Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1959, p. 2

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*.RfONO WEEKLY TIMES TRURSDAY, SE&UMBR 24tth AçNtTLEIWIamT b1 i illamTam , nTops89G tikd BRickard. The following is af.urther Xlist of i Filly or Gelding, Iwo years old- _ ¶ -1 c Durham Dairy Caif 4-H Cl b AheenL ry prz inesýat tieOoo ar W. Boyd & Son.';a lG .Rca(. !eld Septemrber 111th andi l2th. Span hor-ses in harness and wag-- Bull calf, Jr. -G. B. Rickard on Hebr Dow, 1le~er Don, j* MjlchCow G. B. Riekard Graïn and SeedsW.Bv & Son. -e ifer, senior, two years oli, G. On Friçlay and Saturdaiy, Septem.n on their birdon ludeinal qustniong Bushel f ail wheat-John Cruick- By B. R1ickard 4 ber 11th and l2th the Durýhami- 4-H wIc1-is bse) non dg qesotios shank, H. L. Blanchardi Commercialc Horsts Heifer, senýior yearling-G. B3. G rain. Poultry aind Dairy CaIlf Clubs 1Supervisrs eport, )oTl reportsg Bus. Barley-Jthn Cruichshank, Sinle horse in harness with ,e- Rickard, - Ihelti their Achieveent Days under of the club, out of a total 1000, 89 Notu befd Cony gr:, Garnet B. Rickard, f hicl-Russ Cochrane, 1 and 2. 1Heifer, junior yearling -- G.. B.the S)spnsrsip of the Agricu ltulitn dce ant i the hitJohecopl()etýtGed h - Sprne anti umme Bus. late whit iats--J. Cruick-1 Sinigle horse ln harness W-ith ve- Riekard. 'Society andi the Ontaàrio teparlment 1 atasre' 38whl s-pretGadn-HoeButf- shanks, Bruce Ti nk; J. W . Boyd 8,1 hice, (heavy. conmmercial)-, Rnuss eifr cal! Sr. - . RiekrJ W !Aicutr.jcontiwent w Lorne Tink with 61, ion by sv0cesýsfulIy grûwb1g a -- sOU.C crn, ni2 Allen, G. B. Rickard. i'w r ôds w e tthose folIQwing were Jerry Hasiuik, en, exhibitinig vegetables ati lçr- Bu.erywieot-,W od Span -cal!, i hrnes wthreR ickaýrd Potriy andi Dairy Cal! Clubs, in Knox, Willy Hasiuk, honail $rornepletiisg a recoird ôokpetàini1pto &Son. hicle-Russ Cochrane, 1 andi 2. J-terri bull ati tre females G. that t.hey, both liad 100 percent cern- Bernard McLean, Charles Murphy, the project. The Acliieviement 1Day 12 Stocks Dent corn-R. G. MOI-, Span horses in harness with ve- B. Riekard. peution. In thîe Dairy Cal! Club, Billy Olan, Blaine Flint, Abraham was helti at the East Northumnber- fat, Stan AllUn, hil cmeca ye-Rs o et a! sire (three aninais)- -G. there were 37 miembers while in the 1-of.stede and 13Benny >oropatwa. landi District H-igh Sebool, B3righton,. bidae,(omecilty ansdC- . ka2.J Rcar.Poiltry Club there were 14 anti ail . lïi4H )airy Cal! Club Lhe coni- Saturday, September l9tb. Ilt w., R Te re ank J. Js Percherons Aberdeen Angs UIegis andi boys Wuie on hianci etition was very keen with the with an imjpressive display of veg- Tcei Prune Pum-( ekMaeorGkingVctr Al