Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 1

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-Volume 22, Number 26~ Orono, Otario, Atuguist i",th. -1959 Dancing, Games, Bingo-, Ail At OronQ Street Fair, Wed., Aug. 19W. This coming Wednesday, August I 19h s anialnglt n rnowihTO ibid Specia' Mneel'o ing into its own. In fact the event u. will start for the chilîdren early in ReZ2 iligk Sch.ols the afternoon at 3:00 o'clock when IKiddies Land opens with a ýFish Pond, ther gaines and of cýourse, Hope Township Council held a the MryG-ord brief meeting Friday iast ln the Meii'-Go-R~nd.township offices in Port Hope. A A speelal promotion for the chiid- resolution su bmitted to the council ren will be one- of the features foi' f rom thie Durham Distriët Hlgh themn in this the second Street Fair. School Board for approval by Aug- Elsewhere in this4 paper appears a ust 15 was tabled for further dis- coupon which with five cents will csin .entitle a chlld to a ride on thie Mer- ry-Go-Round plus a chance to wjn Cneto h eouinot ône of six prizes. These prizes are Cnetxpte eouin et te be drawn at 6:30 p.m. Thie coupon lines the school board's plan te offer for thie children is good from build two sehooLs. A 150-pupil build- the hour of three o'clock te trie ing at Millbroolç and a 100pupil hour of six o'clock. Be sure te clip sehool to be built. in Darlington, thie coupon frein trie paper and sign about one-haîf mile nortri of Cour-1 your naine and adriress. You cane- tioe. Approval for a debenture lg- en get your neghbours paper teo, mue o $700,000 is sought by the high provlin thy hve o cilden. ing programme. Hope at a meeting A big feature ofthtre carnival la called for Friday, August 14, willI thie Square dancing contest which discuss the resolution furtrier. oepens at 6:30 p.m. and continues un- til trie finallats are selected who wiil A special meeting was also dec- then compete at thie Orono Fair for'lded on by flowmanville town Coun- the prize money one hundred dol- cil Monday night to discuss thie issu- lars. It la understood that a couple ing of cebenttrA ?or tri uva of local teains will be entered in thie Cut' ititHir e lBac 2ontest. Cu t is tictnew ach!ls to -buil4 tetone col.Coun- S7 -SIiertly fcllowing, the caraivaI cil«set the'date of the special meet- ~will open with ail its glamour and mig for Thùý,rsday, August 13 at 7:30 exciteneritThere will be a monster PM Bigo, and numerous -gaines of -chance with a f ew new gaines tLo lP L. b thie Orono distriiet.- *roi* C amber urepare Ainidst flhc activity will be a goed oid street dance lield rigrit on tie Maýin- Street efthtre Village. Round! and Square dancin)g wili be provided for ie saniailsuiip cf twenty-tive cents. 0f cour'se tig re is te 'be geod inUsic. Tie climax etftrie eveing i,ýwil coïie witli tie grand drawv fo r a £4- foot boa,', a --;x harse motet and a trailer. Tris wiai411igo te sorne lucky winner ai tlre-heur cof eleveai. Trie whoee street tair wiil be staged on trie Maini Street whicli will be closed off for trie evening. Be sure te be present. For Street Fair1 Trie OroCabe f ei Guides Enj'oy Camping La3t week trie Orono Girl Guides who attended the Guide Camp at, Pldgeon Lake returned after a week of camnpnng Seven girls frein Orono -were registered ln the camp aiong were registered in tnie camp along with Guides froin Bowmanville, Maple Grove, Newtonville aad New- castle. Thie camp ea.ro]mënt num- bered thirty guides and a number of camp supervisers. Thiose attendiag from Orono %fere Mary Llyna Bailey, Ana Giibank, Susan Gilbart, Troy Taggart, Marie Hooey, and Judy Vagg. Lynda Tyr-1 reli who was a memnber of thie Or- ono group had te return home for part of the time due te a knee iii-. ~jury she suffered betore going. Thie week of campihig