-~ - ~- ~w~m ORONG domb WE Vo/lume 21, Number 11t Orono, Ontar ursdlay, APRI 24 Subscription $I.5ý Thursday evoeing of last week ihntho ,$Clarke Township Council1 zesumned thoir reguilar April meeting; the-.y wero preseiited Nvibh a furffher pertition froin S. &S No. 21 ask;ïng that ýIey be allo'wýed to -with'draw frmthe Towtnship School Area of Clarke Townshiip. This madoe 'the fourt)h section to Ïsk o bealoe towithdraiw from the Townsliip of ClreShool Area, Number 21 Is tihe 'Ziýxth Line School, 'Othe.r schools sook- îngsimlaraction are Port Gaty Nuir9 and Antioch. At ihe meeting on) Thur-sday Mosýsrs L. Geonwod ad G. xahar ere tire sokosmn iforthe foimer section amipreenrd te ptto, stating tha hopetit' wýas an expression of tlfeelings of Iire eletors in section 21j to withdraw from the area. A general discussJin of tho, seýhOo1 wihamotion ýiry Counicillors Iowery probelm m as tihen field ard finalized adSavor'y requosting tirat the clorkI pepare the necssary by-laiw for 'the withdraalof the four scihools f-rn the aiea and to send a eopy of 'tIre by-law to tihe Department of EdJuca-ý tion,, for- thoir apyproval ini forp n1y zýjardto also send a copy Vo threTon srpSCIhool Area Board. With thre aprlini formi by tire Dopartmentý oîfEEducation tire by-lam, is then Vo be proscnited to council at their rogular Mymeeting for corsideration. TENDERS OLt of Unre seven tenders -whiclh ereceived by tire Townrship) con- cnigthre purchaIýso of a new grado !-hey have cut their cehoice dowýn tb threo machines. Th(e rond superintoný- dan,-t was instructed Vo rako airrange-ý niVn ý ith 'the three c paissol thait thre coumýfncieîmoibers could seel tieeactualnmachinesin peai. Thýe thre compailies are ihie J. D. AdaIs CGo. Ltd., the Satwver Mse D.Co and tire Dominion Road Mchrr C.Ltd. -l'ie tender of Beaverdale was nc- cepted for the0 rent of road cons truc- tioi achiniery and tire tender of F. (Contil'wudcrio page 5) Uswsng Ailedge Oro no Ocldfellowsf For a 1,o.w, decorative hodge tirel/Xnnounce jW în ners species tint naturaliiy does not grow Vo a great hoig<ht sirouid tee choson, ratier tian one Mhat can be ko',pt asi% alow iodige only by systematie artd, Saturday evoning in the Cde( e regular pruniing,. This is especially J04ow's Haml, Orono, the Trustee J3oard true if the, hedge is in tedVobe a, ofthe 11al held a daece and dra, bc'ground or a dividing lino in al The Music for- the dancing was SuLI-ý ga dn, ivere ail othor plants in-pie by Fair1ow's Orch"estra wNýitlil cludirrg f îowers, develop naurILy.dnce'rserjoying both round ai, JohnWaler Foi-est Nursery Statio, squar,,ie dancing. Iinlan en, as.,say-s tne inforsuat, low\ hied'ge is also in koreping w,,ith modlemi trends in home styles -whore hi ýght is iimiiiz ed(. On tie o the r hanid, a low hedge cannot ho counIted on to ho an effective windbreak or a iireen providepray in the honie, One important reason whliedge plants shouild ho permitto'd to grow and] rClvelop ,vithout pruing is Vo1per- mit them to display tirir ratural. beauty to Vie utniosVt trougbout the year, in blossoins, fruits, foliage and bark. A dosirablo nutritive balance botween cr'own and root becomos es- taýblisired, and the raturaI. processes of flowîerîng and boaruiing seeds can O n without interruption. It wil also ire olivious that the'overall value and attractiveness -of a low hedge will ho eatl ssoned if unsigIrtIyý gaps exist in