Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1959, p. 8

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ITS THE HIGH SGHOOL .A.GAIN. The Hiigli School question will comé to the 'fËrit again thîs wl whelitoa the Consultative Commiiittpeeet Counties Counicil wlll report their findings and opirion on fhe withdirawal of cr tain inunicipalities from the, Dur'ham County District High School Aa.It s tDe feeling that the majorify of this commîttee does favour the spltig of tSe area into two. Darlington, Bowmn.ivile Nwcaistle and Clarke it is Jfe1t could be proposedt as onle area withi Hope. Port Hlope, Cavan and Mîllbrook as the other, It is aise ,Iimi ed thtat the entire-cite is not ln favour of this split and ~ a teeis support for hoin-Iiig the' area toýgetier,. The ligh SehooL EMard itselt has miost doeisively passed a- mointhafthle rea stay intact as is and have formied a commn-ittec whichi is to present tis view f0 theý Counties Council o)n Fa "len a discssn WHll e held on the report. Clarke Townishîp suppor'ts holding thl aeloite r bt trhe ther baud if there is f0Iobe a split fhey desire f0 be- left out, and f0 go it on their own. M4ilbrook and Cavan consider ing the Pctcrorough Suburban area if thiri is to be a cag.Wa either wiq'orcan ,do ]ress on theaction at Cobourg. Ini the mneantimie the stWdeiits are paying the? price and if iS becmiu moe. vidntthat futbe acomodation i ~roede LEjS LIVE TO ENJOY THE WATER Canada bas been bountifuLlly lese with facýilities for) ut door recreation. Were we describing our nation to a stranger, wh1o could f ail to mention tSe hundreds 0f beautNifulakes and rivers, the fishing, boatinrg andsw mig Butl would %\e be proud f0 mention the annual toil thesýe watrwas ake et our citizens' lives? Each year almr-osf 1000) n, ý.women uiad blidren, swvimmrrers and uon-swimmners both drown in oiur provinces. Thi's year promises to 'no11 differeut. u,dcaimis the Red Cross, the pîcture could be chianged ýomn- pletely if ,ve ail co-operated te niake our country wide awake in the ways of water safety. For the sad tact is that rmosf of thesec fatal accidents c-ould have been prevented. They happened 1eas people d(,i, not tiukl, tried to- show off or, had just not earned theý basic atrsafety rufles. Tis com-ing weck the Oreno Red Cross -areaiu'uchg their Simn and Water Safty Course at thae Orono Park__ Swbmming tank. Everyone should take advanfage of titis grand opportynity to learu fie 0«\f proper, safe swimmring and the nmsofsafey on and in e wfebr, Ake sure you kn the rules ot wafer saety and whaf f0 do if (U nnErgency in tI e water faces yen. Tiiere is mnuch to enjoiy living in Canada. Lef's ýail live f0 enjoy if. WANTED -O PR NT ANNOUNCEMENT lieuseor small dJig, in or a-ilMArs. VEn-haa Lin [anno 11qi ces thie round Orono0, woul Pte 1 or20enagei ef h r dautfe, Ber-; acres jut ouside ohrono. Phone nce, te Jr m minWod son et 150 oronn., M. andMrs, j. Qo , Hamilfon. FO AEThemaraewl ak place on S3at- FOR ALEurday, Jul00lt n2a e Oro Un- One baby carri g,xcelseàtcon tedChurci 'diton. Apply M - rs.a e Wesf or Or- ono Wveekly Time - The 1Kir'by SILIday o ta- uswoar( nf AMp nuSt berry Supper '01 e ieH Tuesday,1 have their camp f i y July 10 June 3O'h. A Pr gr otý< sports af f0 eif ber Min Do Gode or Mr, '7:00p.m.a-c RssliMaor c'.,. at-'p~.m, ~ a-cFOR SAL.E t Figidlair-e Refrig -rater, AI con-: ~O fEdîtion, 1952 imodel Iso .47 Chrys-ý Se 8Ca r 1in Alonit < as r o Orn R rss5 migReg- Pbn(2o0o134 istration and Instrucf will begin____ Trhursday, J Iy 2n n0the Orono Seniors -2 no S ge-e n M ePrtbe Intrmeia s 12:30 pm erynw$00 dfi junior - p amns Beginners :3î"p.. Poe 4 21 wcaste . WaC Tadpoles --2pm. - 3 pmi.