was packed with activities ln which the girls f)und much enjoymeat. Swim-ming wýas a big event with the ma jority with free swimming for thie greater part of the atternoons. Swiinming, instructions were aise carîied out with a number of guides who *were none swimmers taking- and passîng, their beginners test. Those who could pass trie raft test we-re allow- ed to make use of the. raft when in swi.inminig. Another event ivhich cr,,eated mucr initerest was a tour mile hikeý to Nogie's Creek in which the entire captook part. Handicraft was ai1- so taught and the guides returned home with sýomc- of theirhadwr hichincludIed lpiaster of paris fig- ui nd plaques.1 merce rieid their regularý August dia- Trie venîga ere pac-ked withl ner m,,eeting on Tlhursda> la trie Or-ýhm etrsSi(I saTlni ca tRstaurajnt. Feurýteen were pre- ina> faturs, sur'iOas aln sent when Mr. Dane cudcarni îrt Sis Itriay Nrth andl val manager, outlined trie featu-esgudswrtiep-frrseen fe rsgceat event onen esday, +,- arnnDers A. Mr. Feunld stated triai a Crildrenq'sI Lad old, opeai at 3:00 o'clock laý trie atterneeon and continue onî tr"ireugri triefair with fishi pond, re-1 Trie 1aigrtit la eîng spon-sored by freshineiits andMtu LO-OuG trie Orono Chibe'r et Commerce Trie Square Dance competition la anti is trie cn sucli promnotion. wVell on its way te beiag orIganizeti and a goed aurriber ot eniries aIre expecteti. Followiag trie outiine cfl trie Carivai and preparing bootr Bantamns W in operators, trJie memnbers retired lte trie Fair Grounds whiere Carnival -Over KendcdI bootris are 'bing built. Trie Orone Ba-fnama on Wedni-es- Mr. C. Billiaga reported thiat trie day niighit edged euît a. v;ct,-ir>' cver waier in trie basement at trie rink Kendal in trie firstinje cf -a- ,riiree had been pumped eut and tiai ev- gaine O.3.A. series. Trie finjý. score erything was satiat acter>'. t ap- rested at 1-12 fc)r thie local beys. peared ihat trie water came la Trie Kendal stiating pitchef, throug1 trie 1905e fi aroundth re Soucri, receiveci a nasty blow on trie baseineat, ie saiti. lieacl fromn a pitcheti bail and was MrW.I. amnstetltth rushed te trie Memorlal fHospital ila Mfr. .bHilarmn stat etirn- ti Bewunanville. 'If appeared iiat trie nwfco> uldn ol ec boy' ducked into fie pithcrraîrier pieted by AugustiStri andt t3 re trian awag.y frerin t. > expected thatth Kel Rite Furai- Raîpri ennedy' and Craig Huinds ýtur-,e anutacturiag Co. would take ariaredthe trie - p . ing dutiesfr r residence shorti>' followving thid date ciao whlle Soucii andi Foste-wr trie Iendal hurlera, mdwy rrugl trie sixtri. ln the first framie Kendal went Trie beat Orone 1ilters were, Terryl aw,ýay eut in fron~t with ýa total et Carleton, John GlennIe>'. Larry ii- nine ruas. Orono starteti on their ler, B7uz Mlercer andti Craig Hînids.i road te recover-ylantie second with B. Ellîott topped trie Kendal hitter-1 five ruas foillowed, by two la thie being tollowý%ed by R. Couroux, J seventri, four la trie tourtri and Quantrili,,1B. Trew andi W. Poster. treirnlatrie fifttri Kendfal dcl neti s4core again until trietop iait et 1Trie second gai-e et triis series trie sixtr i wth three te briag their will be played la Kendfal tria coin total te 12, Tie ie was ýcalled jing Friclay evexng, Park Friday -rEven=Îling Because cf trie <quarantine the swlmnming prograin wîll be held on Friday, trie l4th et ugsiai 7 p.m Trie prograin conista et: (1) Preseatation ot aw.ards (2) R.aces for ali lages (3) Demontration etof mmn techniques (4) Synichrenized swîmmaiing. Races for Girlýs Beg-inners -l Width. ef trie pool. Junliors -- 50 fi. sWiin In-1ter. and St. - 75 fi. swim Races for Boys Beginers-1 wid"Ih et pool Juniors - 50 fi. swim Inter. and Sr. -- 75 ft. swim Novelty Races ,potato Race News-paper race- Pigeon Race