ORONO WEEKILY TIMES Founider. R. A. Forrester PublisIer R. C. Porrester Lif e Saving During the summer mi i-onthls wlien- so m-any take their re- creation in and on water there is an iicreased d]anger from drown- ings. lMany lives c'an be saved h-owever with t(he kno-wledge of ariiilrsia ian I the use, of mehncireprto. The wvater safety program being taughit in Orýio gives in>- struictions in artificiîal respiration. Hlowever we feeli there is aý fleed for, a p)ortable resuscI(itator which -ouid he br-ought into serý vie itinminutes if Such mchieiasneeded. TheBwm- ville R-'ed Cross,- have malle sucli a purchase whic is for- use in th ar.li thet case of a m1-ishap in Orono or in the Orono arait woul tae a iest en twntymintesbefore thiis m1achin cou1dibeý broughit into the area. Minutes ar ost preclous inife in Orono whvere with1in inute:1ýs it cuihe inse No one oranzatonposibiy hais the funids t( aki uc puircha;sebuta1]int efr y rn-ranztoscildpossibly, make suc-i a puirchase. Th coSt o)f a rssittris -minut --i o that of a save 11if e. The m-ost im1por-tanlt falctin hf e savng i to1tartartiicia 1.eSpirj1ti nas -jouin.as possible. The ls o ve ratonc minute can, m i-ean thedifference of succe-ssoraiue ORONo wEEr-KL-Y -1TivMEs 1'NtRSOAY, JULY ÂDOF THA'YNKS L J Sylestr, urss ~ stff f te1ATTENT ON A Mem ,,oril1Isi9,Bwavle A N SE RVU and ilfens4hsetar, Çurvpîy od Pl filersa ifuldrigm sa esponsible foir. the ospl~a. Jvices char eLd wlU krs etaBrya a- slis sg FOY YOD GEl MORE OUT 0F'LIFE WHEN YOD GElTUE MOST-OUT 0F ELECTRICITY Anytime, any day-your favourite snack is ready, fresh and appetizing in your electric refrigerator-freezer. . With an elecfric refrigerator-freezer you can store al kinds of out-of-season foods for enjoymnent ail year. round. You can buy in quantity too (At saves you money) . . .eut down on trips to the storeé.. . eliminate tips on rainy days. When you entertain, an electrie refrigerator - __________ freezer gives you more time with your guests, because you're able to prepare food ahead of time. An electrîc 44h L4t refrigerator-freezer is safe, clean, and modern., It costs just a few cents a day to operate~ Before freezîng, most veg- You get, more out of life, when you get the mxost out etabies should be scalded of electricity.. or -blanched" to preserve ilavour, colour anid food value. ~&ct~,eiI~ c~Oe6 AO ~uL!v...CaAt4 ~Ô SECTIO7 ANTS VANMT E 0 NS A wo-man r respiisible girl toi o t e l o k a t r t c h ld i e , 2 1 2 y e a r s itio Phon Or,( D r __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ e'i pur- S -ï0E REPAIP, airn phone me o 722 orr IeoUn-gy4pesn oi Ph Oone P21e12216 o ou qffice. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we can offer:- AutormobieLîfe, Accident amd Sickness, Plae Glass, Liability, Pire, Burgtary, Kospitalizatien,, Livestock, Bolier, Wind, Polie, Hall, Fideîity Bonds etc. ORONO> P-NE IR-16 The RIJTTER GR-ANITE COMPANY Phone TU 5-5216 p. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. "Buy Direct amoiSae .Commissions' SMonuments, Gravestones, Engraving, Goldleafing Have You Euousha o IflsuatIOê A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON4 office Hours 2r00 te 4:.00 p.m, 7:309 te8:00 p.m. Setu!rdays ard YWednosdays by PHONE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARy SURGEON phone 10616 Orono, Ont. Bayrrister and Sollcito.r BOWMNVILEONT. Office MA 3568Home MA 3-5553 M I KAY STT, I.A)NO Rarrister zý-Soito 'R. R. Wýadde 28 . 'JACK REID Auctioneer ad Valuator Furniure Sles Cnutme for ternis addates Phone 5 r 18 - Oron, Au0i-cioneand avn Valatsor Cbure d cAut S;ales ofail szos s and Pat eaoaorae Oro, Orsee-bis nerk 11A.6 Mo rte ro n rdte.Pota Penson lios; rE dcatona Polce PAteti$.0 on and $1.30 ans fo F.2E. LYcEý t. S Orono hont, RA 8 no1211 STAFRDB$NS Phon WRA 8152 Wi8 Dundas St. E., Whirby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Lot us erect a handsome, dig. nified mnmetover thi ese- I ng place of your ioved ones. 1l' no exensve.And seeing tis last tribut. wWllgive you endless comfort. Orono Efectric CONTRACTORS FOR FAR'M and HOUTSE WIRING APMLANCE SALES Pro" 'it and Guaranteed Rerair- to ac xicnds of Electrical Equii.qmuo and Applena.ces Z. ios -Stoves , iii-e*