Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1959, p. 5

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-UOO 0WEEKLY 7TreEr I vyone who helped ài any way L a % he E d ito rs ceso r smallAto ake it s d su ur C (ails W b e a The Editr, ..gsin o mrvmnsfreSh IJ vrhi e ute sOrnlot The ron WIL ~y ~ suîpCoucîlforthenew stage "nthei inids nw, out ill 1be yoa- maLe. Las weken Te Vllae f O- te TwnHal. 'hecouncîl is.to begItlenby thetime he a1rual or conedd fo ts forýesight )n re- m-eetin1g îis held. Iflth at Tr. ,,d Ms. J. W. ,wickaby n onoplye hst e mstsuces- ontîctig bestgeand hanging (AVi y e rnet Ft e ltcf inscitovstdn auaywhMr fui fairIn cnucinwiththe cut,!shhwill greattly hud esate o ex erfo1 ndMs . .Suc dlU.Re fairan euall sucessfl drma poper tearical productions. ithe wieek before lth efar. A gOod klaatenedthe Or"noFair. festval vas eid.11th future. time for such a m-eetingwolbea MsHoadWsb asutr- Tincnnetio -ith this festival. MyI stte thMaafestivl such as!Saturday ight, -as those who wocrk turned roma twoweeks Visit s in I soul lie t exres anopen vot );i(en we recentfly ex,ýperienced in out of iowýin on s.iflts would be able MdLan ad wn ud of conigratulations to Mrs. Samnuel a wellequipped theatre makes auto be.prsenti anld ber fesýtival commîittee for the felow proud he livesý in Orono. r.andPrs Crl irnS Pn splendid etertainmienit wjbtheir iJhr Yd.iJfeel tbah any of te people Mrs. -rs HaryBaley Btildeda dg effortsprv.dfo the ctzn of - who hl on fair day, like myseif, uer party atte home of Mr. anld Or'ono ras', rda 0d1Audy rno n., ever have achancfe excpt t Mr.Percy Hampton, Paigrave on evenings. I arn sure that everyonelSp.1,15 uimeig fsyn bti udy who atede\vas impressed bKy theild'Orc, Orono Weekly Timen(s _,n their mins. y these people I amazing am oun f pefstv or- erSir:- a \tcetslesVice aes r n r. W. Welsh fWisn ganization for Whih the committee Thiis is a letter 'to the Presidenttos who pakcrCn ayot-vlevstdwitb b-er -brotherMr wand oi'u e tors A h m anC iJepr, adM SalyCbapmian, Kirby wassecapbl reposibe.tiAI Agriutural Soedirected e ada.wondlerful fair iast St-and aled oniothe eatives and Another CAeI crnt certally bave 0( iscrn U irogyour Paper. ady et's star t f ,oW 10ake next finsairoulld ronlo. impr)essed ti:,e audien.ce. For many BMay I suggest, folloing cr oncf eapi-r's gger and better than ever. MranMs.BBrgrnS.ad years to c ,elte people cf Oronothie best fairu we baive ever badYurs tmul, 1 fanîiy have m-oved to Kingston. CHl be gratul hte Clarke Town- that -youi calllîa general mneeting ef Ani interestedheer Now Is The Time To GetP 8Your New Fait Clothes GLENA-.YR- KITTEN SWEATERS CHILDRENS IBLAZERSg Co M1new ýShip-ipent of "Kitten" NT,1avy Flanmel Blazers with white f f3Sweater.,,s have arrived! The new Gu- ciir trim. White peari buttons. But- long lausol the eaykit ht tons o te side frbo or girls,.f ýj lnd, tàe new miracle fibre "Twenty- Size 2 to 6x. ç~one, the Ioopy mohair, the fine B~an- Priced at ..........$3-95 f SLon and Botany o. There are sev- o [eral neN dressmaker styles as wellg as the ever popular dtp--Sscs in al the BýY'S DRE4SSING GOWNS onew Fal shades. Wash 'n Wear, "Pelura"', blue or Priced from,. $. .6.95 to $15.95 red plaid wth plain collar and cuff s-g 0Size 4 ty G"x. Priced.....$4.50g FALL HATSg g Vîvid colours, rkhl textures in LTL O' UT yo3 becoming stlecs binM"aflirtoWhte cotton Shirts and velveto your Faîlcostumes in royal blue and red. Szs2 Priced f rom $... 