Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jun 1959, p. 5

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Dear Feflow Citizens:, FORM 23 TM mrl"3am MEM» he ection, ma wýwm Acte alify For Orono'Colt Derbyl Millbrook Girls Top Orono 6431 The MlbokGrs' Sfbl teami,deedn caponiipd- feated thle Oronog-) n hi w daodlast Fia ya - cr The local gir, ls hel a -ight edge atteï end of the thmird iinna and ruas- to M inrok athe [f ith)ut the visýitons out li fr-ont. Thley a Iso scGred--ý singles in the sîxth a.nd1 seventh. Tt is 0-nl1Y twowek until the first annual Orono Colt Derby is hield on, the Orono Raceway at the local !Exhbition grounds. EnItries in this class have long bedn closed and to-day twenty-seven colts aie on the entry list. 0f these 27 colts two are entered f rom the stables of local liorseinen. Messrs. Lawrence aHooey and Jack Reid have clsentered. The following is the Eist of en- tries: 1. Commentator, by Poplar Byrd - Merton Storey, Peterboro. 9 Np JN Ùi J - - ..aa tan. On June llth you will be given the privilegeý of exercising your demo-il!!!il1IllI:ill ' cri",e Crigt in Chrfrtingý the future couIrse of thisprvne Before you, willî1 be the record of achievement of a decadle of wise policies and souLnd m-anageent under th'e gov- er-nment o Premier Leslie Frost- ten yý-ears of progress, unsurpassed anywh-ere in th e world. As citiz.-,ens of Durhami county we hve rceivd a great share of thle benefits resuilting from- this d1evelop-_ Provincial assistan-ce to th)e maunicipalities of Durham lias risen during the past five years fomles's titan $167,000 to over $2 million. Farmi income rovei- the province lias inc ased f rom $791 m-illion in 1957 to $&0 million in 1958. Durham's sh4ýre in the spectacular Ï.hway program now uniderway is reflect-ed in the constructi being undertaken on Highways 401, 106, ý13,3, 7A and the velopment road between Hig-hways 28 and 3ý The steadily încreased gra for education are rapidly shifting the educatignal bur-denf om the municipal to the prýov- incial level. Provinëia1 grants r education over the past ten years have risen f roi $8 milli to over $150 million. This and mueý more been achieved with littie or rio in- terference with municipal utonomy and with the amnazing factt that the net per capita t has been steadily decreasing. Ever greater progress lies ahead in which 1 arn sure you1 wihto have a part, and ini which I would be very pleased and honoured to act as your representative. Yours very sincerely, Alex Carruthers junior Girls TeOrIonIo Junior Gis team ialso we Igdwnlto dfetSaiturday moring at the hands of Newcastle 13-11. Thie game cWaks played il' New- castle. Shiaron Willis a the losinIg pit- cher with the victory going to Dar- rachi of Newcastle. Ia the hitting departmient Jnc McMackin took top Oronio honiours. Our, Uxbridge. 5 . Homestead Kat e by Alpha Hal -Chas. E. Burrison, Cobourg. 6& Homestead Laura B. by Hal Grattan Jr.- Osier Burrisoin, Co- bourg. 7. Sunday May, Grattan by Hal Grattan Jr.- B. C. Samons, 'Cobourg a y a 8. Lady Flicka Grattan b a Grattan Jr. - B. C. Camong, Cobourg Orono line-up: Sharon Willis, 9. Unnamed by Tim Hanover - P. pitcher; Faye -Nicholson, catcher Buck and Francis Hicks, Milibrook.' Caýtherine Maartense, Ist; Cheryl1 ýCooper, 2nd; Janice MMci 3rd; 10. Unnamed by Tim Hanover - Barbara Keast, short stop; Diâne Francis Hicks, Millbrook. Gibrleft field; Aina Gibank, 11. Agate by Fleet HanoverLr centre field; Sandra B3owins. right 'Hooey, Orono. fiel; Mry Lnn aîle, Mrie 12. Andy May Grattan by Dusty H1ooey, Lyndca 'Tyrreil and TUroy Tag- IMac Grattan - Percy Sproule, Lind- gart alternates. say. 13. Coronation Van by B3ig Gun Alex Forest, Lindsay. 14. Lary Dillard by John Dillard, Alex Forrest, Lindsay. 15. Sinigle C. by John Dillard - C. Gordon, Oshawa. 16., Gonvernor's Pride by Governor Herbert - Jack Dooher, Campbell- ford. 17. Miss April Gunner by BRig Gun ! van Cohrae, estl1eton. 18ý. Teratomn by Mighty Atom V . isGreenwood. non, J11,Ho1pe. F HilqeDoleschell, Markham' 1<21.ô Tryax- Fritz & J' ýq ilde Lol1eschell, Markhan. 22. Fairey Riddell by Van Riddell Mead1owýview Farms, Oronto. 923. Lyn Brook by Miller Brook Willard Beatty, Garden Hill. 2-1. Midïiight Sultan by The Sul- ta n - B3rethour ]3ros., Sunderland. 2,5. M-tm(ite by - E. Thomp- son 1, Bobcayigeon. n i ' 26. Peter Hlal S. byAlpha Hal- E.Thompý!son, EBobcaygeon. 