Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1959, p. 6

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LANNEI4I RSTj 4'Dear Anne Hlrst: My only son lias just passed lis twenty- first 'birthday, and sceens deter- mirled toa ,nary a womican eight yeaurs aider than lie when iPe gra1duates flua spring. Selias ani ll-year aid daughter, 'and. lie de lares thcy aIl get alang woni- 1c ll.Iamn at imy wits' end ta- Éing ta help hiln secethat such aý miarriage would be wr-ong for hlmý. At my request, lie souglit pro f 'essioral guidance but that did nat alter liis plan, whicli is ta. bc married this sumtmer. "Afe wecks aga lie tol1d me ,he was giving lier up - but the othier niglit hie said lie find lie loves hier too mucli!1 have nat bull'ed hi, nor resorted ta unr- derliand tactics ai persuasion. I've tried ta appeal to his comn- mnsense, but as you can guess, th.at is not functiohing. now,,. - "Will you please advise- me sa 1 can hclp hlmi avoid ming, such a tragic m-istake? By the w,.ay, there is no financial pi-o- 1cmn involved, tliey bath have their oawn incarnes. WORRIED MOTHER" PASSION VS. REASON *1' bow ta your wisdorn iniap- * pealing ta your son's conmon "~sense in this crisis; somne matli- e rs would not have been so *fiir. Yef how imunhi rason can *a young mnremploy wlieni e. *is at t he heiglit of bis fîrst pas- *sion,' As earnestly as lielias *tried to acree with you lie îs e, He sh * ai 1 * will * you * cisia * Ai * In * rr,~i1 iderstanc, nawever, ýve ta accept 1lis dce- lie is ofa age circu mstances, your nnicience in you. n lape lie will recon- ýs plans qicekî, and hat ifflic lov'e they ýs deep as lie believýes, a year or two wIl not A) TROUBLED READER "Dear Anneflirst: Four yerr, aýga 1 lost rm-y husband, and 1 ha&been at loase ends since. 've fot been able to stop miss- irg hlm ranýd ini trying ta, 11 find my.sef in lave with a man we've both known for years - "But lie is mnarried. Alotevery dlay lie draps in at!,myi offlice for a chat, a n d cain hardly stand it.1I mustn,'t !et hlm knlo, af course, but I arn convîniced I shlahla'lve himn as lonIg as I1 live, wrang as T. know itis. Cani you help m'e'? G UILTY" *Dîscouýrage the -mani's visits *tactffully, plead you are tIOL *busýy ta ch-jat, or make any *other excuse thathie is not wel- *ý There is ane thing yau cani *do to make hlm. seemi le ss i-I-- *partant: * Keep yourselft c *cujpi(ed ithother frienids a nd *fil your evenings re.gullarly, su * L y a hae inatiJme ta dreani as 'yau've been daing. That la Sishful t 4hinking that can *drain, your spirits and energy * tathe breaking point. * Eolawthis course by plan- *ning your eicsure deliberate- *ly, and I tl1ink yau will find *yoursef thinking of hlm3les * ian less. JIt does take wi1ý pow- 1- er, but youcncutvt-1tha t, * you kniow. Sometimes It is a mother's part to make one sacrifice after an.- other dften agaiat lier bettes' jitdgnient. For thesealle of al, she miust play fair and give her ehiidren ti te responsibility for their deesio ..Amne Ilirst cas simpllfy your course, if you coui- fide în her at Box 1, 123 Eigh- teentis St., New Toronto, Ont. Q. Wben a hostess passes ciÊ- garettes aifter a meal lu her 114»e, isn't it ~permissible for a guest to refuse her of fer and smicke ance of lis own Cig-ar- ettes iàf he prefers to do so?, A. No, tise guest shouki, ac- Cept th-e Cigarette a&erred boy lits _hostess. SOSeWine £ti~~4 T h-Li a picture deiglits the needlewoman miaking if as muci(,h a.s those who latex ad- mire if. This panel is enfÉirelJy ini cross- sttch The large colour chact included ,makEs-,if simple ta ens- bra-ider. Pafttern 508: transfer 2OX26 liches; cl1aur' clart. