Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jul 1959, p. 1

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.11% O W'EfU TiffE Volume 22,ý 5ubr20 Thuirsdlay, July 2nd Orono, Ontario Subscription $1.50 Oirono Students Receive Bars, edcils fSi lse : C;.L M - 'l Atr P n i- in n~ à x.tart 'Âo-aay w u ** ee w? A em 'M Za goàMu w * le'.nlure fi Ie Uî5LýI areïow ______ _________________________________ ejyigth oo t pî."T0- - I iay, Tbursiay the RedCosSwm otion 0of ,xe isuenso te- TOoo nemdat aeal-.si, wneflopotni Ono PublcShct ib col The êauio eecsslon usa igh nOoob cr hr eiCbugt itoa -n toe r aeyrles. y with lie a ewad;ng 1f bas amid1of - KVt es atcl nnn ea f onet. ai tocsty-heri-g what to do Lto help others als was hl nth colgrornsîcir iigUpee it dnte osa sotsop.ocerOooa cbild bcmscnoosof cdan1- wblere bot aensadstdnsmu nin ae Kîbaso sorecovcredn inte faewiba!1u-grsaondadi tr atr h asseinbled. tnsrk-usaanttr oor y nemdae adsno isc batteris. Orono on ilthe other ha l thî eforhraeOooielaratfcalesrtonThss Mr H Lwe, encpa o tecohlcct.edfnehitýs off Maybc adtesoe fe ensnge,$e-av imprta trtof Our pr- PubicScroo0wlcme ,thsepres. alle.Ronie Wcst was it-,e top ler wakdetretseiicdga eausein the -case of a enit. Mrs, Marvin Lunn then itter for Oroino withi a doubtlle and, and Ron Wcst sinigled. Thîs bogt rIg artiicl rcsp;rafion 1 ductcd 0 Ic ubi ISholGice Cu tosingle2s in four tips ta tire Plate:i er Wsad on SheteI1r must ýbe started at 'oce-. TuLhi u- as threy San SIubr.Ti o n enWetbt ot coý n!Driýýtt b O roown'lufotoe nf thgs 98iss-,ue of AcidetPrvn Mi'. Per, ï; tIre 1 tie Newcastle cdOu ou two its in1 four trips. Sinlgle wcnBeto sord ftr1itî atin tiureeappeareda a cha-rt showlýv Lions Cu reetdwinlning track its we(r)itee y Don er-on -er adcmn oeîn h jne f rwigv stars at h mc FdDay wliithcei adDon B3eaton. on abtb î o.Kiba~e isrcvr fe rah n ba tire Lions fClub m edals. Thosv )r0- Coýbourg bit thle score board frtan LuncarnIed runiniithecithftrtopd ndaricalrsatn cevig iid i for958 were ar- witha singlie counter off a it, a Cobou,--urg com tted two errors bais belen starte, gery Tyrreli l ,;Ss lar n arf ice land a sngeit. Ooo'îobug nthe las frae sôred Oneminuteaterb re atî-iing bas B0ob bie e3cs; for 1959-, Faye --L ewi s, firs s)C cjcame in1th1e s econ0 d wblen ole run of U oube n asniel tppdcaneof reco)very is9% Linda HgeBueMreJoh1n D)eanW est rondc te foulr base's1but wPeb ytire lcal sý71a1d2miue92;3ints2% Bari;t, and ïhynda Tyril.atritgadule non.n.rmteigtr cor'e. miuts,0% nd inue2% Mliss Cai ndp l)cte yMrls. R.els n pligatiii epr Carleton 1to Ltr olwn:Chrl 1tio1, CoeGo- dy Srnpsn, Jîmy1 u l lie ~ I1II[L I h omnhlRdCosbv MorrsonDa~,i lgeron, ayn purhasd a esucitaornndcplcs lus, Linda Hughecs, Chrls eisA Ralph Kenn-edy, Peggy ,ýJîaneHa-___-nsadMrBucMrcrttde coc, Gyi Wilis Ls Hppo, llîte fnuniesConci cn- iin0ftîe istitol reb, -admnsrto f~i~r~sia Wayn Kenedy Jon l-ancck, itte ba reommedcdtira tie poed ntiltir Duram ~gb u rsh i whrtvciitis nede o! tire -award wee enoecd y mnvhl an Drhngtn owiri yar: RadtudRPot Hpe cair mcbnicll -wbaratîscil es MVýr. Lowesan reete y r mngetei wnbii sioo i a; eveL Abooo,-avn prtindosmaull.Ariica ~il-;entearol e iobank, aye Nieb - Sefî!tditsrpr ttr oein e- fhrence of opinion0a to1wheth1-si__ g ysp.Jac aDrtr Gayeýý, g inTrl~a nrîg atwe.