it. Even if bhiere mn-y be sligh t ntr inIjury- or tip killing oc-i caýsionally-,tVils should noV' inteifereý grertl vth the natural effectiveresa andf attractivo-noss o F the hedge.i Special -caro in ferilizinis and ,wate- this curig Whoir e hoeis reed ng canimin te he ikolihood of of, at formiai hedge, systenmatic prun- hrmust he practised tirouglih'out tie, Afwlow hedges at the Forest -Nu.'sery Stationr, IndianR, end as whih hvebeon nl'o to dovolop itotpruinig since being plantLedI wveiLre nrýeasuedafter 12 -y'enrs of groî wth. For eacir, tie first fig,,ure is given in -width and tho second is heig'irt, in foo-t: Pygmtiy Garagara 6 and 4.5, Piýinse.pia Cherry 7 and 6, Riusin Aord 6 and 2.5, Siberianý Pr izes to tire valuiie of $50i from oveî' n a Lrgoarea weredrwn Winners' w ere Rlii llok Oo NoilC WoodLaikefield;D.tak Netwonviile; Fred Hlunrpliry, Tor-ý onto; F. Las;com-be, Os.haiwa; P'.Bah gtBowm iaiav*ie; L. SeIesn Burketon; R. C. FrrseOrono;i Adlebe Myleýs, Orcono and bora Bowen,' A nmber of dane p)rizes were, awarded during threevng and Virse were 'on y Mrs. Ken S'ackletn Mri-s. Roy Patton andMr Ll.oydj Clydesdaie of Ncwtonviile. Thre Board of Trustees of the Halit oxterd tirir approclation to ail thosed miro assisteilà inmakinîg Viseveing, a Succoss. Young People Plan '111ie, eIa ioeeting on April 29thi brtought about miaiy flecisions ýfor Viole Orono Young People. As uni ýthe nmeeting omene withira singsong andi tbeDeou,;l, Toam ns wero choser ard a R(hle uiz , and drawing cor'tes't was 'bl. d HAe un fourrd we had mrany artists in our' midat. After the secr-etar-y's andi treasuxe- elSr', rPort it wavs decidyed Vto send $50. to tlire Mlssionary andcl Maintenjanceý Fund, - Tire young- people Ihave been cliosen to represent Orono in a Pari Quiz at a- Convention in) Bomniianlville. Plans wère also formulated for a basebaîl tournament Vo ha helsi Ue (Continuod page 8) hv-hisIssue L cal ew appoars on pages 6 and 7 of tMn issue of the paper, Ail oig(ht pages oftire papes-' lýas beenprite in tirle Orono -wplant. Three Minor Bail - Team.s Formed OTuemiay ovening ýclose to fîftyý oyýs assemtbled ait tire Orono munici- pal Building Vto reg-ister for, basâlall. Boys are 'still welcome and practice~s are s'bailting the latter part of tis- This year- Orono wvill have threeý 1niinor kla,eonitoanms beinig Pe'Weesi ianarins and AMidgets and are being sptnsored (hy the, Orono Amateur Ath- icAssociation. This is the first year that Orono iras had Midget base- hâli in the field. AIl three eamis will o. einteed in thre Lakeslhore longue uiid wî,i'l piay a rogular schedue Wit .1.xnf'în tile stUî*rouIInLg area and Ili tire PeeWee division twonty boys regis'erod( on TIuesdaýy night wth sLill somo y ,et to r»egisýterF. 1lfts Lems beý- in îoednter by Ed. Grian(I r lcyForrIester. VLPif en oyIs register-ý cd ro play Banitam h aillIn this dlvi-' olonf0 dfîn.e0caches or maniagersý More Interest Shown In Park Discuss Problems At Meeting A gr'entor interest was shcwn this year fin the Annual meeting- of theo Orono Park Board, than in the pastý few previous years. Close to twenty !were plosent at the mneeting wVhich after the reports, developed into a general discussion of many aspects of the Park. The treasurer reipoted 'a balance at the end of the year 1957 of $2170,46 plus $2500.00 ini bonds. The balanceý ait the beginninig of 1957 was-ý$l87O,0O plus the bonids. Total