Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1959, p. 1

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SMO V61ùin 2, buî±be21~ThrsdyJuly 9th 1959, <rono, Ontarlo Subseription $1.50 Clarke Towi Municipal Tl'ie mil cae or t,Île twnhi f Clarke was set, on M'vondlay ighlt, which is Lan increase oýver fre years and o cmerilanti in- dustriai bas 1reachiet 17.59 railis at for farras antirsd etil13.84i mills. Formier rates wvere 1.3 anti 10.4 nis. TPif, 'Total tax te -'be col-, lected frein Clia ire tax-payers ibhisj year is te aïneunt te $198,000J.ù0. i Other mil rates wvith 1958 parison are: 1959 'County rate.....10.7 IJigh Scirool........ 1 ,1 New Grader.....2. Crono Police Trustees ..-.......T,5 irownshj.p rate inOon Cern. & Liduztry .. 13.32 Rosidential.....9.57 10. i IL. En the seblool miii rates it was, noticet that Iow. ,assesseti sehlooli sections were jum-pet considerabiy! due te tire fact that Îthle Tlown'ishipi General School rateeXof4-1mîlîs Ihas *1een abolisliet. T'ie varieus scluooi rWfes are as f olows: -School Area . 12mis No, 2 1 No. 5 2 No, 7 1 No. 10-1. No.1* 9 Ne.14 -13 No. 15 20 Ne. 18 -22 No. «19 -12 No. :u~22 20 is te be set! r~sip etsMii Raes100DoE nrol Bomavile Witholds ri;;Iiïet Sts MM ates For Swirmming 15w av T e T S o w In re se TIe Red Cross SýYLainitgIn Tax s_________________d ,4ît.,; ro 3-School A pprov ot ______ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ gramn started at the 0170110 swn-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ h g ool jLst week 'wth an enrol- metOf 100 Young swtramiers. 1Miss Bo-wmia i Rl onclo oetire ru ellon S -ty Chïldren Take Part la Maruy Anni Armrstrong is <conduing'night turined- down thne Durhiamn the classes in swiniminig and< wator 1Counity District f{gh School bidt0 t Thersgaino raîd r. safety with assistance from Ivarilyn hbuild three new Hlgh Schois. Ie eigato e v.anilis Summiiier IPacrk PirQgramme Co5bbedick. . hPowever vote tenfatve approval to Williami J. Duncan, superintendent The largest, class of swinumers is thie board t request the Couinty an Ctoourg, lirn fr h 1 -'C i ti eenrf wAged, obug,%as receiveti by the NthieSasToPa Tadpoles where 60 are enrole Cuioiltoisue dbnrs for twoEUnited Coùnities Council Tliursday, sociatîono _Surnetcr &tk ecrA- OnHLSAtrdaJuyl8hthe 'la landthe age of some youngsters are of the board's proposed nfew schools. tersgaint eefcieAg Th rn maerAheie As nStraJlyLt Lk- aas reeyeas. tlde[ s * ae n tunaneffcamve frein tidnal Pr.og;an opened oi Monclay shore Intermediate A11-Stars wiUlFtei li,"e)aecasd11)I a geduainul out1 iofýh,- \eewVith Sixty children eoni- face the NuL AMl-Stars in a gari fthe gnesten chnlttenear claseti ivapproval for the proposedi Mr. and s's. Duna aef koflîedli.tevaiu groups. basebali in Port ïp.Tegnei alntnadMiiro-seal Cmblfd Jury196,ý lbis is down someV!at to commence at 6:30 p lOS, e1ght in the Intermediates and Darcigthbonad sMllbtook sited campbe hre tehîo Jicr, 96 o fremn that of othor years. _U is .ex- six in the Seniors. e h or eti h h>lc-tak "e chageeXthheneie.c!iigl Kefd htanune ellakley of Pr ôeourcase ilb hl vr pnoe vved, ov' eer a , nehlb lb< , ic h oalsars adatronduig tenn o uy A letter fromi the school boardienbcuew el~ene ~~ morn e ilerofans evoyeachAild mabachthece$ si gat 12 non iwitb the Seniors.! stateti that if the eighit munîcîpali-l said Mr. Duncan. "It is a