~WE OFe tTl Swil s wil Si< ISa Swif W 'Oc KNOW THAT W',E HAVE THE FINEST SýELECTION THAKSIVIGF0WL iN OUR TERRITORY. INVITE YOUj TO COME, SEE AND COMPARE. nh Kied, Grade A, Qven Reaidy Young Hen. uRKEYh6lb lb 39c fts Premiumrý Grade A Butterbali Turkeys 10ib. to 161b. average, Available at Slighitly Hi"gher Pimes fts Premium FulIv ookedHal% s hank portion 49c )OkC Ha s hitt portion 59C it's Premiumi FuIIy Cooked Smnoked 'Ockless Picnies irt's Eversweet de Bacon rt's Brookfield lusage Meat it's Premium einers PRO DUCE an Spray - Fresh ranberries )k 21c lb 45 lb pkg sliced 5 )c lb) celIlo 37c. bulk pack lb 39c PRO DUCE Butter Sm-ooth' Sweet Potatoos lb 7c Table Queen - %ood Size Pepper Squasah 2 forl15c FREEI A pK(. 0F "Iainda ILee" ,BISCUITS WPithi EaCh Puirchase of a Pound Package of Chirtstie's Sodas (67c value) both for 37c NIEW i RiE TOOTH PASTE With Germ Kiling Hexachlorophene Giving 'Ber ,f ts of Tooth Pa* ePIu3 I'oiuth Wash sizes' 35c, 63c and 9r8c ORIDER A TUBE TODAY RED AND WHITE SUPER VAOUE CHCKTHSEMANYr I KSGVIING SAVIINGSb Red & Whlite AYLMER 13 oz. Tin~ ~ JLLYPOW ERS Fancy Pumpkiri 2 for 37c t il 7 flavours 5e each LIBB3ys 15 oz, Tins __________Faracy Peas 2 for 33c~ E. . Smd.'s Pure Skrawerry or Ra3pberry Royal Instant - Reg. 2 for 27c Jarn z ja 9 PUDDINGS BALLET BRAND COLOURED now 3 for 29c Toilet Tlissue 4 rolis 45C U REYNOLD'S ALUMINLJM Foul Wrap 25 fLt roil 2 9cg Heinz Faroy LIBBY'$ TOMATO JUICE Mincemeat 25 oz tin 39c g 48 oz tin 2 for 57cBIR' __________Canned Ham 1 lb 1.39 J Axait ruitakeCheese ~lb pkg 33 Oit ritCk CEAN SPRAYg 1 lb size 59c Cranberry Sauce tin 22cg jGRIMISBY SWE;7ETg 21L)size $1.15 Gherk'ins1 48 oz, jar 69cg CORNISH'S -Pbo ne Orono 1IL2 1g Mrs. Cecil Tebble of Orono called' on Mrs. F. Stoker on Wedricsday- of last week. Choir practice was held at týhe home. o-ilMrs. .Fostri nMndayl n ;;it. Sev"eral of tey 1 0 ug. peole ihave joined te hoE 'iýah IMrs. A. J Swrbrekorganlst of I<edaI 'Un- itedi Chuirch, is training- them for v"'101h1nthley will reoder the mu- - ilt h morning Service. Mr.F.Stkrvstd.er u- hadla SuninybroOk Hospital 0on J onayad foun-d 'hlm» 1n getting diner uest Afirs. A'. Br-eretoýn ini j w:h MS. A. Swarbrýýick w' -ýas her j a~htrMrs. ElihFerguson of Toronto. On unay Mrs. F. F'ais J ~ad M. Dvid ougleywere Visi- be-x Sunday Thianksgiving 'Will1 leheld la the KeLdal UnritedC Ch'urch n ntefolw ISn jdyOtober lSth, dhe .Anniiversaryl serIvice"s wil be hield whieïl Rev. N. of~4rmnywill be !e pre-ach'erIn the mnoring and usi --te edal Choir. The eýveniaIg ercewïill becndced by Rev. inD the moraiag will cmec atil oclock nd la he evening t 7.30), wespeciatl music la beingl ariangl ed. Miss Anni Danchuk visited Delihi anid took la their Fair. Tlle teachers enjoyeci the autumal sceery as thiey jourrleyed north - toýi( hld teir convention near Hunts- ville.I j ,The flowers la the churel o SuaIlday were la memory Df Mis. L, mhane.Re. Wltepreached a dered the aahm "Ams er- suae" G. l3ruton (Coatinued from lpage 1) in,fluenjce on our everyday living, andf keeps our ego whittled dowa 10 its proper size. I M vr. Bruton directed a few- words of appreciation to those of the icomn- munity who hall given hlm a help- ig haxnd at the start of his iniis- try. Ail present must have realized the worth of this assistance, for Mvr. Bruton spoke trom thLe heart