Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 6

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j ANNE I4IRST z %-- fUW -ad£n4zya "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 arn on the verge of doing somet-hing dreacfful, andcl 1a mI terribly afr a id. A boy I met three- ,monfhs agýo is the most fascin- a t i n g, bewildering person ever knew; and he sa'ys rhe is ý,,&zyazlbpoutrme. 1 know 1 arn bothimr. But heý tries to make ine do things 1 know are flot right, yet thec way he explains theni eerns to ma-ke thernriht He even urges m-e to fake more than one drink,athog knoiw I.,sho ul1dn't, 'Somnethiig is egging me on, somnething else holds mne back. fcarmof iagine gDing on with- D uf hirn, althou:gh 1 suppose I. couId. I don't trust hirn, and rsow 1 arn, afraid o trust mny- self. "Maybe rv not kept up with a odern fîmes, but 1 arn one of Lhe very fev; girls thaf does't pet, and 1I wouldn't think of kissing a bo1ý 1 did flotlo. But then -'ve neyer had Vo maae nuch a decision-,t as this one' Gan you helpinie do what I1 know is right? TEMPTED" * Timesû ido not change in th,, '~sense yom luse the term. Your ~ grandrnother captured y o u r *grandfather by living- up to t he standards of her day, Stani- *dards of today are the sarne,, "for right is always riglit and ývwrong is as wrong as if -was. *By living up to youron *standards you may capture + thi s heart-bre-aker, if you Sreally xanf to marry a boy *who demands iiberfies ln the n xame of love. * He demandsf hem of you *because rmosf g i rls he bas *known have permniffed themf. *Your one Chance to ire--Sa *hirn is VIo ref'use. Show hum *that you are too Precious tO Sbe cheap, that you corne at a *price so high that he must e iscipline hsmself to win youl. *If you weakent, do you think *he would rnarry you? Even a *boy so low,, would hesitate îrn m ehoosing such a girl as the *mother .f ~children. He v iiil oniy take a girl seriously ivwho is; strongýer than he is. H Ie is trying you ouf, as the For Haif-Sizes PRINTEID 'PATTERN Srart warmi-to -cool weafh;er ,comnpaiion a suit dress ;wTift b trrm, slim iines f0 make you, look taller and tlarrower. Choose lweedly rayon, Cotton faille, wooi., Pri nted Paf f cru 4838: IHaif BiZes 14U,,16½I, l81/, 2ü0½, 22,,,, 24Yz. Size W?½ jacket andJ skiirf 3 ad 9-incb fabric. Prinfcd drcin on efci paf- I1er.n parr Bsiraccurate.ý Send F, TYCUENTS (50e)> ,stamps canrnot le accepted, use posti note for safety> foris pâttern. Please print plainlky SIZE, INAME, ADDRESS, STYLE N'UMI1BER, Send ordeta ANNE ADAM,'S, Box R 1, 12,3 iltnfiSNe *boys say, and you can prove *to him there are still fin(. *young women in this world ~who keep their standards f ii * o live by. *- You can [ive in bis miemnory *by being thle girl whovou;d 1' flot yield. Stop seighirn, 4, and tèll hlm wý,hy. lie is nlot 1- good for you; noo matter how *good a man is to you, if he *is not good for you, he is not *for you. Thre finest marriagles" *like the fînesf friendships, are1 *between people whlobrn *ouf the best in each other, * ho giv eGecb other some- *thing ýfine tf0 Uve tUp f0. '«You il sfay thle way you *are, a wondeifu1 pers on in *your own rgt PARENTS FROWN "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 un on.y 15, but I arný desperately in love with a mian 25. He is very[ good to me, and decl1ares he i3 in love. But he haLsn't Pmucb eduÀý cation, althdicugh he Pmakes quitae a bit of rnoniey. But my parents won't let usý be enga3,ed. "They object because he is divorced, and they sýay he i3 f00 old for me 1 .Islmrply can't gef along withou1t him), and 1 won't. Don't you think mny people are unfair?, DISrTRESSED" e Thatyo feel youi cannot * gef along wifbout this rnan *proves hlo w d an g er ous hiïs *friendship is. For, a man wifh *his drawbacks to try fa win * an iniexperienced young girl *does not reflecf credif upon *hlm,ý