seven-da,)- twen te ae o J nti12 ear isThis programi is sponsored and tios titi fot gire theïr consent for],a-wCk job andtue are not' as young~ inviteci to doso, hs'o the NuL Ail-Starto.nfane by thre Oronio Branch efthe board to go ahoat wit il is buld-las me used to bec" The ciiltre metevey ilring willicue suc"h'as Charlie Burnis,1 the Redi Cross witb a very 'raligpassoebadmmes M. Dunican's 70 years Of age and at ~ ~ ~ - th rn roes at 9 Billy ïHarris, Carl Prewer, Et. Chad-1 ebeilacargei te e boardS wolt esin.beris wlif ,Mri o'cick we? hey assemble ancWcPt oahr EbyHl or~ registratin. August 1 was the date set by5he "W have onjoyeti the work hem"' travel te te park with thieir ceun. i. bort as a deatiine for counciî's ap-1 continuet Mr.c Dunéan, "and have sellors. The program operates fr0mYl. School.Pafreceived wonderful co-opertion [9 to 12, 3Montay through riday o.ur-nIgxI B Lx'd S)tands Patval.fr"On'eOrïtý'Y.Of ficiais. lAIe hope that ing the rmonth _0f July. onthe W D egn w served i whOeer tasoe ee oi e .Asks Vo 'Three cmi~ifteesai os Cild ause they like ý'orking ,witýh li As la formieryes craifts, art anti b ho l ingporclF r'--iin the a rinto two separate areas1 people, and net jusi for the mrOeY.1 gaines are taught and playeti Faw-_______________ could not be arrived at irecause ai TNe futur'e plans Of Mrn andi Mrs, luie or- the eider chitiren ar-elte issue tiebenturei, -change inlathe Provincial educatonai lneaaeuirtnbtM.u- croquet anid tennis >wbîle the ,ýcyounýg- ayrsgntosfrm h U- urther that we set a deatilinel.-vant structure is forthcomîing. can said they might go back tce or gr upsenoy crafts,naure hikes hmCut ititHg cc1o uutltf' el.Fiig H ttt twutb gty Camrpbellford. and vrsies gams. Bar-d ïma-y bc xece3xcetI pr~a yail eiýght uncpaiiei ge 0t ach imunicipality if the unlsstHe eight mnciaiie lt1 any ombrseXthe present Dur-t asais Split. si h eit-ev. ThAry children haeenrolt ni h ae eiet ppoetehmCunty District H School Dpt-ev Jack Brough said LIt was peintet put that B3owman- t ý3 6year groupwbc is bewoads thee-schoo buildig pr-Board feel that tbey wiiI hav-e no unlýess tlè e lciston is unanlinieus! ville is fthe uaicipali ty which wil inig couislet y ïMarilyn -Cobbie,- gramm-e, ltrntiebut to eseiga, frernail eight mnicipalities" there sufer ost ef any mUYI,!icipaity iii dic1 amti ber assistants Judy Vagg, t wsmv by Ae MaeGreýgor, "Andi that wue set a date for the woid' be a snowball's chncf! the scbiool area by Septem-iber, 19601 Lyna yrel.Donaand Ban)nie Bwmnleand seciendti y car-.'next meeting of August Sth, 1gttiig ï it pst the miinister of otu- 1Reeve Higgon sail I, "aving srw Cet unerMy Lycna Baiy, Troy M. aln,Wcak Township, thatThsmtowscrreib a vote' cation." edi on the collective iomi-iittee, anti Tage aie dAanti Jnee 1jronaemn.a onlî ocrei o te 2. Tmtiwo membr vtig N atter what Uthe board cornes!having heard the o fiin Xthe of 7 "Thunar :uuoa icn w o tIe fth rooei ete ee U1p with, fthere 'is goinig te be op-j.1r ttedpatetI have teaeg po'il agaînstw fsiteien. Mr -f'- ibek ani Clakwil be, formieti an op)inion of my ewn.", lekngatr h aegou rgnyl~-Çarne ln1Uiet onto pposedti t anytbing unless tby get "It's unfortunate tbat 1 !ive in and 8myearlona wihtet n adn acmodtoVorscn-ierntaivooteoadani r-a ebolpTeboardi is asking forw mianviiic andi ne Soubt rmy pin- rollet on Motiay. c r wstdnsinti itrW .wi owl,1ersnttv rminree clamés again, buit 1 m-ove %we ion vil! b cniertiselfisb, but 1 eX sgro porsanvrcaio es 0nfoming them that we are a-iTeprpst ri1ig po1give appreval for the twe dsciolthdi f another scbool is built in program hciepintsste ourrpabuiStdingioprogrammne!1A opsd bidn rp1ïnugm)adMlrokadMthaei W epecdhh MrMavi Lti i i care X That we are asking ailthre Wmu -tovs t15 ud hegLine ofYRivare. ssef orhinoupprlletr._construction"-Ï 1eXKtbre sehools_ýÎ . 