Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1959, p. 7

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To thealmen wbvýo drill ait wells -. and eveni more dramna- tically, to the men who figbt oil-wall lires - a b]aziug wel] on dry landý is euoughi of a nightmare. To these meun, a fire lu an offsborcje drilli-grgi - a nigbtmare mu-ltiplied a hun- dred time-s. Tbirty-fiva miles olut from the western coast of the Persian G i, la120-degree temp-,,erature, a raiÀng ofshore oii-well fira knocked aout fifteen of the 65 mern who were fight ing it, sprayedc flame, gas, oul. adrock hlundrerds of fe(et lu the arand cued$ illion 7n On-seene, Neýwsweek,'s Mid-' eaStcrennt Lsarry Col- ins Cabled: By 9.45 ;llate mn-tling, U.S drilersabord he Thoraiton, a Dutcb-owued drilgbarge un- der Confri-ct ltO Jpnsnew Aabia 011 Co., 'had rached 1.507 leet into thie floor of the Persian Gif. Then mnud- szilugar 1Bob Hasýkins suicddeuily saw thadt the mud lromi the core wasmuinii-g bikar itrough thi-e pumps. "Blowouit!" Ha-,skins sücamied. Thre nmites later a bDillow,- ing cloud ai seamrock, and evi - smelliug -suiJphuýrous g as shot higb,, into the air. And thea ahuirtling rccuk struck sparks from i the steel dric.The whol'e, lss eruiptad ina athun- derous f ira. A barge tender, huis clths lamiug, leape'd 50 f eet inito water proýwled by 10-foot shaks.AnArah crane operator was d cragged uncouscia;us, from thie Ilames. Word wans liashad ta the main- l and w h e r e the Japanesa nil boss sat swle inl a trailar. HIe siook bhis baad aud went on aatlng bits of lce-d watermneion soaked in concEut itha drill- ing comnpany's Amaricari vice- president, 0. D. Blanke-nship, caldistantiilIy to Taxas for vetersu lire fighftar Paul (Red) Adair ta tn by. Adair lu turr' al1e r te d bis men, Edwsrd >Kaontz) Mattiews (playiug gin rummy lu Houston) sund Asger (Boots) Hansen (just taking oPf ora lish lry). They il were airboriie a few, hours Jler. Buxnping v acation ers off planies sud charterîug a KLM Super Constellation fromr Arn- ateÈrdamr to Kuiwait (cost $20.. 000) the fire figihters arrived. TPhey found the- crew of the TPhorntou scarred wv i t h burns aud covered -wýitb saIt-watar blistiers, Evary rmari id beau workirig tweive hours, sleeping% four. Adair plotted bis strategy. The situiation le facaýýd wrss this: The wellhea-d lu such a drill- inu- operation (the top of the pipe that ýgoes down throuign thie ocean's hattom) la located lu the center of an openiig ilu thne bntom of the dirillinig barge itself - the barge, essentiallY, lahus around this opamig. The "blowout' had3C 'wrecked the Kelly' joinit at the top ol the. w:ýellheadt, causiug tbe rýaging tîi'nmes of the fire to tiare. AdIair's first problam iw1aato get these flsaring flamaes under coffrol. Fie and bis men rigged iSSUE 38 - 195!1 NIMBLE AS~ EVER - Nearly a quarter-ceptury cdter Berlin Olympics triumph, Jesse Owyens flies over imiprovisecl hurdles during oi street exhibition in Chicaýgo, 111, Ha wcis promotina the Pan American Games in the city. up an iran) chute (like a child's gatplaygý-rounrd sîlde) sud aiong, it, tl'Oaind on top af the Kell,1 y joint, theliy slid 75 pounds cf 42 per cent gelignita, cooled by ,,acaeuy trainedi stream of watar. The men figured thay bad five miinutes belfore it ex- ploded. Tbïey were right. "And thgit,', aid ian admiring barge tende1(r, "laý why thbe s e guys charge f ve housaud bucks a dlay.", Ihe well]head cleared, the Ilameis shot uip lu a straight cane, all1owiug the l ire lightera ta ge,,(t ta them ifrom the ide, aýnd slightl 'y underneati. Thesa, filame-s we-re extinguished witb explosives, aud auoly the final' taský remnained! - to put- ont tie lira Étiil buruiug down ln the pipe. "That's whIen it, gets tricky," Adlair said. "It's when' you're rigîýlt on top of a fire -mud it rfrstiat youL get hurt.' Hae and the mari wçnt dowu hDelo)w-deckýs af the ba r ge to thraad a new wellhead (to snl- locate- the pipe lire). The lîrat time dlown, they; were draggad baqck up. Buit back they wvent, witb gas nmasks. Tbey tbresded on a rnew eb, pumiped 500 sacks of barite mnud dowu inkto tha pipe, scre-wed on a Iid.