLoca! Picýk-up ahjd 0%DsOcount on ail leaning frthemot of October 1requested to visit this institution-. OROMO WEEKrY TIMES 'Che Countiýes' Gaol la Cobourg! was next on the'list and the in-j mates were questioned aad nýone fouad ït6 be held ua.duly or -mis- treatedî in aniy way. It was recomnmenided thLat a wvash- ing machine and diryer bieprcae as the presenit methiod of ad was1hing is flot adequatîe fcleni ness an-d entails too much wvork for the inamates that are available. Recommended alsýo are dou-býke iThe f arrnm as visted and thej bunkbdst b uchased for ecach, hoeinstitution, fouind Ito be rual cellinl order to double the capacity quite e--fficienitly. It was recommend- u(f fthe gaul whiose number of yeýýarly1 cd that the poultry buildings be re- înm~ates has increased from 200 toi modeledor r-buît ore l te800 laq the last 15 y~s modfKem- accordance for ventilationI At the Counities' Municipal Buiid-1 and sanitation to improve produc: l- ng they agreed that this is an ex-g tioti along with less maintenance. cellen-t bidn Announcing the new- '6 CASHABLE ANTMIME AT EARNEO INTEREST: Cana most convenient method of with many uniusual adva arise, they -can be cashed plus earned interpst They attached. BeJtter than ever!' FULL FACE VALUE PLUS NEW LIMIT-$20,OOO PER PERSON OR ESTATE 0F da Savings Bonds are both a A DECEASED PERSON: The limnit to holdings of this fsavir>g and a safe investment new issue that may be registered in the name of any .ntages. If the need should one individual, or in the name, of an estate of a deccased at any time, at full face value person, is $20,000. Each member of a family may buy yre like dollars with coupons up to this amount. HIGH1ER RETURN THAN EVER BEFORE- lnterest first year4% second year 4,1407, third year 4ý,.2%1, next six yas5 plus bonus of 3% at final maturity. Averago interest yield if held to maturity is 4,98% paer yar. ~1UILALEIN 5 DENOMINATIONS2 Coupon Bonds are de n denomi nations of $50, $100i00, $,Oand SIr, fully regîstered formi, $500, $1000 and $5,000. AVAILABLE FOR CASH AND ON EASY INSTAL- MENTS: On the Monthly Savings Plan, you make a down payment of 5%/ and pay off the balance in coinvenient instalments. On the Payroli Savings Plan, you purchase- your bonds by regular deductions f rom your pay. ORDER YOURS THROUGH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN WHERE YOU WORK, OR THROUGH YOUR BANK, INVESTMENT DEALER, STOCK BROKER, TRUST' OR LOAN COMPANY.