By 1>10K KJLEINER NEA Staff Corre-spordent Jack Berry, is branching ouï, The co-creator and MC of thîe entrent top quiz slhDw, Twenty,- One, isnt satisfied to rest on bis gold-inlaid laurela. He's turning himself into a comnediani. "Thisý isn't the end of ni- dreaman," he said. 'Su-re, 1 love being a top MC on a topshw but a man has to keep moving. doesnt he?" Barry tried to Light hia pipe - a new acqustio-and exhaust- 6-d a few matches ýn 'uhe futile Miuse. "The idea la to branch out, de- velop,' he said. "Who knowsho long this will last? I think it can go on at lena.t another year- Lnayble longer. Twenty-One uî, more than a quiz shoi(w, it seemis f0 have a psychologýical ram-e- thing the othersiak So per- baps it'1l go on for years. Butl perhaps flot." In case it dloesn'tL-andc even îf it does, just for variety's sake ..-Barry has been quiely reaidy- Jnig another side of himrself. For the part six months, he's been takiuig dancing lessons with Nelie Fisher, whoN used to ha on the Sid Caesar Show. 'r finally getting it,"-' ha said. 'RI's hard for a miai of 40, wha hever danced a step in his life Mt the beginning, it was mrurder -mny muscles were always sore. rm studying soft shoe and tap, rad lm just getting thae feai of And b's studying singing. And brushing up on bis piano-"! have played very bad jazz pianoi tor yaars"-and workinigon coi- çndy routines. He's had some top eromedy writars turning out ma- terial for hlm, material which be's bean testing and smroothilng 6uring- appearances at betnfits Ân thealmat faw moutha. "I do avary benef't l'ni askLad to do," ha anys. "Evrything- &even the Society for Wounded,- Pc-destrians." Ha thinks lha bas a g-ood sapse of humor, a good delivery and ke's sure of bis sense of timing. X]r that ramains is expanience and the nbility to size up an) eudience. "I've already found out, h raid, "that they won! accept in- suit comnec1STfrom me I guess it's because of the imprnsýsi on Igiveý on Twventy-Onec, but if 1 try s-ome gags insuilting somebodlY or somnethiug, they freeze up. And nothing, off color. It has to be niçe, bright, d-eaný humor That's aIl i rit uwith rme." He's had somie ood nights, Some baci ones, in his benef'it appearauces. But tie genera, feeling b !as been ecuaig so ecuangthat is aenï now, preparing a nightÈ club act. He h-a to break ii in in La-, Vegaýs thlissumr le gtsfouIr weeks off Twenty One and w4iý use tialt time for bis profassional debia u s a sinig- edfiani. Barry worke-d on bisý pipe sorne nmore, sucýking olowche -dus Letried to ge-t the device to smnoke. Hae looked a littie, de- jected as hie put àX down. "'ealsýo told ny aet, lie said,"tt I'm available for legitiate stage work in the f aiL T'wanty,-Oua will miove to a new day and timie-Thuirsdays froni 8 to 8;30-so MI'Ol.b able to do a ,l Boadwa 'y p lay.- No0 11e av,, ,,ramantics, of course, buit I couid -MC a revue or 'do a Iigt omedyCýý part." For Bairry, althis, wouild .,c v7ery naxv. 'sfot a-n old-timer iný show business. In fact, hewa in 'the handckarchief business, "buti 1somnebo-wknew idget io show business somecdav, a- ,1boug-h lot as a quiiz show MIC" Now lie and hlis partner, Dan Enright, have Twentyv-One nd Tic Tac Dough goirig strong. They'va had previou s successes with such shows as Juvenile2 Jury, Winky Dink an-d LiFe Be- gins At 80, and are constantly wvorkin-g on new sho-ws. The two aIso own a Miam-i, Fln., radio station and a "sub- stantial percentage" of a co- cern tbat mnakeýs odors for news- paper advertisements, plus sorne investrnents in various foraign businesses. So Barry's ambition to make