Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1959, p. 4

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~RONU WE~KLV TiMESTURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th Orcoo H-igh School Newvs 1 fh~ j Changes AdIV- Interest Au M oI Tot-First Week Activities '7 tin's le 5oz$ 1 tins "m- O à% 10ozel 7tin ORANGE JUJCE 19C elýl,' Save 50)O On Coffee A,'t IGA àýu With This Coupon0 ave 50c on your coffee purchases (any brand) when you buy Pis- .iry Pancake Mixes! Pillsbury of Canada Limniteci-wiIl refund 50c on uLr purchase of 1 pound coffee or jar of Instant Coffee (excepting f oz. size) the brand of your choice, when you buy one 2-lb. package - two 14-oz. packages of PiIlshury Panicake Mixes in &fly of these f avours-BUTTERMILK - H-oney Buckwheat - Bluberry mply mail the 0trônt paniel or infler seal fromn a poundi or jar of f affee, plus the hix top(s) from your choice of Pilisbury Pancake o ixes along with this coupon for your 50c coffee refundl, to Piflsbury f ànada Limited, Midland, Ontario or Calgary, Alberta. AME ... ...... ..... ................ .............................[ .. .. .. ...S.. ..- .. .. .. CITY PROVINCE , .... ....... ..... ~o~o~o o ~ LI GAFE 2P GA SAVE Sc. GA - SAVE Se. DOLLAR DAY COMBINATION OFFER SIDE BACON Tablerite slic-d rindiess -bpkg WENNERSTaeut 10 oz pkg COOKED HAM Tsý,bleîite uc, d 6-,z pkg ALL FOR (Save 33c) $1; WAXEr.D A100Lt PAPER 140 ucolYUNG 4NDER-ÇREH S PRýIN C L AMB IGA - SAVE 15c. O N E DE ïiý * CHIIOCE ~10o. n TO'MATOE'S5 Tins $1-00J~ A Re1a Tre at Ser-ved (Pth reen Peas - New Potatoes - Mint Sauce LEG O haifLoinA0' h 45 Lambin the 5 ILtEc  e' Cl Bas psS LAMB or whole IablaPk>olh à akt'-,' I-A - SAVB OLD) SOUTH FROZEN A ORRANGE JICE l4bpk' sý$1 5 tins $1,00 As the doolrs of OHIS swung open on ce' again nmerous changes throughout thie sc2hoüol provided much room .for conifusion Fifty-six unfamniliar faces, con- stituting almost onie-half the school settled in the "'to be inn.iitiated"-rank Grade niners have beeni divided in- to two classes this year, 9A being the typîsis ai-d, 9B takingI a general course. A somwatsaller enrolment is iveviet in, other classes, grade ten ýwithI 30 students, gradle eleven with 19 an,-d -grade 1twelve with :L7. ecueof over-crowded condi- tions it is essenitial that the lab and tyigroom nýow b e used as home- rooms. Typewrîiter shelves have beeni conistructed for the Commer- cial room to en)able ot ber classes to be carried on ithas, littie con-fus- io s ssible. M Nr. Withierspooni, after a summer of mi-arkîing Grade 13 geography pa- pers, has taý'ken over his jobas prin- cipaýl. Other summer staff activîties included summ-1--er school for Miss Se-guiiin and Mr. Ford, a history couirse at U5 of T for, Miss Hobbs, wor k at the Býell Telephý)one for Miss Barber and a farmi life for Mqr. Rutl erford. As there is no longer -at lunch- room, the noon period bas been ex- tended by twenty minutes to en- able more studentà to goý home ai nooni hour. This was madle possible by ireduci ng each of thFe ten perîods two minutes. Studentls now eat ini vaious assigned classrooms. Thirty students have taken ad- va og f the new music apprecia- tion curse aded to the grade nine curicuum.Mr. Ford is %veryproud Of a nlew six-speaký>er stereophonic r'eco1rd laYer which shou)ild defin- ieyproveý quite usefu-l for alI mus- ical actýivjties in the sch-ool. SposorIkp ERlIy !à Openrirg DEY by Doug Martin On Tuesday, September 8, the first day of school, the entire stu- dent body of Orono High School as- sembled on the back campus for a pep rally before being dismissed for the day. The pep raily was efficient- ly lead by the cheerleadîng of, Hea- ther Rutherford, Confie Tyrreil, Marge Tyrreli and Mary Found un- der the capable direction of Mr. J. Ford who had worked with these girls over th-e summer holiday get- tin- them ready for the year's irstL pep rally. Thre cheerleaders led the studenits in the old standard OHS cheers as well as introducing som-e snappy niew ones. Champions of thre Track and Fijeld team an-fId members of the Hjigir Sc-'irool Basketball team were intro- duced individually, with the main ;purpose of letting the new students Iini the 111gh Scirobi get acquainted wit tir e school's atirletie champffcis ,jIt was widely agreed by al tire students thlat thre Pep Rally had corne Off verysmroothýly and was an~ invigorating start to a new school *year. Our pastor to take a leasurýely trip back to orono ln goodtimne for your Orono service. How bout it You Rîrby adirerentb;, will you a,11 help? A. Perrin a..CA Lis------ -- a-a PA RT1N ER Eae r tdenfts AWaiId Iuuin ejg Straifrd TnpEPENDARwf by Normran Ricka<by iOn Thursday, -he seventeenth o-f this month, for thie sec,(on-d cnu tive year, the sftudents of Grades Xi and XIM off Owlll vWboard a train, for Stratford-on-Avon to see- thel Shkeperincomedy, As You À Li It". Along with ithe seniors thecre may also be a few Grade X students tk iing advantage of a few extra ticketsi Thie train for Stratflord will leave Bowmlvianville at seven am. and hieý studlents anticipate an enjoyable tîmie because of the many favour- a-ble accountis from stud'ents Who pxvent ]iasi year. KirlbyNews For a fewmiewesteKirby Churchsevcwilcnnu to be heid on-Sunday origsa 9:45 to 10:45. -A well ttnddservice hast Sunday when thle 11ev. Basil Lon gave aspenidsermo,,rn ,wAic-hca- ed, for (on-e Ito tl."yIto get tire oýth-er fellos viw befre cisizin[g, or toj get do0wn in thieir place. Ti sort of aroued omeof ithe im-embrs who stayýed beinid to iscuss hIow tr sriecould be arranged 50 s t give opastor time lto get d own amo(ngst us after thre service. It is rumiored thiat some of yvou( Orono people soun)d off «i f your ' Sun- day morning service starts a wvee hft late. Ahl righit, blame uis Rirbyý fkbut remember that you havei our myinister- living among-st you an con see and talk to hlm any day of thýe week. Buit .%e at Kîrbydon'«ti wanPrt you to growl It Ius forain yoursericea wee bit late, so Wei ar ,sig alI of our folk to turn up aPfe minuttes Cearhier, so as Io. start right on. tîme and e-ven if we, h-ave tocrti or omnit some verses, f oeur hymns (not Our cir an- ~ovr pomply t 1:45to enable usý to enijoy thie fellýowshî"p of hiand' shaking at the door and still permit i ALW l' - . TC IMPERIAI. FOR THE BESI Il 4; 4, 4; e- 4- '4 't I 4->- -i 4, '4 -t, -J 4 -a I a, 4;' 4; <a 't

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