ý An an at last tie lire was pu)t 0ont. MysterySolved At the Souith Devon Horticul- tnral Society show lu Eriland, miystery writar Agathia Christie posad a bafflar of bar own wberi sha w,ýalkad sway ,u.ith aigbtean firt-prira. ribharia, six seconds, tlirea thirdso, sud two cupa. The question: Haw could, somneone w'itb such a prolific bhaud for wiing iý (6C)5 novais, tbirtean plays) spara the time to develnp sncb a grean t hnmab? The 7an- swer, provided b -,y h li yaroe grandson, MattAew Pritchard: "It's raally ail doue by the gar- deners." MkIGHTY LIGHT - Athough in size and wpa"ght it's fraction of ,îhe big bu!b, the tirîy floshbulb hield by gives more ligjht. The jlybean-i-rd blb produces peoik lumeýns compojjýred ta 325,000 foi the kn-ie watt light bulb. only a the girl 400,000 10 kilo- Your Ideal Bout For Fishing The idleal fisbiing boat, with a, 3 or !;o h.p. initor, will vary ac- cording to thoanagler sud the watarwauy. But cousidaririg shah- terad waters, this variation msay ha surprisiugiy slght: Here's wbat ta 'look for wben you cou- ider the ideal boat.' 1Firat, this auglar's boat must have stability. Todlay's angier doas not have f0 have a craft fIat quiivera under hlm wheri- avar ha shifts a leg. Ha sbouid, and can, hava suifficieut stsbilify to give ail attention to igbting and hoatiug tînt liai - not to balauiciug fia boat. Anet ha can also 'bava sufficient atability while sittin g on a seat of corn- fortabla leigbt. A seat barely off the floor will raduce the rock by keaping the weigbt lw but tuis position may cause crsmpjed legs and stiff baecks. Tien, f lually, there sbould ha suf icient stebility to make standing up to casýt sensible, pleasant, fsud ïsafe. Width, fie chiaI ingredieit lu a staad-y boait, af course givea other advantage,(s. If mnakes an sîtogati-ar salfer boat fo-r the more peppy SPamaî mtors ol to-- day; tbose 3 h.p. mnotors of today fnrnish a lot more speed, sud more powa,,r, than fhe 3's (of 15 aud 25-years aga. Thay provide ail the power tha,-t can be usýed by mnoat boats built to haridie well witb oars. And wîdth miakas lor a saler boatfas waves roll 1u1p. The sugiar then doesu't havae to ,warry quita so muci ovar arià ing wiud, or theia wake oa-the riext. boat fiat passas Pa slort distance .away. The idea hoast should baudia and raspoud wilwitb onara. Ia a wiud, the boat mut ld course. 0f greateat lhelp ilas keel,-for it keepa the wý.idýer boat lrom baing fomanienverable wif haut beirig siuggish. WNith bars, idas rmuat ha ressonably low, whau bigi, the biades- dig lu deep af au inelliciauf angle The bhast can'f be toa wide lika a itmanit;tîntht wauld ma r oiuiu for tbe oa,. Sides shauld be higi e.nuigi for safaty on sbeltered waters - say 15 ta 17 luches save the wateriue, more at bow aýnd steiu. Beam, we cari put frein abo)ut 50 luchesF up ta 60 indhes. 1rgt )t go withi t shouldi be naot lesa flan 15 feet. That's for ana or two anglers. For more, size sbauld be larger. Most angiers waut speed laîrlyý close ta the, hast fhe motorca give, for tiare ara curreat1s ta ha, met, and lccasons]langr fripa. Length i15 ana aswerherle. The langer and thge f boast rides, tie aasier it slipsabad write-, Williard Grandal.Batds Edîtor of Sparts Afil. Siouild the ideal fisbing1 boat ha ilaýt-bottom or rou7nd? It de- pends olten oun esoa habits sud desires. For, instance, a round-hotfom la less steadly than a flat-bottom af tic, samie wd Butit'a essier t t pua i Afiat- battom wilihIDip lasa reedily, but if may seam ta