And how can you, at 15, *know whefhàer you are really *in love? You could be- dazzled * by his sophistication, you1 *know. * Your parents are fryîg p ~protect voit frorn makîng a * mistake which coula lead youn *into disillusion and possible, *disaster, You are, to mny immd, *in, love with iove, and unable * to dis-,tinguisbl between a t er- *Porary and a lasting- affection. *If your parents copisepted fal *your being engaged now, f bey u ould be negligenit indeed. *If is useless to t ry Vo out- * wit your parents. (At your, *age you ,(cannof rnarry %with- ouf their consent). To test the *qualify of your feelings, 1 *urge you Vo stop seeing the * man altogether andi go wîth *boys and girls yoý_ir own age., *Thaf way, you wili r-eallIy *find yourseif. Nothingwol * 5 impress your- parents witbi *your willingness fa rooperaf e * and In such a crisis this is mi- * porfant. Modern rEtiquete Q.HOw does ,onle initrodluce one's stepfather?1 A. Introduice hîim, as "miy sfep- fath-er," and, aI courseC, mention hsnainhe, as, "r o. Q.When eating- a bisc;uit anid jelly at thle dinnier table, should the jelly be appliedi to tbie bis- cuit wvith the fork? A. The knife soudbe e f'or this proe Q. Is if proper to address tise envelope of a letter ta a per. soni withoutt uslng the tif les, "Mn., Mrs., or Mfiss"? A. Neyer. Q. If 1 happer tuo ebe ia gnoup of pensons, am inamen 1 do flot knorïw joins &is and ilo one ini the group introdoces U, Shouald 1I introduce myseif to hlm or shoutld I ask somYeonle else in the graup tarinrde A. _Neither. If you happen 1o have smthn o say f0 Ohe straPnger, you wold addriess him jusf, as if hie IiJba,-beenii'ntro-ý diuced f0 you. COMING ATTRACTION? - Chubby little charmer, 6-morith-old Arnanda Blair Macya just might grow up io become a sup- a star aà her mother., octress Janet Blair, Mom has a sup- porting role in the swimrnming pool at their liollywood home, ~1NGERFARM Mushroom tire ... and W-C are eating fhem, gafhcred fromr. eus o-wn acre lot. Whcfber %ve are braver or more foolbardy than our neighfbours 1Idon'f know as Most of themi Say fhcy would lie afraid Vo take a chance. The only ones Mwho make good use of th e mnusbroorns are people who cone Vo tihs country from Europe. In previous years we bave found thaf Europeans deflnitely knrow their mushrooms. So, trusfing in their knowledge, we are basving muitshrýoom-s near7ly everyday, fried lu buffer, spreaid over toast and fOPPed wifh a Poacbed eýg. It makes a tasfLy dish. Sortie wýe gîve away. Well, you are now readtcing the words of a inucli annoyed wvo. maipn. Trouble is I don't know wbefher o be annoyed af mysei o1 the ,veatber or bath. Anyay al] summier I have be promjis- ing myself a week in Offawa, viiigfriends and rftencing a convention. So what happents? A week ago I camne ouf ith atj beautifl rash wvhichi is eithcr shinigles or prickly heaf. Wib evr if is if bas been nearly d1riv- ing nmecrazy. Cani'f sleep -at niglit or seffle to anything for very long in the daytime. Apparently liff e can be done for if except k7eep -)the skin ry wifb facýuni powider Somne years ago I had' both prickly be'af an-d shngles -mlot foehrSnd neyecr such 8 dose as I have now. So wy WoldHn't 1 be anoed 1y only consolation is thaf if is stil] blof and lhtimid sýo the trip might not have been fao enjoyable under those circurnstanc tes, I arn fellînig my if ta nya.migj1,.,as well eme the best of a bad job. 1.1 the mýantime wve hýave a, little matfer biere thiaf reqtuesý very speciai attention.