Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1959, p. 1

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MONO WE~kL' 'Zune272, Number 14 Thursday, MVIay 21st 1959, Orono, Ontario firewQrks And Band Victoria Day Attraction The DuririCnrlEhbto gvounis in Oronýo wspacked w vithi cars on Mna evening wbep-n c'a- eryone ln thie districtenydth Victoria Day eebain pnsrt by the OronoChmbr !Co- merce. The evýeingprgaibanwt a band concert by tbe Orono Bn which was out iin f4.11nmbr. I Marches anti was sparket-i b Over-j tures, aiWaltzani a Fox, Trot sl ection. of thle ýkws To Recognize 4-H Members In oder o reognze the ach- évetsO! an oqutstantiing 4-H [nOnaroa 4-11lu Leadership Week u7iD 1-tU dhriofi vek Improveinents To Twp. Hall Renvatono! tho eintýerror ol ToahpHall, Orono, is' stiil u-, dewywith the preseafemlaî I hoiag oi pae i nth stage. Ail île ýwalls ila île stag-e bave been taken oui anti will ho replaceti witb ;sideý dri'apes ns i-,;îl-e custo)m tdy newo hardwoiIfloor lasben l-1 stallecft.9toreplace thie wucinouitov ering. JI 2 attbe ntalo Aricl-'The next step in the rnvto tui~l Clle-etheOntrloDepart- plans is. to have th]e inteIoýr o! t'ie mnent o! Aýgricultuire anorcshall anti st-age re-painteti. A néw Thxs ear nel Cuntyand ist f;re scýape' has also hbe'n huît e ric ma seecton 4- 'lub boyitbýe east exit from 'tiebudig wbois resntl 'aciveas bo4- !Classes File membeaad wll ho16 yers o!age by oveber1. 'T1e-,hasis o! seIle. tion in4 ,a, relcor"d o!f-Hne-1 v r 0'H orses Club Com-pe[ttions, anti partici-j tin a omunt atiites ,Fe or Urono .t<aces mentExteslraPer-sonnel ln each i count ant distict.The Col, eb which i en TIc --group will b?- und".ýer teSUP- 1lelti at the Oronoaewayoi Jn eîjno! Co)unsellorýs thýroughoul,ý,ttj2ti s shapdag up and enris ave tbe eek. Tiie program willincluide! nýow cosei itb wayhgthre intrciodiscusonantitorst ntrd a i Ooo cIassie. The~ nsnbsubjects as sOils, fipct crops,I event ips hei ni sppnsora4 by th-eDOr-j lletchorticulture, -v)s!ey On hmbr fCommterce a, J farmmachiney, ani am busin"ess. Wh icl is bopet to hu an) annual ew Pr-ogramis for recreation ,,ani floent1 for Orono Minebeýrs but 1 tac ý,t to the colimmunR- pizes. Furfterl to the co'lt radai-gi wvill be two classifieti races folr ýwhich entries have nlready been re-1 ark ve. ir net Oang will statt at, two p.mn. and, it slould prove a Most eat:ertaiingý evenlt foreerne ýo vs. Orono. ", Girl's So!tbail vs. Ox'oao. ~tJuveniles Fundsl Fire Destroys Twp. Barni Fire o! unidertermietiorigla qa5wi Mon,)Iday causeti approxdmate ly 2, 00.0 amage on the f arm o! Mr. Sam Povel., Clarke Township. Mr., Powell's f arm is sL ofutb o Mgani'S )in O! Girl lt was sugg-ested that eelmemi- _orniers.,~ ay evening,-ber o! île L.A. save île otiti change )f Alice Cob- î nevlp.for, Septemnber, the The fireo cotnpletelytetoyia en present. îamou1t to be $1.50. largoe bank-barn, a pig- bamal, 27 eatil NoV earîleGoljden jubilee o!, o! catlle, 30 pigs anti a horse, AI openeti the Gxigis to heoobserveti. Foribihs prayer. She ocso eîwTulips are bhîng o! tle lasti odrtèfo olnt oh patc o! GO dyfcr Canada as a 'Thank You' to o a was uabl icmuniies for 'supporti g- this ýusseti. There Lp5 (ibis year.1 hservetiby mnenas o! LeLA, was agreetji tînt ýmber vwouiti soetalent e(t. Late In June [vay mweetng o!fhe W..A. White. Mrs. lrwin thankedl the %. c on Thursdlay afternoon in A.