Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1959, p. 6

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r- -'2 't. 'a- -'t t- t- t- r- 't" -'t s- t- 'a,, s- s- a- t- 'r r" 'r- r2 s- 4' 1' I s- s- s- "a. t-' Y,' t- t- 'r t- 'r <'t r" t- t- r" t- t- t.- 'r r'- c.' t- 'r t- t- r- 't' r- r 4' z- -r t- 2$ s- r Eaîsy 'n' Breezy -~ end(1 divýine fot asiern sume iay! you'Il10lov;tu square-cntneck, brezy mto of theskirt as yen go ie prtd patterna 4753: Misses' ies 12,1, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size"- 16 takes -4 yards 329-incli. Pieddirections on' e a cl pattera)piart. Easier, accurate. Seýnd FORT-Y CE' N TS (40c-) (stampscann-ot be a c ce pt1ed, uise postal note for s-afety) for' fthîspatr Please prînt plain- iy sIfZF, SAME, A1)DDRE SS.. Sed rder to ANNE ADAMS, Bo J1 23 Eighteentlh St.Ne ujorn, Ont. ISSUE 33 1 thin a arried Imanl canidash aîraundI with hris single maie t,ýriedsý and still stay true to his if? 1 arn grewýýjjing eal us and suspicious because my h'husand bas started goingl with aid col- lege pals, and lie is drining too nuch. Otten lie isn't boule tili sinighlilt. He is lying to me, and when 1 question where lielias been lie sýays it is none et MY business. He wýas neyer rude te m, e befere, and I1arn 'ick over the wliole tliing. ()evecelen married seven year, an have a littie bo-y. [He wa lasa loving liusband and father before thi. I've. reind- ed liim that single mien haven't thé responsibiltieslie i-as, but stilll ie gouot witli thiem. He, neyer, takýes mne or the boy out anywliere uinless w;ýe ask him to, and tien lie is truculent. -,My nerve-(s are crcingndl Ic'tstanld thiis miuch longeýýr. I haDve ne famlily to tuirn to), SC) ask yuradvIce. MRS.A." Wlien a man starts going euù1-t *witfliout lis wife, sle ie sually * upects the wrt But the * worst does net t ncesriy o- low. Yur husbDaid is pro- *bably true te ou but isç *association w itli t iý.ee aId *friends can be enly a tempor- *ary rebellion against hris own *responsibilities. He sees theml *doing, as tliey please, and sud- Sdeniy lie decides te enje-y tlie samne freedlomn. S off lie 'goes, *drinking with tlim, absenting * linmseIffrin homre, and in *genierel liaving himnself a fine *timec. * Don't think I do not under- *stand your slieck and dism.ýay. *You are interested, liowever, *in persuedinig him ta return te * is famnily. Instead of chiding ehlmi for lis neglect, can yeu Sbring yýourself ta treet lm as *you woulci an erring chld? SLovinig hlm as you do, try te Strust hlmn. Take it for grented Sthere is nothing sinister in bhis Cmmnd, that lie is only assertîng * what lie cails Lis ,r'ghts as an * individueal.Hfe is 1t*ot entitled *to them- (which leknews) but *wben yen remind hlm of that it enly goads him te a declara- * tien et independence th et " leaves y'ou spe,,*,bless an d " beartsick. " Dnring li,.s absences, yen " stand alone te maintain some *sembolance otf family lie for v our boy',,- sake, ta protect hlm *against the child's questions, *o tremind hlm a. nly et bow *mucli you bath mniss hlm. If *yen cen do this, it will remove * is res-entmeat toward yen, * nd lie willJ see yeounont as e * chin menjtor te bc avoided *but as lis best triend wlio i, s *trying_ te nnderstand - and *failing that, the layailieýlpmeiet who mnarried hlm fCor werse as *well as for- bettýer. Tnis is net *an eaýsy course te follow when *yen are so fe r tram a sympa- *tlietic f amily tacntide la - *Eut isýn't it true thapt yeur * busband must, WANT te stay *homie before lie will? * Perheps ,,iu teeddisinclined *ta talk te yon!r minister or *sonie trnisted tfriend of yeur *hnsband. If yen are really *desperate, yen mniglit present *the tacts te the local brandi ofe the Famîlyii Relations As- *sociation and ask their edylce. *Rtis deplorable that associa- *tien witli irrespoasible cbarac- *ters can change e men's habits * tasucli a degree. 