ORONO WEEKLY T'IMES ThIJRSDAY, APRIL 17th, COUNTIES TO MEET APR11, 24th The United CGounties' Connctiil ad-! joiurnied onWdeda of last weeki uî,til April 24, Theý CounciJ dîd fot present the finance comittUee's e- otit being laid over unitýi the 24th. A n-unber (:4 ther reports were also ladover until the 24+-h inclu'ing thie by-laws whehwill aiso 1e read on that date. Couaci worled o omte e portsuil 1'30 pjn. before nhe a- jo-urnmlcë,Iet cme. RAMBLING 'ROUTND AT EASTER! (Con.tinued frorage 4) that allie did was Wear Outth streets of Toronto searcehinig out re-%v arrangements lpr bis trained ca-- aries (glee club). We find !it hard toý jielieve that he wouldn't find sanie formi of recpreation a-s weill1. Mrs. St. John marked french pa-pers whcl he daims was "ut excit- i ng"I. Mr. Rth-erfr-d very modestly - ported i hat rhe ha-d tole ic-tbing thrlO.ug-h the hulidays but býy othrl éharmels it was Iearnied t1lhatlhe had' further beautified our fai-rtonb clea-ning up a -ravine 'behind bis hýouse T'heae 10 class bowling party, unas held -Lhrough the holicinys wvithb lEaster eggs being presernted tno Con- nie Tyirreil anad Pete IMaartense fo.r the hisgh seores. Mrs. '$t. Johin lso sliowed herseif to lie a skilled bw~ on his eoccasion. iGlenayykitten S weater1"s for, Spring ~'WrapÀed in the echantnye tof f abulous, full fashioned Kitten in, lovely INýw Colours; exciting jNew Dressmnaker dlassics in Soft Pettal Orloni; fî e super 70% BO tany nil thrilling New Ban-Lont! k?.riced $0ê4;5 to$qç Corne lin andl see Our Spring Dresse-,-, Skirts, and B1o They are ail the new styles and erials. New eottonprints and iz cottons for niaking ~rsq andi Blouses. Also broadcloth{i' shades. Biav-E PrIay 14u m w.edWU opffl m LW Womuen's Jeans in anid navy. Mutan QIffsshSim Jims in14ac1k, andi tau. ChildrenÉ's $pring Coat Sets in Suede or Corduroy. Price $G.50-'$8.95 Armstro ng's 9!re OPeu Aul DRY LqCAL , EIS' i Mri~d Archie Watson Betty I -n,) arid La-rry,'Waterdown, aen' ov-uipfl of dnýysý with Mr. and MAIrs. AieaWatson, MrIis. John Armstrong rtrndtoi ber home a-st w,,eek after spendingl severa1 nionths with lier relatives int Mgr, Mlllton ElUiott, Ionavle Mr. Fred Brimaconihe and son Gar- ! field of Toronito ~were recent visitorS, îlihMrs. F. Biýrimacotmbe. IMr. and AMrs. AIbb,,rcýombie, Tor-, onito visi-ted with hcs~e Mrs. Wes. Eiloo i ' on ,nday. MLsE. Waddeli, Tor-onto, ýpent a few days last week visîting relàtives Miss Gwen ChatterLton, R.N, Tor- onto ýpenit the -weekenid wit'h Mr. and MrLs. MI. Chatterton. Mr. atid Mrs. Donald Gra¶hani and famlyvi~edon the \veekend with MI.. and MiLs. Ai DUesu a nd fa-rn- ily, Toront'o spelit the weekend wvith Mr. anId is Jack H'udson). -Mi. anidSUrs. Dick Morton, Toronitoý spect the weekend wýith Mr. and M~ A. LE. MroSixth Lîine.L Mi-. and Mris. George Mitchell a-ad, familyOshawa isited on Sna wiýth MI.. and, Mis. . Mitchell. Weeerd isior wthMi'. and-M r S. Leroy Iflanuliton wv'eme Mv. "bndi (1s Lesile V. Canfjield of Toronto. Mr. Mýilton iTambIlyn is a patlient ira ithle MeoiHsiaBewia-nvilie. Trhe Orono PolIice Truistçes last Fridpa- planted tw'elve ma-iipie trees thrýioughout the Village. Mr. Ne*i Po-rter wazs ini Ve B sniianýville Hospital on.Tuesdayvin a wa-lking ca-st put on his bacýk due t a wak e a-st put on bis back.' HJe twocrakedvertebr'ae which hand beeri cana-ad by a faîlI soýii-e timne ege. _Mr. anad Mcas. Leroy Hamil1ton at- tended a -Central '.Ontrio 1asurancel Gonvent'ion inPteboglonM - day la:st. The lamiltons iisurauce Scirvee waýs presented - With an dc tri*c desk dlock byli the sponsoringl Company ýin &.