hiimself. into a comedian has nothing to do with financial need. As he says, "a raa~n has to keep mnoving, doan't h_1e" How Caniet4. By Anne 'se -F.low can 1 ike- a.ferti- iz er for plants? A. A littie ammonia added to the wýateP nfords a rich fertilizer for the plants, and also aida in preveutîng bug-s. Q.How can 1 alean a cloggýed Slnk? A. A strong solution of cop- peras water poured down the drain pipe of the sink will open Q. How can 1 soften water for batinglý? A. Add a haîf teacup of arn- monia to the bath water and it will soften the wnter wonder- fuliy, and- also have a stinuia- ting effect on the skin. Q. How eau I prevent crack- ing, of patent 'eatber? A. OlivÎ,,e ol, glycerine, or swaaet oHl rubbad over the sur- face of patent leather occasion- aily wiil prevent it f rom crark- ing. GENERALS MEET - French Premnier Charles de Gaulle (r'ight)., wearing Iwo stars of a brigadier general-his 1940"rank-is greeted by Pen. Jeicque-s Massu, ona of the chiéf iitary leaiders Ini Algeria. De GauUl was gi-van a hero's welcome oni his errlvaJ ini the city from, Paris. C LASSIFIED ADVERTISINO THIS 15 BASEBALL-Giants' star WiIlie Moys tackles 'teammate Orlando Cepeda; at Pittsburgh's Forbes Field during a gamne wiîh the Piroles. WilIie tackied Cepeda when the ltter attempi- ed ta corne f0 the aid of pitcher Ruben Gomnez with a bat. Gomez aînd P&aiûe Manager Dan-ny Murtaugh bere squared off in a batie over a "duster" pitch. Giant Manoger Bill Rigniey (No. 18) rushes to ihe strugglirsg pair. Why The Giants Are Goirig Good Willie Mvays took tume Out to think. To the Mfilwaukea crowd, he seemned s,,imiplyv to be rubbing dirt onto his palmns. But, bent over juat outsîde thebatterýs' box at.-County, Stadiunl, Willia was contenplating bis ne-xt swing. The score war tied, and _Mil- wvaukea's unbaaten Warren SpDahn hiad pitchad effactivaiy against the Sari Francisco Giants. Now, in the ninth innîng, Wiilie -,as up wîth a runnar on firat base, "I ougbhta go for it," Mays thougbt. "I ain't swung fora horner ail year, but this time I got to." Ha stapped baick into the box and, swinging fromn thë heela, slammad one of ,Spahn's sliders dleep into the left-field bleachara for two runs -id the~ ball gamai. '"Every ya, Willie explain- ed later, "there's maybe tan or twenty titries when- I go for a. home'r. The other times they Just come natural." Even New York basabaîl writ- ara are concading that WiWe, the natural, and a prize batcb of San Francisco rookies made the 1958 Giants a racy-looking im- provemant over the club that- pulled out of New York 1mat year. "A cable car named dsr, cracl<ed Dick Young in The New York Daily News. For thair naw home city, the Giants hnd pulled out baîf a dozen victorias in the nintb, were running basas witb. grant daring, and wera slugging their hiomnels (taam total: 64) with dramatia timelinesa. Sixth lat yaaýr, the Giants ware laad- ing the Naýtional Lanigue pannant race by one gaine inte last waak. -The diffarence was easiiy spot- tedl: A rookia first basam-an namaed Orlando Cepeda (thîirteen homers), n rookie rigbtflalder namad Willie IKirkland (four homera), a fine rookie catchier narnedl Bob Schmidt, a slids rookie third basaman namred Jimý Daveniport, strong,, relief pitching from veterani Mary Gris- soin, plus teadul improv- ad play by stor-tsýtop- Daryl Spen.