Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 7

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Machines And The Individual Tise mere fact that New York is s0 vast a news center makes it probable that ils power biack- out of Aug. 17 lias been no secret to the vworld. Lights went Elut; subways halted; elevators were stalled between floors; and people depending upon fans and3 air conditioners were stewed in inear 90-degree humid! heat. Sorne 500,000 people wvere affected for 12 houirs. S-o spcCtaýcu-lar an exam-ple compels the, question every- where: Does civilization, in truith, mnean that, more anmd more, indlividuaqls muvst be tied ta the machine and regimented into a mrachine society? Such a question crtainly gives pause, for hum.ianity's invention and prodluction of macý-hines, in one, form oraniotheir, aclrts But before vwe abaýndon hope Find foresee the human race ci,,- ;jnarledl and destroyed by robots Kf its own creation, Jet us listen' ta what a thinker on subjectâ baoth teo-hnicalaI ('d phiosophical had to say on this question back in 1936 - Peter Van Dresser, wiriting in Haýrpers magazine. At the timne of his -wiig- bc- fore sputnik, before either H- tiombl or A-bamrb, bef are flhe parlor television - he wa- director of the then infant Am-, enrcan Rocket Society. Said Van Dresser: "Tise ma- chine itself evolves." And it mnay lie tisat w have seen it pass its peak in massiveness, concen- tration, and comrplexity of or- ganizýation, forcing people inta an accompanying p a t t e r n. "Machinery becomies daily less mecisanicai - its organization' mare flexible ai-d f luid . . . its capabilities more adaptable." Just for instance, said ha, the machine, generically speaking., evolvad from tise wagon to the railroad witis its complax 0of trackage and controls. Then came the automobile, whicis the Individual can drive himself wvhenever an-d wharever ha wish- es anmd on whataver tise vehicla .- no longer a single cog in a geat machine - can travel. Energy, flot long ago carried laboriously across country in the .form etf coal, now 'Maris through xlendier copper wires," and elce- Lni motors have evolved in size end flexibiity ta the point wvhere tisey can be "varitable accessory organs ta, the hand." One reason vast factories grew a century agao was tiat the source of power, massive steami engînes, had ta be appiied prac- tically in the engine's prasence extenided only by thse capabili- ties of beits and shafting. But, said Van Dresser, "Small shops may now use tise rmetiods of modemn tcisnologýy in a way that nione but big esýtablishmnent.s cofld mng. Wisat about soc-iety?,, Said Van Dresser: Ail machines whicis require thse factory systemn for their op- eration are but pseuido-miachinesý tisat reqiuire hiuan pa1rticipation li their routine working cm-. ie.--Not the perfection butÜ fise imperfection of present-day - eciica l knowýledge forms the INTNSIAM-H am framnck, LiteLeagua catcher Gregory Pniewsk; Ieaps mb othe arms c4 his tciommale, Artihur Deras, eofrer their club v»on i he L L. WmOrld Series. LIK E CARRIED AWAY- Juvenile trouble ln Nc>rway desýcen.ds on Oslo in the form of a rock-an çi-roll rnet. r>escribed -as the warst in the history of the capital, 7,000 youth5 took part, dOnt above is carried away b>' palice and~u bystanders. onfly suipport of tise tiseory that tise Machine in itself requires in- ctsreingly cornplete m-aterial1 or- gan-izatian of isumanity. And tlise indJividual? It (tise machine,) is becoming mnore and more the effective multiplier of man'~s pisysical powers and at tise samne time requiring iess anmd less that mani sacrifice iimself spiritually debase himsaif tal tiselevel of an auxiliary device. . . . Tise mod.