-e rnttr xsiglg ~fOS.S. NO. 1 Cooper, Robin Taggart, LyndIa Bw la 0tiecmitcpitdot ethv ppac ic tr r P. oniioa ps sone, i-ytm.n JmyMor- thtie report waýs an intlerlim oe.reomenedbuildie a new ,scirocol R 1Rec1r le ci Pifteee tn dnswere a zwardedi tie caenleawrdwbci ws onations, itire need foradtinltiencesr-apoa f a imajority of jTaie isBriaCi btheAcns jcroup for s-iov1lasi ch Iirieve- lstudy tire fînlancial aspects lmade iI munîcîpabilties rnvolved. outis FmGrdItorael il 1necessary to recomïnend that tre Adifferent plan, wvorked)u is ment. Eaci su dent hadt obtained. ci ommittee be gracted tire privi, lege ycar, ini,,vlvd thce cew scîi)oojs. ifad Aas R; Llynda Barraball over 7515% i tire three terni examîin- o umtlg utrrreotr--acepted it would bave meant thie - CartlCaldwvell H; Dennis ýCob-1( ations. Tirose receiving the awards garding the disposition 'of assets andý building o! a 400)-pupil scbool at bledick - Joyce Dlrnik-le- Johin Du- were: Gordon Simpson, Dace Ro- liabilities aithtie November sessioni.lCourtice, n Darýlinigtoni townsip; a val- Nancy Forrester-- David For- Mar ersn o Baiet, BFrase Wlae, He suggested consideration o! thie 400-putpil scirool. at Orono, in Clarke (-ester- onaGilbanik H; HaiEr Mary ynn aile, Bonie onvir, blaw be postponed until tire Janua- townshrip, an-d a 1,50-pupil seil a Hges0Cr1ieo 'oEH; d Donna Couvier, Shirley Sirarron, r 90ssin Millbrook. ithr Kllatick- David Manning H;, Les. Hopper, InMcKenzic, Arnioldl"'o-mnté eonedd Opoiin . lr.la a e byTires MilKari -LdaMLi Wallace-, TMichaýel Fagan, Tcrry Gra- irecm ite eQe.nedopoiin otr lndws le by erea NcarnHy- ina Ncar- ham, Peggy faýne Eancock, Anneý (1) Tire application of BowmanvilleINewcý,(astle, on tire gronstrttr n uiaNa ;Dan ihl omlanik and ]arlington to witirdra ronscirool plannied for Or>ono should be son! Nanicy Nixon- Juiýe Sii Mis Cle reentd hes aars te urhm ouny igraScirool built at Newcastle. ý Ricky Simpson-- Raye WVest- ,as Mrs. Carletonl made tire-anl- district be flot approved;'Atieprletngotrecu-EdadW dyd- eouceecs.(2) Tirat tire present Irigir scirool dis- ics councciil,Bwmni and Dan-! From Grade P Il to G"rade III- Lyunda e efl 'lWis, Trytict be divided into two districts; ington townshrip asked to ire sep-Lar Adams- Joyce Alexander H; Hary ai Rj~sîl'Rognso re (a Tie Wst unîm igir aratedi from tire district, and tirejAnce Arnott- Bill Calidwlell - Dor- ceived Citizenship Bars, presented Scirool district t0 include tire town ýI consltativ e committee was fox'med etta Challica--- Sharon Drinkie-- by r.~. . at, pinipl o treof Bowmanville, tire village o! New-lto estudy tire problem Bran ero-Cordon H1-oocy -- Jul- Oronio Higir School, for perfect at- castle and tire townships o! Clarke' Tire district is epproximately 27îie Jouies- ArtIiu iptik Car- tendance durîng tire past scirool and Derlington. miles from east f0 West and anv ecr Bo ion Dan terni. (b)Tire Eust Durliam Higir erage nori-souti rdistanice of 1-5 Pa rt ridge-- Ronlald Prescott -Jon Tirree "Scirool Letters" were elsoiScirool district to include tire towe iles with ai total area o! 237,00jie Robînson) - E1ieSimd awarded to tirree students o! tirelo! Port Hope, tire village o! Mill-- acres, a population o!f2,0 and an1 Douglas Taylor Aa akrCP graduating- class. Tire Letters are brook, tire townshiîp o! Cavan flot essessment -o! $322,000,000, Darlene Wst- Eleanor WVilson awended to students wirô