Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES THURSDAV, AUGU$T 13th, 1959 g R g g g g g o g g :0 o o g g g- j g o g 4 o g g g g o g g g g .iJo t o g g g g n ,Turey and Pork Loaf SWIFT'S FRANKS 05oz ýANCY KERNEL Oz tin 6oz- save 1 Oc 2 for 27ei 2 for31c! BEST BUY! CANADA (Brande) CIDER or' WHUTE Vinegar. gallon jug 73e-) BEST BUY! Fac-sEe rman size p1y ':9-Y BS UY! D el se' 1y wlehtle oer coêur ed 2 f orf 2 ,9c lbLi pkgr 39c lIb loose 39c FEATUREi - Halves, Bright"'s 15-oz. Tin Peachies 2 for r35e FEATURE - Treesweet - 6-orý Tin Lemnon Juice,4 for 35c FEATURE -YorkE Stew FEATURE - Gem Marg a ri ne Beef or Irish - 12-oz 1.3 for 79c- lb. pkq. 89C FEATURE - Stokely's Fancy - 20-oz Tin Tomiato Juice 4 for 49c TRY ONE OF OUR BARBCUEDCHICKENS Save Time anid Excessive Heat Around the Kitchen NO, 1 FREE-STONE PEACHESa 6&qt ba-sket CALIFORNIA FINEST Grapefruit LARGE SOLID CRISP Letttuce large 3 lb. av.. $1,5, qqm"9c 4 for 29C 2for 39c SPARKLING REFRtESHING - 7-o. Cella pkg. Radish 2, for 21co WVE'VE HAD 4 LUCKY WINNERS IN OUR fi 1A fVrlI7VrFer1 X7 ý %i1 With One Person Wi it Continues Thlis ýN Extra ta Buy. ;- LOOK TO RED 4nd WHITE, FOR THE Fl'NnTIN MEATS ,itrning as Mmch as $Re.00ninFree . Nothing FREE S I ATZ 1 leek- Make Sure You Enter When Shoppi:ncgRe n White lt's Fe ohn st Week's Winner - Mrs. Chas. WooDý(î. 0 gôROSS CARLETON .ý- IHS -Phone~ Orono 111~Orono Phonre 2216 Q "A good start, son ... keep it goingi" "I tell Ned the sanie thing applies f~o saving. We ail made 'a good start' by saving regularly at THE CANAD IAN - BANK 0F COMMERCE"" MORE THAN 800 OR-4NCHES ACROSS CANADA REAS! TO SERVE Y015 Or.uo Dranch - W. L. KING, Manager Miýss Kathie Turanisky won teý prize fJor thie best ail round pup)il in Kenal ehol.The prize,, a p)en, waus aaddby the Kerdal Wo-ý men' Intitte. Congratulations Mrs. lv Sab ihas return- fed om from aholiayin New Yok ndTrotoan is iing w ith MiSssoeLig I-S Mrad '. H.Foster adfml on Suinday. Mr: le!LtieofTootospn theee ndwith his mteMs Bruce 'lnd Edwvard wr inr I guests wih r. and Mr.A Crti s on Sundaly. M1rs. Jon Godonof Or-j noand 1Mr. and Mrs. Spe.'nce Gr d)on called îon Monday. Vacationiing at KnGrHis iCam,-p 'are Mele anld Mar1ty Brca Jufilie H-ili, _Mary Ann Cepser, David Lýeitch, Elga Naes, Eit, Ke'rrý ,1anet _wzabrook and John11Evans. j Attendig the funeral ù f M?, Jatmes Swarbrick in -îOronb ý,ýere ~r and Mrs. -jack Swarbrx4ck-)fl uf- falo0, Byron and Jameifs Swarbrick,1 brcKeit h Swarrc, r.a Mr.George Sv'! -ke orno Hamnpton Hle 11gT~ Thevilag ofHapto1hs been i chïosen for- the inost siginifiçcant famn- ily o.iit heringwhilt as --,ert takn pacein teprovin'e. Hiamp-s ton is the wihpsetfrDrng JWhy,'te's shelter for childr-en is Jb-1 cated. 1 C The vilageon WdnsdS asl hesc11,eeo a welfare o)fficer' -on vention wh1en Judge W. ýR. Philp of t the ->eerbourough Juvenile Court openeci a .hearing to dtriethe f.utu1re cuitody off 107 children talken f fýn, rom te Wh'yte home about two weOlks ago. 1l 1t is believed-J that omy .45 parents of the children niow in vax-lous shelters 'in Toronto, Oshawa and other centres have been Woatpd. Q: They will besu onê- the hear- ing. Welfare officers from -161 xun- icipalîties from Whenoce childreni were brought to the home will also be summnon-ed. InUbte absence *of, oth- er legal guarelians, the mýuiilityl from- where children originate laI held responsible for inenane WV11ile cort and departeto wellare officiais will not namre fxeý inunicipalities to be summnroned, ii! is understood that Peterborough,ý Durhamn and Northumberland couni-i >ies and a number of Metro atreaî municipalities are includied in the Thyare scattered ail ovr,"r said Crown Attorney H{arr-y De3A- ma,,n, QC, who) is representing thel departmnent of welfare a-.t the hear- ings, wh(- h was careful toi- point oýut at prt Hope r-cenýtly are r-- 1'ular faMily court hearings. Presenýfce ýofMr.Wysath hearngs ïl, not ncsay tis poin ted out SI h s1 tsumnd h wv!ýinôt bec, flowýed nth outa M ROYALBowmanville R Y A LMA. 3-5589 TMIS MHURS. TO SAT., ÂUG. 1é3 - 15 MATINEE SATURDAT2p.a "Snowffre9" (Colar) Excellent Famtily Showv plus (BOIWER'Y BOYS) Twa co-molete showis at 7 and 9:20 NE XT ýMON. TO WED., AUG. 17-_19 EXTRA: Disney Color Short "COW% DOGI, Twoa complete showvs at 7 and 9:05 B8ST BVL y!L;Bsy'S spaghetti BE-ST UY! YORK FI Corn ]I4 , Best Quajl'tyFuel O1 and Stovle Ou - - at the mostk R EAS03ONA B LE P RIc E Limited;. Telophon. Oshawa RA. 5-it O 78 Bond St. West Kendal Newsj O A vry plasant afternoon was en- fjyed on ednesdiay of Last vweek at - te home of DMiss C. W. Stewart, when (lhe ladies gatherepd for a,,fterý- 4: oonti ea. Ladies ifrm Orono d 9the surrounding dittic wre pe -1et ndenjoyed meeting v o ith oI f t3 friends they had flot seen for a. 0while. The weather wvas pefet nd' hehmebaldng w viitws for b;sal e s9oon disappeared. The proceeds were forý)i repairs to the Church. gThe young children of Kendal b i (1 a Qutee.n's paradýce'M Saturday j faft.ernoon wý,ithi Miss Wfilma Tuiran- j ýsky being cl'osen as Q Freshie 3 and cookieg wevere serv à"for thel osalsmof 5d, . Approximatel,, G ~$.0Owasreaized for the !Iresh AirJw! Li u o g 4% s'- ReguÎar 11.98 vaivo zto 3b average, N N -s N N N 's- N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N s N 'N s'- N N N -s i--s N N N N s N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4- N -s N 'N 'N N 4 N s- s' s N N N N N -s -s N N N s N N 'N N N 4 MA.-Coam

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