es in e wonbrdenacglmGrain Club show was beld on Fvl-1 going to Douglas Jose, Newcastle etables anti Ilowers in spite o! !hiL- Carbos T ~Hým'J'ose Cookson, 1, 2, 3, 4. cascti ~ewnb aci day afternoon andi of the 28 Who -on- on his senior heifer cati. Bill Tarn- dry bot weather in August anti th&- Cro abn.Mare anti Foal--Victor Cookson, BaUley of! Uxbridge. tereti- 25 members completed Utie blyn was secone, Ken Stainton, 3rd, early frosts in September. Appt ~ Les Cochrane.Heeod rjc.adBueHny-fithnte 4elba. flux quart basket-J. H. Foal o! 1'l9 -Victor Cookson, Les Mecflveprsec n thue Henriourth oas. n the Jos, Cchrne.Ail pnrsin the Trere-ford class Ini the Durham 4-H Poutry C alvnores i bseniaod c lalte ScrWe ippin-D, Sapes J H Cot ane a l-ico ok were won by Normnan Mcl(Leod o! the top birýds were shown by Ken was first, Brian Bradley seecond, The girls spent the moruing judi. Jse s otoeeroliVct> oo-llackwater. Knýjox Oft Hamptton with John Allin, followý,ed by Lornie Tink, Paul Train- ing ononjs, beets or carrots, gii4a, Pea, * Span herses in harness with wag- Mark-et Cattle Bowmanville, Mervin Smt Jh,0W- blyn. The top) showrnan in Ille slub r'easons for their placings and ;ai- dryandpSon .JsRbetTe-o ~O~'6 . Malolmtor Cooork-e bt bbyville ffll receiving a etoi' r eciOnd joe N ewcslrnell.Tefn oon an -interesting program *ý so~n, Les Cochrane, e'liaor aiy o he bh il n o oa !)orlf-wsWSlmTabynwthD fien- g 'ade0ui.lute fq !3rlt--o.r 1-Hendry & Son, ýegin Beef Cattle ý'pcial -For the -- alistanding in th-e club -based on club exhibits andi temoiistratlKu.,- icimpion be ul aie .Re i oims utiMs care anti managemlent, questions, was pre'selnted. AI] using the sii Flowers andi Plants Span liorses, wagon -L. Stepbezi- ekabe! ul, aretB. 1i 'ely Ri-r.judgjg forward inonth reports, at- sbet 'eetbe rom our Club ~~anaiou -~rs More xson, W. Budri, H. Allen. DhmFa rsBrowi~ie n.e ae-r.GaY r.tendanc le, ShOwlnanîsl-ip anti the a- Gartiens" the followink girls cora- Squair, W. Farrow. Mare anti two progeny, under -SPecîal- Malcolm Bai]ey. rw, r.Stee.wardti te (cal! was fîrst William mnee o the exhibits for theàr -three years-Victor Cookson. i B for jj.r. kMrvs. Gr-ay, MIrs.Tamblyn with a grand total o! 9f78 epcieclubs. Sheila Hammig Te rse,-rs ooreY Robert Gianiville .pecial, frthe Dark layer cake-. 'Iîs points. Those !oilowing wereDog for Percy Club; Shirley for Col&- Flriutis~Ms.~Yeld mare et Gelting--L, Steph- junrior champion female--Garne-it B. R.Hancock. Floindl3q-Mrs. Vaoorne enmon, Howard Allen,.icad.Lih0lyeJak-ose r~, , Doniald Welsh, Harold Y1elIow- sPrings.; Patricia Carr for C-din~ Mare anti K Sqai Foal 19-L. Stephenson.