1 cannot lbe- *lieve it will lest long1. When lie *does ewaken, lie W11, remnem- *ber yeur patience and yenr * aith, and love yen aIl the *more for it. "Dea.r Anne Hirst: My fiance is in the.Air Force in Europe, and while lie is ewaylie thinks I sliould date ther triends. He seys that except for writing and leighlm, I arn quite free. (I alweys wrete hlma about the tew. dates I do have.) 11I don't think I should lie -wearing bis ring, since I'm atraid etlher people miglit thînk I arn two-timning hlm! et course tliey' don't k-now we have thîs under- standing. But my mother thinks I should wear it. "Wliat de you Say? HAPPY GIRL" I f yen don't want te weer *the ring, thet is your own de- *cisien. Most girls wear theirs * ruland if any boy isks *its mieaning, they admnit it, * Yen are a bitcofs *the definition ef the word * gagemient, It indicatesý pi pom ise te -marry; it, does, *necessarîly imply yen *refusýe dates with other f rig * osand girls can have * times tgehevithout gui rancyen knoW. ' *fiance -is broedimiadd ea' Io te antye te enýjeyy oi *duriag bisabec, n * proves bis taitl inla son Wheii any problem gets down and yen don't knowv te tra, ritaAnne Hirst it. She wilemploy lier expeiene, ir .wisdom arn syl"npathy adgidn throagh Addres ber t E, 123EigteetbSt., New TOr' allinoistolwayste Uetoist S 15eietas ttol,, 1ýi highx&ay commision ovesrap~dbteget reprte telie90 ercntcent- st-daaion oet new sigas, relO- caten t thers, aad adiio lu infrmaionionsome Jsin A gra mry oerss r discever-iing this sunmmer wha.,t fýinethg the Illinoîs tlwy are."Overthe ,july 4 week ad tema ew blhi fer thesxt week end laia rew Thc fouir- Caniaa-"Ladty oet+te Snows" -- ughi Yes; there was ' a'time wlien' people dree-ded Canadian winters, myiseît among themn, but now I b-av7e reaclieýd Ithe point et draigCanadliensmes One cen defy vthe cold by usiag sterm wn d , extra beating aad wirm 1lotC'ygbut one 1v odrti's e's'tfer Klcîi Fer o eicelToronto- i'd av ]a Wc vcre h hom hituac"o t? ettheeven- iïI-. Alonc te Dnda Patner sad- -ïdotlieve uri liàts ae ,working." S Ipldinte a service station. SL!'ure enongb ne býeadlgbts e t, hi'li ordim. TIc service-nmnsi teemust be somnething Meng ,othtIn burnt-ent bu1lli a t as' like- ly both bullis woLdo et the same time. Well, etter ei bit et Iswitcbing on a-nd off everpything was al rigit, It was the switcb sticking midwvay between bigli and dim, due te excessive moist- ure. The sanie tbîng has hep- pened te my brake ligbts several times. The igbts stay ý on afler the breke peda] lies been, re- leased. Another time, ftter hav- ing the gas tank filed, the car was sitting in the sawbicb caused the gas toe expand -id leak ont arouad the cap. Pertner took care et that by s 'yphoning some et the gas inte bis lawn mewer. Nepliew George han a mucb, werse experience. Driviag tfram North Bey in the licat of the, day lie blew a tire. Chiaaged te thle spere ad thýen tour miles trom lis desýtination the spare tire aise blew! Hle set out t, -A walk ta tlie cottage where bis wite aad family were stayiag with Dec and Art. Luckily Art, was driv- îag back trem Ptroo~ aaid overtook George on his tramop along thie raad. Then Art had te drive