14I RST r- r g- r g- r r r g- r r g- r r r gt g- r r r- r t-- t- '-g r r r -t 't r r- r g- r- g- t- -r 't- r g- g-' r r r- '-g t- '-e r- g- e- t- g-- r-. r- r r r g- r r' r- r t- r g- g-. r- r r r- r r r 'g- r r- g" r r- t- t- -g-- r r- r 'K r -t g- -g- 'r r- r' r r t'- r <g <g g- r r t- r e r <g r 'K r "g- <g- r r r- r r g- * f: -14609 Ju'-t tf we naini pattecn parts lu tcings - wnat could be t3aser to sew than this Printed Paýgtternl !We kxow vtis uni 0dress couldn't lie more fiatterng -- those snli'e are pure mnagie for yo7ur figure! Prinlted Pattern 4609: Misses' Szs 0, 12,1, 16, 18. Size 16 reurs31,1 yards 35-incli. Priinted directions on eachl paf- f ern.r part.Esiracute Sen idefýTY CENTS (stamps ca bitle aceepfed;J use postai note for safety)ý for thîs pattern, Plas pint plaiunly SIZE, your INAMJE pand ADDRTESS and ffie STYtLE 'NUMBER. Send order to ANNE,ý ADAMS, ~s1 , 12~3 EghenhSt.,Ne -ToofOnt. If stsn't enly reniatie yOUug girlsý who have trouble findlxig teew Iriend3. Presentabi. youxig i~nsextetin/es f id flitnselves w1thine. -singe nice girl on thir lisf, and floun-deriliePeless- !y about w,,ondering what's wrong viilithein. Ont w i I od eneugli le know better lias-,been 1-enesomne for somne menths, and theuglin blest wifh worldly goods end prepe.r intentions, lic finaliy 'begs fosr hint5ts tetht ioveless. a11911 28, and must centets thaf for tht past several mnI l'y.lied te go ouf alone," lie explains, "I an my mot lir's , ffiy son, and atli er insistence 1 h ave seuglif irl friends ireugli our cdurci, But ither Ido'f appeal te them 'or ftor see ther reason, the-y doi't want te go eut ,with me. "Mvly moflier insists fiat today's ýrep Let sweef 'younig things don't waxiftet- live Christ ian lives. They want mexi who will show.5 thmin good tr~ in vulgar ways, tase the tesuspicieous places, and generally 'tict the eut-up. "It looks like she la ighlt "I neithler si-noke- non drink, but 'rn nef a prude. I like lire- ly girls, and try te keep up with thein. Maybe IPm tee hard te P,1easeý, but I do have saint deals left. pal around with decent men, but tliey just laugli andt iay flie riglit girl will cerne ~1n.But liow long mnust I ~'I have rýead your lnteresting ,iunn offtm, but I don't find >ny J&ttera tfram ther loneiy "lOtten you nmust have r-ead bez of -e nice girls who are *disgusfed withi modern maie ýe run-areuncla that eniy want 'te dikand pet and -ýlave -ic lime fer- girls who won't foi- 10- lO'týiût. Their naine is legin. SIf thé gis %yeu meef frown minvlioesoiniecreations 1k., IN 5PACE RACE?-Fay Gorgoric looks like sheý's ail set te get in the race ini spice as she dis- pkiys, her- new "Explorer-" hair do, inspiredc by the first U.S. satell'ite. Shes modlellng her towering top) at the 38th Inter national Beeuty Showv in New York, wvhere it wvcs unveileci as ont of tht ne)ýw "celestîial line" of hajir tle.How about 0)heSe uipholstered 'eyebr-ows,? * men, wlio long for f rienidship e* of decenit chaps like yourselt. *Strike out and find them. *Havent yocur ne frieýnds sis- * ers or tther relatives? As* *thtrn te double-date witli you. *And talk witli yeur minister; * li is more lnterested in pro- a oigromances than you *thlk. *f taise if for granteýd you art * nef a bore. I urge yeu, thougfh *te cultivate tht liglit teucli, *Read and remnember arnusing *steries and incidents, se yeu *are fun ite lie with. ComrpiÎ- * ment a girl on her appear- *ance, lier dress, lier voice, lier *sense oef humeor, 1Keep up on >, flic theatre, .earn te dance' *srnothly, play a good gaine ofe tennis or golf,Ade *course, neyer ýail li tht litt1ît *attentions fliat please ail girls. * Ont commrent: 1 suggest you * net f lauint your religious lie- liefs before ofliers; intelligent *yeung wernen wf711 sense your * convictions flirougli your maxi- *ner and generai, behavieur. Il Sis easy -fer ontet strong lie- *liefs te appear srnug, and I *amn