Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1958, p. 8

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GRONO WmEKY T ¶, 1 UR-SDAY, APRIL 3, 1958 k k k j- j- k k k- k k k 1- k j- k k k j-- k k 1- j-- j- t- -t-- k-- j- k k k j- k k k k k- k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k 5- k j- -t- k k k k J,- k j- -t- k k k k j-- k k k k k k k k k k k 'j- k k K' -fr k k k 1- k k k- k k k k j- k k 3- j- k k 1- k k k k k k k -J- - 4, -i 4- ORYONO WErfiEKLY TIMES 1AZberei U asSeCeml a CU» a& l'ut ffc D.1sp"tumtO*tav ]eudew. R, A Farruar puIthoe. I. Q. erreosf Enchantmient 0f Spring A I)ng withbins, roc:uses and burstirsg Suds, cornies thte desire for everyone to efljoy the atmiosphere of SLp2i4g ainh great ouixors. This tiie- of year, possbly ca ermor enlinten than does any other period of the weve imonth.s.-1 < The isherman draSns of lange ienuties who miay e % aWen rechidencelathe deep sel 'pool of the local teaseven thinglh it bas neyer ben known to be so. T'he gaAmoem àloks over his vagetahle and floweor nidenaý, with p , cm o(At oioxious weeis, and visins of foiage and bloom for the coming sujner mnonthea.vn chairs and loungey talke on a new <xSt o pint and agini invite a thought of Iesurely ours that could Se spent in the refreshing evenings Of the midycar qi-otts. Everyone As insfpird hy the awakening of nature mis it pushes forth every styring and ce alike sot -new go>als of noeernent in our indhliduen iedsle it a hobby or a bus- Mnes.Itis a time of year when life yrpings anmew. Locatluhme0wners 'prepare to iniiprovetdie appearance of thir pr-opeties mind look çforward to more Pl1anit sur- roundinigs. In t1hîs the OncChaiher of Gomminerce will, at ai kar r1date, support ai rn i~nand program cf "Paiat-up, Clean-uup Wek4Juist ano.ther, reasorn why Orono is the BEIST p4aceto live. Interfezrance In Car JExports Quidte a furore lias îbeenr created by a recent repoirt thab a certain Carnadian a'utomdhbile conpany "was refused the right to seil auto(niohuipes to China because the law cf the lLUited States requires, Canian,-x subsidiaries of U.S. co- panies to oltain a ..S. expoiit license to spgoods Vo Coin- nunist cauntrles That is the sbatement which lias been giveil vilde puhlieiy, and ruas heen broughüt o the, attention of the This story epprenlor$gnated with George Burt, Cn dian UW1ýcor o the United Altomnobile Wcrkerus. He chnnged that theFord MoorCa 4)n f Canada c-ould have soldu1000 cae ianCina ut for- the ,United States regula- ties. heteror net he hAd any infof5unton other Vlan tha~ emeatlug fri fin 1Mn. B1urt, Agricult-Jure lVliister E)arkness and Trade Miister o f L chefederal cabinet repeated it, and prmse ha t14here would be a bhorougli investigation to sA e ut the u uth of the atter. If tce posiio as Wstae is verifed by Officiailinvesti- g-ationù Vl vostnt s iset!iiunrWIlhave Vo ie doue ,about it AVart frovi the agrement between lB!Utan, the Ljnte Stua icaand a ,ticiey will flot ýsi1ppy any s1trat- egivcar mAatoriab a GVo- îiuis-countVr, Lt rcisu ne- rea- ,,o-n C ~i'Greian rerports e'of oher muteias hould Se aLdtedj he'ause of Unite-d States restrictions. Canada has beau seilinug goi o Csu Cni h iina.for somne ine. This coiti h~ wl~en (l h'2yu ,ýa bluyer ocf Cari.adiain wheat. I i oiut' C i ft lie -1omdas a buyer cf Canadian nuu< îol~cu f hu't cantr wat' O bliy heiti. Un4 as toy le earfulà o~, in cominietirg on this wvitboiut gsure Of all t,-e faets. 