150_________________-________________ $75000 for de- Clarke ,e vo nvvpnlb- ýe reatings wereH * By-law wirere- H s wii now be The Read Sui mneet wïih the teo discus-'s the f what shoulti he Ceulicillox S that the ,ou oti lifting off a'nc should be carri possible. Tw,ýo hundred the Durham Ce Taxpay erýý jr 9110 will find th rils 0ths yeaw year. Boardà fedt thre 1 YVjJ., ospital Addition Einancingý age gx'oups. A second Clarkse Townsirip Council on Mon- doublet since 1950, shje sait. $ub-tivisioa by-iaw day e-veining met witb their rePpre-, Councillor Dont sait ire was cn withbftire third rýteat- sentatïve te the Memorial Hospital, cert-i wititire metirot of finan- t mp as it isun;r- owmaniviIle, Tire acting reeve Earl ing tble Projec't anti pintet eut th1at' existing by-law is Wvalkey aise reat a letter froni thir ariy ospitals accemplislir theiri Hospital Board asklng forer mmiet,- building programrs through publicl ~i et irir pprv-ate approvai ef tire building pro. stth-scriptioni. This system tdoptedi gram ar ntifornancqýiai backing by the BwavieHospital _was' tram ihr ict Hig-Li -- Mrs. Gibson state t tbat tire pres- ams e ytm new scirools, othsiajia 8les nitrt Actin-g Reeve Wallkey-asietiif recentiy tirere were 80 patients inMs.Giso fyi . t ;ir jnr fo et ou-t by tire r ie rsîalfraen aeret. 48 botate154 was neltotee great.1 bugeia talr-eaiy!Slie claimiet that tire iospitai biat Sireat it would be today but neit' b$11,500 ai trtbenoeaig tcpciyfra in twe years time w,,hen tire addition i Prograi numy u-Ilëàs tire last year. t wil taire at ,j(weldbecopeei ScUssed tis and aise Ile.ast two years te buildth ie 106 bed 1 rn prog-ram fer tire addition, sire sait. Councilor Stone, statedt that hoei >)Ullllor Savery eIt 'Tire plans for tire new addition b at tPaikedt t 10 or 12 residents laP is year forget aboutlinclute 17 botds in a kitties wart,lDarlingten Townshrip wiro statet1 erder irat tire ceýn-126 bots in a cirronic ward anti tire tbey cout"d't uaderstan wiry iroir' ýam ceuit be carrieti jbalanje of 63 for -metical and sur- council bat jumypet la withr thiri IgicaL. Mrs. Gibson statet a grantapproval so fast. Aise ire saidtta lof $5000 would be obtainet for tir,as a couincil, Clarkse could pass thiri nperntenengis e rrOnic lbots wIrile tlire remainter approvai but that ire was certain Muiia Rgerwould receive a grant ef $4000). tb.ey wouit net have tire backing ofi dorilnc oa ad The Hospitai representative sa- iepeople foir everyoae soomnedtot dene. - elt tiat nurses were bard teo get th ie $86,OQO was too great. Fur- to est'atet ire feit wrkla the Bowmanili"le Hospitaitîhfer liresait that tire letter publislir. itire Sixir lino w,,asl anti tihat tho kitchen taff woeroeti by tire Hospital B3oard dit net t tha cbi-steiag orkî-ng under poor conditions. Tire bring one reply te aktr osi~ t-ed Out as seen as eoPerýating rooms are, sire climot,I plan. bok1 for quite sometme anti cOuncil