sure you avoid giving thaf TO) 4LREADERS: Please do net tequest this mnan's naine or address. Ht did nef gîve GRANDFARENTS' PROBLEM "Dear Anne H-irst: Several years agom$so-- iaw deserttd lis wif e and child- rei, id now lie gees Scot fr'ee, 1oaving mny daugliter wîtli--1il the responsibility, Ht, lias neyer supported thê dhldren since. W. have donc ali we eeuid, but as fhey grow eider (Find our itait h ir nef se geed) we find ourselves; 1knable te continue. I knlow where lie isý and the kind ot work lie dots. (My dauglter divoreed li iafely.) "Wliere can I go for advlce? WeI cannet afford muûch expense te force the issue, but if I couid get somne action started my daugliter would taise over frein tbhere.,-.,Tlaik you, arid God letýsa yeu fer hlepingnoe maniy etfu 1l-,idistress. MRS. R. D" 1 ýIunderstand that fliere is * a brandi et the Legal Aid * Socety i yur ity, that fine * onganiizationi which i9so se hp- * fui te citizens wlio cannat at- *ford attorney's tees. If you *do no',Iocite then prornptly, *cali the Bar Associationr for *their address. * in sialler coniuiities ont *sheould consult fhe mayor, or *judge i ler town or county. *ý My best wishes for suecess 1 in forcing tli heartless father * te taise 2care e01 his own-. "'Your columu Coritains minore human interest than/ ary news- paper's front pag-e, w-vrote a maie reader. If dots pay te foliow the probleins %hich ap- pear here, and mnany an idie reader has found the. answtr le liter own,. Write Anne Hilrst at Box 1, 123 Elghfecnth Street. New Toronto, Ontario. Vaccin* For Measies Iln Sight A vaccine agaist measies ïs at last in sight. This mocmentous news was anneunced last month to a Manhat tan eeiiference of virus experts bxy Uarvard's faned ViroiQgistIJohin FraniklIi Ender5, winnier et a Nobel Prize for de- veloping the tissue:ýculture toun- dation on whlch the Salk polio vaccine mas buiit. Measies lias been around se long and 1,3 se nearly universal1 among dense populations that it Is wideiy regarded as an unavoid- able chiidhood disease. But measies is a severe illness, detin- iteiy dangerous for'clildren un- der flrte and fer adults; it eau lead te pneunionia and seVert mniddie-ear infections theugh i well-dIoctored areas these are now contained by antibietics). If can also cause brain Infian-. mation witli high (l10%) m.orfal- ity'and a higlier rate of perman- ent darnage; there is a tulmin- afing (fortunately rare) for-n called lienorrhagic ar black ineasies that swiftly causes deafli. What lias held up tht mien et medicinýe in'developing a, vaccineý against rneasles is the finicky nature et the virus. Man alene sems te be its natural liost. The only iower 'species that can bce ïnfected wîth if are monkeys. For- years, researcher_, reported growing measles virus in other animas orfertilized eggs, ornly te have the submicroscopic, par- ticles vanish. This line et attack proved se disappointing that Dr. Enders gave it up 20 years ago. Witli tissue culture (1949) the picture clianged. Last month Enders spelled eut the -nany in- inensely detailed steps that bie- g an with growlng the virus (frein patients' fliroats or bloed) li human kidiney ceýls. Along th1t way if was tounid that the virus caused sharply detincicd hanigea li tht grewth pattern et thteclse on whicl itI battened, This led te a valuable and simple test for showing the presence et livt virus and aise measuring imniu'n- ity, For thtlilve test i monkeye, Dr. Endlers foÈund, lie had ta get tht animais by air, hot frein the, Pilippine jungle, tc imake sure they lied net been acCidenIta]ly lnfected. Yinally, Rsacir Edr pîoked a virus strain that hiaà gene through 24 cropahI,'hunan kidney celis and 28 lI celis froM tht aniniotie sac . <"bag of waters"). By then, if wouid grow hi f-ggz. He grew six cropa that way and 14in chlek-celIltrs With this end produet he inrecu- lated fresh, measles-t.rec- mon- keys. T1he weakened viru~s iived a-while litei throats but neyecr multlplied iii their blood. Thit monkeys developtd anfibo-dies, whichi, ionflis later, tlll gave protection. Ont major problewn re'mained: te show that the wtak- enied virus, which miglit le used as a vaccine, cannot cause ci.