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS tstamps canint le accepted, uise postali note for safety> for tias pattern fao Laura Wîheeler, Box 1,l2 Eighfieentli St., New ý7Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMIBER, your NAIME and ADDRESS- Send for a capy ai ý195.9 Laurn Wheler Needîccrait Book. t lias icovely designs to ürder: uns- b-roidery,, cr-o chIet, kniitthïg, wevnquilg, foys, In 'fthe book, a special surprise ta -make a little gr happy -- a cut-out11 dauel; cctIes ta colour, Send 2,5 cents forftua baok. HE DRILLS 'EM - Edgar Buchanan lives 4& doube life in HoIIy- Wood, but drills peoplei both. As the dîsreputabîe aid goat, Ieft, on tel-v'isïan's "WeIIs Fairgo/' Uuchanan is always ready to use his six-shooter. And, cs o dentist i r2ol f e, right, bis drili is usualily avoulable. ewQ,~.doUr~.eP.CVke sn 't if oeyt se usd fliese days anid sec and ha alil flic sig-na and sounds ai spring? Swvamp 'irogs snig anaoles iodiouisly callîng 4ta îcdiother from the tops 0of the leaflesa trees; yellowing branches oai willows and forsyv- thia; butta bursting on the hiflaca a -reddish tinge ta flic maplesz; red robins bobb)ing alang a n grass that 1has defiinitely takeniï ailî a greenish hue. "God., in His h1eaveni, all's riglit with the wýorld." We apprciatà1e it ail tIc mare 1wlien we tin backý i a few weeks ta the tim.e vwhen gardens and fields were cov- ered either with siow or se The winds are tl ooil u thc Sun is v2w1ar an bright Iu lry lu, tf Ie furnace 's going lesa andalem. 0f c-urse if la f4w rlsky yet to do much in thie gatden - but at least wce can get a bit ahed in file bouse so we arQ ready for waorking outsidê as, soon as it is fit. And thýýeear phenty oaithings ta do away, from home fo Variaous arganki- zafians arc busy t1hese days Puet- ting on m)oney-maýýking drives ta supplemient- their dwjindling funds. An-td oh dear! flic troui- bles we ccasionailly run inta. I w.as musing the other da_7 liow' we g-enerally think ai di- plomnats as men in hig-h officeý, Buti believe mne there lsa an- other- kind af diplomlat - fllic president ai any local ir g a ri1 zation. arandtheconvener of ' standïing committee. Just hast week I saw ia god lemion-str- tian aiflitactt and good sense th'-at la rcquired ta kep clu-b wliecls oai I e cdand irun1nng Our W.A hiad a quilting party, at wI-ich two quilts VwEre Set Lup in frames. Quie quilt was mnark- cd with the "double1 goose-egg."' No cmlit.Buit the other quilt... The mýarluing was an original design, donc by ani ex- perienced quilter. it vwas pretty buDït the work ' And liard ta dCo, samne oait ifphili work. Presenjt- ly the wamien began ta grumble "ýWhoever putini'thescý' stars . ."if I'd kniownier, was going to healahithis woelçj P'd have stayed hiome" .," can't wark on this, pattern, F'm going back home.' In flie mean- fine tflicocnvenier aiflic quilt- ing parfy vwas working at tie~ jother end oif thc roopi an fhe othier quilt and dfidn't know what was gaing on. She knew affer she got homqe! Teleplione calls , . , "couldn't she do somie- thing about chaniging that paf- toPufting ahi fIat work on a mission quilt was ridicuhous.", îie Pon lady was in a quan- da-_ryý The quilît had ta be fin-~ is-hcd but did she darc changje t!ie patternl - wouldn't Llue m-emberw;ho did flic arigmna, dt',signing take oîfence?