\We -are livin uan area tuba ssctly residential but as ScOuofen hap- pens fliere are two vacant lots, presumanbly ho use- buildfi lg lots, Wa2ifjingý for buryers. lImagine aumr surprise flien f0 get a letter fromn the localj Planning Board ,Sayi tn g thlat a requesf bad beeni re-eived from a 'ýCertain parfy f0 aveLot - rezoned fromrn esidienýïtilVo commnerLcial in order thaf a gen- eral gr'ocery store miglit be erecfed and operafted on the site, Homeowners are up ilu arms. 1After al bow rmucb f aificain one pu--t in zoning regulations if they can be caned Vo suitthe con-. venience of any'ni ro,-anftL' Vo open a store, a gas station or a,À sýnackbar? It just doesn't make sense, However the deal bas not yet gonethrougb. Maybe il neyer wJili as a deputation of irate rate- payers wl be attending a meet- ing1 of the Planning Board f0- mnorrow nighf. Adimiftedl1y every Planning board bas ifs probiemis. Every suburb wanfs a shopping centre nice anid hanidy but no a ne wanfs if near bis own prope-rty. Let if go biere, or go flieï.e, but noV on our rond! Farmers, f00, befoi-e they we-re ouf for big rnoney on land deals, did everyfbvtingl pos- siblJe fo prevent buildings of any kind coming near- them. Very rarely could a fanmer lie per- -suadled f0 sel] frontage off bis ProPerty. Old timers usedi to~ say ba-ng on f0 your front age or the value of your farmn will be re- du1ced by bal. Bïut flien sub- d7ividers cameý along witb attrac- tive Propositions and if didnr't taýke simefamr long to realis'-e thêyý could make mo)ý. re oney in one land ldal fln tbey could lu Years of farming. An so if goes, ail over the coun- try' parfîcularly lu Ont ario. Pret- ty soon e2veni rabbits %will have triouible in finding enougli rooi fao make a bujrrowv. Suifable sites for summiier co-ttagesý are bard, f0 find fao and [lhe problem of every day. And yet, do you re- mnember, "not so v-ery man'y years ago), When you could swivm in a1lm ost Mny lake or river, and any cekthaf was ;dee(ýp cnough f0 make a swimmi-jng hole? Wý,e neyr hoult f water pollution in those days. E veî, wadingýr cows didn'f cause Pollution be- tauserung wafer and the cekboffoni itseif Provided a n iatural flfr-edf0purify the water. I arn glad aur Cçhldreri were able f0 enjoy the litffl creek on 'Our fan fto thieir beart's content. They useýd fa bave. a wondcerfu ftin-ie,. Incidentally, jusf recently Bob was wne- ing long flic creýek on our olci far Can there w-as the blgge,--t m.,ud-furtle be lad ever seeni. Since flic farm b as been faken o ver b y the Department ofý Ilig Way-ýs tfelic uused portionl bhas gone back VIo nature. Nýo cows or borses - or hum ans -- fo distuirli fli peace so flic wild creatures from flic near- by woods are b aving a fil da'y.Better make tflic mosf off if, you cet oe If tbewk. Who knows, in a year or to you rnay fînd youir nature fratîs bave been roedCommercial! 1~ Massacre In New YorkCity if started as the wveek: started, and when flhe chili rain ceased and fthe heat bec-amne fierce aga-,in, if spread like a dread contagion. At firsf, the Sports- men, rmostlý Negro, ar4 te Forsyth) Street Boys, msi Puerto Rlican, breached a three- year truce f0 launch a deadly rumble in Manhaittan's Lower Est ide. Next, violenice flared in Brooklyn and in the Bronx, and in Jamaica. -where the Chap- lains, Sinners, Bishops and Cbey- ennes fighit Vo the death for "ter- ritorial riglits." Af the weekend the West Bide of midtown Man- hatfan erupted. The week's fol in New York Cify:'s intermina- ble feen-age gang vwars: Four rdead. Af least fiffeen hospifalized with serious 1-knife, ,gunshot, or bludgeon wountds. Two of those slain wýere 16; one, 15, and ai girl; .one 14. A.mong the gang arsenals' seized by police in the ,afterrnafh were z ip gunris, switch -blade- kinives, da gg e rs, blackjacks, chains, lengths of iron pipe, meati cleavers, and a sword Canie. Julio Rqsairo, 14, was an ac- tive combatant when war broke ouf ane-w befween bis Forsythn Street Boys and the Sportsmen, 1as the wveeký began. Two dlays Inter he died in a-hospital, of knif e wounds in thie back Theresa Gee was simply geffin.g some fresh air on a doorsfep when one of a fusillade of .22- caliber bulllets killed' her mns-, f antly, Her 17-year-old