obtained at ncluded le the Peterborough sub- j Chairmnan o! tire scirool boari C.P. least 18 points for varjous acirieve- urban district and tire township of Alan Strike, sald tirat whitelire was reetsragig rm ceemetoHoe.favorably impressed by tire reportý, Teacbie Mrs. Ethlel Carleton ~sp ea kn g , p o ste r w o rk a n d sp o rts, O n e m ei ib re n of t ie co m mi- itte e , l i e id c oaare w th ti e-1cm - F r m ra e l o ra e I - Ths rciv , tr coveted letters Reeve L, A. Hooton o! Cavan town-l mendation tiret tire district shotmld iKara 'Fgan H1 Susan Gode were Marýy Lyinu Balley, Gayle Wil- shiip was of tire opinion fiat ire di- (continued page 3) L aewi HarDon;ali ve Jolieon; lis and Leslie Hopper. -Elei, !Milîson E- llen iSt. John - Gail Willis, Fraiucjs Tenniant, .a1rtTgar eelyTe Linde H1ughes. Bonnie Couvien and C Futh lrt k rcetiH DnadTod-d -Patricila Marie Hooey received Art Bars for SqeK , Wallacc-.h their work in tinis field. Tire Ora-1I'rnGad11 o [ tory Bars were also awýýarded to m,,'[-atiFro~i raeiI to-Gae IVlie Tir furHiirScrol eahesDd clDent 1H; Brenida Drinkle 1H; Tiie fi-4r Hgli Shool tacherl F Nne119h Schav1i'keBorenink-H Dale1Ciraliceýý- ElaineForstr ;GlennGay Mr. WV. W. Watt, Mýrs. St. John, II._______________ _DnaGayV alreMre u J. Fordcind Mr.S. B. Rutirenflord * --t e. ane- aratMd provided $t0O Oto tire public Scirool Tire enromn ttr rn ighi uli-timie classiroomn it is felf tiat tire ineMKre- agrtMd Stuldent iravlmg itire top academic Scirool fils comning termi is expected13-4 students may ire hacdledL,ditn BraeMchl-aie stadin. Treprie ws wardcd by to jump fnom 115 to a Inum.beruire-provided tir Bar[ganstie irMRtreyrfoird ;MrlnTmlnH Mr a'tt or% beraîf o!firis staff roitw(een 130 and 140. 1In tire Past ye igo afifhtace.-uIo oly(intr- Leslie Hopper. Mir. Wttattins tire sclirool [iras been staffecd by four irayerlet l rd ieI rm rd Vt rd ciiie also introduced Mr. Wýitirer- tfull4time teacirers and one part timte will irbc, ssryo formn two grýadelSllýiro lnH ua atel su -onw, tire niew principal of tire Or-' teecher. Tire increase lu enrlolmenltniune classes. This wllie tire first DrtyDno-PtyHryH 01ooigi Schil wio 'briefly ad- jexpected for- 1959-60 makes it iheces- timlu tre yisor f tie OonoJonHcy InHuhs Pu .drssd ,ie gadatngclss. sey irt fififul-im tecierscroltirettwo grade fnecla1sses JoIes -Bob) Luxon H; Margaret! atin clss o tie gtheina ud ing med t tire iir Scu-irln BardIesas eendlstwe-irtNa CreNxolBtt rs student. Tsire graoduatgrstudents ig st dpliaffe o s l bystudens e ieOooScro ecurMr.FacsLn arrig<att therilip rutn Bonde -necoomics.tfobtdeeen prciouslyBih"Srçtt-C; ohnBaratt Bo CouverDona Cuvir, esle iop-staed ire suc arangmens'culdBeH;H;3oron ent Colen' ga; enock, L n i -fugaies, a n eh To ireaete n n e routhet to-,e erniing fc torc s ae L bee oi v eroe Grad-y C; Terry a rdKit- Kt(enedyr use ili Rotigei s, Sh ir clseaffy tiïre sngigo.G d S ve dstudenls ts ilh ave tus added Heron ( .; Ceis K iennd--- rcs yireronRonad Ty, rnis 'Uic Quecelnge by itiGîce Clnas. t a prtniy t Poo.Mece Wyn Mrcr oula Moff"t-la-g1-ogerso_- Rut fýoiarn-irn~msn ed Wallace Hl; Bonnaie Wilson C; Susan FrmGradie V oGrade VII- Lyïidla Bowen- ÇerlCooper- ý-coss Mri-Jimmy -iMorrisonl- Z. d Pers-Dane RogersOn H1-; Gordon Simapson H; Robin. TaggDait - Bryen Tamblyn- Billy To,ýdd-, Teacher--Mr. FH. Iowes From Gradie VII tu