Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1959, p. 7

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Approacli To The South Seo Islands The mioon showed intermit- lently, with cloud rack racing Deross ber face. The heavy zwell increased Ihourly, and as the sky cleared the white tropi-. cal moonlight flooded the~ long, zweeping waves creating an eerie ;ensation that ,vas a mixture of romance, zawe and 'lonielnes; a îüïuelîness that made one . lone for land.... That mYorning Jack took, a ahot dt the sun and checked Up on iais charts. "If iny reckoning Is !orrect, we should be sighting Vfareaitu peak in Moorea. this kfternoon," he said. "Afareatitu, )eak is abouit five thousand feet ibove sea level andI Moorea lu- and is about twelve miles f rom rahlit." My heart býAt wildly at the Lhought of siglting land again ifter beîng over eight weeks at 'a. :.> My first surprise that tvening ),,as ta sight four birds, wvhite-winged aibatrosses, bar- >ingers cf land. My second surprise stunned ïne. It was just after four >'clock. 1 could not believe it at 'irst, but the growing realization orust upDon nme like a flood- ,,AND! LAND AHEAD! It was shartly after five o'clock Jwt the vision came into reality, niore marvellous, more exquisite ~hnthe conception of al my lireamiis and reveries, a dimr shad-1 rmw in the far offing,, a dark ipeck in the lofty clouds. It was NKoorea. Far upo near the peak of Tohivean, nearly a mile above the sea level, was a mnass of rairy cumulus clauds floating1 kcross the face of the great peak. ft was a picture in murky miono- chrome which 1 could neyer for- get a, long sierra of broken pin- na' cles and crags which hand al the semblance of a weathered and dismantled castle. It stood o)ut against the sapphire haze of" the eveing sky like an anicient içtronghold of some mighty Titan. It was as if a maunitain of black rock haýd bcen carved out by the chiselling forces of the wind and weatber into, a veritable work of art. These mauntains are the m-ost wonderful examples of volcanîc rock 1 had ever seen. Their tofty peaks peer at you from- the long clouid streamers above. Herý and there the mountainside appears to have been stripped naked by erosian ' and the vol- canic cinnabar of ages contrajsts ucdy witb the many greens of ïrond and palm and hillsîde grave. Nearer as our ship saifled along a silver b'elt of reef, the Panorama was lovelier. I sirain- ed my eyes ta see it, ta realize - the gossamer dream 1 had spun, 3ince boyhood, of the Pacific Is- tands. Along this wall of caral, hidden, but chartered by its1 crown af foam, we rau for near- (y a mile until Jack found the gatew&y, the blue buckle aof the elit appeai-ed in the distance. Within the lagoon the guise of .he island was more intimate. Lýittie bays and inlets b(>undedv 'hem-selves, and villages and louses sprang up frornithle tropic ,grves. We dropped anclor opposite ffie amaîl village of Faatoai andi ;n this shèltered haven we bath tlecided .to catch up on a few aours well-earned sleep before we went ashare the following inorning. . . . Fromn the short, ther, camne to us fragrant scents DY hinano, 'the taire and frangi- pâni. Those fragrant Tahitian 4cents iulled us into pleas-ant Jrearns, dreams of further ad- rentiures in the South Sea Is- Ian4d..-From "Driftlng Round ihe South Seas," by Guy Bathaini PLATING FAVOTUITES Foçr weeks a deêstitute concert violinlst shivering in bis garret had euviously watcbed the daily arrlyal 01 a very bad itinerant violluist who played î he sani Wheuthebadvioinit -le, flUiLjIUi~iiUM s ~ TAKING OFF - Bill Haywcsrd looks like a je4t pilaf, but, ac- tually, the Canadian sportsman ig. preiparing for a spini in Itis su'perfast speedboat. Deeper Study 0f Sec To B-e Mode Earth is a water planet. More thau 70O per cent Of its surface lies under the ocean 2aud ov'er 50 per cent is co'vered by w2ýater a mile or more deep. nu this respect, the eartb is unique among the salar planets and 'b-ecausýe of this ocea- graphers thiuk they have a uni- que oppotuniity ta delve ito the