revenue duringý tho yeal- anounted to $876.86 whichý ,vas made Up of Sunday car .charges, picnics and revenue owîng fro 156 Total empeniditures oxpec±t to run ciose to $(375.00whii will baLve ablanc frthe yoar of around i$20 0..The arýgest oxpeniituroe during the year xvas for, new playgriound equipmýient in he, amoun't of S*277.:20. Mýessrs. R. R. WaddeTl mad A. E. Wes-t, the dwo rtrn c s were lin e inewly formed Or-ono êilgtre-eleced ',o)ofice for itenm irere aro somtie e h oys who prid plin has rcu ha'ndthei sre VO Itwas stated at tiren ply ntis rup1 n irris a pos I Mr. R. Tho mas would aý srbfity cf others joining. Tire coacr iebo' tVr akV ing and nianagirg ril h most cap-, aoy iranùled lùr Vils tona hyFred A iSit ienot Xycett and J'is Gams'by. various phases of thle PaU MeIn are stili needed Vo assist in o eomnddtn i Vire liandling o(f aIl tire teamns in 02roio a man right away Vo e as more tiran two are desirous for Park and do Vire recessar- onach irim o look after all thre items ma-js docided tiret tireE irat -corne up durîrrg tho playirng sea- mieet at tire Park this -M son, ing Vo viow Vire neeessur Voupan wfiat could ho don Da ylight Sav'in-g i This Saturdayý il, ' in tre Vilage of Orono and Vire aathis comaing SaVurI-(ay Ilighit at mllnih'yOono wiIllon ' esane patsnas,'do Vie otier centros ii ire istr-ict and! more its dlocks niead ono irotr. 4-UI CLUBS ORGANIZE Tire organtization r'ight for Vire West Durhamu Swinie Clu-b, as well aýs otier Duiram 4-R Clubs, n'as roisi îin tir O'de Hs ail, Oono, or April loti at 8:00 OP.1-1. Pon Brooks opered tire meeting afterwiridiran filmi ,,vas sliown. Tira genorala ruies of4H CWub Work n'as outlind anid tire vané- ous projocts were describosi. Folboing Viose Vaikstie oxecuive for, tho WeýsV Durhaml Swine Club vvas eJeoc.ted as olos Presidenit - 'Grant Glaspeil; Vice- president - Bruce Bownan; Sec're-' tary - Ed KowaI;Pblicity Director John AIlin. .Area SchoQI Board Approve Plans For Two New Schools Meiesof tbhe Clatke Towniship poie to Start work inm(Miately Schoi rea13ord nd nspcto onthene 1Lv No. 4 site. Holme nis met with ei ect r. G. N.j Toks on April :2, in Newtoniville Satisfactory replies have beeni re-i seolat a special meeting. Following càeived lýfrom ipactically ,ail tihe teach- athoroughi discussiont of the Final' ers in the Area, regardin'g next year's Plans, and specificatiJons for the pro- coxra4-ts. posýed two new solhools at. No., 4 and No. 9. These were passed, Nvith the Jack HUood's representative, Mr. aýg, eed revisions, subjecit Vo the ap- flonaldsont, approachod the Board for! pro,ýval of the Departmeint of Educa- petumission to make a survey of nec-! Th~ agnla monhly eetig ofyear. Tis was giron u.iniiusly,. Tire Evening- Auxillir edtri 'i ntrVorena nre 9 ~Aptil meeting in tire Sunday Scirool tirreugirout Vie Devotional commenc- VieBoaAr was helsi April 15 also ini Regular niontily ox>eniso accourit.s Auîfcito iuin i Vlh 0an excellenit atten- inîg wiV(h na-poeem by Joan Couvier -Netwtonville Scirool, rwith ali rieur- were passefi for payi-ent. dance. "Wiro rollesi away Vire Stone." Tire' bespresont, excopt Mr. Morto)n. Noud,-t regular meeting n'il ho led President Dorotiy Watt commono.. icrîtr aredh et Major. Tire conrmitteo reported iravin'gin My20 ' ieeting by readingapem Avca ut Tr Mgnen"na ______________________________________________ Wings of Words" foilowýved by tire