ý She sent an1 S.O.S. along ta me so --in the Mlonclay tliree of us JookedC, aver the sit 'uation to sec what could bDe donc. We sort ai aýdoptedJ a m(iddle course by- keeping th1e oriýginal pattcrni as a. barder and~ doing- a diamond 1Pattern ;,nAthe iddle. That w4roiked upqucy and wve got ahong fine. Thutrsday wiýe were att Ifmgin. Thïs tîime there weCrc mare FC q1i1ters and amang thm the originator oi the tru'besome design. I saw hier came "oin and isa-id 'ta nyseif, 'N wht sgaing ta hnappenV'" But our covener~ was ectP.iata- the situation - cxplained ihec situnation and satd - "! hope you dConi't rmid but w;e had t change yotur' uiing pattern. Well, I arn ilglad ta say the ladly was a real good spart. Shý aliowed flot the 1east bit af re- s-entmi-enti but sat down and warked i ke a troupei-, as good- nature4 as you please. 'Hlao w easily she could have upset, everyane, by being- hurt and disgrcabe.The convenerto shol(wed îourag-c-and wisdom). If sýe rhad becn afraid of giving, ofneta one persani she migrit event ual;y have haýd trouble with ah tÉhe memnbers. A presi- dent or canveneýr cannat hope ta p)lease everyone. The only souion s ta size up flic situa-, tian -and take flic bcst passible couirse for the organizatian as a w,,hole. And above alanyane iholding any kinil of office- should le prepared ta face cri- tiSm1. A persan who cannot take criticism sliouldn't accept an ofie.No anc persan can expect ta please everybody, ît 7,ust isn't passible. Tvy ta, please everyone and you end Up b-y 1no anc being saitisficd. Tlie saine appuies Ita wrîiting. I arn quite sure there are' maniy people wha think this column is a lot of drivel, On the other hand there Fare some vwho like it be- cause I de ai with liomey tapica and mrake no attemnpt ta tackle or discuss thýe major problemns ai the daiy, But don't ever think I arn ignorant ai what is going oit. 'Iarn aiten troubled but gcnerally wind Up by taking a philosophical attitude. Takie this Strontium 90 s it u a tion. It sounds quite seriaus but on ic other hand warryilngn about it miglit do us more hiarm than the amaunt of strontium that las likcly ta enter aur systemas..1 -fpee that tense world problemai will eventua-lly work tliemselvcs out for the bettermnent. ty.f the miajority of mnankind. And aÊte-r ail there is Pa Higher Power. Let us remember that, and have FAITH. An abundalice ad faith can't hurt anyane. Toa ittle mniglit t u r n %is into nervous The commor nmoanrat, a cousin oiflihcdgeliag, lias an odor lîke an-,anion that malkes its enemiescý keep Itheir distaunce. HaLf 0f Italy Neyer Reads That industrious "privat,2elé" thé Itaflan Central Inistitue Cof Statistics, lias turnied up some facts which will make, manyý Italians iang their hreads in emi- barrâssmrent. The institute recently under- took an exhýlaustive nquiryintio the reading habits af the Italian people. It disco% eredi, angp ather thing, t hat in haif of Italyý's familles no) book, magaý- zine, or daily paper is rocd from ane year's end ta another.i If anyý these homnes it is in thie form aof comics or rpictorial magazines. For a countrywhc can just- ly dlaim Vto have fathered muchý of Western c rviilitoi I thiiss qa sujrpr-ising and sorry state of affairs. But ufrtntlac- cording ta inthe îinstitute's iÎnvesti- gations, there is worse ta cone. It is disclosed that only iin sevenr outý ai everyv hundred It1!alia familljes are booksý- boughýt an-d readi. It appeairs thaft