- cer andà a suddanly-matured cen- ter fileder niamed MaUy s. Dj1you notice." asked mana- ger Billigey his eyaýs spark- Iiingbahind steel1-rimmiied gilassas, 1how Willia has grwnup? Wheniever lha pinys betwveen two kids (Kirkland andî Don Taus- sig), hie's lika a coachi, the way h e movas 1tbemn with the hi:ttars. Then, when the kids coma up against a newý pitcher, tbere's Willia off talking to te.'Watch this guy's sr b lie ha ns. Ha's evan drassing bettaIr. T hings like that. I mean, Wilia isn't a kid ïany more,." At 27, Willie Howard MyaJr. might wall be the fineat al- around player in b ,asebal-bat- ter than 1M1ickey Mantia defeni- sively, comparable to Star nMu- sami at bat, -and moredagou than aiýther on the bases When ha canýe up savan ycars aigo. a buibbliîng, implausible rookia, ha possassed immense raw talent and iimm-ensýe naïveté. "I lika to sýign papers," hae once bold a friand, "because wvhenevar I sign, smbd ad emoe. Aller dygae Iliha Plo Grounds he plnyed stickball uith school children in the streets of H-arlein. Wiilie knýiows more about papers now, and he has given UIp stiekball. But hie stîli piays im-~ plausibly - thirteen homers, 36 runs batted in, seven stolen bases, eleven amiazing catches, and a .402 batting avarage after 44 gaines - and he still bubblas juat as fie always has donc when ha tika about his game. Recently, bafore the Giants defeated the Phils, 7-6 on a ninth- innigboner by Willie Kirk- land, Maya loungad on a bed in his hotel roomi and diacussed San Francisco, the rookias, and hin- self. "Itfs a nice towni," Wiliie be- gan, but "you can't tel bow miuch the town's helped us, 'cause you don't know what the rookcies woulda done in New 'York. Up in Harlema I knew everybody. In San Francisco, 1 doii7t lnQw< the place yet. I'm u littie afraid," "Scareci and hitting .400" a reporter asked Xiie. 1I ain't nfraid on the bal fleld," MAays said. -"! know xliat to do there. We got these kids, I got to halp , them, like Lee (Durocher) and (Ed) Stanky and (Alvin) Dark tried to heip me. Or (Ted) Williamis. Last year I wvas going bad arotind the time of the Ail-Star gamne and Wil- liamas saw me at thle station. 'Haly, Wili e says, 'you ,ain't hitting lik-e Willie should. What you doing with your front foot?'" Ma.ys sprang up and demnon- strated a foot-ini-the-buickat stride. "Great bitter lika Wil- liamis belps mie," lhe said, ' to help the Iids. I only wý,ish Wil- Iliamas was on this club so hie could hielp me a'] the timye." Wiic e baii pacing back 'and forth. "I don't lika to watcb gamies,he said. "I sou a guy do soniethiug wrong, it hurts me. Il don't aven know how rrtuch I lika to playv." 'Youi're beginninig to sound like a veteran," the reporter eaid. «'I love to'catch fiy halls and 1 love to stean bases, and 1 love to thirow guys out and, mian, 1 love to bit," Mays said. 4'l love it -when I'm dd'ing som-iething-. It's juat wben I ain't doing sonie- thing-, when the bail don't corne to mie, that I1.don't know how mnuchI 1like it." He paused, than: "I don't figure 15il aver be a 'vetaran. A vateran, ha's a guy like Williams lHe knows it ail. Ma, 1 got to keep Iearning, I neyer had nobody could teaeh me the biggest things. Leo tried, but ha was a .250 hiii- ter. 1 iearned about hit'ting by Myself. I figure 1 got tO keep ]earning for myseif. Each time I make a play that 1 4on't tbifflz I'mn gonna mnaka, I try and figure Out why,." Tbat's one big reason Wille's a better balîplayer this season and the Sani Francisco Gianta are big mnan in the National Leagu,ý,. -From NEWSWEEK. TTJRNABOUT In Birmingham, Englnnd, Nick Brookes, mnanager of a Royal S.P.C.A. home for the protection and care of animia's, reigned' to bacome handlar of fox-bounids for the West ,, aiwickshire Hunt, AGENTS WAP4TED for yourself. Sell our excltlng house- wares, watt!hes and other products flot found in, stores. No competition. Prof- its up to50% Write noûw for freo colour catalogue and ~~rt confi- dential wholesale price shèet. Murray Sales, 3822 St, Lawrence Mrýotmrl. AGENTS EARN EXTRA INCOME IIERE Is a profitable addition to your Uines. $eU Canada's leadinýg bridai and bridesmiaids' gownls, veils, headpiecez and accessories. Beautifuily Illustrated catalogue, and worthwhile Information help you to seli on slght. 