sung by Mlrs. Duummiond and Stella sirging of aciryn. Cason 1 TlieTiretoeralpoeur of business An inVterestirg medjp(ltation, "Life W .V ,A . S o g s %,ir up er n'as dealit witi and tire Prosiderit an- beýg;ins at EKaster" given hy IslibelIl ~iaa >rga110u K1roucies a messaýge rece'.iredl froni lis followed niti prayer by KaVhi MsMcaergrdgFieOIsonRainey and ecoicluding tire de-1, R eceives Support 0f M any Cm rqiigifnmy of tire girls v\otioni (y siniging of n hymin "O wo nterested in s tnd eg ie Master lot nme walk with Tiee." xvokrdVere wmin iey woI ave Kahlen'Rniroey thin introduced bnSiraron Tanrbiyn, D icnGl atVr potuity of irearinig ns guýest ler fa,-tirer as guest paeMr Th SogabrdSppr ~ed fand iiJdy Tamiblyn.ý Carlos Tamblyn speaker ýiProfe ssor Jamles Sauniders. Riches of Warsan', wio spoke on PridAay, April l8th urder tire auspices1faroured n'itir a Cororet solo accoin- Ton girls volunteerosi Vo assist irn'-Our Ileritage'. Ho referrosi Vo many ftire W.A., Orono -United Girurcir, pne h iisdumre irao, at tire s'rving on Wednesdaiy April 23dhapngsoyerpstcmain n'S weattended, Mev. B. Long eom-_111-ýhi h- A r _aeÀgt p)j ino. John Ford favouned wit'h sorv- w1n ie ..ar atrngV il'ireninVo tfe present. Ho stnted lan' mneed Vire suwper Ihy havingaIl sing- oral vocal selections and Mr. S. E. aainC aqe.efreetcostt ton tVîmes nmorej g lc.'lieîtabes slere decorate'dA ae w rmrusraig. Aima ,MUcteol, AMissiorary St7PplIy Vian ail churches pttgte.H witr affdi» ad rusy ilo"VwSSecretary pr(rsditemis roquestes imertiored in hisiremnr-ks, we sirouid T,' ie 'asapidcaes, of lacs and Donald Staplosshoedsiides on tire forli' vcfonlpaie. o imake tmoron a btter daiy inn'hicir okdsropeadnas imade Vo defray exipense of sa tô iive jàntodatleave a-go rolis. cakes, saladis Royal visitand scores b uken la East- MsDumodnoucdtr i ieerVn 'lir.Lo'g ~Vt a a apgui gnar c Canada. 'Mr. Ed Wilson showedM ,S.faml upeeatxo atleenoi Giapman g e pess . B. Tys-rell's filmn'irhicir ws 2Mira ox supe1lrt nArIKtle 'laP1în epes .ev. fog Viredogas a of fle ai se-. ae botVnyet ao ntr V I rS r i altionthnksVto Vie speaýker iard 'Kathleen for 1leof eveal sl-Iake ibut in yarsaýg on he o Vireh ,mnber7if Vire' 'xiry. Rniney expnessed her apprecitior tol ectý7iorfiry Jasj 'Gansby on 'druixis,,ini street of Oroifo Tis filmi Kathleen Rainey anld Isahelle Citalil] wn'o assisýtecI with tire success of _Paýul Ruthrford onrV4he srini4*d in- 1p'roved rvery inteesting $o ilpany pP05- lis, Chrristian Citizeiis(hip and Teniper- tiem tng atun ntad Johnt PO$ pianist. eht nas tirey vien'od tidinslves inthtielI nc - >onveiiirs then took chargiers-mnswr erebig Piaî, iisç-o se n'owre given b- JeanjFaii--1pictures. iof Vie meeting. -. eing tresoveninto a clse.vc, 'yrg h ve-ngt e'e -a rlwo yenr mieeting ir-tati again oporate ýs year. Subjeots discussýed wore th~e erec tinof an now flag ,-polo, conistructiel ouf noew picie- tables wirich are rocs edla bacýkstops for tho tennis court Tiesiwimmiing tanikn'as dsus to somýe bengtir 'ard ay-s Vo make -thi tank, safer, IV wsstat'ed Viraittte Answer Draftikel Fouirteeýn members of Vie Durhinm Courty -Higir Soiool Boaird were pros- ,rnt aut V -iimothly regular meeting of tue ,Boar'd ini Oro01oon Wdnesdany of Inýst , we k. Mr. CrlNcor chairma'n of tire Bar vnas in tire chair. Arising as one of ticfirst pieces; of busines svnas Vire answer Vo the -Ipon Lette" cln h ias been