there is ýiin these days litie sle for novelsý by even the best mod)cem -)Italian authiors; even the mast rpoýplar anid suic ceps sfL writers, %whnse books seli for $1.50 or' $2 a copýy, think that they are doing well il they selI aPewthousa,,nd copies. Tire major-ity aif authors haveý ta) satisfy thermseves witbsle 'fa k fw hu d e An expert writing in the - f!luenltial niewspaper La Stampa put it like th-is; :"Ini talhain1oes there is less and less ai that old patriarchial atrnosph-ere in which, before and afterdner the family used ta gather ta-_ getb.er ta read, somie the news- ipapers, othiers rnovels and thre chidren would sînký theirhed lapon their am and go ta sl]eep. 'Today by comnpari-(on, we the day's wos hdane, tlie fam- ily splits up, some, get ready ta go out, others settie wnat thýe cýard table, and the mt-ajority ar- rnetliemselvcs around the TV set ...culturti is fllng it idecayv; 1tere is an in-differenceý and even open scarn of spiritualý values,. The famrily hearth has, now onfly the -,ague s t sin ii- cance." The incidence af newspa"per reading',varies uwidcly from -ire- gion ta region. In thie industrial riorth [-ne proportinisnuc higier thlanuin the soutli. While thie figures for Piedmnont, andï Lombardy aIre ~ per cent an-cdc 25 per cent, respect,-7ivel, th iat for Calabria is 9 per cent, Tin Sicily even tis 0w îper - centage is not maintained. As an exampl1e it w-as found that atý Porinic-o, a maderately well-to-. do Sicililan town af 25,000 in- habitants, anly 180 newspapers are sold àa day. 'In less prosper- ous, smallcr co*imijtîes wî7th populations af from twe, to three thousandannc but the mnayor, ,,]-.cedoctor, flic priest or che f 0 police hlio bouglit a paper, would be thauglt ta be eccentiic. Witli thesp figures in mmnd the conclusion which must be drawn. ipstatby, and large the italian people a.,re uninterested in pub~- lic affaira and wcilyignorant in the political apliere. The lacik of interest and ignoranicý.ecx- plain, perlia1ps haw the Cm muniat Party Cauld muste-r 6,00c'~- 000 votes or mare in a general cection. F i Ui L E KiLR ,Young, S11ar1t, cool this day.to-dnnersheaith isdeg- ed to slini inch'Ëes ÔYIshort, fuller figures. Note shouldIey line - sugestsflattery of sleeve. Priinted Paitteýrn 459ý)6 : Hif Sizes 112 6/,l1r 0.2½ ~4.Size 1612 equIres 354 ,yards 35-îinch fabii. .Printred dr mtinsonea c pattern part. Easier, acrt. Send FIFTY CENT S (5> (stamps canncthe ,acceptedl, use pos;t-aI lé o mforsaqfety-) for this pattern, îeseprin t plaînly SIZE, NAMNE, A DDrKE S S, STYLE NUMBER. Send order taANNE ADAMý.S, Bo,, 123 Eighýeenth st., New Toronto, (Ont. Q.Is it permissible for a diii- uer gnest to ask for a second eligof somie dishi? A. Not uînl1e ss eating ,,with relatives or gsood friends. Theý hostess shouldI see that her guests' weishe-s are fulfilled with- out thie necessity 6f itheir ask- Q.Is lILproper for thse bride to carry the bie Ôm wed- ding ring to thse altar SIvith her? A. The mai or matron of honor u-sually akes care of thiz ring, and hands it aver ta o bride ut the proper Momient durLng the cerefliony. Q.Ls one suppose-d te -nai ent thse wedding n1aon with or without thse issues tisat aceolmpany themn fron the pria- A. With the tissues lu place. HEMINGWAY ON TOUR - Ernest Hemninqway and bis w'ife. Mary, ace off an o tour of Spain, Fronce and ltaly. The wrmiter soys he wonts ta sec some bullfights and finish ao new ov cEA

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