Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1959, p. 8

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OýROjNO WEKLY TUMES TI ORON Found;,ýer. R. A.1 Orono Fair Car. Be Better? TeDurham C-entral, Fair of 1959 is now, pasi and glowîng reports of Ausmscess as an Agricultural exhdibition an-d entertain- ment feature is being oiced throughoint the area. A success,it was. 11enevorigto aayethýs feigof suï»ýcss one must 'tura 1the icincreased in'rest tihat was showa by -a greaier rnumber this year than ever before. The fine weiher coniditioni can not Lake ail ihe credit for the success. Fait Fairs can flot be, ruan today as ihey were tein ad iwenty years ago, ihere mnusi be new idepas and new features to catcdh the imaginston of the speWtaors. Although the fairs .stil musi hing on AgriClturial exhibits and produce they must also have n anci tothat great Part of thpopulation Who to-day have Mite connecion wiih Agriculture, and w-ho are liittie interested in the cnomt of a cowv or the fullness of a head og grain heFair ai Orono ibis year did provide some new features and cameý out, to sorte exient, wfith a 'e look'. Hiere one mnay mnentioni the different and eommendable arrangement for the id- way, a betier diisplay of the comm-ecial exhibits, the new horse sls, u.new siariig stand, the exiennCo a todayvfar with harness racing on FVriday eveaiyig, the Chamt-ber,'s Mc1d7oaald 'far.mn for the chldrepn and the appearance of four-horse teams and a fuil class of saddle, horses. The momeritum of itreila th-e Drama Festval can also be added. This varied exteniion could! not help but find ýjnterest aad thus add to the scesof the fair, Much bas been done ibis -year .. . . much imore anbedon. 0f courseihis necesitaies ajoint effort from ithos neeid Agrlture andthosemwbo haeotr fields in wbich ihey excel and inamwhich they could1 be an asset I o the annualj fair. The ,1960 edition of ibe fair jmuýLsi nowome into -ous and plans shouldstan for- aew dev7elop)Menjs. Somne are already voicing opinions thati more grandistand space siould be erected, more pro- visions for parking by developing the lot to the nortb of the track, more beautificaion of the grounds, Mhore entertainment for Friday to mnake it, a fuil day for ibe children with numerous (Icldrea',s features. Th î s also need forsa greater effort in exieading the dlamses of exhibits wbich are nomwKwea. It would appear that more Personil contact wiih producers of Chese atce could possibly encourage them to be exhibitors fi 196R. W can sec no reason why the apple display couid aoi be improved coýnsiderably since nhe area does deveop a great dA of fruit. WVe might mreniion that- ihe sUccess Of the horlse show and thle Holstc#i so is attributed te, n greai extent éby person-al contact and inIerpst of the commritvee This artcle was not written to be criical for we do beleive thait the fair thîs ycar was a bowling success. On -,th-e other hand imprvemntscan stijl be mad -hich we are much intcrested iîn, AUCTIýON SALE 1 --v reeived nstructiQns from the executors of the esI4e of the late 'Eva Bù,rford to se3I by Pub1ie Auciion onSauraySePtemnber 26ý a1:30 p.1m. at her laiereidnc Mill st., e(wcas th'le oown artic1es: Space hheter, eeii e frigeraýtnr, 21" Motorol1a TV, rang- ette, c'bnai a i nd ecl layer, pli liký,ee;bedroom, living rooml a1d kitchen fritrdishles, Ters~'~sh noreserve. Jack Reid,Auioer AUCTiON SALE thec exeutr fthe-estate