Grade VII-- 3ob Barraball- Hugir Beeuchanip -Ronnde Best - Michael Fagan i 1; Anne Gilbank H; Terry Grahram il; Peggy Hano7ck H; Alan Henon- M1arie H-ooey--- Barbare Kcast- ?Rlph Kennedy- I an MceKenzie H,; F'aye Nicholson- Charles Reid- Mlurray- St Johin- Troy Taggart- Z.ynda Tyrreill Judy Vagg - Arn- old WallaecFH; John-, WayeWte - Shron Willis -. From Grade VIII to Grade ýIX - Maery Lynui Bailey H; Jennifer Bar- ratt-_Prilip Bruton ,oneCu Found's Offilciai Opening Monday, JuIy 6th ic" regucîatr is set Up.-eWhenin fýThiîs cmn MnaJuly 6th,. opertio a esusitaor-ive, one Foundj's JBilbards and flarber Shop- hunded ercnt xyg n aintains pe wil wtness its grand oQpenling. acntnrhtmforý a pr-ï0oîonged The n ew Ovrono enterprise located peiodwtot igthaprto nte ws side of the business sec- and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~v-i wihu hninoprtr.Itto i ob an asset to this section can_ý be appiied i -ar uon Ithe way fton to te hspial.The iterior of the building bas. In~~~~~~~~ th aeo rwigtebe c ompl-y renovated and t firs thng t dois sartartiicil apearanï'Ce is a- credit to thne on reprtog e aey hnhv M.Dn on.The store is wde somon clithe PoinilPoli-ce oe ove n osstoblir for the resucitator ï aind 11s-cîla ale, nepoltable1-, abrbrn doctor. secion !ai aso a c ceriand poap bar This year the Pak oar hve rC Fonstates thatevery ef- madearaneenfiola e efort fhas benmade t thi1sh thle s ieand"otomofthJ polscrub- FudsBltrsa n ftebest edadrefillied on FiasThe Red; ;ite area.Theicdecor of tei~ei roshaive also m adje arrangemien-ts1 or 'blenids well and ad getot tohave tepo cpidSundmayia pleasantM spre ~igli, swc t ut-o Mon day and The barbcring eto is located rotiled.Ths rocdue-s beinýg fol- i. h front nfte bild(ingwhre 'o nd tu mae thýe poo ceaeran Mt tebarbere will use bhis 16 safr or hechidrn 0 te area. yeaS of experience tu mroethe appeaance f bis dustojmer's. Mr, Foundm will also o).perate ain O rono Girls9-L0oSe ie0 reni bar- hr Crea1 will be featured.L Pop and tea doppd 1 - l eaurewih ices u c haýie bar . The store Bowanvil onTueda evnin. iaso be beadquarter,ýs for -Sibb-ýy's onoenty ws ot n font Ilw- oweco-1me arost th L-e grand eve th Bwmavile qua tok oenxng this TMonda(y, Mr. Foundc thelea inthesixh wen heyw1ilbe armcd vwitb50 JordenS Ibe scoredtour uns. he scre wa tiedCreamCon'es, 500j CocaCoasa at 0-1 miwaythrughthesixh.Iothr si driks suchi as Canada DrCold Springs and Seveni-Up. Faye ~chlsonpitced te gameuThs ttes Mli. bFound,1 are ail free fo Oon wthPgg Hncckb*»aslog tbey laSt, Also n con- hi10 thepltebI th(httngdpar1t unctionwith tb'le open ig Sibby's blic School Pnrmotion 1Resulis Hen HDonna - Cou-vier il; Joie Ga-Peter G- -John Hancock- Leslie Hopper H; Lindla Hujghes- Wayne 'Kennedy- Rfussell Roger- son- Shirley Sharron H; Ronald Taylor- Francis Tenneant- Gayle Sixth ' n Sho Names le, ordeir o! menit (H) honours To Gr'ade I-X---Gary Wilson. Toý Grade VIII-Anne Dantciuek,. TcGradle VII-Cinistina Mear- tene ();Linida Gnoenwood (H); JoinMcMakin(H); Janlet Mc- To Grade V- -Lynne McMackin1, Ma cy Turner, Gordon, Morton. To-) Grade ýIV- Alan MeMaekin (H ;Jeanette 1Meartenise. TlO Grad1e 1III Brende aHoy (H). To Grade Il -Lerry Hloy. MrS. E. C_. Loweny.. K . .. ....... . .......... ...... 4- K -4 -4 K K s -4 4- 4- K -s s 4- K -4 '4- 4- -4 * 4-

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