Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1959, p. 2

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OftONO WEEKLY TIMîES THURSOAV, 6EPTEMBER 17th ai ýGarth1shore-, Mrs. Coates. Lunc(heon set, ci,ýtwok-Mlirs. Bry- Fwncy bhanidkerchief s MArs. G. F i rize-winners Best wrapped shower gift parcel anti Putnam, MmIr. Brown -Mrs. Coates, MI7s. Moore Lunchý-àeon stcross sic-r. Quilts and Bedspreads (Conr.tin.ued fromn page 1) IArticle m-ade of plyafoamn-MIrs. Coat1es, Mrjjs. Putnam Qulit, appliqued anid em-broidered 1Putnam, Airs. Bryant Buffet s,,e,tatted- Mrs. Puftnam Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Mioore Pettepontcn peeeMr. eaher-'ve, hndmae-Ms. Buffet set, cohtdMs .Quit, appliq,ued-Mr.Bryant,' Peit piton îee-r. eahrs.glohnd ae-rî rwn rsArinrs. Moore Coates, JMrs. 1Moo0re Putna, MrsMBrow SpellWod carvng-Mrs. Rein- 41 w cass hemtheMr. Qlt ttnpecd rsMoe ,Enibrosuleed phure framed-sta.Mrs_ putnaMs BatIMrs. Coates. Mrs. Moore Srr-înýitable loth-Mýrs. peistr lBidIge set, ebrclee Mrs. Qult, fachuilting -Mr. Bry- J1 Pot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~z hodrtre vreisMr, Neferat oshIdLn IByanit, Mis. Coates I ant, Mrs. Putinm PothoMrsthee varetes-Mvsý ee(ýecaf.. ovshed Lnen i Embroadered pîllow case's -Mrs. Quîlt1 blocks Mrvlis. G. putnam1, I BrCyant4, Mrs. Brown r. ran ~ jP'ilowv cases, cut wvork Mrs. S. Besred rotcheted Ms Put-!], Moore, Ms. Coat es nm i.Coýates1S Pjjlvcases, tatted wrk Mrs. Crib Quilts- Mrs. Co-1ates, ýr.t t5es t Quality Fuel 0i41B1ntMs.G Pta Il PiIloW cases, crocheted tim.Afghan, crocheted- Mrs. Bry'ant,e 0~~ white-Mrs. Bryanit, Mrs Coates Mr1s. Putnamc an S o e uPillow cases, crochet coller--Mrs. Afg-han, kçnîtted- Mr. oore, i d Stov U'ilBrownMrs.MryantPutn-am Pillow cases, cross StWhh Mrs. S. (to be continued next wveek) C> nMoore, Mrs. P1utnam P',illoýw cases, 'kntted l*ace ti--I at the rnost Ms Moore, _Mrs. Coatres A s O.Set, embroidered cor cross stitîchr Fore nce A n ' fl to sheet and miatcliing rilo SO N A B LE R CE - ases- Mrs. B3rown, Mrs. Put niam Ransberry Set, cut work top sheet anid mat- fi ,chwg piiý0w cases M Ars. BrYant, 0Mrs. Contes After a few days illniess the death o Guest towel, --Mrs. Mocore, Mr.1s. occur-red at the Bowmanvill1elem-l Bron onial Hospital on Th-ursday, Sep-ý V i~ .> < h.. uCoTestowels, emibroidlered-Mrs.itember 10, 1959 of Florence AnneS 0 0 rl O L 0ÎO oaeMrs. Moore Herron beloved wi1fe of James Ecd- 0 Individual place mats M-ýrs. Stutt, ward Ransberry. Mr. ryn The funeral service was-' held at E Lim ited 0 Mats for hot dishes, crocheted_-_ the Orono Uniited Chutrech at 2 p.m.t OMrs. Brown, Mrs. Putlnm Saturday, September l2th. Rev. r OBasil Long, assisted by Rev. Warrenv Teepou O haaRA 19 Cnre piece for tabl"e, crochIetedl Herron of Etobicoke, inephew; of the Ç'I o Mrn,.MOsrewMrsAGarthshore deceased, conducte i the service. C 7S on St Wst enrepie-e,tatd rs Stutt Mrs. Ranýsberry wais a daýughterr Centre S- WieC eatedMs.rao f the Jate Sarah Anne adAI ~oOcc~c~ccocacDo ~Mrs. PutnaIm fred Herron, Tcoonto, novin1g to the eWhyDo Good VHY DO GOOD PEOPLE SUFFER? Dr. Robert W. Young Minister, First Presbyterian Church Wichita, Kan. We,( are ever baffled by ithe in- ustice of the moral world. "Why?"I is the most timeless and universal nf ail questionis, as old as the first tear and as recent as thie latest newscast. We can see a reason for scoundrels dying young, but why the untimely death of saints? We can justify a gangster's being stnick- en with disease, but why littie childreni? We can accept adversity in the life of an infidel, but why in hie lite of the faithful? The Bible gives-, uis answers to these questions. For one thing, the Bible reminds us that'good people some 'times suf- fer. because God through nature can be no respecter of persons. ("'He maketh His sun to