-for a miessage o! sympa,ýtbiy sentl ted Church Sunday Scloo' t er famly and a note of thanks ~ber wee 1 laiespre- ws '_eadfrom Mrs. Bar'bara Car- mnaîl forib-p given witb the C.G. resident, 'Mrs., Mien op- ï stervi-e at, their ecntservice .e mneeting vithi Hymi o1o5a n Sniyevnn 133eauty of the Eartb" and Teueasurer, MrsCrnsbre-1 %long led in prayer. pteipynbIsfrprlada George Carson gave the De-, aitbalanceé of $1.5 message. tMc scriture Ms , ng ga,ýve a -short report on! wasthe46 sal. J. mk- e~yterýy W. , wich was1heldïi ~pîr 1 crerent M1. yoneand IMrs len gave Some doutm une ~ sos,"Wè timzcteabut duehstopr of Tyro-nel wthat 1I amlGo)d". She glven at that meeng, the pro 'L Devt:oalwitb pyayer gmam's tbeme e ýiîg"ove Ty atîngoaveeOf a~ ota> gb " e hlymni-, "Drop Tcly stiili quieness". it, was decidotitha te VW.A. Corresonding Secretar:y, ol aeaupro cnsa 1,s to th i n eevt, nucdat a a ter date. È nutes oftandssfrom hMrs. Tbe metin!g closed wvýitb ,tbe 'Benî- Mr ïJls. S, ryand MrS. E dîton1 S Tecims Enter )Debentures I Girls Softbcl' The rou1 - iven Tm The ronoGirls Softlbal .teama (plye a ehibition gamie on Mon-1 At a spec(ial imeetinig, o! the Coun-1 day, May 18 in Bethany wblere tley! cil o! Clarke Township on, Tuesday rllet the Bethany girls.,. The loast ienonto re-tliiings were given" lo)st tbe gamen c- ended ini a high obylw o 1321 for tbe issuing scorng f i ! 8 o 16. o!febnurso!f7500.for [tie ODrono lnup-Elva Reid, ctbrCOlUtof! wo2-room scbool0s. Gail C1,ooper1, pitcher; Joani Aldred,Thsscosar to be iconstruci.teti ist; Maryounti 2n1d; Gail Wýillîï, at Ne'wtonville and at Lockharts, 3rd; R-eathier R-ýuth-erford, short-stop H iaving giJven th-e b.law tlree Sue Major, -Thelma ýtForrester and ea ing t-o, ge t heOta Mafilyn ,Quantrili, field; alte-rnates Muniipal Bard f or t-heir approval Wee anraMe-rcer, Shar9nWlhs pirt o a- ird andi final rea .ng -id Carolyn Jones. ' by îleTwnipCuc. The .ron - is play Îibeir fîrsit wi [ le Coutiýes Cnutn the park tAhis Friday evening, May!Hg eolpolml h itit 22nd. The Conlsultanit Commnittee ýis com-1- The league this year !las fi-vepsdo!Ree .BdePr teas wtb wo ew nties Enrie Hoe;Reeve D. Hig-gonis, Bow;Ma-ý fiIe; Reev: L. oteCavani; Dr.ý fro, Newcastle and Newtonlville jTrer ibSch-ool InîspectoDr andf bav wtbdaw foniîl bgu t HlmsPublic Schoo1 In-peetor. for tlbe year. 'IThose mkig l sebl-.fbeisci-p,1n leage ae Oono Cout1c,1Bw. orm-ation ln order to rmake are-, manvlle Milbrok nd etbny.ommn~aioato thie Counties Coun- .IY.LiIVIUI'.. uie eieii~~i~~ teldi- Illu e ssin rpions fr-om- înst year whea tbéy tooi< tphonntrs alter 1inking their do-ý DURNAIM L.ADIES SOFT BIA4L SCME DU LE 'May 20 -Betbany vs, Milbrodk May 20- Coutice vs ýowman ville May 2lomavlevs Orono My22-Mfllhro)ok vs Courtie 1 Ma-y 26-Com-tice vs Betbany May, 27 Bwavlevs Miilbrook Mvay 29-Belhany' vs Courtîce MUay 29-ilUirook v-s Orono~ Junie 1--Millbrook vs 3,owmanile lune 3--Orono vs Millbrook June 4lomnil vs Betýiatiy Juno 5-Oron1O vs Courttice- J,,e --Courtice vs Orôno June 9--Grono vs Beýtbapy jupe 10-Courtice vs rUillbroolc June 1lBowrtaiville vs. Courtice June 1(- Millbrook vs Betlany Ail gamres to start at 7 p.m. groat dalo! machinery was alsoi tosi la