Everyone la we-icomne te attend. on the lis, was a musical night with trhîgrligrit be-ig taken b>' a rop ply:ing mu-sic, b>' trieuse cf combs and wax paper. Local Plow Meet October 7th Trine executive efthtre Durriamn and Norihurnberland Plewmren's ANssoc- iation met la trie Counties Building at Ce)bourg on Thursda>' evening, July 23 te plan trielcal match. Trie minutes et previeus Meetings read by Secretary Ralph C. Blinbury were adopted on mot ,ý- of Nesars Bruce Eagieson andi HoWaýrd Mliri, [t was feit that withth re last year mnatch in North umber-aiiandCoely at trie Gerdon McýIGeè 'tarin north ;cf Brightion it weu)fld bede1b t licld trie -avent fhis year wf ee la Durbain Couat>'. On moetion et Stanley' Alia a nhl Fraink Tinne>', Newcastle te ris tArin at lot 97 ci cession 2 et Clarke Townshp wa Orono Band Tuescla> evenitîg trie Orort Bnt agaî iectok-t tie outaide and wereý the gts 'atie b adndb'r. '- Mr. . J. Tamblyn Ooi~t--tie bani hr~.1- b% stirring marches and -uven.' Mien .rie pra~ziiceMrs. Taiblyn ,ervt c)fe a-nd emnaeMr. Oonaldi Haun n behait ef trie btu neldInel their wIvesexrsst ti appreci.- o )rono Girls Wi,ir Over .B-tkçiny Un Sti Thie Orono GirlI's Softbaii teaim wioa the somh-final play-off series b.y clef eaing !Bethaniy i lir ý,raighlt gainets. Th'le third gaine was pliayed ili Orono on Friday aigrit whiNi was taken by the local girls 11-L the first lnning Adele Myles ondg .Elva Rild both seored to put Oronop, in front 2-0. Bethany returned in The scondfor a sing-le couniter, and.- again la the third when the seore .,o t2-2. tien. O)rono now --nters trie league finls Bethany la tré iefît inniag beg'- - ~~andw- pa it reoin r e ged another single count whîch put Another Section trie Bowmaatville-lMîfllbrook series. themin l front c)f Orono by oern î s aow tied at twe gaines apie iA rally for Orono la theie ixth ini- 410% ka4.%,ep rl w t te decidîng gaine being pla y in counted two runs for t1Lie vic- ,dtris Fridiay evening.tosbThlaFreerad ai Thie super highway wil soon liaik l Willls. Hits by Adele Myles and M.. Port Hope and Cobourg withTro-Thce game la On rono on Friday ev-1 Baskerville advanced îhe_ ruaners to, te and points west and eat Teening was a thirilllag event for the'a~.A reedo h ititi Section front Newcastle te ort j pecta tors as Oronio dged trie vie- score stood at 4-3. Bethany was Hope is niearing compietion rapidly. 1 >Vy atrie sixtri inning. ýtaken e ut ia three straigrit in trie-- Construction on ail the bridges andj everpasses is nearly finishéd and -a'ln rsrn pitche'd the gaineseet and thus the victory waa- great deal oft the road bed Winl Soon ronoîving up very >'i ewirs. Oronlo's be paved. _____________________________ Trie bridge at Shielter Vaille'lias g-iven somne-trouble but is progress- 7 0 h cs i ta R 1a! i ing. Prellminary work is well under-,h a a t R l cs d I way nortri et Coiborne. w Another 10 miles of Hîgrwvay 101, In Clarkce Andciiirlington TFl"wps. frein Gananoque westerly te Joye-________________ ville Sideroad - idway between Gananioque and -Kingston .- was aIntrie re.ýgulated towashiips .,.f inthe neighbourhood cýf 36,000 phea- epened for traff t ic usc3,i r ý a Çlarke and Darlington in. Durhfam inants with approximately 21,0ffl pan. This new section wvill liring treCountj, nearly 7,000 pheasants have eçhicks, 12,5)00 pouits and .300 adults' mtileage cf Hig1wa'y 1401 inuLse uýl beeni released l theý past few weeks. being distributé'd and released in. te a total of 240 miles. That total is About 00 chicks, 500 peuits a nd trie LiadsayHrofne, Tweed close te hall cf trie full distance )f 3-,;,. adulis now reai trie suitable and Rla districts. Highay 01 hePcompete. 