nise on the evil a-d on the good, anid sendeth main on the just and on the unjust.' This Js a world of law and ordler, where ai] people are subject to cause and e.tfect regardless of their virtue or lack of it. Good P5eople are justas susceptible as bad people when they ire exposed to contaglous diseases. L3amnie district as a child, she at- tended Shanty Bay school near Bar- rie and was married to James Eci- ward Ransberry. They lived in Hamilton, Toronto, Zrono and latterly Montreal and recently Newcastle. Mrs. Ransberry was a member of (Continued page 3) When a mte needs à* friend, ~' At a time like th i ,best friends a m-.other can have aa modernuoatceecrewasher and an ellectfrie cloth-es dryer. They matke shrt ork of wasing and drying-and thiey do it autoaticly.Just set thie da no h-eavy lifting, no wvet washý to arr-nyera creabout gettingcote dry for another day of play. With a mdmauto-,ma-tie e-lectr-IÏc washer -andlotesdryer w ,ashinlg is easy-d.ry.ig is ecerL'tan- whiatever the we-ath-2er. You get moere out of life when you get the most out of electricity. HYDRO SLIVE SETTER ELECTRICALLY 1 PeopleLSufler I They strike the groýuid just as fore- ibly as wicked pjeople when they slip and fali Thlle world would be au unscientïfic an.d unpredictable place in which to live Uf it were flot For îthe sake of anordcerly World,' goo(j people somnetimes suffer be- cauýse the(y do not temper goodness wihother necessary qualities in lif e. ("Be' ye therefore wise as ser- petits, and harmless as doves.") In hîs parable of the dishonest steward, realisrn as well as idealîsm, and in- dustniousness as well as spirituaiity We can be good as gold, and yet suffer poverty if we dIo not work and save. Very often, good people suffer because they have no prud- ence to go wîth their prayers. Furthermore, the 'Scriptures re- veal repeatedly that good people suffer because suffering js 0one of the best ways that God lias of bring- ing out the best in life. Consider >how the Apostie Paul, sutfring the infirmities of lis flesh, found that when hie was weak, then he was strong. Such godlike gualities as 7love, patience and cor-,pission are called forth ina us hy sufferiîîg. W,%ithouït suffering, lit would be mechanistic and animiallik1e, nù,t godlike. A life thait knows at least a little sufdfering -neyer grows coma placent. And, most important of ail, suffer- mlig is God's way of Irnproving the world. If no one but wi'ked people suffered, we would harden Our hearts and say, "The' deserved itf'; but when saints suffer, we cry, "This must not be." Nothing moves us more to contribute generously to the cure of cancer than what can- cer does to the noblest people. Our world is evolving fromt chaos, sav- agery and- imperfection toward some final realization. The suffer- ing of good people has ever been a prime f actor la motivating its rise. It takes Edith Cavell before a fîning squad, Joan of« Arc at the stake, millions crippled-with arthritis, con- fined with tuberculosis, paralysed with palsy, before we really attack these enemies of if e with our mon- ey, our brains and our blood.. With consummnate understanding and skill, Cyrus Bartol wrote of suffering, "What pains and tears theu slightest steps of mra-is pro- gres have cost! Everlyhabrat forward lias been in thec agony of some soul, and humanity hias reach- ed blessing'after blessing o-f ail its, vaszt achievement of g-oods, with bleewngfeet." 1i959 issue of The Reader's' Digest (Reprinted frýom, the Septemnber Copyright 1959) by The aersDi- g.est Asso ciationi, 11c. I'lea-sanitvill1e, Order you felr ' bc-fore Wine sW codsnaps, i~iu prices ad dlvr handicaps I makLI-eyu wish y(ju hdWe deý- liver atyoicne- ience, at Iow Sumimer prices. Cail us! Orono Fuel I&Lumnber Ltd Phone 14816 Orono

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