the fire and included a threshing machine, bey balemw erý, sOctidrill ani bintier. l adiio ai hal! mow o! o hay anti appro0ximat- ey$500 wvorlth of grain whichi was recrtl puclaetiwas tiestroyeti. atch~ WiII Soul The Great Lakes, H..Y 'Brta li" as sailed h-ow to live, work anti play. most of the world's ses. lan es: But. Bu lit in, 1953 by John 33Bi, as far as ca be determiinedfier Company in i is famous Cyea.k Cantain'voyage, commencîng in yardsthe 5,76.'o "rtnïi"Is mid-June. wil he her first long9 d15 :4t2feet long. That she idswell tance' freshwater iourniey -Pýrmflj built is evidenced by bier nue~u cipally. perhaps, becauisehre successfut voyages to f ar ditatt else 'in the world could such a f eat lnstru'al id fwabr be achieved by a ship of hi er raft.1 iler range without refuellirig When she cruises Ontario waters2,0 miles at 20 knots per hour. thùs sumnmer -- up the St. Lawrencej ivrthroýug-h the SeawA,,y and the' She is truly elegant, becýomin1g GetLalkes to the heart ! of t brRoy-al diUties. Rer vyacht-',ike America - sh will adcd close top1Wow Cluts thie watLer H1al er' 13,00t0 miles to) her proud record of bn'es, w.1ith buff-painted funnel and, 100,000 miles in the services of f hretl msssrl aed, gîive present Royal Famrily. 'ian mresofospeed- even WIIe-0 H.M.. "ritnhi" ws nt blîtanchored. Her bluebottle-51ue hbullý for pleasureý cruiSýing. As wltîthebe and lvhitesuetrcreaedv- 50yer lt "icora ndAlbert" ed b a gleaing g- olti beit. (wihsh elae}the Rya The Queen anti jPri-nce -Pilip tooki Yah-an quickly andeco1-ýnmically 1 personal interest ;in the "rtn be, converted in-in et! ,,iiexit' Cnaval nia'S" aailinter-iordeincoo' ospitalip hudocso de- scýheme(s an-d furisin. On b. tnand. opmost eck ewenth ai ad Meanwh2ýji Tjile brjob iS to carrjy mizzeý, n masts i h Rylsleep)ing members o tý i 1k RoyÏal 011 ~aprr n. tcnansacmo State -visits toBritlsb omnhainfrPic hre n rn wieaitlhat te readfin cs ne naton aoxd he loeAlhogb Ath- fo of astrce is t0he Ji is nre sRylTu a enRyldaigro nidnn widly ublcirtias informai nsln1hc a eue o tt goy0 tt i.Frai r-sloig-oinpictUureS. TlroMtîhisl - ng aciss-eclono! lenaions ~hso h oa Hou,;.sebold ,,,!and cenc atration, rsouces -and cGus. jecs ore ca-,suatlly iandlearninig (ContýAinueti on01page 4 ILast we on Wedncsdlai, Couiieill agins1t-lasýe -'al session i withal niembers present, and whieh meet- ig w-as als tteiluded by the threeý Orone. Poli(ce Trustees, die townshipI lawyer, MrL. Lovekini andtihîe tiowà-ý slpBild(inýg Inspector, A. E. MNor-î ton. At ibis meietinig, those presenti dýisct.lssed tlu, present Building By-1 law anti otheýr aspects o! regula-1 tions regaruding building la îhl Towraship. -Mr, Lvein asauthorized to! drn!t a new Buildïing By-law andi aiso to set up procedure- o-I emforc-1 ing the conditions o! the by-law. Counei will give coisideration to the draft when it is presenteti. .Bemtamns Win, iOpening Gamce i m-.eet WUIth ces8lutheir first I game oft(tie season wloa tbey de- t f eatedi the Courtce entrya',t the ing. Theý game, was a high scoring a.