ior Dent outý i ined tire 1dollars was grantet some p)atients are hiavinig te be sent! mnutings withfthe AMinister ef mtral Fair, te Osirawa. IHoair ni Hesnpital Serviýces Comn- ithe Village o)f Or- Tire scope of tire bidn r-missionI anti sait that it was pointet heirý tax r-ate up 3.22igram tees -net seemi tee groatwbienleut that is was imp-ilýractical te buili rt over thiat of last cýonsiiratieni is g-iven to the fact our ownVVI hospitaL. Ho fol -tibat trtthe pop)ulatîi n [la te.rlias Cl-a-ire shouit give their aliswVr to _____________________!IreBbmaville Hespit a] Beard. I enisked wbhat would h.appen, A-ppnroves Fifth Teachier I c1ireoes'gv approval? bteOn stutIietnti ,found For 0%rono HLiIgh e I.DchLool 1;thattiris( IidtLu Ly at ameeting ef the gr:ade Ipine classes wiirtie Cern- mtin e ppovet îirIsntstpea et igrScliool bad e dcss reoinbeing tuPJr.d nel-1 ostutoni hih ClrstSe w Ofid tiret h fifth f ul-timie te a regular cissoo t acei..isuedeeatre e $6 e00wb tir hoied te ajugmjent mrotate.the extra tclaSS. cniithat tire fýInancingeI a Oroe h'~tr Sirel. t s expectet that the H-igb second I~tp be rvseon a yertei Scrohnemn ins tcominÀ.g term yeoar basis taking into cosdrton pecet Qrl'ent eX wil!registoracr d fer tire siro. ie chngeeasseIssnint L1In tire ~va neos~ryto ag- ast year tir. nta nomn u--fu mncplte.Tr ito e fi. . Attescirool tilis beret 115 witLh fou:r fuli-tietacr ev win)spot tbýere 1s« tIobe woers antioeopart-time tahe. Ceunicilier Stone state fire woul-d complications iin ipaGSe Lt is believet Lthat -oiitroversýy re- gar(ling the location eX tire Clarke scIaOoi iras 'cause tle preselit im- passe betweoa tire boarfl and itie urbr complications te tire deadi[ock %were atideti y a report of tir CosutatVeCormittee te thle Counties Counicil last week. Tfiis cogunitte as set up Lte) hwostigate irhe possibiiities of l#viding thre )reseint higirl bo Added Delays-i Cetansrulmt,~ issmai bytns cnsutative cemmittoe are! belîeed by someofeXtie prosent board memb)erste have atitet fur- thor delaW thie propeseti bulding Programme. Tire proposai teUtISt tire Durhrn Higir Scbiool Distrýicti inte two sections is opposetl by tire' Clarire Township representative, R.,, R. Watitell. "Clirke Township dloesn't want e int tire area if it is brekeni up," stateti Mr. Wattel at tire meeting. Otirer mnembors feit tiret tire n sIritative comnmit tee's appeal -fer ex.. tra timie to stniy ire financiai as-! pects in-velvetlaii diviiig 'tire sec-ý tion and,ýtiaaginig tire rrrost equit- able division of assets and liabilitiesý migb, influence the muaicipalitios te continlue tUw) ihet tiroir decisjon on tire boart's building programmne. Aprvlof five o eX ire unici- palitios eut of tire eight matire Dur- bam ,-nDirict 111gbi Scirool area is requireti to enable tire boartit aský Couaties Council te issue tire nec- essary dbetuestefinance idre building iprogrammi-tie. 