- ern individual can go forth into tise worid with tise- strength 0f ten inen in his isand and $isa stored k-nowledga of ganera- tions avaiiabla to hîs mmnd. And of tise future? Van Dres- ser, ithtie prudence of an edu- cated man, essays nio predictions. But lie sees tise goal as "coordin- - aýtad individualismn as aga inst tise fantastic anmd wisoiiy uninviting anmd mechanlizad suiirstate." Perhaps tise moral ta kpe found and in tise anitihesîs daveiopedi by Peter Van Dresser is: Neyer dtraw iong-range conclusions toa' firmily fromntise situation oft thc moment. Every situation, every, age, contains currents and -coun- tercurrants. Thse ma-chine, to bha-sure,ma still be growing in magnitude sind conentraition ta tise point of a New York blackout, But as tise anciant Ciinese had it: "AI tree dloas not grow ta iseaveni." -Byv Edward B. Orr in T ise Christian Science Monitor. MonkeyTricks Over a liundcred lAfrican h a- boons are being Amiýitianized3 in a tiny, mnmd jnl. Tise caîve-s in wisicis tiey live arc air conditioned a nd api-e- freshiing- brcee blowý\s tisrougb-l tisem on a, suitry dlay. In winter, tisey are electrically heat'ed by overheadeupen sunoistru- siveiy, placed but as efcieas tish e nClitolan sisýý fs. This unique babooneryv, set tup at San Antonio, Tex-,as, is iselping scieýn- tists ta traici dawn tlise catuses of that dedd killer, -anrtoa Exc-essive fatness wipes out tisousands yal.And flot -nly For, as Dr. RselHlaa tieStat niesiy Meia Scisool, Nýew O 0eans. c-sionere, boonïs are subjit tise same tise ateries as thtwii fet Sa, ta pelrit d Cietary xei isewn out of rock aniïflteid wt a trpclclîmlate.The, bab -oons anafcail aill n [ot banýih&Iamys trangelneas'11 abouittise place, lnew a invasae temipted their nlormal d iýet is cagdinto, mlore tteigies For researcis pur poses, those aIlnimis cosided Ccliimatizedi are now etin daily rations of ice crasweets andailier foods o f high fat content. Whether, iin fct, dangerous fat dpo iare caused by vparticuilar toads ný e- mains ta be foundic out. Dr. Holman snidfils clleagues hope ta unear-th sonme intereýsting dIata. A waman, i«praud 0ofliser yauthIfl figureG, May feel im)slt- cd if old tisat sise w e is culrves ta a ba.boon. But soon that imay hbca a iteral trutis! Every Movemnent I4as A Meaning To seismologists, evary v7ibra- tion of tise aarth't ctust isas a mneaing. EVan this rbla of a passing truck wiil ragistar an a sensitive seismograpis. But tise vibrations in wisich seismailogisis ihave been psrticuisinly interestad are thosa associated witis earlh- quakes simd man-madaexi- s ion s. Tise wiggl-y linas that repra- sent tiss vibrations on tise- seistncsograpis record sre tisa esirtis scientist's key 'ta bis plan- at's insidas. Sam-e of tise wavas sent out by easrtisquakies travai alamg tise surface, aittn making a numbar of circuits- of the globe bat are they dia *nt. Thasa taLi hittle about tise eartis's iiddem plane- t-ary structura. Othar seismic wsives travei daepiy bafora tisay are bant upi- ward ta the surface. Tiss are tisa waves that trace tisa oui- lime ot tise aarth's inner loyers tliýt mien pzobablYcan. neyer ,,*p$ect ta see. Seimologists distinguisis ha- fwüen twa types of