-ffair, 18-17. The pthn duties for Orono were banileti by Ralph Kennedy,ý Gary cMackîn anti Larry Miller. W,,vayne Kýmenney receiveti hehini the plate. Johin Glenniey, Craig Hînti-s atGant Greeawood we(re roosbestI hitters. Tbo Orono clb-er i S some o! tbleir gow7n pl'ay7ers buit!ithese are' to be Vviit tbe club ben tbe-y nx takeý to the diamonti. Thie cubael 'hliga practie tIhis- 1aturay aor ingeîepark. TbIeBats o! ay isi. The OooCu ti eris le-, ing coacheti by Pil Long anti Jîm Mar.27 service ch',-argeý......$ .60 Apr. 10 Orono ,Ti eý, Ativts. 10.00 LÀîw. Il4AM. KCast, drw ..... 50.00 IApr. 14 041!! Coo--per,' clraw 50.00 Ap, 14Mrs. aýu,,deCooper Apr. 14 Ray Goode, tiraw .ý. 50.00 ýApr. f17 Armstroag's store Candy.__................ 15.20 Apr, 29 Service charge .... 1.00 M2ay 2 Lyaîl Lowery, namo dýraw ....... ... 10.00 Mayui 21 W. J. Watsoni, rexit o!fHal.. ................d50 May 22 MNrs. W. Wannan, catering. ..... ..............300 IMay 13 Lyall Lowery, clean- ing unifoîms.......9.00> Mýay 23 W. A. Gerry, Ticket sellilag.........*""'* .... - 22.50) 1june .9 A. Wal eonue entry ....... _........ .... 10.00 Jue26 Keil West, wages for time off -................. 28.00 ýJul. 2 Lakoshore Basebal League ......................... 7.50 Jul. 9 John Selr WageaY. frtileoff!.............. 60 JuL. 2, Ç3 tono Times, Tickets an t( fvertÉis;ng ...... .... 10.16 Jul. 2,,-,'Rolb Hfardware, 1Accouint.................. 148.05 Aug. 7 Wv. A. Ger-ry, work on Groundis .. .ý................... 32.00l sep). 10 Rolph Hardware, Accounit ............ 48.55 Sep. 15 A. Walker, percent- age o! play off gamnes ...14.25 Oc-t. 5 Ont. Basoýbaîl Assoc., percentab-e o!play-off gam-es. ....... ............. 2.76 Nov. 5 Orono Telepbone Co. Acouai -............... 8.70 Nov. 5 R. Cohrne ledical 9.0 Dec. 3 Jim G ilimour, ropairs to Troplýy ....................... 3.50 ýBalan1ce on banti.. ........ ...$296.66 $921.77 s. s. s' s, s, N s. N 'N 's 's N s N s. s. N s. Woater Re-sources Inspect Disposai Systems 1Northnrniberliand and uhai Cmbeior ad a to)tal atten. edclof ficer of Ha Dl r. Char- dan Ice 0 f 10,5'jPerisonls. ile tWO cli- lote . Hrnrin her mot fyisil Nor1tlum -rlnd couty had hielth rpr to United Counties larger thIan uLsual attendanýce as it council poinits out that the Ontaro 1 jut ia yeaince tb1(e 1mraisurvey WtrResources Commission is in- in h ony -ibro ersons specting private sewage disposauI h- been rcme~dfor ri- sysemsn te a&a.exaînaionat the- expi -ation of Pmissin ngiee, acopanet Theur eglr ekl ffice countie sanîtry nspctor pid cliicsa'id the- sixmoihy visits to somne o! te se.wageat te etrs__ lnc other(.ï-cýýsA total cousesin hearp.. t as henseies or receivýed rtn drg~oses poitedon tht he omissonre-ag ins Itiptheria;, wbýoplý1gcxugh, quirs tat Il scb oins o POI tean s, plioyeltisand S17nalipox. Tbe rpor sate tat hee wre On0 prl 6tb M7viss Noral -u n- 93 ase o!comuniabl lieâss nngbm, ursngConsultant on reprte inAprl, ncldin 40Matrnly ad 1fai.t Heajtb Ser- auamese nd1 css !woo o duce n-di ersher cases of rabirs, Cone f rma c\vat Hat ni c as atnddby th-e sixteent public lealth nurses on onegen, btb ocaetiin ortum-the staff. Fournew ase~o! ueruos Du-g April, 1HcalIItb Unýtiturs- uvee adedto hecas reistr fres mad.-- 8 home visits Ou bebialf ' ilScoutis. iv peson wre d-of mater nitv patientsanilixfants. mite t sniorumfoi,rcatment. Preaa laseswehbldcl i'Brigh- M tly cst ciisi omn oCobo,,ug, Poritle ndBow- ville, port, Hope, Cob-,ourg ad avle liýý [av - PêèW'é',

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