dé 'ýif wth more surprisiug jerks. A llat-Ibottom icarji act btter witb oniy Iti,,,drivTer nor u at tIherutbougb any loue ange with 10w power siold rig up r, side stee ring whe. I or SEARCKING - J-feftina a sami- vrai sword, iunzo Soto, anti- que expert, continues his search for "naqtional trecisijres" in Amiericci. The JcipariîIse is seek- ig 42 special swords that were among 350,000 samnurai swords handed over cafter the'war. Lady Gets Tough W&Iith Tax Colfector Robert C. Lockwoodî, a 41- yearold iamiinsurance ad- juster, hýad taxý troubles. The In- ternai Rlevenuie Servi ce claimed ha owýed $ý4l5.69 in ]b-ack taxes. Lockwood insisted hie ow,,ed noth- ing. The collectors put on the pressure, anid Lockwvood, like man 'y ano)theri before imr, buc- led. Ha sigmned a waiver permit- ting the Goverimenl to attach bis pay check. Said ha: "I just gave up. I'm a littie gay. 1 di'dn't figure 1cI cold fî"igt the aovern- N\o sooneýr lad-C Robert Lock- wood sigýned thaýt waýiver than ha had mnore than tax trule.He ha if e troubles. ?retty ar g&ret Anai Lockwoùd,2.ga- ered up ber elhildr1er[ - ené-, 2, and te-.In-montb-old Robbie - and mrbdinto the Miami ax cletrsoffice to (demnand raVC- tuiin of ber usçbaudî çpay' chec7k. Sa-s -s1e: 1 Itold tâcnmRobbie lad just gout of the hIospital, where be wst "ae or acute anemia, 3apd we e e d ed the money flor. medicine. They wouullntitn . Tbe:,'ra rathe'r coldaared ud imper.sonal dIowni there." But M_ýargar-et Lcwo lad aý plaI of IctionI: ýàe planted ber.ýelinl a chair and -tnii(DLnced she would stay rigît there- unti] the pacekwas returnedl. The cbildreu did the rest. Datighter René, dijppi,i into a box of raisins, mauaIlged to spiII about hall ofI themn on the tax office floor, happily 1tramnpled them inton a gooey rmess. Son Roibie wet bis diapars, and M\/ar- garet Lockwood calm-ly changed th-emi, draping, the repking cast- offs over a chair. Wben lunchtima came, NMrs, Lockwood opend jarsolby food, arrauged tbem- on a clerk's desk. The children dlug in greed- ily, splattered strainad apricots; and sweet potatoes generously evoîd the lOss of speed, stabillty, and seaworthiness that com, eN wlth a stern sînking under weight and 'catusing drag. lNearý.ly any boat at ail sultable 'for 3 h.p. will troll weIl. Often shallow diraft, or a boat for niar- row, twistling channels or srn ger currents is wanted for speciai purposes. It cari be mentionedi that our ideal fishirig boat, be- cause of its width and length, has quite shallow draft. Finally, the angler wants a boat that woui't blow arou'nd or be buffeted by waves t,-oo much. Lo-wer aides, a kceel, a boat riot too snyiall and ultra-lighit, will prevent this. -Here we haven't described a boat tLo lf t easily, or gone into what makes for long if e, in in- and-out of vater use, and stor- ag.-t' just tops to fish from on -average, quiet waters. An inex- pensive, lightweight trailer willl carry it. Or if boat must be more portable than) ouri, deal, rememi- ber this point - cut lerigth aud beam proportionately, and you have the same-acting boat - if load, speed, and waves are simi- iarly cut. A strictly fishing boat, having ail these desirable feaLtures, la al- wasnu emnand. X ARN Cash la youir Spare Time. Jiist show your frienda our Christmas anid AU,1-Occasion Greetinig Carda? (inelulnig Ileligious) Staitionery, Gifts, Write for Samples. Colonial' Card Ltd- 489-B uenEast, Toronto 2. NURSERY SALESMEN AGENTS wanted to represent Canadae. oldest leading nursery. Profitable ful.1 or part-time sale ,,s position opex throughout Canada. Commissions pai w,ýeekly. Handsomieinstructional selling outfit hi full. colour suipplled free. We offer al varieties ln hardy, Canadian- Grown fruit snd oirnamental niursery stock, rose bushas, etc. Write to: STONE AND WELLINGTON LniMIED "The Fonthill Nurseries" P.O. Box 40. Fontill, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE "ýDESTROYER"ý for use ln outdoor tol- ets. Eats, down to the earth, save-s cleaning. Directions. Thousands of uisera, Coast to casat. price $100 per cari, postpaid. Log Cabin Products. 