~giinof their tenq yea-r representation off the Conipany.1 Mr. Wse Elli*ott îs a patient ia fLhc owa-ie Memorial IHospi;tal. Mr. a-nd Mrs. Raliph Phillips (nee Meena)formerly of Oroilo , whc have heen living in Vaý,neouver, B.C.ý ýfsr t!he paist three years are beiag transfcrred to Kamilýoops, B.C. whereý ;Ralph h las been a-ppoinited District' Manmager of thact Aiea byGera Motor.s. Girl Guides by Ja li The Guide me(-eting under the zic- cura-te C)ifrs l fCornpaif ,Leader JoAna iRutherford, co.imiiced by patroil inspection. The Guides tiheni niioved to the Fair (Ijrounds wNherýe they did thce Scout's Pace around the track, wbic¶i they muast do for one of their tests. After rtrigto) the Ailmouries the pa-trois tihen went to teacli First Aid. A4 gaine wais then played fo)llojwed DYa sinlgsolng. The meetýing ceid wýith prlayer ind taps. UNITED CHURCII Rev. Basil Long '~II COrono ................ilam Lekr...........2pm 1a........ ...Orn ---------.......Xib -----------..--Le K;ardb 1AU<ction Sale The mndersigaed has -rccived ila- structions from Mr. George Hamilton, Lot 24, Corncession 4, Hope ' ow-%nship>, 3 miles west 4cýf Canton to0 s Pi) by public ýAuLction on Saturday, Apr-il 19, a-t 1 p.rn. sharp. Vainaable Tractor Macýhincry, Ha-y Bier, Liveatjock tc Tennis cash. No res,ýerve. Jaick Reid, Auctýioneer', ORnONO openi Daily OPEN FRIDAY Hlarvey Partiaii 1Ty*fflUc 'MA. 3-2240 WE BELL lTHE BDEST ÂMD SERICE TUE R EST T INSHOP1 8 a.m, to 5:30 p.mi. . E LOGAN, Prop. nb... hua orme j Just Arrived -Iat's, Men's Gabar- fromIIo!~nd- dine PFedorýas, stit1lied, a shiinen of A bi-ims, taped seams, assor-ted coIois sze 63/4 to 7% Eaeli $9 Plas ~Wenir- otton colors frorn Our Bodlt u ie >large impocrted stok i~ .. style, sanforîized, 2 pock adpikgay ets, colors Foi-est greeli bouquets il or grey. sizes 1412 to 17 t'srimer 1014 Each ............ I2.9S ,quarts....$15 Tati Baskets, Laundry, Polythene unbreakable P1a-sý oval shape, strong h-andies, reinforced bottoms,- rio liner needed. New reduced prie ....... .$2ý Pads Asbestos Stove, Metal design, sizes 14 i~n. 17 in., colors red, yellow or grey. Each .. New Crib Sheets, contour, sanforized, easily slips over mattress no- tucking, no0 ironing,- fits mattrl- smoothly, size 251/2x51 inches. Each . . . ....9 New Quick Drying Terry Kitchen Towels, dries everything faster........ ...............c Sp)eeial, Neilso-n's Crispy o p iud. ...25c. S'AVE TIME Crunch iChocolates onle pouind .. SERVE Y( E VEI ý NG C FORDmEDSEL- SALEUÎ And SERVICE~ A 1 Ued Cars 1OuY cornpIe, service zuarantees year round dlrivîng pleasure CA- VETH MOTORS Phone 3251 NecslOtario NWe carry a Full Line of BRANAM -IENDERSON PAINTS & VARNISHES. and THE PRICE IS RIGHT PREMIUM Q*UALIÏTY i AT GASOjLINE A EASONABLE PRICE i per gai. tax incl. A*K ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON, TIRES DRIVE IN and? EILL UJP where Youmi Have A LWAYS AVE atVIGOR L S tati-ten Rtweem Orono and Newcastle On Rigbway 3r; jCOURTESYj Openvenings&udyJSEICj STOVE WL ALSO AVAI .L AL NAYQATT Fo Te oei ence of 'toye Qil user ~RQ~'O 5ç TO $100 Il N N N N 'N N N N -'t N N N N N N N N -N 'N N. N N N N N N * -'N 'N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N 'N N N N 'N N N '1 N 'N 'N N N N N N N N