subsurtace wavas - tise so-called "P" simd "S" waves. P Wavas sre pressure vibra- tions similar ta tisose set tip in tisa air as, soundc. Tisay ara the fsistest of thse seisice waves, tise anas Ihat appear firsi on tise seismograpis record. By analyzimg tise patlerni of arrivail iimas of P waves ai a numbar of differant, seismic sta- Lions, experts Cali fix tise lima simd location of an esitiquake faitly sccursteiy wilb tthe help af tise Known cisaractanistics of iravel of lisse wavas baiow groumd. S w-aves area sssocialed witis id(-ewîse mrovaments of a ma- taniail rathar thianwithif is coim- pression. In otiser wards, wlisre P waves, lîka saund, miaka pa- ideus maya backward simid for>- war'd inilise direction of imaya- mecnt oft!tie wava, S was I maa pnticas f amatanial moiva from sida ta sida. Tisey are somi-ewhat siower than P waves aný,d ara tise second anas The dM erane i t-ae] iMe givesseisologiîs aotisar way aiIoatn e.sitiquakas. Tisa taniher a sesorps is rail the eatliquaýkecantr, is longer wLeh',tise lie spread betwen arrvaI f tise diffarami tpsof wava. Piliiing is-te dis- tances maurdby lisraa or mare stations Ilien pmpith ie But tisera is imore ta0tisesa- stuidies than iocalting feaii- quakes. Wisanaver a seismnic -wave goas tram ana layer ot matarial ta aaihier, ilsciaateiiisara csga.Tissachanges can 'ha datactedl by pains-taking analysis of records-,rom eismaigrapis sta- tions arouLnd tise warldi. In tibis way, tise currant picture of tia eartis's iinner struct:ure bas been pieced tagethar. For axampla, a liquid usuial- ly wil mat transmit S waves, but il wilI transmit P wa vas . Seismiog'ists; have foamd tisat tisera is a lay&ý deep withlin tisecrstisai doas mt appear ta transmit S waves. This is thouighi 10bc-,a aliquid s5hah sur- roum)ding tise lnnerm-ost core ef tise aartis. As it now is ganaraliy pic- turad, tise esirtis bas a soiid in- ner co-re, 1,600 miles in diamater. Surrounding tisis is tise 1,400- mile-thick Liquid shahl of thse outer core. Next cornes tise mani- tle, a sisel - of "solid miatariai 1,800 miles tisick. Surrounding tbis is tise crust wisicis is oniy 20 ta 30 miles thick under the conitinents and about six miles tiicek under tlise aceans. Tise crust is separated train tise mantie by a narrow zone of maierial known as tise Moisoso- vicic Disconlinuity wisosa pres- ence shows up distinctly in seismînic studies. Paradoxicauly, saismo-11lgists; have a clelirar over-ali picture of tise eartis's deep inner struc- tutre than they do of its rela- tively close sind tisin crust. Tise re,?san for this is tisou-glit ta lie in ,I-tise fact tisat the cote simd manile are mare or lass homno- genaus masses viths distinct boundarias, wile tise crust is a cofnused jumble of materiais. No one knows how many dtit- ý,erant layers thiere sire in tise r i ,ust. Some saismoIo gisis think tisera. are two genaral types ojf mat- crialiiundar tise conitinents, a layer of granitic rocks uinderlain by ana cf b asalierocks. Tisey tiîk tisa oceans ara underlain by only a relatively tisin layer of basaIt. Howaver, otisar experts chal- lange tisis picture. Some suggast isera may ha more layars. Soine lisink tisera is no layering aI alr but anly a gradual transition trrm ana type of m-atenial ta another. Tise picture is confused botis by a lack of over-ali data simd by .tisa jumrbiad nature ofthtie crust wisare the active pracasses of mountain building and othar geolagical changes prevant amy simople