322 York Road, Gilalph, Ontarto. STOP TOILET DRIF CONDENSATION stopped with a guar- auteed haperiaýl styrofoam lin"er.'mai M.00. we pav postage Mcl*ardys, 998 Dunda)s St., Louidon. AIRCRAFT F OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FLYING Farmiers Piper Cub J3 rebuilt as new throughiout, special super üubý trim) $220000, wlll seli or trade for cattle, M.. Williamus. 25 Phieasant Lane, '£oronlto 18. BRAY bias diayold, started ready-to-iay Ames Im-Cross Pilets. Dual purposa aind Laghorn Chicks, dayold sud start- ed. Send for liat. Sec local agent or wvrite Gray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hlamilton, Ont. STARTED pullet bargains 10 toril weeks nId - Barred Rock, Columibian Rock, Rhode Island lRed X Barred Rock, Rhode Island Ried X Liglit Sus- ïexý, Light Sussex X Rhode Island lRed -- $44.95 par lhuncdred. Assorted heavy breeds $419ï5. Iimber pullets il weeks, of age 87ý "eh, 10 Wveeks 3t ?eh. Alan youngar pullets at lowe,,r prices. catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCIIERIES ],Tb. FERGUS ONTARIO FARM HELP WANTEID R'ELIABLE, experienced married Mani for Dairy Farm. Good wages with Fuel, Hydro, Mlk, Apply - Clarence Lyons, Cheltenha*m. Victo'ria 799 jS. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -POTATO Digger Chialuis, made In Can- ada. Standard weight and widlths. For 26 inch, 45e per link. For 24 inch, 4,4ý per liuik. fimmediate Shipmnent, F.O.B.ý Heidelberg, Ontario. Gray. Snyder Ltd., Ifllisb)urgh, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE DMURY and cash crop fa-rmaj. Eilir Comuy area. Donald J. Bagg, Brýoker. A.R. 1, St. Thomas. Phone ME. 1-3287. INSTRUCTION EARnmore! Bookkeeapïug, asmn ti,,p, Shoýcrtbiaud, Typewriting, etce. Les- sonrs 35,. Asic- for freea1ccrNe. 8M. Caniadien Corresponidance Courses 1290J Ba4y Street. Toronto. INDUSTRY NEEDS DRAFTSMEN! THE lMachanical & Aircraift Inat. offers yoir a new and siniplified horne-study course ln Industrial drafting. Many find excellent j obs alter coýnilating this Government-approvad program. The course is very reasonable, ma fact,ý Yeu Cari pay as litle as $10 par ùmonth. For furiher iniformation, withnut obli. gation, write ta: BeéscOï Institut. ef Graphic Arts, 89 Dundas Street, West, Dept. 9, Toronto, Onterïo. LAN D WESTERN Caadi n esteada - 111 acres. File age 18. Crown land 50ý acre trp. For inform.ation send one dollar tri; Frontier Suirveys, Box 246, Vanderboüof. British Columbia. -'lED i C AL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEOY? IT GIVE5 GOOD RESULTS. MIJNRO'S ORUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 1.25 Express CoIIect POST'S ECZ2EMA SALVE lBAN\ISIS the toranent ni d1ry ec!zemna rPslhe'S'snd weep)ing ,skia trouibleis. POSt'i, Eczeina salve \will not disappoint you. hngscabling and buirnig acze. m1a, acre, ringwormn. pimples and foot eczemnavil] respond a readily ta the stainless odorless ointmnent -regariess of hwctubon shop)elesa ;they 'seerm Sent oa Free on Receipt of Price * PRICE $3.50 PER JAR 29,65 st Clair Avenue Easi TORONTO ovr 4sali of1 tax reports. Rob- 'bie started to couigh ocnhsfod ai-ICaP nervTe-shrledded clerk toldi MIrs. Lokodfot to let lml she snlapped. "It's ybaby, flot Next, enIé f'Ound a w ,-aste- baskeýt anid enthusiastically over- "W'ill Y he glad w-,henths kowI gaines aeovert"l 3 MàL LIO0N DOLLARS AVAILABLE' ON your property or fixed assets, W. spacialize in out-of-town b0ans. i ow) rate of lnterest, Terma to sudit.Quick service. Write or phione Dialiing Invest- mente Ltd., 380B lilour W., Toronto, WA, 2-2442. NURSES WANTED RE:JQU.IRED immediately for Modem iý.44 bed Ilospital 7 registered ge.neral duity -Nurses at minimum starting salary ofý $270.00 par moath. Residence andi laun, dry facilities, Alberta Blute Cross nrd .S . 