with -a humnble conicerai for the basic truths and fromi the headi by applyig those truths to dour everym1ay ap- proach to) life. We would be glad " o have Mr. LBruton visit us "at lhoxwie" LOCAL NEWS St. Saviour's W.A. held their first fali meeting on Tuesday afternoon, October 6th, and although few ina number, the spirit wý'as right, as ot standing -business was cleared Upq and new business was iatroduoed1 and discussed. The main topic wasil a tea and home bakery sal1e to be hield on Friday, OctQber 3Oth la -the Sunday Sehlool Room. The retn closedi with the singing ojf thl-ehy "Thé love of Christ constraineth»' which is also the motto oýLf the Ang- lican W.A. Word was receive'd this wee-k tha Elgin Charles Seymouri had pas-sed aw,,ay ,-,t his hom'e, 3U0'corda Ave., Toronto, on T-uesday, OtbrGh Mrie, ou is thehuan of Jeani Chlarlotte Grant an1 father o)f Joan'f (Mr's. Johnt McGovern)ii, and(, the late ilthSc-,ymouranC brthr)f Stan- ley aroid] and Ettie (Mrs. Gordo"n Su.ggt t). He a fre rsdn ofOrn and a nephew of Mrs. Wmn. Secym1-our of Oroin. Service was lheld aiiToronto, at 1:0Thursdlay, ctbe 8h.rte-r- mninOrono Cemree'ry o.ria The Orono pFire Dpatmatae Hal onFrdaynigtOct.ober Dili.t Eve1ryone is welcome.ý% The Oro)no BDand -il plain1ý'g t the obe lth.t reluringodyThurdy, t ther auhtrM rs. LeValiant, toj iher hýome ý la SejcpL-oo.1 IThis week The ron PéweêBasealltearij hot dogs, pop~ and clhocolate mlilk at The ronoPeeee Bsebli tam1 the Dronio High School field day. On eniters into baseball action this Sat- Saturday, October lOth we hope to urd,-ay afternoon after a long ly seli taffy apples at t'he Pee-Wee )f f.ý The 1ccal boys mneek the e- basebali game at the park whlicd wee team f rom Fenwiek ai-id te sr starts at týwo o'clock les which is to be played wil be thie best two out of three fr the-Oitar- We have presenited our two to 10 campinshi. thee-mninutte speeches with Billy Taylor, Sharoni Willis and Ronald Th1-e gam-e this Saturdai iÏs bebing Best giving the bestý speeches. The p aye la the Orono Park commen- next round of speechles will begiven cînýg sharp at 2 :00 coc.Thie Se-, on INovemober 9th at Campbellcroft codgamrw of the series will be play ,and on Novemnber l8th at Oro.,-o. We ed iii Fenick ,ionModay afternoon -hope to b--1119hom-e a trophy. Anyvone wishing to go to this game TnihthChsnsadHe- are asIked to leave thleir, name at icats are playinýg a sm-îa play- the Times pitn fie down game of foot'-ball. Tswilbe theý third time that- teamrs frm rono hbave mnet team.s'loýoking for a victory over this Nia- from ~ ~ ~ i'i FewcsadOon still,iigaadstitcomiluity. TIIANKSCIYJNC DINNER Sunday, October' i 11959, 1200 te so0o fea. COMPLE 3Course Dinner - Children's Size - m $2*501 m - $1.*75 Brontw.od Motel end Resaurant HIGHWAY 115 ORONO RO0Y A L owmanville MA. 3-5589 THIS THURS. - SAT., OCTOBER 8 -10 Mlatinee Saturday, 2 p.m. "The Ketties on Olh MacDonald' s FaraI" wit-h MARJORIE MAIN Extra. Disneys MEN AGAINST THE ARCTIC" Colo3r Travelogue Copeeshowvs at 7 and 9:10' SUNDAT MlIDNITE ONLY - OCTOBER il Adiuit Entertainment wvith RICHARD DEýNNING andi MARA CORýDAY and "The Cursie o!. in clo, sarring Peter uhn M1ONDAY - WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12-14 U MRNEI KIýNN WYNN -'[AINE SIRII( MSIIAY, r-wtzel.w lr&i=Qc &AAKâ%e, -ria àkou - ýac 1 1l >ý