histary af the solar systeni. Sajne af the opening sessions at the International Ocesa- graphic Coul erence have been devoted ta this kind of researchi. Dr Rager Revelle, directar af Scripps Institution of Oceano- graphy sud president of the con- fereuce, explained that mnarine geûoagists think of the ocean as an archive, a history book in wvhicb one may trace the devel- apmelit of the earth if one can Icarn to read the language ini which it is recorded. Th&~ record is contained i the ses bottom sediments. which in at least sanie places msy have been colecting since thne oceans weüre' first formied The deepeir ane probes the sedirmeuts the furtber back be goes in tîme. Sa f ar. aceanagraphers have been able ta penetrate only a few million years at most into this record To study earlier epochs, they will have ta bore mare deeply inta the sediments than present instrum-ents allow. Ways. and means af daingl, this; are high on the "ut list of ocean ex-ýplarers Amoug other t1ingýs, it is 1 oped that the United States National Academy af Sciences' pk'oject ta drill through the rock underlying the. bcean wiI also produce a complete vertical sample of the sediments. Such a sedimient record should contain evidence af the earliest lufe fora-is that aPpeared on t'ais planet - It should also indicate the tempeiratures and other water cbaracteristics of ancient seas, There should be cle-ar records -of ice ages- aud tropical, epochs, of volcanie and ,-ountai.n building 'Sa far, relevant dlat a are f ra gme-n t a ry. Oceanographers discussing' these things liere seera' ta be ipeculating rather than announciu-'g definiite theo- ries. Nevertbeless, -an aid içlea t mîany 'of them lwould have dismissed a year or two ago bas suiddenrly came back Juta vague. WaIIed-up Car Cornes To Light A Rolls-B%e that did ai Rip Van Wirdkle for 30 years is on the rôad aPgal. - Thie 48-year-old car 'looked none thse worse for haviný beeu walled up for three. .decades in a fairy-4al!e 'gastIe near hlere. Todlay the fautastie story came. out of how the car got "bast." Baron Raben-Levetzau bouglit the cam ln 1911, The clissais alone coat him 1,000 pourids, (thýn worth $5,000). In 1930 he decided ta sili it, but found lieý couldu't get tlie price he wanted. 1lIna fit of pique lie ordered the car walled Up in the castle. Anid there ht "slept" for 30 yearsa until sameane recently told the VBaron'~s son he had a Rolls-Royce, somoewbere iu bis castle. A search was instituted. Seun-- chers finally knocked a hale through au extra-thick brick wall, iu one of the castle'-s 'utbuildings and there she was - a bit dusty, but instact. With a new set af tires, a new battery, -nd sanie extra- strang cleaning fiuid sent frora Landau, the car now la, back on the. rond. aus. 1'iri'- Rnienli ti s 'CAI REQUXTRED irnmadlately for Modem 4,4 bed Hospital 7 registered general duty Nurses at miinimum startlng salaryid e $270.00 per mentis. Residence and laun- dry facltes, Aberta Blue Cross and -M.. avallable, AIso requlre auxilîary, GRADIJÂTE NUt.RSES IMMIEDIATELi' NEVW 58 bed hospital ta be opened Is Seiteml>er. Appui' to: Superlatendent, Prince Edward Covnty RHospital. Picton, ',Ontarlo. OPPORTUNITIIS SAWDUST- Turu itita cash, 49 Metis- odï. Puillinstructions$,0.Rüwe ?Mar- shall, L63SO St. tuke Rd-. Windsor, On. tario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER ,..jOIN CANAOA'S LEADING 8CHOOL Great Opportunity Leara Hlrdressln$ pleasa,ï lgnledProfession, good wages. Thousanida of successfufl Marvel Graduates &-ierica's -Gretest Systemi mIustrated Catalogue 8'ree Write or Cail MARVEL NAIRDRESSING ICHOOL 35E Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton Stltl ersal. John CENTRAL ONTARIO VALIJES 10-C-L, Ottery'. Cape, _______________ "IVE bavee awlde range of Uîsiigste suit yaur taste and< finances. Comimei' Lattera froinnanyone cia! opportunities.iniany farina 0nf vanr- cyour nsood iterest5, ous sizea, stnal.l lndins riirral per montil 4.IHughses, areas, cottages,, vacant lots Ila tous, epulveda, Californ.ia. country and vacation d-jis4. Descrlp. tive literature. an<d phiotos m alle nsl Ruliher Goods. 