1. available. Alan require aux !Illiary, experianced Nursing staff, App,)ly1 -oW Cross Hfospital, Spirit River, -Alberta. GRADUA-iTE NURSES [MMEDIATELY NEW 58 bed bospItal ta b.opeae Septembar. Apply to: Suýperin.tendeaet, Prince Edward Count.y Hospital Picton, Ontario. NURSERY STOCK FOR Sale. Scotch, Austriani and Muglie Pine. Description and pricas. Write: G. Pedlaghiai, liE. 1, Barrie, Onitario. OPPORTUNITIES SAWDUST. Turn it Inte cashi, f9lMalth.. oda.-Fuill instructions $1.O0. liowa Mar-. ghaîl, 1639 St Luke Rd., Wnsr n tarie. OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMAEN. BE A HAIRDRESSER .IOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIHOOL Great Opportunvity Leara Haiîrdresing Pleasant. dignified profession, gond wages. Thouisan.ds qf successful Marval Graduates, Anmerica's Greatest Systeai lllustrated Catalogue Fre WVrite or Cali MARVEL HAIRORESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. w., roronto E-,rayicles; 44King St., W., ~splo 72 Rideau Street.,ttw PERSONAL TROUBLED? Love?'Moey roblenis? l'il ap. Solution Available, if instruc- tions foliowed, Strictly personal. John Wamistekar, Box 10-CL. Ottery, cape. Souitb Africa. ADULTSI Personal Rubber Goods. o8 assortimeal for $2.00 Fineat qusaiity, tested, guaraataed. Mailed in plain seaaed package plus free Birtb ( ontrol bookilet aud catalogua of suplies' Weâtern itibtr BOX 4TP' Reginai, ssk. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Flilms deveiopad and 8magna prits ia album 40Q, 12 miagna prints ila a!lbum ii6N Reprints 5ý aach KOCDACOLOR Develoing roil $1.00 (not Lacludistg prints) Color prints 35ç eaech extra, Ansco aud Ektachrome 335 mm. 90 ex- posuires imýounted ia slides $1,25. Color prints front lidas 35, each. Money refunded ia fui] for, unprýinted niega. tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 33, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SýALE- TO settia an asiate, 200 ,acyes choie. tile and loamn soil lu Township nf AMosa, Apply Box 36, Wardsville, Ontario. CENTRAL. ONTARIO VALUES! WE have a wvide range of listings te suit your taste sud finances.Coinrier- cial opportunities, xuany farns of vari- ons sires, smnail holdings la rural aras, cottages, vacant lots la town, country and vacation districts. Derip- tive literature and photos maiilles! promptiy on raquest." LONG BROS. - Realtors Cobourg, Ont. Port Hope, Ont. Franklçn 2-3161 Turner 5-450Y TO settle 'an estate, 170 acres, lilch River Fiats, wfl draied, in Towunshlip of Mosa. ýApply Box 36,Wadil, Ontario. STAMPS AND COINS QUALIT'Y Approvala, Beginuar-ad;ý(vaac- ed, 20 up 25% 1,off firatprcs, Adults only. V. Saccagno, 2829 4ings.- land Ave., NYC 69. TEACHERS WANTED JUNIOR GRADE .TEACHERS RESPEL~ER Saparata School Board re- quires teachers for junior gradles. Sal- ary schiedule lu affect. Reply, statIng qualifications, experience, etc., 10 Sec- retary, J. Curtin, Haspeler, Ontarin. TEACHER wan,ý o. atwa On ahip School Ares, CGra- --" :j! -)tiDties te commence immnediataly. Apiyý, -.-t". iug quadlications, aad salary expectecd te. MR.A. V. BROWN, SER AY P..BOX 277, MA1TAWNA, ONT FACTORY WAREHOUSE 16 First St., London, Ont. SAW CHAJN CLEARANCE Pioneer Saw. 404 Pitcla.- 161, - $10.00 20" - 12.00 24" - 14.00 McCulloch Saw. 044 Modl 7/16 Pitch. le" - 8.00 Hornelita Ssw. 7/16 Pitch. 171 - 8.00 Renington-Mail. 7/î6 Pitch. 11," - 8.00 Ail C hi a i n Faýctory Guaranteaci. Brand New. Cha.in to fit any direct drive sawv. La;rje Dis;ccunts. Sand oI in your oîd saw bers - 5.0 lowence on, vour new bar. cash %with Order

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