'Tire pee 1(Continueti page -8) net bacir tire pro)posaiIbMs net 1 lan l0 people in Clarke toit theyi shouli. fHo said tire J3oart bhat al soiipg job te de fi-st. Cotucl Savory aise sait tlirat Ceuncili eet-] et tire baciring oeX th, epoole anti ase, tiat tire fiacg siroirit be oni ayeaIr te year basis because if net clarke taxpayers wouddintathe f'u tutie ie payIngagreater portion.1 On mtin X avryand ti Sre counil iilagai'- nmeet wit iiel finncc mmittee 0f tlire Hospitai Board on %Wednestiay aighti ps sible. Stcrted In Orono W. HI, Carman, chairman of theioutlined the Chiamber's financial Industriai comrmittee ef the Orono standing wlrich sirewet $171,.45 in Ciramber ef Comamerce repertet onjtie race accourat butaiotad Thurstay nighit that Kel-R-it Fur-. tirat seme cheques hati yet te be niture Manufacturing b.at purchias- taken out. Thea general account, ire et land ia Orono and that a factory sait, hd a balan~ce of $27.24. was now unçder -constructio.K.el-1R Rit, it wais pointeci out, will hire R C. Ferrester asiset if tire arouiattell employees ;ant iat ire CamereSC ' i eud s building is îte be ,ompleet ru t istlaprrcbasing a Restiscitator the iddl -) Augstwirich couliib!e usot ia case ef tire mttie X Augst. downîgg anti otirer nrisiraps in tire Tl'ire ntustry is now lcteiinI areaA A, e some 4çsintire Toronto at mnufctues pho1- Chamnber voted $100.00 for the pur- steredt tiuliar steel chairs along cbhase of 'a Resuscitator with thÉe witbi other linos. Thre new plant w,%iii opetha oter erganizatiens ,vouldi be locatet on Ithe fiftirl ino juISt h-elp finlaia'lly,. A Rssiao east eX HIighLway 11 cil;-anherefroni $600.0M0 É The treasurer, Gro ason, 1,0t00 Oron o W.A. And W.M.S. HQ1dl Joint Garden Party A eyenjoyable event look for 81-1, effort wili ire rewartet, place on Tutesday, Juy 7 mWien NIrsý tire more we Put inte these efforts eWrn. Armnstrong epeneti ber home tire morWe wdteriv'e frem em We andl gardon to a joint meeting oeX ail have tireni das -tiilïavel tire W.A. anti Afternoon Axlr dfeetreats bt ireet eeswe ef WM1IS. eX Orono Unitet Cburc. are ait aiming for W din ae goal. ILt being tirecesin meting o eXoi We umst rie above pettyinuences organizations unti September, ïeok anti joîn togethier la a great cause. the foi-m of a picnic. A trio by lUi-s. Drunient, ýlris. Aiter a heart welcome frei our Carson and AMrs. Cobbkndc "The irostess Us. Drmmond freati a Hlearit Gardon" w'as enjoy-eti by al. poeem "LanA Garden", îthon 1anap- Tr iaca eotb r.An propriate hy-nnma as sng a T efnnilrpr y Am prayoer. Group 4 w %as in charge of sreng wvas enceuraging, 139 visits tire program. Mdrs. E.Hamm prow- wer'e reportet anti leters reat by paroti a very interesting pape'r o cresotig ereaylU-..r "Hlomo" - ow il influiences ene'Sîývwin for WVA. andti lUrs. l}rmo-d lue anti sait ilir it shoulti ie one fer WMS of tiere osu valueti antitrasreILt was deéideti h-,,W.M-,S. te senti places on oar-th. Mrs. Rebt. Allii -a eun ldy ýte Wýhitby Lfadies' CoDl- alsp gave a-vey fie tir on "a-igfor -)tiay-s la A4ý1gwt. dons" ant i quteti tifferent passagesi The W.A. themne bymu anti prayer rmthre Bible %:whe eyarceleset tple imeeting. mentioneti. By the genereus belp of sorieofX Mrs. drmotitoueitie ou-i- mon-f olir, tables wero sot np guest speaker, MIrs. Haroi Alen, anti son laden mit1ir emptihrg pic- president of thre WIA, wiro Spokenic suipper. ILt was a wýontderful ai- veuy capably on"M11rsila terneon, tire stn sione irrougirtire Orgniaton."Sire souýntieti a r-iing tr-ees anti a gentie breeio blewtý anti ing9 cal!fr oalyon tirepart 0fitirere ith Ftir nosphere eX,)--good. almme- anti remindet utÀý ,irt fellowshiip ami friendineiss, nei- wev( must be wýiilîg worler s lbers anti vsiters enjoyedti trm- wvha)teveýr vwe are capable of deing ,sel-vos Ù)te r atO TxArn C)f , 1 1

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