1heaantrange ofthtre southera Higwa 40 wen oxpleed i phearsaýlS nt a an attemipt te estab- The Clarke Township Gaine Coin- Tri rbbo-cttng aspefern-1 ish stroag populations a conisider- m iission h lad day old chlcks arrive itk Leds byd Jas A.-C. AMP'rarle numnber cf birds were releaised 1lJuly. These young pheasants were for rortenc-Acliig(i-iýDi Lh ne in thie vicinity of Cocriagton Farin, allotted out te výarloius iarms wliere- f o FrntnacAddngoa n tie and ac Presquile Park. I brooders wý,ere piaced. Trie chicks $8200bridge ovr tie Gananogue River.. and trie iies Islands' Liis is part efthtre annual al.ve- wr ae for and miost of dthei ý.a:1 catica cf quotas and distribution of are notv roaming over -trie country. Rnilway.pheasants frein trie Provinciail T]e gaine reserve supplies -tre feed. Wit tre oenig e ibs 1-mie cameandBird Farm .-at Codrin- 1for trie young birdis which is fin- section-, ti lanew possible te, travel tn.Trie vwork, bega n ue3àýrd ancedtircugri tiêi sale cf special contiaueusly on Hlighway 401 frein y ' ' >- aadff was completedc on July :,70t, Town-tsr-iip licenses duýrng trie pheas'- wes cfKinste te~.le ~ncioa otal production at trie ftarin wasj ant season. with H1ighwý,ay -2 at Crystal eah ville- a distance- Dt .48 1 nieýAp le GrwýY' "' making it trie second longesAppsection sTo vo e îl of Highiway 401 laiii L-eprxie Total ofettrie rojecf was toaquie tieMarkcetingý Plan August 2l1st mnore, than $4,965,000 w iniclude land for trie righ-t-ot-way. Fout, Ontario apple growers vote Aug. a mneeting efthtre apple section of structures were required, twe Ot 21 on a marketing plan-, under which tie ,Ontarir- Fruit and Vegetable, which are interchanges, another la 1triey wouid be able te advertise and Growers' Association. A petition re- an overpass and trie tourth -a $370,-~ premote trie sale cf their produce questing trie vote was submitted to& 000 bridge over botr trie Gananoque and suppi>' marketing information. the Ontario Farin Products' Market'- River and -the Th-ousand Islands Ifthtre plan is carried, it will net re- inig Board June 24. R.ailway (CNR). At a later date anI quest authority to control pricing ori Members tdft promotion vwas initrciange et Highway 4101 and trie-marketing, needed since appie production lhas Jo.yceville Sideroacl.1 Copies efthtre prelimiiiary votera' încreased whule per-capita consump- Materials used in trie construction1 lisi have been posted in apple- tien rias -dropped. et trie 10-mile stretcri inciuded 777,- goîgscin and Copies cf re- Iftiacmelitoued . 000 tons et granular inaterial 97,- uîations governing trie vote an rwrbar ilstuprgltoa 500 tons et aspli4i]t and 12,5,35 cubie trie plan itself aire te be mailed thiii Present plans cali for a 1ev>' et six yards cf concrete for trie tructures. wee.k. cents a hundredweght for fresit In addition, 819,000 cubic yards Of Trie decision te) seek aqutliority for apples, four* cents fer processing eartli were excavated and 299,000 a mererianetising-, prograin fînancedIapples and two Cents for juice and cubie yards Of rock removed. b>' a levy on fruit sold was macle at'cider aIpples. Bowmcuvville La F auresFo Eliminate Orono M in y FatU Fc Trie Bowmianviile Bantarn Club,La esA Or n Fci on -Mondav nigrit i Bowrnanvil1e- a i s tF i accepteti with plans for the event wentrite league Ciminri > te be lield oni Wedaiesday, Octobefr defeating Orono 6-2 la trie third anti1 7th. final_ gaine. Bowman-vîlle won trie Trie following cemxittee wvas series two gaines te one. naiimet Iot arrange ail detail relative liacock of Bowrmanville wa'strie te trie match including local prî-zes, winning pitcher and gave up oni>' lunches for plowmnanad a bootri one rit.ia trie seven inalags te trie for trie day of trie match: Will AI- (Oreno batters. Terry -Carleton was! lin, Newcastleý, Convenor;, Stan Ai- on trie mound for Orono and aise' lin, Orono NeT. 1, 2nd