127 Classy FormilWear 127PhiIIips Square, Montreai. Que, ARTICLES FOR SALE BALE CON VEYORS - leeýs under- carniage convenient, 1owý-cost Land- llng bales. Adjustable guide rails for round or square baies. Single chain, plate vîth motor nmount. Cethlis coniveyor before y'ou buY. BARRIS F.ARM MACTUNERY Rockwood, Ontario. BEAUTIF'UL artistic pln.up photos of gorgeous girls. 8 different large glossy' photos $2. Sample anîd pice 1-a 25- J Ed Provis, 77 Victoria St., Toronto 1. ELEWATORS - portable 20" wide,fo hay, grain or corn. lleavy dty ude.).# carrnaýe, cuIp-shapedi fligihts, ro-1 beaings, nmotor mnount or P.T.O. drive.' MANURE SPREADERS - Kelly Ryafl 100 bus. P.T.O. comibinartion aspreader rugged construction. Four boita re- movePs beater for use as aelf-unloading1 traiter fori i, roots, etc. Tandem axlie and forag9e ides av-ailable. NYLONS! frregulars, 3 pair $1.00, 12 pair $375 Pe.stpaidl. State size 'noney baelk gnarante. Check or mioney or- der. P.O. Box 13, ectll, New Jersey. 1000 PERSONAL Pinted Nm and Ad. diress Labels in hnsoer-usLable plastic boxý, $1.00 jpostpaîd. 'leomanl Reval & Co., Box 1876. îlau1ei WMiscolsîn, U.S.A. GENERATORS - TOOLS - PUMPS Gasoline and Diesel Genera.tors. Also Separate Generators. 1-leaver, Delta, and Stanley Tos Pumpts for fa-rm nd umercottages. Alil at attractivenc.rie or phone for cmotaton. Everythingý guaranteed. R. SPRATT & COMPAÉNY LIMITED .2402 pufferin St., -'oro(nto 10. or 1Box 482, WobigOnt. BABY CHICKS PULLFTS. Wide choie. Dayolds. Some staritedl. Have Amas T nC7ros;s dayolds; other high proidiicera. HEavy cockereis. Dual purpose chicks. Sept.-Oct. broiu. ers. Order niowý. Getlist. âray Hatchery 110 John N., Hamnilfon or local agent. POULTRYMAEN, we are setting exttra eggs so that you can obtain egg, dual purposa hik and turkey poulta on) sýhort notice. For aiu egg pro- duction on themnmu m on f feed. we ,reconmmand, K-127 Kimber- rhlks. M.o"'for imaximum ega produe fh~ WarenRhode sland Rled. Red S hteLeeboru. White rLeelio1' y lid('sîlcorniafrav,2, hite Leg. horn. Onv best bv fer for duel- mur- un~. llsh StuexX lied, i dX liht o~e lid N Bfarred Rock. T'rkvPoits for 'ev roasteras. Proad j-;'e.Ated ronze. Turkey Broil- Pr, A. (). Smith Broad hi aBrouler Crk.CataloLue. TWWInT)T,E CHICK liATCHEYiT-Re LTI). FERGUS, ONTARIO, THE GOSPEL AN instrucetive hooklet ellgwltb Bible telachinae on thiJs subjeeot will be maliIedfs-naP. Write Berean 294 Glebe&holmeBld. Torono 6, Ontario. RVVPAT,ING! liecent! By Jane BriLat: "A W mnAttorneýv PReeased ]le from M'but"Prie,$1i00. Capitol Citv IdisPDsniuor.104 Green St. Coumbs.Souith Carolinaý. 00 IT YOURSELF ,onnv for £ý350. ('an be bilt by hua. bsnd nu!wlfe. Setpd S22forbookc. .O. Box 97, Plymnoutb,Mcign FARM EQUiPMENT MASSY.HARISNo. 