of thicat Wm. Cowan, o belI)vpuica- tion on Wedriesday, September ifv23 Sat islae esdne No t. Newc-asle, h8household eei n washlingmainacu ceer sewving mac-hi-ne, dining-room an,,d bedroom fur4itunre, aitel rdioj large quanïiity of ayrpnter oo and garden tdýrols. Termrs cashXn, io 3rserve,. Sale on tly at 1:30) p.m. JTack Reidl, AuMtoneer S8EGTION_ Ia view ~ the crowded çàiditions at the Oroýio school an-dth lack of a lunch robrm. the Tru <cýes requesti parents, to;ýrcfrain, if ?jossihýle, from sendling childrenl wiiy lunches. ciated. "»b-C COMING EVENT Chur Wenesay ~eveingNov- c~~-.7 -Sucsevd Lrom -4:30 Reoei~Services. of Kendlal Unite Cur ('1 will h îeld On Sun- day, Seple mni)r 20th ai 2:30 p.mn. Rev. Johnj Sm-i j, Whitby, Chair- manm of O wPresbytery, will preach and a ýLaie choirýj from Audj ley will sig.8-C I OOU RTIOE PLEASE Waste Pape r l'OR TUE ByScou s7 t4EX4COLLECTIO, DATE isurance Service Sadie Hamilton . . E very class of Insur- ance, is represented in our off-ce. The follow- igar-e sonle of the mai coeraeswe Can of fer: Automoile, Li'fe, Acciti sickness, Plate GkSS, Lia Fire, BurglEry, -iospitaliz Livestack, Boiler, Wind, Hail, Fitiolity Bonds et CNO p- NI FIR~T MOR~ ~! LC - - - nt anti ization, Polio, E IR16 ANS Suildmg A Hosm? or remodollinq your preen t one Contact Floyd Nicb»ls. Phone 2191 Orono jiFoundations andi Septlc Tanks port.Forms ava~iabe The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Ph'r u 57521,î P.0. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. -Buy Direct andi Save Commissions' Engraving, Goldleafing ' Have Yeu Eot Insurance fPratect yoursel anP.d your Sfamily against loss by havïingO OAdequâte Aiktomobilo Insur- anice. Discuss your requiro- mnents with f INSURANCE T lIL [ N.F. PORTER FI,.12516 Pes. 1252 A. F. Mc-KENZIE, MMl. PHYSIC IAN andi SURGEON Office Hours 20te4:00 p.m. 1:00 to 8:00 p.ni Saturdays and WadnesdIays by appoin-tments only PHONE 1471 OROMO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGE ON SPhono 10616 Orono, Ont. LE OgÂAl Lawrence C. &asm, B.LA. Barrister and Soïicitor BOWMVANVILLE, ONT, Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Homo MA 3-5553 W. K'AY L YCETT, B.A. ln the Ofcof MryN ST., ORONO r elephone 138 On J ACK kI AuctiOneer and Valuator Specialize lu Farrnand Co~îtnie for ternis and dates Plioe 5r 18 - Orone AuctiOneer and Vialuator COnducts; AuctioDn Sales of ail clu.. ai at reaso'nable rates Communicate with him at Port Po"v, Ontarie, o)r see his Clerik, A. I. Morion at Orano for date, LIFE INSURANCE Penýsion Plions;EducaIonal PofloI. iProtection andi Savings Planls fer Chiltiren and Adult, e; MNaqs lin surance Plans, OrnF. E. LYCETT Ont,. - Phono 11714 TyprlersReingoqPortables At $1.00 down andi $I.0 a wee.c Up te 20% off on demonstrators OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINS 329 Simcoe St. S, Phaono RA 812U1 SSTAFFORD I)BROS. PooWh *tby 552 jFINE OUALiTy MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lot u5 erect a handsome, dlg- jnifieti monument over the rest- Sig place of your loveti ones. ltnot expensive. Anti seeing th;îs ast tributa wiIl give ~you endîess comfort. Oron-o Electric 1HNE129 COINTRACTORS FOR FARIM and HITTSE WIRING AP'LIANCE SALES Pyo. -3tf andi GOante.d Repairs ae aE acnds of Electricad Eqiuqém* andi AppIIances S I* . titans Wate 'IatuM L ý,t,.;VrSte*..- b ' I 1~ 1< z Y,

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