~LR r.Bon. lees, Bruce Bowm-ran, Paul Tamblyn, ton; Doreen Davey for Elm'view; ,MrMaore, andai Foal9-L. ephenson. OLR L. Tink, Patricia Knox, Larry Weis, 1 Helen Boyle for Grafron; Eai4ý Miniature bouquets-Mrs. Guy, Date loa!f-M\rs. Mo!! at, Mrs& W- kn emu et Mr.RiMs .Aln .Filly or Geltiing, Iwo years olt- R. M.Brotok ail prizes iu the Buddt, Mrs. Brwn Grant Glaspeli, Bruce Stainiton1, J. I Pichn forSeouWet Botir-Mrs. Guy, Mxs. . Al-,Sn.henon Mrs. W. Buddt. poultry exhibition excepting for pneal--s.Mfi, AiShrnTmyRnld A ilyoGodntreeasiitebîias hrW.Bon Welsh, Brianl Bradley, Roger Bick-ý Nosga-M~.Ail~.-Ms.W. Butit, L. StephenISOn. Farrow captureti the prizes. rw.eBilTmnsn Donald Foley, Dish gard-Mrs. Coaes, rs.Best horse, any age, on rein Aln Aln Ni luRnne Ç cakes--mrs. Brown, MisS. en BlKn noxGr nef, Lrn a- Choosing ani Preparing Vegdee- abe!rom lasses-icorCoksnHe- ail anti DoinnBil Awon the pries MIooren.noe , GamryJer, LGran Tam- ables for Exhibit was the subjeC Moor. fom lases-iýtr Coksn, leb-EýI an Dona al]\vo th przes Spice cake -Mrs. Gray, Mrs. ly, JHa reMcCo, RGrt Tain- chosen by the York Roati Club, preý 1er Down, Mrs. W. Butiti. in the pet exhibition. Bowsetei y ilthirmebes nt ay Dining tbedecoration- A1lion, GantoFintof obDat ia ryder- db i ler ebr n l Guy, Mrs. Vanhorne, Mrs. Moore.. Carrnage Mrses FRUIT ANDo VEGETAIB1ES Fri at-Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. C, man, Grantrlo f i Cryder osabY Ithe Wooier club by Carol NPci- Table tiecorationi matie trom Mare anti Foal-Milten Lacey. TvILaugbliu.BoheTry omnsKn son anti Nicki GrosXean. *"Bouquetàý. gaiusts-r.Vanhçorne, jFoal of 1959-Mý,ilton Lacey, App les rs ofa, r. ut tattofro'm Our Club Gardens" waS eý Novceicne g abl ticortin-tableorGetilg, wo eas oi- 3es clletio, coaletectioppnpi-Mr. offt, rs.Su- SainonAArlfr Vad deVVdeH.denttVeldilehe emers1.fth Mrs. Vanhorne. TFiyor Hoskin ,toyasod Squair, D. Stapies, L. A. Squair. ýton, Mrs. Gray, Knox, Edigar Werry, Bruce H-endry, setc b l h iebr fti Fraran aranemntarrapngtemengt Hrseluhanes, 1 12and Sinongleuar bske-L Pupki pe-Ms.J. eii, rsnDo Bo6hquatiRonldLuk. stitonclb wii Caol Moga _5 i2 A Sqair.Gra . rs, Uofat.Linda Chatten anti Pat Morrp* saueer-Mrs. Guy, Mrs. AI1n, Mrs, liardis or over-A. B. Marin, Milton A qar n i ur ray, Mr --A-s.ow.Ms. ofa. n hl4H rinClbth tpstae C "PlanigyocurbFloeni(, .or.Gravenstein, oesxqatbasket Risn-peM. rw, r. Moorre. iabefr ht ii.1 acey. -JH Js.sutton-. tetpsr1d"lilLgyu 7îwj - Paner, uiabe orsht-ns Pair o! horses lu harness-A, B.)-.H.Jse1 Lemon peMs Gray, Mvrs. Sut- exhibit o! thie cday was the samiple Betis."l M4rs. Coates,, Mrs. Guy. 1 M.Lavy. elba, 5 apples-D. Staples, K. tonlo! Garry shown by JaimesRoa FlrlMann, ?w.th the Second Rp sbornesaon. the beiri( - lrlarrangemient suitabie for fRaadsters ASquaîr, R. Osborne.Bron, child ln hospital-Mrs. Guy, Mrs, Fily, or Geldingtn' erad o t Lwec-.Sals soreisursMs rws1ow by Terry Tomî-lisoni In thej Coates, Mrs. Aililn. apoyJ.Mitdileton, Davidi Brent Tairiblyn, L. A. Squalr. 