-q,_ F~gitrtin eewil e cpe1 C0 T T AG1 E F R E f person, bchnm aeSgga e ae SNASOHOOL PICNIC isie oveiecs nda wiIl be held in tçcronoPark o MonayJu 29f a 400 p.m. , WANTEDO LEASE forth cil e. rents are in-1 10 f0 30 acreso lad t least vited. Pleaise n yur wn ILI hait bush on or:h ,ntt way No. 115îl C>-'3To 'Ship. CARO ~~ THANK~ Box 320 Oi),>u m l ies Wunwish pu ex è-Ysour tansto relatives and icends eho etWTE f low ers, cards ý a d let d ri gA1 5 al s T g E 0im t our sad bereaverient41waNs a-p-fre mbtay gody eXce preciated imore t an weds can say. segoe, ld c ed.Mut lv en evle-a irieMGili-be suncued befo -e ing. In lcong mmro.fr mo,"ther, o stefi 0 ve yu MarhaGay, wh 4,Pa ed 3away he rpie Cl o he Mlard!i sf,12 an mbter, John pair-, phone Orono P7 . t- Gay who pased a.y Jn 2d ____________ Evrreebeend sdym-,ni he RUTTER GRAiNI!TE-- ,sed by thee l chjid and gr-- d-! chîldren,ac i cgmmoo Stapleý- PM. Box 62 0 ton Who pascised apyàu e27,19ýP5 7.Potop.O. WVe do not need s pe l day To bing ou t o ind. Buy Direct and ASaeComnmissions' For the day's %e if,Èlot fhin of, Are very ,,hard to find. ouetGaetns Eve reemeref b hsbad, Engraving, Goldtlea1fing qson and motherc.a- A day this tradîtionail valute is ions rpassed! 'F mw its "Li*neair Look" stylinig. its graicio us, spoactis interi brs. î ts..pace-setting engineering Oldsi tobile is beyvond compare! 0 E E5DA! C)LE VIST VUR OCA AUHORZrDOLDMOBLE UALITY DEALER WC L ANVI LLE z or remodelli 9 your present o5D" Pon 2 1 Oro0n 0 Foundtiomand eSepfic Tanks poured. Forins available ifamilteis ýSadie Hailton * .Every Mlass of Instur- ance is represented~ in our officee. The foI1ow-- Ing are somue of file inain coverages we can AlitoIe 5..Life, Accident and Sickne, Pl ate Glass, Liability, FrBurgizary, i-ospitalization, Lv St-c Blier, Wid Polie0, HlFîdeity Bonds etc. ORGNO ' ' E 1 1 rziRsI M ;:-- LOANS1 71§S i ý, p EXTRA VALUE W EN VOU BUY Yen haive se litief more te pa .. aad se imich more te e ey! 'flc beguziiliing ixtîry' vaid reemii ess of the ighl-fa.shioni i teriers3... decanl, 1c Lsseodem'- sty%,le.. su perb B;04y by Fishjer te'ntion to detiail. . 1al thseare s ba oulyyers iii Oldsm î >le..- at 80 modesýt a price. EXTRA VALUE WHEN YOU DO IVE 1Hre's value te deiiliht yen a resh veiry lime y >itake the wheel. Yoou'll thrill te the ,soft-spok agrneo f th fnew Reekr(et enine lie teIl(,hc e a aOlds m slightof the on gsumnier miles al.. and the studigga ecey.Gu4,t-test a ifoeket seen and dsoe ail these cxcýi in Oldsmobile q aliti's. EXTRA VALUE W EN Y u TRADE Your ilnvestmleat l Js i4ý ýwen ou0go 4 vr teOlds .l'or thle best of resn!Thvisticton nd ality, al that the ntame Olsro i sns for, haves ma s ithe most waated càr in the meimprcdfield, This meas y' ou're assured iof top trade-in vau. e our Oldsmohile dealer prove il te yen, today. LED e- t A. F. Mc(,KENZIE, M.D. » iyi:"Nand SURGEON 3:00~~~~t te3-. m :0 e800 p.M. DR. RPJl- GGR Bariister aoiitor Phonos: t'rîl, OffceMA3-68 HmeMA3.us Phone ;,)r I18 - oronù Commnicj-0 ithhlmat Part Ferry', Ontaro, o seefrisClerk,A.U Moron iron ~rAte LIFE NUAc Penio Pansd 3 aoa Pll~ Prbecton andSaing Mans for Chudren aNqAtfts sý+ ~ srcePlans, F. E. LYCETT- TywiesReminýgton Portables 4 Moes rademonstration. At $].CS down and $1,00 a we. up- to 20% off on demonstrators. OSHAWA BUSINESS MACHINES 329 Simicee St, S. Phono RA 31211 Eveings 5974 ii STAFFORD> BROS. 38Phono Whhy 552 3MDundas St. E_,Wub FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS At4D MARKERS, Let us erect a handsome, dg nlified monument over the reit- inq place of your loved ones lt'a not expanSive. And seeing I thÎzs l -sttbu"te jwiIl ive j yeuendieSS comnfort. P NE129 FARM and-HIOISE FreeEsiae APLANCES'ALES ProQ i1 and Guaranteed Reiai.- le ai' £<.nds of Electrkcal Eqtwýpmfflnt and Appliances -1- . 'itors . Water ?etîar1 !os *- o.Stoves-« .n 4%O#WRTmaOE- 1 oi4mé 1471 -D ýs

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