Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1959, p. 1

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Subscription $1.50 For Rini OsW. ig on 31, '-ion y .andc ci' b wuary :2lst the f1~. loîg Club wi\Oromo 1ieenuvrs oïorink theiri hiiiluwhich!Tedyngto hswe h f th Comunexecutive of the Orolco Teenagers Mrlus rils. The met and macle prelimlhary plans i5 a juil e'for ther Church Service this year. ablaze with COL and distinctive ýc1ion wiîî, com M An. Ford wvas requested te ask A, on the Oronothe Orono IHgihSchool Glee Club f0 provide music for thie service lience will thrill afhich will be held on Sunday even-. of Snow Wie ing, March 22. !ace, Hi {nt nowflakes, rabil May we extend bur invitation toi irds, cipmiunks everyône- in the 'Village Io corne toý afs. thi service and help us te make 1+ (,f ý,f.w 'U 111oa big success. and vwill iaples, eeing I s were The i~e gnown wîll dh~pl ~y was sk~ters a o cout Comrnittee 'ôrmed Ervine F. Br-ooks, SOn f M.ali Mrs. George Brooks-, of B'owman - ville. The Reverend N. T . lmnes' of ficiate(I. The brtide wore a street 1egt gonof carnation white silk faille. Elbow leng.th miittens complimnent edl the' short sleeves. A Swedish peari, crown wî wth rhinstones heldj hier shouldïer length viel and shel crida collonial buutof pink]ç roses and ily of the valley. Mfiss Carolyn Jones 0 Oshïawaý, maid of honor, was simiilaryI. gown- ed in ice' blue silk or'ganz-a. She wore a feathered bandeau hlead, dress and carried a colonial bouquet(' of y;ellow ý-baby chryanthem-umns and lily, of the valley: Mr. Glenn Largeprfme h duties (of best mtan. Following thle cereniioay\ a rc. eption was field at, the home. of Mrs. E. J.CrmeEinset east. For' the Jioneymnoon trip to O tawa ý'andffthe Laurentiajns, the: b idtravelledîlna a royal blule sheat dres wih mablchîng hat a1ffd lenty prcflsng tr tu ____ goveýs mni blark persian am rnonths. .~~~ On Wedne11sday vennFb~4 akt eney wl beil ale for fthere was for. neth ilageOf! nstheir returi te couple wîil aytetaetu idvdal traue.Ti omte wî e obteOoeCbs and Sot lon wih tesmeslf ur hepoicy an1d ass ihth okaeejeya u"ax~ enl d grou numbers-. Eveýn iof scoutin lte llage. The jtrs en ahnbt ytela auance0 peo erAat ivngrp are menUIg with thé Dit iMers and litebosEro n a he ho- wil odutdno onnsi~c oib la treOrn hus is -'ill vrtwn and th Boyarscoutsairexpec las einu club pro, Lssistant Caîl -f 1icircTh ,,ril I Purdsh Costume Cctrnival Nets $130 For Rink Fund liAn enjoyable Meenng at thle OrP rR- a g r ono unk atFniday eenng was r.R .Ta g t sponsoredl jointly by- the Orono Ofic AmateurAthleticand Chamber of Iu()OpenIS NewvO fic - Commnerc-e which saw an attend_. Cance of close to thiree hundred. The Dr. R. J. Taggart bias neow an.. eVent as the Costumne Carnival nounced the opening of hls new rspicd with oCher iWnetg aI, Office and Ciic. Work on the tractions. Musilc for skýatin)g featur' building hias now been comipleteciL. ed the arrangements of the Orono a mnodlem, compact design. Dr. Tag_. lBand xhicd h in itself wvas a trealt to gart wiîî now. concucî is veterin- 1both young and old alike. ary bsn.ifromi his new ,office 0The evening epened vwhen the whichis luaed ina ,cMpleey r__ Oý'rono and Bowmagvile Atms modelled building at the rear of Is took to the ice. These youigngs y[rperty onmi L~tc.t prve nost interesting as tiepy Th'Îe nexvoffice and linoc.is conL racd fle te pckandon Mavpoed of fwie roomns with tiled c oured 10 beat their opposing goalle. fioors idiabrht odm ec. The- gamie was o y omnVleIcluded are an office, a vading wýithj a one goal margin in a 2-1 room, a cispensary aind examining count. Trhe Oirono goal wvas scored roo1m1, a Suigery and a kennel room.n1 byv Doug Moffat.