structura from aemergîng. o gmologist could draw a ne- lisible nrap of tise esirtis's crustai - structura today. Il wili raquira datauled study' aftie crust, taking a reiativaly sm-ali area- at a time. It meaus ieamning ta extract aven more maaGnimg from tise wiggiy limes of tise seismograpis records, in- cluding those of the surface waves tisat tarmaeriy -wera of- ielaýti-veiy littie halp. Did Noah's Flood ReaIIy Happen? Tise Lard, tise Book of Ganasis racounts, told Noailita bild an ark; tisen "it cama ta pass . - tisat tise waters oftfthe floadj waera upon tis aartlis." Bas "e- liefs an tise Temple of Angkor, in Cambadia depiet watar spili- img avar tise land. Almaost avary- wishere in tise litarature simd lekgend of ancient peoples tisera is rý-,eraýnca toaa reat flood. 1 M, in tact, tisera was a world- \vide injundation, wisen did it accur and wliy> t remainad for a Columnbia University geologist ned Risodes W. Fairbridga ta offer at tise Interna tional Oean-ograPisie Congress in Nevr Yürk recentiy a carefuliy work- edl-ouýt tlieory whicis dated tise flcodc at 4000 B.C. Fîirthermanre, Fsirbridga camne up wjitis an in- tngigy plausible explanalion. Faîrbnidge usad as evidence Loulisiana peats, tise remnains of an an-,cient dumpi in Venezuela, .and iisar specimans f1tram iCrowmad forests, mangrove bogs, simd canal deposits. T.ise diate-s whieneicis was eltisar in- ndedor fraee'of watar iware deuterminad by tisecrbn1 dating metisod (car-b)oniacon- stituent of ail living things, gives off radioactivity -1a ia knowm rte). 1O thi~s basis, ~Fsirbridge sug.gested tisa world's Occam levai steadily rose tram -16000 uný-til 4000 B.C, a total aI AGENTS WANTED £ARNl Cash lÉi your Spare T1:cme. Juât show your friends ont Chrlstmias and AI-Occaslon Greetlng Cards (includlng Reiglousi Statienery, Glfýts. Write fer samples.. Colonial Ca.rd Ltd. 489-B Qiuen Hast, Toronto 2. NURSERY SALESMEN AGENTS wanited ta represent Capea'lt oldeat leading nursery. Profitable full or part-tlnie sales position open througbiout Canada. Comisions paid weekly. Hlandsome instructional selling outfit ln fuIl colour supplied free. We offer aýIl varieties ln hardy, Canadïin. Growni fruit and orneamental nursery stock, rose bushea, etc. Write ta: STONE AND WELLINGTON LIMITE]) "The Fonthil] 'Nurserïies" P.O. Box 40. Fonthill, Ontario. BARY CHICKS BRAY ha, Amies In-Cross puliets, day. old, started, ready-to,-lay. Dual purpose nd Legýhorn chlcks, dayold and started. Send for lisi. Order niow for fall dellv- ery best broulet varieties. See local agent or wjrite gray Hstchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORYUNMTES Sales Opportunlty, FULL OR PARIT TIME, RER VIO;US EXPERIENCE ýNOT NECESSARY. Ont sales are nmade through freeabain- pie ad-vertlsing. High Commissions and Bonuses. Customiers utilise sn exlstlng expendi. ture to hnuy from us and save mnoney. Write fui] particulars Sales Manager, 31 Egllnton Ave. E, Toronto. Our rpeanatv illl eaU snd explailn FARMS FOR SALE DAIRY andi( cash crop farms. Elgini Connity ares. Donald J. Begg, Broker, I1.R. 1, St. Thomas. Phonie ME. 1-3287. FAR?4 on No. 7 Hilhwýay, 17 miles fro-m London. 