- cephnalitis. Enders' researcli teains at Harvard Medical Scheol anid Boston,'s Chiildren's'iHocspital -arc, ii the ridst of that task, with re- sults te date encouraginig. Even vwitli the id oettht pubi- ll-addressý systern, seft-spokeni Researcher Enders was scarýceiy auidible at last myonth's meeting, But wlien he had fixished, Cmn- cnnati's Dr'. Albert Sabin yelled: "john, you'-ve done it againi!" Tht assernbled virologists b r o k e ~raks' todand cheered lim.- Fron TrIME. Nuo Handicaps For Women A bitter Arctic wvind whipped acrss thie snow-covered field- The weatherrnan had predicted below,-zero temnperatures. Hardy skiers who unfailingly make week -end plîg-rimages te tht bis shivered and crept fuirther under their blankýets ta wvait eut the cold. ,1But the posýsibIity ef frostbitt ago we had ours wasbied at the garage-now it is just as bad again. It neyer fails! The chli- dren around here are busy and happy too-with marbles, skip- ping repes and swings. Running eut without coats-and beiug called back to put thein on. Sleeping babies in carriages are put outsid1e for an airing; dogs are visitin.g back and forth and pussy-cats art on thé prowl. It sceins as if spring la definitely on the way -- and yet it can change overnighit just as it did li the U.S. What we have al- ways dreaded could happen here -, ani- ce-steri, breaking down hydre and teleplione w7ýires, leaving us minus hecat, liglit and water,-mnaybe for days. Not a hiappy thought, and 1 don't sup- pose it is likely te happen, but we shouldni't lose sight of the fact that it could. Well, we are just debating mrhether or flot te get a set et gymi swings for our back lawn, -fer the grandsons, of course. It will be somnethiîng for thein te look forward to when they corne visiting. Daugliter thinks it a grand idea - except for one thing. She says weshall have haîf the' children- in the neigli- bourhood visiting our back yard. Mayb7e - but I can't say I'mn teeo worried. They run around here pretty mucli as they like aýnyway -- just because we let ' therii. I don't like seeing4b littie tets cooped up in a sinali space. Yesterday we had a young fellow corne in wîth a petition for us te sigli-- for, running wvater li this locality, Water to flic east and west of us but we, seern te be in a sort,, e!bllnd sp>ot. It liasn't worried us fteeD mucli because we have plenty of wiater anyway but of course* WC we.re quite willing te siggn the petition, even iithough it imay add $28 te our taxes for t'he next tenr, arsit gees through-. We are gradually getting cdu- cated Ini the ways ef suburban- living. Build a garag'efx mup the basernent, pavPtith driv- way or enclose tht breezeway and yOu have about $30 clapped onm te your taxes. On tie f an we did pretty wefll as wt like-d and ulA fwax a ne w barn or an addition te thtelieuse thert wpsn't to much , %ad about ;t, But hIazauburban die- tritt thmr, Is thtpaningb4ard, zoz11ing bylawm, building per- nats and Oth., r d-taptg. It ntma an awtL nisanc4eat times but without It thet coti- tryside w,,culd look likt s.crazy patchwark quült, Dramatize yeurbdronwt tlie bruilit spiendoýr et fi i pteeck dtsigxi. Combine rv4 blues, gree-ns, lb-onze; accem~ with g1llftering metiallic tfliradÀ Fascinaflng, fun te embr-older.