slayer, leader of the Forsyth Boys, was quickly apprehendedand offer- ed onily one appalling excuse. "I didn't know I -was shoofing a gl,iesaid. As the ýweek ended, Robert Young, and Anthony- Kerenski, botb T6, were , sifting with friends on a bench in an.unlighfed Heli'sk Kitchein rylayground alter a mo- vie, whýven fthc assailants struck, yelling-, "No gringos in fthe Bleeding from stab- wounds, Young and Kerenski ý,taggered f0 the nearby apartmenfs of, friends. Bofh feil dead as they' crossed the fhresholds. An 18- year-old companion, Ewald Ri- emier, sfa' bbed in the abdomen- wvas rushed f0 a hospitai wbvere his condition wvas listed as f is- factory. ýHaroid Luwen', 16, wa;S treated af a hospif ai for iniuriès suffered when he was struck or the head wifb) a bottie dutring" the imelee. The survivors estimated that their knfe rwelding, bottie- brandîsl-ing afftackershad- bare- !y reached their feens. 1 The deaths of Julio Rosairo and Theresa Gee -turncd fhe Feast of Sf. Augustine, rqrmally a gay and. festive occasion for the mrembers of Sf. Augustine's Chaý,pel of Trinify (Episc)pa) Parisbi on tbe Lower Easf ide of Mý.anhaffan, irito a tim7e of solemni prayer and mnournin. lnsfead of dancing in, the streets until w:ell pa.sf ndng more than 210 rn,, wonien, and chldren, lecL by flic Rev. C. K']l- mer Myers, beld a so'Leriu pro- c e ssio n. Tbey walkred fhrough block a.ffer blocklu double file, in slow, measured stops ern aloft a statue Cf St. Augustine and carryiîng lighted c, andies: And, wvherever they wenit, fhey handed ouf Icailets inEnib and Spanish: "The peoiple 0 f St Augusfine's Chapel ask you f0 Join fhem in pu-blic prayer thaf ,God wili reconcile uis, one f0 an- other, and bring an end-to fea-r and hatred." But even before Julico Rosairo was buried, the phonre ranig la the home of his gritf-strickeia parents and aý threat was made that his brother would be "knocked over next." And wihile the prayers of Trin- ity Parish stili echoned ini the East Side, Robert ýYotung anid Anthony Kerenski died 3 miiles to the west. -- Frorn NEWS- WEEK. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE On release from a prison farm inBurnaby, B.C., if is customary for the 'prison officiais f0 give each' man a srnall supply of "comforts." With the -issue -of cigarettes 'goes a suppiy of book' matches. The inscription on the card- board flap of a recent issue of book matches reads: "Thank you -cone again." QIf a woman is- being mr ried fer the second time, would it be ail right for her married daughter'to annouýnce 'the ýmar- niage? A. No. The mairriage 'should b2annouinced in the narne of the wvom-an and lier hu sband. for Lei*sure Hours Large or small, what house- hold ever has too) iny linens! These will deligbt you. These motifs în varied- stitch- ery decorafe fowels, pillowcàses, scarf ends. Embroider in many colors or 2 shades of one. Pat- terni 917: si-x 4 x 12-inch motifs. Send THIPTV-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be- accepted, use postal note for safety) for, this pa(ttern f0 IAUTRA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eigbteenth St., New Torontc, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, ybour NAME and ADDRESS. Send for a copy of 1959 Laura Wheeler Needlec raft Book. If has lovely desýigns f0. order:, embrol- dery, crochet, kn-ittingÏ, weaving, quilting, toys. In the book, F lspe.- ciai surprise to mnake a littie girl happy -- a cut-out doll, clothes to, colorn Send 25 cents' for this boo. ISSUE 40 - 1959 SAYS IT ISN'TSO - Opera diva Maria Callasý, r;ght, confirms thait her TO-year--old marriage ta Italian illýiona-ire Battîista Meneghini is breaking up. She denies, however, that the reai- son is aicrmance -with Greek shipping magnaie Aristoîls Onassis, Ieft, Who ClSO denliei the rumored romfance,

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