George back to Peterbor-. oug-h fer new tires and rescue George's car off the road, The joys et sumrmer driving«! Oh, well, AN N~E 11HRSTj wliippedc cream, cherries,,pretzels and asna cube so)aked in lemn- on extract, set itaà e called it a "satellite sundaýe." Sh'>owe,,,r of Roses hlot wcvathecr has its co)mpensa- tions tee. I lestffive poundLs dur'- ing tlie laýst lieat. Now at tw cool days we are edinginto the hli 80C"'s again. For liow lo-ng Iwojnder how many pe'ople e.dtereport on the recent far-acidetssurvey. Yen will rueember the numbe-)r oet eatlis and serieus injuries was quite staggering. If olyf arm folk wouldnt take st7cbI chances, espe- cially where ecldren are con- cerned. Yeungsters love te ride witb Daddy on tlie tracter. But le[t the chld mnake a sndden, un- expected movement,. or his ta- ther's attention lie momentarily dliverted and tragedy can resuit. WoDrseý stili is tlie tolly et allow- îagý a young boy te eperate a tracter flone. Last spring, if yen remuember, Jean Tweed was telle- vising, a series of talks on tarm lit e, most of tliem good. But tlie last pitcnire sliowed clier 13-year old sonI- driving a tr-acter). Now if t1j his idbeen sliown as one thing t[hat slo b.-t ieallew- ed on- a far'M tiat wIould have been fine. But no, it wasý given as one oet the attraýctions et t arm lite for grewing boys. What an examyple -- on whiat wasý sup- posed te iDe a sort of educatienal Well, te see aur garden this year is te leugli. Snch a conglom- eration. Tlie anly plants that haýve reell1y made progress- are thos'e thatseddtliemselves. Se we av citron among the te- mnatee,ýs, cucumbers et the edge ef tlie compost heap, cosýmos among the heans and burning bush coming tlirougb thie slats of tlie beard-walk. Mest p romn- mnent et al are thie sunflewers -se]f-sown variety tive feet tall, seed that I set eut myself 1it 18 ladies higli, with poor, mniser- able blooms. Like children wlio survive neglect, tliey are the sur- vival of the fittest. Yen will ne- tice 'I sid - wo survive" With children and plants there are1 many wlie don"t, We can't depend on nature's iaw fer sur- vivel. If we could only recegnize the middle ot the road it miglit belp. I remember lieeirg oftoan, spoilt chid et wbom ithe doctor said, - "Probably ail lie needs is SATELLITE SUNDAE In Fort Worth, Lucille Bidges- won the titi, of "Founteineer et "59" fter she mixd a conce- tien of vanille ice creem, pecans,- 'Easy elegance! Enricb a pair et pillowcases or t6wels with deep berders et cross:-stitch.' Lavish, 7-incli floral borders give lînens ebrdl-ewrlook~. Pattera 665: treastder one 64 sx 20V-incli motif; two 5Y4 x 13%. colour scliemes; directions. Send THIRTY- FIVE CENTS, *(stamps cannot libe accepted, use postal note' for satety) -for, this pattera te, Laura Wheeler,, Box 1, 123 Eigliteeath St., Ne'w Toronte, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMB'ER, yout NAME and ADDR2ESS. Send for a copy elf 1959 Lanra Wbecler' NeedlecrafttB-e o k. It bas lovely designs ta order: em- b r oid e ry, crochet, knîtting, weaving, suilting, teys. In the book, a special surprise ta mnake a little girl hiappy - a cnt-eut doTi, clethes te coleur. .Send 25 cents-for thïs book. £gI £~«~Wk~& SMILING AT LIFE - The former Ann-Marie Rasmussen, of Norway, and he-r husband Stevenr; o--kefelle-r, heamr for their wedding portrait. The couplir a on their honeymaon in the U.S. She marrie,; mbt a personal fortune twke-- that of the richest man in ber native country.

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