5.95 to $,1«95 pasg to 2?,AËriced at........3.25g GJRL'SRVRSBESKIRTS fi Sia>rever-se f rr w dif fer- LITTLE GIRL'S JUMPERSg Sent colour effeets. Ail wço1 Flannel Plaid jumpers of Viscose. Wash- Spleated Ah 'round. Several attractive able, littie or no ironing, quick dry- ~ g lisszs3 o6.in2g. Brown or red plaid. Sizes 4, g Priced ............'... $4-95 and 6 years. Priced at ....... $2.95 n Evenngi B;tore Open SFriday & Saturday JI g Oen Ail Day a Arnstrng ..rnd:y~ in qualit y, ficivor andCI *GRAPE *LIMON-LIME *ORANGE *CREAM SODA *ROOT SEER (!de and;tRottled by . VEACS TD BOWALE Mrd. and Mrs. J. Stevenson re-1 turned to their borne on Saturday.!g MIyr. and Mý'rs. H. Le Vaillan~t eturn- ed wýith' them andc spený-t the wveek-1f end. Mrjs. Pilpsan aughtler of g Britisha Columbia are visitîng with g her mem Mrs. McKenn. The Orono Girl Guides bavebeg gunj theiýr rglr ek meetings, frteseaso, The first o.ne being berth net neGuides onTuesday, 22nd.g Logan dutýring éthe weekend were tr. an rs eg Bell, Oshawa; Mr- arid rs. . G. H1ýay and Bill, Isling--i ton, and r. and Ms. 'Norman AU! lin Wn Sharon, towen.g Mrs. R. S. Caldwell, MIr. and Mrs.g Wahler- and famnily of Port 1Hope r were recent visitors witthir aunt Mrs Brim-a-ombe. AMrs Snel0f BowN:-g mnanville visited cMrs.Biaob on Tuesday. M.adMrs. Ross Careltoni have f medto Oshawa. 1 TheOon Cubs wil meet on Mon i day evening, September 21st at 7:00 Tbe- Orono Boy Scout Troop are startîng tbeir aictivits to-ight andU eoryl Thrsday evwnig at 71a0.AHUP boys aeasked to attend., thei firstmeeting on Sunday, Sep- f temer Otbat :30p.m atJoh.n The regular meet,-ig cfthEv- ing uxiharyof thle OooUi Church will eld TusaSp tember 17(t-ih)a8:5nte Sundlay Sehoo audioru, - CARD 0F THANKS The family cf 1t-1e lae Mr s. James Raneberry ws to 2Ijtend f he heartfelt thankis andaprcato for the aCls cf kindn--ess, m-essages of sympathy and beauttiful fora f- ferings rceîved f rom teI-cr kînd friends and neighbours dluing tlieir recent berea-vement îin the -loýss of their mother. We especially thank Rev. ]Basil Long and Rev. Warren Herron of Toronto. a-p UNiTED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Rev. Basil Locng SUN DAY, SEPTEM BER,20 Kirby - 9;45 a.rn. 11:00a.. Bi Cc Rý jol DUTCH BULBS Plant Dutch Bulb'-s now for beautiful flowers ext Spri-ng Hyacinrths, Da-ffodils, Narcissus. Large uLbs 3 for ................ >............ 29e Tulips , colors purpi , yIow, pink. white cange, mav and red. 10 for......... ... 59e Special! - ý!0 piece Br'eakfast Sets -4 cups, 4 tucers, 4 6'" Plates; 4 9" Plates; 4Cereal dishes omplete for ............. ....... ...... $2,98 Nursing Bottles, u'breakable polythenie )mplete wth nursin cap. Red star value .. 49e Free tube îlfdroot Cream Oil with the pur- ase cf regular jar Palmolive Shave Lather. egular $1.32 valFue for........ ......... 89 Womnen's Duty White Oxfords, with Tham cush- n, isoles andf archs supports, sizes 4 to 9. Pair $1-.45 Boy's lined Jeans, stripe drill1, sizes 3 to 6x $1.98 Canvas Glovesl, Ladies' and Youthsý, paýir fo 30c Men's pairfo Economical Famijily Comb Package assorted cm~ for only. ............. 25C. L ow-7ney's 0ýg-inal BridgeMixture '/2 pound 3-%5ec. On-iepound for 69 ý« ... -. e. Firesidte white Mar Imahlows, special lb .bag 35e. tJRO~O e T $U0 STORE EL SERVE - PLEASE CARRY BASKET ~LFOPEN FRIDAY -EVE-NINGS i WILL BE COE i For A Whilep STARTING SETEMBERÉ23f 12 si Hope To ISee Y ou Better, Later R.E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 orono, Ont.. F L SALES And SERVICE A 1 Used C', Our Cornplete Sen-,iCe guaran-tees year round CARVETH MOTORS r hue-Ji '~Newcastle, Ontario ;ýoc=oc=oc=oc=àc=o-oc=oc=0 lie. lýý 7)

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