8 puqh bar liny loader, nlawv conditionl. Reasonable, Could deliver. L. King, Trittenbiam, Ont. Mr Farmer, WhyIlý shouild Yeu face tbat hayioader or bandia baes aain t'lFyear. when you van take bra umt of the job wt a MeKea One-Mari Shrecdder Harvester. Remeémber a MeKe .Shredder Ilar. rester la not àa "one-'Job" ma-ichine, aside from ipaking better -hay tha n'W ith any other .qlpnsçnt, they are widaly' used for haârvë.stingý grass ai1lage, corn silage, swathed grai)àn andconslnJJed strswv. We have. sold ieKee Shredderr Han. vesters to over 3,000 progressive fan- nier.q in Oitario. Write ms for ilterature snd the names of McKee ownersin your dis. trict-. get thse facts before 'you lnveati. We have faetory representatives in your averenay to caîl and talk tinge OVer, yoII are under nýo ob1igntloün. Order yours to.dusY' and keep it busy Ilsomnmer long. McKte Brms.Limi.ted. Elmira OQteri.. VY-M M M M, MN PARM UQUIPMENT 1953INTRNAIONL Hrveste r threshlng mnacinre. Both size 2840 witli recleaners. Lynchs Bros., Phoene %5 W, Fishervie, Ont. FOR' SALI 147 ACR. Good buildings, I)rlck bouse, a11 conveniences. Giengarry Ccunty. Box 169, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto., ont. INSTRUCTION EAN more! Bookkeepiing-i Salesnian- ehip, Shorffhand, Typewritlng, etc. Les. sions 50e. Ask for free cýircular, No, 33. Caneadian Correspondance Course% 1290 Bay Street, Toronto, MEOICAL NATURE'S HELP - OIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEIJMATîC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IL. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SÀLVE BANISH the tonment of dry eczerma nashes and waaping sklni troubles. Post's Eczema Salve w;ill not disappo-fint you, Itching, scaling and burning ecze- mia, acnie, rlngwormr, pimiples and foot -cem lil] respond readiiy ta the stalnless odorless olimtient regardiass of how stubborn or hopeleas they eem Sent Pest Free on Receipt of Price PIRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNIT:ES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DO youi waut ta make mioney part or full tinse? Sall <AR1S"The nevv aU pourpose baud cleanen that ren oves paint, tar, greasa, carbon, etc., with- out water. Write: Lemnili mcý .PO. Box 147, Station "Youvill.a," Mantreal. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADqNG SCHOOL Great Opportuinity Learn Hairdressing Pieasant, dignifiad profession; goad wages. Thousands of successful Mvarvel qraduiates. Amienlca's Greatest Syvsteii ilustrated Catalogue,,Freeè. Write or Cal MARV5 I4AIRIDRESSiNG SCHIOOLS 358 Bloor St, W,, Toronito Branches:z 44 King St. W., Hamiton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETIlERSTONHAUGH & C omip a ny Patent Attorneys, Establilhed 1890. 600 Ujnversity Ave., Toronto Patents all counitnies. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deltixe pesor.i requiremients. Latest cata- logue iîncluded. Thse Medico Agancy, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. STAMPS GENERAL Ceorge Armstrong Custez, stamps issued by U.S. Sevesth Cavalry Memonial Association. Sheet $2.001; 206 ecd. Michael Callagisan, e15 Second Avenue N.W., Minot, North D~akota. SWIui REG'(ISTERED Landrace Glts -- Bo.ans, 4½z montha; excellent breeding stock. Three 1-year oId Boars. "- A, VANDERSTItI Hluron Bay Farin Bsighit's Grove, Ontario. D1.4-3921 WANTEO FEATIIERS wanled. j)uc1k'and gooqe. Best prices. No wing or tîati feathers. ('oral Bedding Ltd.. 47î Spadin av, Toronto, ISSUE 25- 1958 SLEEP TOIIfT ML RIEtE NEUOUU8%s 8UMar TO-MORROWI To b. bOPPY and tranquil instecid of nervois eor for o good nohs Ieep, tcle SedicIn ta.blesoccording f0 4irecftons. SEDICIN $1.0-$4.51 TABL.ETS orug SWes ,OSM »'500" WJNNER - Jimm;iy Bryci above, wears an oil-smeacre smnile in wa/cke of his wý the annual 500-mile Indîanapolis. Mislimre: - 5" D.h., second faste of tf ---' N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N N h N 'N Si N N N N h N N N ~ N N N N N N N N N - N N .4 .4 N N h N h s 'N h 4' 'N 'N N 'N N N N h h i N N N N f N