86 pronliptîy on request." $2.00. Filnest qualti', LONG BRaS. '.. gealtors eed. ïMatled in plain Cobourg, Ont. Port Hope, Ont. plus free BIrth Cotrai Franklin 2-3161 Turner 5-4501 dogue of supplies. 'ributers, BOX 24TP STAMPS AND COINS QUALITY Approvals, Beglnrners-atdvanc- ýTOGRAPHY eci, 2e up 25%, off firat purchas. Atuits only. V. Saccagno, 929 Rings. SAVE I SAVE 1 land Ave., NYC 69. leveloped and ýrints In album 404, WEST (4erxnanyl-Berlint, 50 diff. coin- nits lu albumn 60e nmemarative finest quality, exehange, ints -54 each against $1-00 inilut Canadinn conimema- DACOLOR ratives. Will mail fr<» ninted l9atloh! with comm. set. Gerber, t80 Fort Wasb. 1$1,00 (neot Ipluding ington Ave., New York 40, N-Y, Agn4 prints 390. asciiextra, ýchromne 35 mii. 20 ex- TEACHERS WANTED i hi sUdes $1.25. Color _________________ des for unreah. Money QU.ALIFIED teacher for Sept. 1959, for j fr uprnte nea. Ettyville Public Scisool, aalary $2 400, CAMERA CLUB AM'1y ta Mrs. T1htodule Lalonde, I 11 CAMERACLIJE 2. ourget, Ont. GALT, NT. JUN90R GRADE TEACIfERS 'NEZ FOR SALIE . RESPRL8IR Separate ISchool Board r.- _______________ quires teafiiers for junior grades. Sal- rtate 170acres, Rlh ary sche4ul In qffeot. Repli'. sfatlng 1drahned, In Townsli qualifications, experience, etc.,ta Sec- Box 36, Wardsville, retary, J. Clsrtln,. Haspeler. Ont ario. TEA.CXER wanted for Maýttawan Towa- kas - Por free picture abip Scisool Area, Grrdes 1 ta 0. Duttei. ýaturIng summea' and to, commnce imïeii4,ate.3y. Apply, stat- rties. 1ottages,. lots, iug qualificetionG, and salary expecited illage homes, commer- 'to: s, acreages, on famioutj MR&.A. V, BROWN, 8EC5UTARY iy, Lisemng, Pigeon, cg'og Lakes,lu iuman P'O.. box 217, mATTAWA, ONT uys mnostly wlthiu 100 ________________ wrIte .Bowes & Cocke 3 Charlotte St., Peter- ISSUE 39 - 1959' 'TIAT STpRÊCNÊS AIRUA/D TI- WOWILD For the most delig-h;ful way af enjoying the vnefl world in vihich ire live, nothing surpasses the tbrill cf ïa CJJNAI<D oceaii voyage. Mere ia the perfect, r-elaning croasing te Europe ... thse glory of followýing Élie sun ta h Weat Inidies or- South Aneri'a ... thse indclibie mewores of a cruise in tse- azure Megditerraean. . thi-ýe trip of a Iifétime to five continents of the goe Wherever you g'o, whene'ver you travel at ý3ea, withi CUINARD ail pleasures taIse on fresis, exCiîing iesos Thse renoussed Cuniard fleet offers Iluxuiry living... usurpassed cuisine . . . fuui-packzed dIays.. nuovies;, parties, dancing .. . airy, invitùsg stateroomsa -plus 3a standard af service thet for 119 years btas 1eil the 1Halmmark of Ocean Traivel And wl i nit iura every business trip ioa aPlearýurecuse Se,- Yowr Local Ag*nt-N. On* Cran Serv eu ou8e0r Lisiug pleuity hts hot., soap, i N N. N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N f P ACTORY WAREHOUSU 14 Piràt St., Londom, Ont4 SAW CH4AIN CLEARANCI rionàer SaW. 404 Pth 2e- 14M0 mccvlloch Saw, 044Moe 7/16 Piich. M - 0 HoMelite Saw. 7/16 kPitel. 17, - 0.00 Remlngten-Maît. 7114 Pitch. 11'- 8.00 Ail C th a ifnFactori'#uejrântïe4. Brand New. Chin yta fît any d1rêet drive saw. Larot Dhscoufnts Seid hi your *Id saw bors - Mêc 0eliowsiicc on your new bar. Cash wlth Order Pi OPERTlES FOR %ALE TO settie an esiate, 200 acres cho>.co, tile and loarm 5011 In, '1'owshp of MosÊý1 Appy Box 36, Wairdsvllle. Ontario. rAWN Ila1nd, in th~e Si. Clair Rive, three mlles north of Port Lamblton, Seventy-five acres of heavlly wvrodc, highly restricted property wltb twg, flfty foot üanais running the entire length of the isiand. Everi' lot on aý canal. Leas than oae hundred lots tù be sold, there are stili some very cholet locations ta lie nad. Priced froin $2,2S(? up. Prieceincludes sheet pfflng, water mains, hydro-electrie anid phone ýserv, ice to each lot, For a brochure and ae copi' of the restrictions write Box PM, Wallaceburg, Ontario, or phoneMa. fair 7-3371. Evenings- and Surndays, Mi'.- fair 7-2194.

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