140 acres, al worliable. Mýod- ern tzwo story brick house, iuew nil fut. niaco, large barnimOplemient shed, s;teel stabiiýng for 45 head dtairy cattle, lien hbouse for 1,200 hens and pig pens for 100 pigs Hoîsýteîn herd and powerm- chlnery optiona.l. Good terms offered. Orville Newby, Prospect Il111. Phono 300 ACRES, 100 tillable, balancre bush, beside Calaibogie and lca.k Highwa.,y. lydro. Mrs. Edlwln Stewart, Calabogie Ont FARM EQUIPMAENT FOR SALE TII?9 International crawler with sub- soileratalm ts Apply Kelth Wil. son, R.R. 1, Corunna, phone TOwnsend 2-30,85k POTATO Dlgger Chahna, tmade In Cant- ad.Standard welght and wilths. For 26 inch, 45f pet ink. For 24 Inch, 44f ýpetrlnk. Imniedïate Shipment, F.O.B Heid'elberg, Ontario. Gray- Snyder Ltd., Hilisburgh, Ontaria. WIDOW to 100,k after elderly lady, Uve in!, light hou[sekeepingf,, good permnan- ent home, remuneration. Box 197, 123. l8th Street,Ne Toronto. FINANCIAL 5Y2% Interest Paid On GUARA-NTEED TRUtST CEIRTIFICATE5 ANY TERlM 1-3 YEARS The Sterling lrusts Corp, 72 Bay St., Toronto, ont, INSTRUCTION EAR N, mlorle! Bokeig aem ship Shorthand, iTypewrilng. Pe. Les,. sons 50f'. Asi- foi free circufar No. 83. CanadliïuiCrresponidonC. Courý:ss 290 Bay Street. Toronto MEDCAL PEOPLE ARE rALKING ABOUIT THE G000 RESULTS FROM TAIING DIXON'5 REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEuRITIS. MUNrZO'S IDRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Coilect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAIHthe toi-ment of dry eczemna rashes and weepîng sdntroubles. Post's Eczema Salve wl not disappoint you. ltching, ecin nd burning ecze- -ma, sone, ringwvormi. pimpfles and foot eczemna will respond readily to the stainless odorleas oinitment regardfless cl' how Pt ubborn or hope1ess they seeni. Sent Post Free on Receipt cf Prict PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 28'65 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MONEY TO0IOAN - ILL- 0- -HLINCDOL LARS AV A9L ABaLE ON yoir propeity or fixed assets. We specialize ln out-of-town lbans. Low rate of interest. Terms to sýLu. Qulicir, service. Wrïite 'or phoneo Diallng Invest- ment, Ltd., 350h Bloor \W.. Toronto, WA. 2-2442. NURSES WAN7 EU GRADUATE NURSES 1 1Mf-11E DIA TEL1,Y NREw u58ibed bospîtal to be opened En Se temben .Apply to: Supertntendent. prilncoe L(wa3rd Canntv Hospital Pictonà 0 tario. FACTORY WAREI4OUSI lé First St., Londûn, ont. SAW CI4AiN CLEARANCE Pioneer Saw. 404Piftch. 16" $10l.00 2"-12.00 24" -14.«1 McCuljoeh 5&w, D44 Medel 7/16 Pitdi. 18e" - 8.00 Homeilte Sawi. 7/16 Fitch. 171, - 8.00 Remington.maîi, 7/16 pitch. 181, - 8.00 Ait C h a I1 n Factry Guarmnteed.cî Brand New. Chain te fit ainy direct drivaesaw. Large Discounts. Send in your *Id saw bars - £5.00 allawance on vour nt,"'bar. Cash with Order NURSES WANTED REQUIRED Iimmedlately for Modern 44 bed Hospital 7 reglstered general duty Nurses aitmnimum startlng salary 0f $270.00 pet month. Resilince and laun. dry fac'lities, Alberta 13u-e Cross andi -M. S.1 avalable. Also require auxîlary, exýperlenced Nursiog staf.DpIîy loly Cros5 Hospital, Spirit River, Alberta. NUIRSERY STOCK FOR Sale. Scotch, Austrian aui Mugho Fine. Description and prices. Write-: C. edihaR.R. 1, Barrie, Ontario. TREE Seed1ings, Scotch and Auistian Pitie 3 y eau old seflings for ChrIstmas tree p)rodCiltion, wvindbreak planting or refoestaion.