ý Pattern 893: transter e of ls 34x 13 and J15 X 18 liches. Senrd THIRTY-FIVE CENT (stanips caninet lieaccepted; us -post ai note for ;aatety) for thLe pattern te, LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eighteenfh St., Newe Toýrontio, Ont. Print, plairnly tfI PATTERN NUMBER, and you,ýr NAME and ADDRESS. As a bonus, TWO compiete patternsý are prnited riglit in our LAURA WHEELER Needîccrafa Book. Dozens et other designa yeu'Illwant te ordtr-teasy tas- cinating handwork for yo.iirseit your home, gi ta, bazaar itemL. Send 25 cents fer youtr copy OM fhIs bois teday! TINICLETOES -P cying by ear iolesn't ,seern much when you consider ballerifia D u s a n k a Sifnio's piano feat in London. Actually, she's more concerned withn making ag pretty picture thon pretty music. The Yugo- slav heauty is studying at 1h. Royail Ballet School in t h l British capitatl. This rnorning weý saw somne-. thing, very beautiful-somrething we Ld not seen from lier. be- fore. Fron the living-room win- dow wQ saw a narrow strip of silver across the horizon to tht, eouth. It glistene£d and shîi- m-ered like qulck silver. For awhile w,- were -Ystified. And then w, kziio. It wae the bright sun gleptriïing on the waters cof Iaako, Ontaxfe, On clear days wet ran always see tht lakQ but generilMy only aw a mass of .leg~y nmerging with thé aky. This was different, R()w ofteni, 1 ehought, w. see beauty only~ am a fleetlng image, Here for awhile and then genie comnpletc- ly. For instance- tht sun is novw higher iii the heavens se that it is nô longe-r refflected ini the bliat waters.xIn that sanie WRY we someýtimes se* the passing beau- ty of a raïnbovf, or the myriad colour-, of the Northern Lights, or an unusually gorgeous sun- rise or suaset. Probably in na- ture we miss more (A its g101Y than we see-m-rore's tihe pJty. "Tht, blue of heaven i_% greater than tht loud"-so we are told. If we f ail te realize it, itmy b-- throiugýh lack of1 opportuxiitY --or lack of vision. The fariner tilling is flids sees more thaýr the business mani driving his car. But even the fariner sees less than hie did at one tne. A tracter requires more attention tlian a trusty tearn. And -no mani cani look around while he is, baling hay -- net the way he could when he was coiling hay in thle old days. We even rnS~ a lot of beauty wh.iei we go_, dr.ivirig through the county-at least the driver does. He can't dirive safely and be watching the scenery teo. And if lie is a f ast die his passengers don'Vt sete much either,_. But there is, stili walking-the ideal way of seeing tht courtry. Partnieris doîng quite a bit of walking these days-tryilng to keep down the extra pGeunds he seens~ to be accumulating. And .lie generally cornes back witb littie odds and ends îif what he, lias seen or heard. Today -It was swamp-frogs -- heard for tht first turne this year. And a robin that 1Lie heard but lnt sec And after loolking the garden ove? he told me I hiad better ,get sornie peas and be-ans next time I go shopping. ]Doesni't thiat sound wonderful? 0ft course a late frost miiglt iip the beapLs but it's wbrth taking a chance. Already the spring floweringý bulis are showing their crowns througjh the soi!. But if they sur- vi-ve it wîlýl be a won-.der, be- cause our cW.t and the puppy nexýt door secin te think thAat outside planters were Just mnadef for their convenience! Spring milust certainl'y be stir- ring- up quite a bit of activity. This week1-end al1rnos'ýt every mann -iarud hereba been busy whighis cai A few days GI. ELVIS-Rock 'm' roîl singer Elvis Presley,- teen-agers' ido' and the ermy's pr',)perly foi the next two yecirs shows off th4 latest faishion in Army fatigueý uniformns ot Fert Chaff2et. An. r k Modern £tiquetf, by Roberta Les Q. After spending ~wc-1 vIsit at a I riend' hem#, should 1 address sny bread-ag- butter letier te ber or to het mother? A. To her mothier. Q. At what age should 1 be- gli teachlng my three-year-MI4 sont te rise in the presenûe 1 women zuests? A. When he is about five or lm îtI proper for the man h cross ln front of the wOMaM white they are walkint togetIk- ,er? A. No. The womnan should hav4 the right-of-way whenever pos- sible and -the man should cross behind ber instead of ln front1 of ber. Color Adds Glamor -71-1-