'Mas. Alsut Bownon. fCa ina sanin JmS Rwa, soo A hglgto! the afternooti wa.& African VioItMs. Refl ids, .FilyOr «eldin, two years odl Alexand(er, 5 apples--L. A. Squair Trt1Ms Bow, r. halie f 1r; Welsh, foïlowed ans jiti a surprise visit by the Honourabl0t Stutt, Mrs. Coat SaGrvntenLAtqai, .P ' l Irs'4lr.SeveýMs. W~Yeliowlees, Lorne Tink, A. Gootifellow, Miuister o! Avg- Geranium jepo,< Boo-~, S. igs Walhy J.H. Jase, 1). Saples, tn 46 ron , -Wliam nTam-blyn, P aulTmln rcluefor Ontario and iM,..jBe' Farrow, MI-S. Alun. okn hre 4 aresLr J. W. .Boyd & son. -Jll futslaiMsîW uii, oald Welsh, varic e Kn, rc Topsu Iokî,Ivan Cochrane. I no-oyti & Son, D. Stapies, Ms .Dwe.' Stainton, :. a titn 'og eu-Mrs. Vaxihorne, Mr , Single horse lun-harness, uutier cTmby.'--Pta'-saai,-r.BuiMr.'se eenKoi ae Rcati, '~OmosMr. More Ms. 1at5'1/2 hands- Ivan Cochirane,; Mclnjtosh- L. A. Squair, Boyt iBr-oLwIn. BMeTosluon. Ptriia no , n Cut oor e Verbena-Mrs.Mor,es, Mrs. otsLam-e Hoskin, Ivan- Cochrane. onC.1Tmbln. hocoatetude-Mr. CDDo VebnsMs .Eas rý'Pair horses lu harness-Ivan isC. arltPipnR.ObrnyMi5 onBi. nyRiekartiCarole enWilimKelit riwChtie acJieved by-t Erih SacletDonenetl Knüf * n anti pat Morrow Otý W. Fa~'ro .Af* Côchrane, 'Lamne Ioskin, Ivor Staples, J. Jose. D. salad icdressing--Mrs. r. Suto, ilryTmîuoJhnBuhn Mr-r- ,(fr>aMrs uy Ccrae A .iu.iBaxter---C. .Tambiyn, Robt.. Heu. Mrs. Dôwney. DvdWry rdHsiWle Cniut ae3 Mrs. Mo re ncsthinge tin luha uesu- dry anti Son. Jorwaso eving eggs--Mrs. VerléysenaniavtCawrc Marloid Frech)-rs.Van- ier 12112 hans--George Hayes, R Wolf River-L. A. Squair, r>. W. Bwld, Mrs. W. B. oar. ____- herne, Mrs. Coates. L. Cochrane. 'tpe.~w~so evu oaosMs Calendulas.-Mi-s. Coates, Mrs.1 Best pouy under sadde-E. John- Eehi ipnD tpe. DoeyMr.Dnutd Mor.1son, R. L. Cochrane, Crab Apples--Bayti anti Son, A. Chili saue--Mrs. R. Haucockl Scabiosa-Mrs. AllUn, Mrs. Moore f Teamn poues-R L. Cochrane, Pas Mrs. Hoar, Mrs. Stutt,. ZiniaMr, lun MsCote, Gore ays.SpyL A. Squair, K. Squair, C.; Pickles, sweet--Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. îSingle pony in haruess over 11, Tamblyn. Br1owu. OUIR POINT IIA I G- -u d Mr, arge s o at rs a d-G og ays . L. Cc- Delico s- Don Staples, K. Squair Relish-Mrs. Gray, rs. Sutton, ~u4t; Mr. Gatshee, aneGeore Haes.anti C. Taroblyni. Mrs. Don Butit. HORES Telam ponies lu bamuiess--R,.b. Lsl- Carias Tamblyn., Boyti Bread anti butter pickles--Mrs. S. MO~~RSE8 Cochrane, George Hayes,aniSnMaeMsDo utd ________ d'esalesService Gu an tees Comforir ClydMa e staesBotsrtie hos-L r eilskiu, Golden Russett--J. H. Jose, R Collection canni l ruit Mrs. Sut- Yeli areorGelting -Heber Mlo Laoey, L. Atchinson. Osborne, C. Tamnblyn. ton.'ihE oo " Down, J. W. Boyd & Sd;n, Heber IBestTrot~-Lrn Hoskin, A. i tr-.Tmln ot b.IJm ai~-r~.Ha~Ms Down. - !B. Marin.