Vice Presidenit; turaed la a fine gaine with a trire Herman Scýhmid, Newcastle; >,How-Miter. ardi HerCmblcotN.2 Buzzy- IVercer cf Orone scored trie District Direcior. Trie secretar>' was first rua nvricrx re was walked te insiructed te requeist ti(}anotrianid stole second and third and ~sociation for a j udge wvitri trie camne home- on -au.erreor. Tris was la tollowing erder: Alex Me Kiane>', tr-ie se-eoqc inig when Bownman- Will Clarke, Win Timbers~. rirst ville aise scored an uneîaraed -nie vicepreidet Sanl>' ackçlin efthîeitha scoeaitrie -endiot trie se- Cobourg was lnsiructed te inspect caî trie Geldenýi Plcw Calta ant-Id have Orono i-netth-elr Waterloo itrie an>' painting, cieaning or other e'- rr i wrie Bowmaaville scorei pair attend ed Don Budd, -presiclent, t t-e ruas off trireruts and . twe. expects a good turacut f 1plo'WD)mea alks. John Glenney sored Orono s freintrie United Couaties for tris seconid run la trie titth frame -vhe eeI. is lhopiedttatSOIeesuces-I iews given a wianti scored qn fi contestants will attend trie- 1959. an errer anid a tieider's cheice. John InlternationalPlowving rMatch which -li collcteti Oreneos inigle rit)t thie la being hetd ai eters Cornierlagainein trie sixtriinî WetwrtîCun>'wr 'hi nt fat'Trie Oro no teain now entera trie frein trie ,weilkonClpio'sIOIr iyo n aClasa D"andc Cornrs n Hgliày o. . Tie!irai mneelt tre Ken-dal etr aa here lowenhave ý-la'g.ydsa- rrc aine series. Trie tirai gaine pe"ared i la trie chang11e cfiltain or. as played ila Orono on Wednýesday <ontinuedý on page 5)> nigrit. The Priz& Llst for tlie Orono F-air widie range of articles f rom lunch- has now been completed anisbc- eon sets to cushion covers, towels,. ýing distribttted. In the list there is centre pieces, handkerchiefsý, quilts, a wde ane e vries lels- bedspreads, ladies' men an-d child- ,whirh exhibtors may compete. The ren s %wear, fancy work and rugs, classes provide exhiits foi, chîldren, 1 Tlhere are also two speciai classes, women and of coufse- for mneni. ;one of which is a ciass for sweatersý- Two classes in. which wvom~en ex- macle of Mary Maxim wool. This cel are the Domersýic Science and latter class is a new addition this Needlecraft.; year. Ini ail there is close to twG In the domnestic scienice section hundred dollars iii prize m oney fur there are close to fifty classes in, this section. -which -one may exhibit anid theý7 The Agriculturai Society invites ranige from home-inade bread to1 exhibitors to place exibîts >in the buns, muffinis, jelly rolis, cýakes, i various classes for the success of pies, salads, pickles, canned fruits, the fair depends a great deal on a ~arr an evn coke chckes. d-igoodj selection of e-xhibits. A p rize ded to these are ine special prizes l irnay be obtainied from the- sec- anid awards. The speciafls classes jreay J. C. Gamey, Orono, in clude birthday cake' the champion liî hecassae ulndi ship cake, the championiship pie ai 1etil ong with others.- here is a ciass in which oiie may dEail. inii both Liomestic Science entoi- their special recipe anid at'and Needlecraft are to be ini by 12 ~the saine time stand a chance Of lo'clock noon on Friday September U11 ling, some of near-ly one huai- il whien uin-c--ig starts. dfredi dollars offered lii prize money. hsya h okwl eo i' NeeClecraft Ti ertewr ilb nds The Neediecrai t lepartfrnent in ,play Fridlay evening as well a u' the prize ist off ers a choicd,,ol'aine- ing- the'-final day, Saturday. tytoditferent classes in which Help the fair to be a better fair- oecan exhîbt, Here agai is ai. , . take a part ..ý. be an exhibitoil. TIMta Stibscrîptîon $1.50 N N N N N. N N N N N N N '-N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N. 's N N N N N 'N N N N N N N. N

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