$14.00 perThuad $800 per 500. Hluronia Nreis Wye- Vale, Ont. OPPORTUNîTIES SAWDUST. Turn Iil îinto cash. 49 MetIl. odis. Full instructions $100. Rowe Ma-- shall, 1639 St. Li-ýe Rd.. Vndsor. On. tario. OPPORTIJNITtES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JONCANADA'S LEADINGSCNOOL Great Opportunftily Learn Halrdresslpg Pleasanit. dignified iprofesa on-; 9ooà wýages, Thousands of succesafuIl Marvel Gradulates A,ýmerica's Greatest System tlustrated Catalog ue cFree. Write or Cal MARVEL. IAIRDRESSiNG SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., 1-coriont BrLanclies: M4 King St., WV., Hamniton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawaj PERSONAL 1S Truth Stranger Tharn Plc'ion? (Quote) At the tine of the Reformal- tion the Protestent Cuc took o1vft the doctrine of the Triniity.wvlthout seri. Oua examination (A new tncy). The Bible and Church istory proves water baptlsm ini the Naine of lesu* and flot uslng the words,, 'ather, Son and lolyGht, Who dared to change the Chrîist Comt- moissioned Apostle's dýoctrine and prac- lise? Andy T. Mitchell, St. Buhbert, Que. Alrport. ADULTSI Personal Rubber Goýoda. 98 assortment for $2.W. Finest -quality. tested, guaranteed. Mailedli plain sled package plue free Birtb Control bookiet ami catalogue of- supplies. Western Dlstributert, BOX 14TF Regina, Saýsk, PULLUTS FOR SALE HY-LINE Pullets, 3,000 flve months Oc- tober lth. Wle dellver. Apply WilY. Vasnaverbeke, R.R. 1, Strattor-d. Phons 336-W-4, PHOTOGRAPHY SAVEI SAVEI $AVEI Filmrs developed and 8 magna prints linialbini 40e 12 magna prinits iii album 60e Rleprints 54 eaich KODACOLOR Deve.lopmtg roll $1.00 (flot LIncludlng prints) Color prints 35ç eaých extra. Ansco and Ektachiromoe 35 mai. 20 eý. posure!,ýnimuted in lides $123. Coer pri-n t froni sldes 354 eaich. Mvone-y rofunded in full for uniprlnted hegaý- tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB FOX 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE TO settlo an estate, 170 a,-cres, Rilh River Flats, well dralnied, ini Townshïlp of iMosô. Apply Box 36. Wardsville, Ontario. TO settie an estate, 2001 acres choice tile and loam souif n Townshtp 0fi Mosa. Apply Box 36, Wardsvllle, Ontario. STAMPS AND COINS QUALITY Approvals, Beginners-ad]vane- ed, 2f 'up: 25%,ý off firît purehaseý, Adults onfly. V. Saccýagno, 2829 Içîngaý- )and Ave., NYC 89. WEST Germaiiny-Berlýin, 50 dllf. comr- miemorativo finest qnallty, -eehange agalnst si-G mintCanadian cnne ratives. Will mail fro-ni UnltJedNaon wi!th cormm. set. Gerber , 680 Focrt Wash- ington Ave, New York 40, N Y. ASDA TEACHERS5 WANTED TEACER wntodfor attaan own- ship School Ares, Graes 1ito I. linties4 ,to commence lmimelatolY. App'lystt ing qualifications, and cisalary ex'pectod te- MVRS. A. V. BROWN, SECRETAýRY P.O. BOX 277, MATTAWý,A, ONT. JUNIOR GRADE TEACHERS HiESP'ELER Sepaýrate choBarre quîtes teachers for juniior gae.Sal- ary scfeledoii effoù ct bpiy. statinlg qualifications, exeine ft. a Sec- Ct';LASSIFIED --AOVERTISING N N -s N N N N N -w- N s -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s s N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N -N -I N N N N N N N N ISSUÉ 40 - 1959 Anj ail Canadian firm of distributors requirasreesnaîn for a lutratlvc Service seceessfully marketed in tise US.A. antI na'w being Koffered ti Canada. Ani opportunîty exists for one associate onfly h. this teai wha m rust withstand a thgorughI credit investigation aîf be prepared to invast aeinimum aýki f $2500» iCh3 is fully se- cured by lnventory. Preference wilI ba shown a etab cýM- lished trade flrm, but if you are at capable mari or woman wilt a stable backgrouifd you may be the ýindividutal wýe are looking for. No trîfle)s please Wrie I defeuto $oir g96 - 123 ýiohteetk St, New Torontox,Onao N N

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