- Mare nd FOl-J.W. Bod & sn' SýeBal twwin-LA.B.A. Sj(uair, R. HendryBrown. Mae ni ol-. .Bot &so peil wats .B.Man I-ant n. Eggs1Mr. .Powell, Wrs --ý Foal O! 1959-J. W. Boyd & Son, an Cochrane, rei.-.SuiR edylnii uhyda fdiOtOo e - C lt, on ye r1ad , WkBo d Mes la y t c'i e- r a e ni S nr. Sape.Speciai Prizes in omestic Science er qedm-aco Y~ -- Son,~~~~~C TaHski, Ms, ilon aceDonouburner. îmv cnrlo STalmaswet .Ra. yTVon 'lysupper tray for one persan- 80etwsig$0 ,- ~ atbre R . i i e n t i r y .u d e d c a e r o e x tra c o se : ~ 1StaPes. Mrs Brown Mrs. r. tuddfrnace. :-.- PEARS N",ew 7Exh-ibitors - IVrs. F. Jase, -- ' c ieinifcalîy r 9- 4 'î D.lat yor ot I,. W one illI Collecion-b A. Suair s. r> Butii t ~rua efficientt and 4--~- ua iy F%,e ailott RHndyantiSon], J. FH. yeo~dhtiiycaeMs~îwotc JoMoreeMs.K.G rayMrs. F. Jose.supo. i c b.A. SuiGrand echampion Pe-Mr'.. PoGI, *and rtove Oi 2 LehBatyC aby, .Mfa W uns SqarA. Pas. Grand (chamjpion cakie--Mrs, .Kayeernys.atotidII. Fve Buerre ase K Squair, L. Gr:ay- >,n 0 of uthe ri C aIpps Favo0urite R. H1endry ant i PC tÈOn: PeMrs. Robt. Mo! - at the Most soA . uI s. fcak I-bes. C11alliýe, Mrs. R. SBron brn ~ { OM ETIC SCIENCE and My-s. 1>. Butiti. noaàv n TT te raçMr.RSu- MgcBknPwersge a-AlIi p omrs. Steeves. jer cake--MXrs. ýMoore, Mrs. Butid. A hsf ~ ~~~~~~P K L 1k U I A 15L I 'K IL E W O~hole wheat bread- Mrs.,J.T' BoýAwmanville Frigiti Locker spe- fi Fruit loaf, yeast--Mrs. Sutton, cial for exhibitor with mnost entrie-s b fiMoore, Mrs. Suiton. in tiomestie science- M-\rs. Brown,i fine-,+ kind ___n o!fusMs Steeves Mrs. Mrs. R Sutton.$ nomicol op 0 Celsea buns--Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. -S 50lSas secial for the ladyl 0 Vv1G 0 R 0 %aSutton. winning thec most points ilu neetile- oSteeves. crafl -Mrs otes fiTea bscuits-Mrs. Sutton, I4rs. -Lake a! the Woods Milliig Col, Lim ited Gladys Moffat, Mrs. Challice. -Specfal est ioaf ofwhite breaà îi 0 Date Muffis-Mrs. Hoar, mrs. Brown, Mrs. Steines. 1) O Te.epk.a. Oshawa iRA. 5-110 f G. Brown, Mrs. Chailice. Best layer cake - MsMoore,MI's ofscones- MIS. G. mLoffat, Mrs. K. rpwn, .. 78 a.OIdSt- w.éÉfjjGray. Be~te Ms K ray, mrs. RU o o U B<~B aaa akeMr Mra , MS. Stton. 1 n O Ve New f.rv000 1> f iior Ycipr HoW4w ueI &Lumb2%r Limited, Phone 14816 1 l - -,- , - 4, ââ,4 -, > - 1

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