________________ A godlynuiiber of costumnes wer won ad mch nteest \,as e 1\1n. r. lAmberson Gerry was shown anhis portin f te ee awardèd the prize forlte oildest jing. E._ ,. Sam11-uel acted as miaster person on Skates. of enrniiesfor the evening an!d Fown the judging Of tilj caldout the varlous classes, as csumsv eîy eerua-1bo)th the wee 0 b jdge. Pe pruzsafr bQami girs. Il .aMs QUIevL- wereawared b the judges as foAdenttht a great deal of stamma 1islws needled for sc ae for ail Elilen ii onfor, the ýbesifacyfondit difficýult f0 milake vheirne desfor, chifldren under 8S er.esr laps. There wee Hreeen- She was cosumied in a Valentfine tries nin ot dvsins ach oy thebme. Boanie Brlw on litelliadi 10imakesix laps of the ria3k comc dessdivision for cildrea ithiü the girls' being reduced tu undr 8yeas.Susn Cntrlland hre. Te ining ,,girls e DorthyDunopdresse.d as Japan.. ,'was colniposed of Gailad Sa ese- girls. tooýk the honours l hewlisnay ihosnandLyd any ressfoi chidren 16 years Tyrl. ThIle boys team wýa_ dang buohormBarlow ab. pon Reug, la taOUs-and a long OwnCý, r u.I2 hd eev" nciapas r ge heb-tfne b ,~dcuîeth ienc.- naterfeaur , n. shcw id Ciono aay spt-clators. given the "go il as soon as tors. It is felI be helcI on a a lie middte of lollowed on lite se app.rin'-ect as 'stigate possibil i lie arca. fet, Ms.Don 'ooMi. Wm. Mr s. S. B. Rutli Mnj. Roy ý7Forrester id- for thie Sumi Programmie; andl f Cod Liver Oil we dlistt'ibute t10 he Public Schlool,l Iools. will again la 19591 or lte rent oflite- for Imm.nunizationï 'lon abe Leiliv ee ntlS tat capita's l ' M~ i ninn eha p hl e. Mn.eFote, th Progrs av l onf-bng hc aewrhwîeA,_________ that s lon as ue adusus y'ns t taheswh ccpedp aro maHycor'u-esbe<, howlo;! ' 11-i f A theriiî l thc" quetioýaLmnv a iW) s'.baL0Pc a rcis eMios.niM 11 ky w i ~ o pox-, a pusha tM.F oote said i-pa 1lhat ls ie 0 nea gean ith an O=y I V e' o eo' rc oi'n e g tuî'anslai atrniydeut oestli aceced. Crn lue Ht Fot ai ta smeofed e ivcd irma ia incoîng 1 ps erpk(1on ta le e cl[ eci I e ice, iii daltil Pmau wei'efPI Ratons of lite t' o li:1 prt addnssedthe d(ay and \waIS 10aies eek. 1)asis. This. he jfte praîsi e a m wOfî i eaonsaid but 1I1agnee wïhthlaI",Mn. saidale ti-'l);-mp1 aaie -Ih atï,m'un"i ltion officers ila1thevarious in.. Icipjalities have aIcorp,,orationich stitutions whowere coing great (Continued page 8) coud bave a buildinig constructed I and 1fi -1anced as 'antend 10 encour- age industries 10 -dheincentres. He Orono M idget Gocdje ESt1a rs pintded oui that competiton for ini SI (ustries wals keen anid ta oîrt FirsPIa.-ofGomeATony Lcals s s t fircst M ~tup if indus_ Irst l- -off___ce__cil___s_______ were hope'd t btaad p utnc!f ougafliîîdujcasi Thie Ori1oo Midget HokeyTuam asa ansayfo he ol A d w ,Is he etered la t!He On turned asýîide mn htlaeld s A aIh uiinl n 11-igthe dumvapsaid tt thatesthî cs waoftc lvnlooed a soeof 41 to2. The Orono and' score. ls payroî iZTvc&enQ1g" eanis are tu lnliie a h ,ome andc home series vwith totall ge)ais Io coulnt. Tho inenof titis senýies will mveup te enetdi- vision of ibe Mdgt"D" clajss. iigitt auid Omoo Ilnl'team star of tue g<,lamefor Orone nd up- holdti locl dfens duinrg lte fui sity inuesof Ihie gam-e. Pete was venyberoand surly nmace irnthenTfouad the shared irvRos amln, Tr mathedaii wih aneonDoni m!yct iand Gav Y plenty of actioN cMckia. 1c(d- 1hoP cntu tt 1anufaclt Ing110e1 plan ,havele sel up, i ýa 1a numirer 1 1 an tlrctiîî.\tvas not aJwessa ry îte andl conicrete plans shouild ho anr. n, age,ý(d so th-at a definitepooa can!I be made withI set ratIes antid woks1arted witina ;if ew%7 weeks. liere thle speaOýker pointed ouIt itat cnrswe're successful lan uc1t ventues ad tht tohis knnwledgej Tue wa nofed."t j t eCIsk ca,.sti ucted. '~Ve he Coroi o-n prep a les s signed. (etdid fot faveur .rntrutin bildngsona specu.. laiv ibsis. ThIe moeyraisedi,lhe sai, as ld until jedd Investm inlathecorporation was vestiagj ' i the ftueof your comitunity. Tl'le fund wuld be a r'evolvTing Ifund whieh j (011couI be re nvse i ,berhw bulig 'motance ý,of hbe.ing'eaywitit definite planls andl rentals. Titere is iivauel maktng supposition f Or indtustnialists who are, , eek ing a bIld ing] canno1 Jt waj t il plans 'are Set uip. Mr. S. B. 1Ru1thenfor'dthianked the- Fellowing thle metirng Mn. King- dnmet winembers of flite ln- dustnial Commitlce of lte Onoio Chamber of Com-merce aad( the Or,. one Police' Trusýtees witea plans were airraiîged 10 f Olow up twoj years wiih' have been received, ffin i ndusties. t, upes ,p Four cf coi mr Thet poT; S turcsi approval or President IsI V'ce Pr 2nd Vice Pi 1 1 Cà

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