pui- iýshed «,in Two of tire Couies papers. A crpy was Presened from tiregrortp who d voted for tirelocation in O- ooand isna etd by tire 'oild dis tVo!ho'puIblisIred in tire paperis in Mriich tire "Open LeVVe<' a'perd.Ter-e was ore discussion on thre expenldjture of monlies for Vire puliblising of Vils letter 'how\ever tire rlýiajority wýere of tire opinion tint it sl,îould ire pu'blshed and Vint an ans- %ver was warranted. Tire reply Vo tire "Open Lebter is as foliows: To Vire Ci izens of Newýcastle and Soutli Clarke wiro publisired an O)pen botter Vo tee Duhrbn Courty Dist- ric;t 'igiScirool Roa)rd linVire Cana- dliani Statesman of March 13Vir, 1958. Th ireniebe'rs of the Durfham", oun"- ty District High Scirool Board wr vote& for tire cntral ite for Vie non' * rgiscirool Vo <ho erected abtVils timo for: Vie purpose of r-elioving,, over- crowdLIng at )Lur Bowmilanlille and Or- ono Sciroos fully appreciate your in-, toetin ii atrand n'isi Vose for thVie foilowng in tire hope Vint che questotîs raised lin yor open Lettes- mayho satUsfnnorH> , answered FFU , Iwp- SchoI Asks'To WiLhdra w From. School A'reai jTire usýe of rovidesi piont ialinonld aisco ýlion ard it fa ;y tis year eams seeirg te.To fuir- is Vo oreetl esoutil-woýstV Iwill be Ium cont Qof seveaViros in iovE ire.iv AUltire tlin gs im Letter on NemeastIe giron cneful conside? xvhiro roted for 'Oronu koldeof tire f act lic and (Iigir scitool pr( Urban and suhurhan n's ompared. Pire stsneeeorsîdered. po'inted witir pupîli portation rouItes ,vere Encbirmemiber oc Our- Board and a Special Comminittee io i (,f ine nrirerýs haro oninouly cdgVois sinc(e OcLt. hi. studied and cni. .TIrte fact exed iwhat n'ould ho tire best location r ng in favr o for a non' rol VoireethVie needs no offet unt of our District Athtie present time m-entanT votinp andjus part qf a long range plan. 5Mr. CGareA Tlhee ï jwn otimg iapirazard property con about tue investigation and finally noeedsfcane Vy i,' Vr ectric m'acine montls ýan i n spi'of, a Jeýmùcratic ding machines dîffrerce of opinion, a 'najorit of cos $250 eci theo Board soted for tie re u-no loca- hes rprc tion. i elUi4ed iu th( Tire scirool secors Vo be served ýcî the of( The rogular- meeting of the Wo- en?'s Christian Temiperance Uni on wai hekf on Tluesday afternooa in thi' Sunday Sdhool Auditorium .M3 Walsh gave a splendid devotiionl fromn the White Ribbon Tidings,cl- ilng wit'h prayer. Final arrangements w,,ero madefr tihe Silver Modal Contest for Ap-rýI 25 and oach coniniitýtee reported suc:- coIse. A lotter wýas read fromi Mis. Hn loy of Osýhawva asking Orono to ber- sponsible for thie morning devotion at the County Convention. This is fin Whiitby Ratptlýst Ghurch on April 3PI MJrs. Qarson and Mrs. Allun were ap- point.ed and Mrs. Wals'h for the Plani of work. Mrs. Stiutt gave a splendid Treas.ý urer's report, also Isttiing that nied- ais et~c 'wereoôn hand for the contest, The presidient conducted a vcry in- téresting clip shee, "Why Cigarottea-c sli6uld (ho avoideçl". Mrs. Rowe ro- portod 115 Little Wite Ribboners n rolled. Aftor singi»ng hymin 351, Mn. Walsýh closed 4Jhe imeeting -w'ýith prayer. miuchŽ 'horase-pay" exists around the tank and thait poqibly a strong ferce sAou1d ho ereéted 'around it. Life- savinIg equilpiiin(tý to ('c&ýlàced by N N 'y, N N N "y, "y, "y, N N y,,' y,' y-. 'y, 'y, y,,' -y Evening Aux iliary Invited To W.M.S. Supper Party