27.Dany ce Grattan by Hal Grata Jr, ClffHiîe, Cobourg. Notice is hereby given that pursuanit toý - eElection At, 1951 (Section 88) AdVance Polis for the Electorial District of Durham will lie open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday the 4th, 5th and th days of June, 1959Ï, f rom 8 a.m. until 5 p. f,, ( 9 a,.nt to 6 p.m. Daylight Saving, Time). and. from. 7 p.M. until 10 p.In. (8 e.m. Dayllght Saving Time) THIE ADVANCE POLLING PLACES FOR THE SAID ELEC4('TORIAL DISTRICT WILL BE Located at the Town Hall, in the Towyn of Bowman vi.lle, for ail PoIfing Subdivisions of the Township of Cartwîright, the Township of Darlington and the Tow,,,n of Bowmvianvilie; Located at Town Ha,11, ln the Village of Orouto, for al Pollfing Subdivisions of the- Towush,p of Man- vers, the Town-,ship of Clarke ai-d the Village of Newcastle, and Lcated at Town Hk all, in the Town of Port Hope, for- ail Palling Subdiviïsions of the TownTrs.hip Of Cav- ant, the Village--.of Milbokte Towýnshîip of IHo)pe and -Lte Town of Port Hlope-, for the pur-pose of reeiîIng lite vote-s ofvteswho expet lu le absent f rom the Eetra District on1the day fied for poilling. The baltboxes wilb pndadt1he Vtsutda 7 p.m. ( 8 p.rn. Dayligh-t SavTing, Timie) of ~Ihusday ite lt dy ofJ-une 19, attesR acs Dafted at OronoI thýs 28th day ofn,199 John Liyall Lowvery R e tuaringil-O:1ffieî ýHloward Q uinneyv Gets Hole In 1 A gýoifers dreami camne truea week ago Wednesday when Howard Quinneyv of Newcastle made a hole ini onie at the Port Hiope Golf Club. This feat happenedt on the z-econd gr'ee..Howard when looking- for his bail forgot to look in the cupi but, finally peeked in and sure e- nough hi sball had corne the 'rest lii the cu.p thus registering a-.hole-1 in-one,1 I lU ORONO WEEKLY TýiME8 THURSDJAY, JUNI 17 C (1), Conduct Mail'Campaign t() over 4,000 Canadian, and United States Industries. (2) Concentrated effort on per- sonal calis of industries in TorontO, Montreal and Unitedt States. (Tis, would include follo-w-up (,,f contacts made by mail or personally, of over 30 industries in the United States., (3) Visit to Chicago anid'New York to Industrial Development A.- éeies of Banks, Rtailways, Canýadi- an Consulate Offices, Fintancial In- stitutions, etc. IThis includies re cep- tion in CiaofrrepresenitatiVes' ofinusra developimelrt agen-cieýs whicas been .carried on lainprevi- ousý ýYear-S., (4) Advise çmuite nthe data andJ the preparation of indus- * trial brochures. (5) Distribute promnotional liter- ature to industries, outlining thxe 1Area, and to pprticipatiflg munmici, (6) Maintain an laventory o V ailable factory buildings frif? .mation of prospective mafcrr ers and pubflish and di;stribte ,aniUp to date list alpproximately every four (roniths as relquired.. .,(7) Ma-intain, up to date re(jcrds of al paricîptingmuntpalities. 1 (8) Tour theoAeawith induistrialI prospects when reiýcque(sted and pro- inote this service wh-en osibe (9) ncoragethepublication of an Econortmic Survey of teLk naroRegion. (1)Cnduct and promojîte for. the beniefit of the muicpliis athe Area and lexîsti indsris aCn ference deallag with municipal ajnd. 1nusrialreations, in-,September, (1l) Provide existing industries and municipal represenltatives wilh, ;mitianufaturinig arranigem,entprs 1pects. (12) Advise Commi-unities on ,jthe o®rganization and op)eration of Camn- Imutnty E nvestmen-t Corporations. Thie folirow g have been appointed bhe Gndi dates to aci as their Officiai s or the June 111 Prv calEletion:,,- Officiai AgejMt frRyrmtogis - Luca Nc ,Bwmanville, Ontario Offclai Agjent for Ale-x Carruthers is WV. E. BonnF'eville QCIl Miil St. N., port Hope, Ont. Officiai Agent for Edward R. Woodyar-d is - Gienholme Hughes, Box 629, 3 Ontario St.,Bomnie (f £yÔ 7» 'i 39 ;ij ( 7 Joues hicbes 3 Bitter Agaojesi Newcastle The OronoD Intermedia.te Basebal Club edged a victory over thie New- castle Juior onTuesday evening ini Orioob1a-3 score. George Jo)nes pitching for Orono aoedonyý three hits an-d took eight strýike-outs. Erc Carleton, -an Orono boys who pitches for the Newcastle Juniors showed plenpty of speed and held the Orono batters to a mere six btits. Four of these hits came in the second frame when Orono actually woný the game with three runs. Keithi West gave releif to Jones on the mound la the sixthi innings. Newcastle took the lead la the lst when Mcçullough scored bit this was overcomre la the second when Don Mercer singled, Beaton hit a double, Keith West a single, Dean West a waIk and George Jones a sngle clout. Two Orono, errors in the third ai- iowed Newcastle to add a single count., Likewise an error, a wvalk and a single ht ocunted one rua for, Orono la this frame. In the fifth McCullough again scored& or Nw castle when he singled and came17 home on a sacrifice, hit by B. Os- Oborne. e vie ProramO( Work >6 for LODA S uggested Prograrn of Work for the Vear 1959-1960 Gail Coopepitch U-fo the Orono Beaverton, gýirls with Elva ec caching. End Tennant wsonie of Orono1's better 3. Port Hope's Gîirl by John Dii- hiter wih lvaRedJoanA-Lldred lard -,N. J. Deremo, Port Hope. adMr ound. 4. Gen Todd by - Orvin Breth- SECTION 88 (4) NOTICE 0F HOLDING AN I

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