'Thiss evident lun the QnLIe siubject miade by, E. H. >Walker, pr-esident am4cr nra mngeof Genetai Motors ouf Canada. -He said bc bheiieed Ceneral Mlotors would seIlicars A Chna if the o~pz-u1itypreseied iusel, but he addc-d the rider that ha ,would 1have te look inthVe exact legal Qsiti~ion before giv- img the defiitealsver ~That is-,; au off icial govern!iiient investigatoýn into the qesi l aboley nweesay, and sliould be un- deitaken ý-ithout delay. It would be preposterous if Cana- dah rigÉ1 to export any product mnanufacturad in this court- try, other than thosa we have inentionedi as beîng covered by agrepreetsu, sic<uld bhe Labridged by rgulations of the Ufnited Statar gýoverl'inen t. wav-ible fly, a pestwhh causessei uafiancal losses, every year, Coiun- inl o f Veetuwlships have alt corne tune or otien rigthe past teei yearr passed by-laws plaing treabmnent on a cornpuLseny bss -The fîy layas eggson he fla-nks cof cattie durnug the sprig and early summner mentIs, the e-ggiâWninbÎg ito tiuy larvrae yohih penetrate the hide. During the nesoýt nina or Van monVhs hey niigrats througi- the oola f their hests. Jmier Young Feonple TéeRIW fiscussirn iThe ragular metngof rho Junior Young Peopl)e on -March 30 stnrted ith a1)vgsongle yMn. Foýrd, fol- ou~ y tesceayrand tesr er's report. Groutps were ciosen for, a Bible Quiz and PanouninaQuz fol- loýwe ýby a. discuss,ýionI and thýe meet-IU il)- mas cýlosed mivth the 'ýBelledliction. RLImIember Vthse icss-nNgi fol' par-ents -ýaid teenlagers on tIc Sund-ay aftsr Easter, April IBVi. Jiini Garan-sby mii e the Master cf Cere- moisand Vhis tirme both. sides mwili hava a, chance Vo ;ask questions. 'Al- otihrnthilug his monti l.q e, ýbp l}n)ive o0u- Afpnil -kh %hici fro n nomv onl willb ha on Vie first Saturday cf Vr ponýt tIire Youung Peope; an~d uyV o mnonth. Se dont forget Vo help 'srp- have Vhe papers utside bis door 50 Vebeys can easily pick thei up. i 11ORTICULTIJRAL from page 1 in ge a.Mr. GilSanrt preovida do&or prizs w-ich were woenby Oins. S. Bro-wn and Mrs. K. G'sy PotVed plants gave a leck forul toi the roemn, a-ad an Orcbiid grown by MNrs. Gaiuey creuted spscial inte-j. est. 1 Remearber he Siping-iiurhaisfe List i.5 now availaible and you-n orders- shotild Se lu Sy April 8. L Stove .1FEE DELIVERY PRONE 'White PBikh Tîees ta cluus us. Vhiik a!nd IVIhigI anAd arTre 3' te 6' u-(o and fuIt. Nourmaun tstinR, Stouffviîlle, One w dn x7 Coniibintaf pDoor' and nine ou wnow, lu good condition pl!y John u son, phione TIc ue 'ddJfllvs andVRebekah H-ail Tî ste-es are holding' j, w Pandc Duance iti heir Hall on Siurdiay, Ap- 10 aIablePrizs,/g enajway. VIe m5ic0Aeiai li ~er perron,. Spa liN Te: e Dr-aw tickets have2igraveran.r la hat tiay sta-Ve 10 - 0,00 bi ud 10 - $10,00bis Kial stetW he selling onruy ing. ~ fýý upoad requ-ipmeiitr fori.-te KepAlI V+b o attend, ~Sr ~ and Vn prcgra-m s~bsoed y ieW.A. Wie United Chuvujh. Adelission auts 75e. and chi~ISn n a 12 5.- c- F9y l s F Phne 1 2 Oriono J'.adaT1oe P PER COLLECTOVX"' WitFî thpe , - ým_ 1 ; eOLA$SIt 1F'IE SIOTION P7eople v I111hold a a j vhàs Satujrday ýApril 13ti else try to e have the ,papers o d by orlem.F SL FOR SALEI se) the b 1ýsuca sily pick them 13 Go cd baled1 mik-ed Hay a'd Glover, ENGAGEMENT never goV any ia i . Seveni rocm i hsul borick, hows, ah lvMr, and MrsFeerc . nsCarl Todd, p nbie Cl &ke 15:Q convenience, weI 11ladsaped, large FrdrfkC ýD-sc-p lawui, on Same 1 Vres roed apart- ofOsluauwa wisp Vo announae tiee en- mnent, ail ccnliaces, jafo workshop gagement cff eir daughtep, Darlene and garage. Nh rea iable offer ire- Ana Vo Mn. erald IRo rt éýlcRaiuey, iR mS E use. . Cs-, 21. ,Hope 'St., North soit of Mr. an IMrsc Eryîn 1iainey cf llanfrew ýýCq k S e with w'*nn!111g Porlt Hope bc Orono. The aina wllltilace oven ufi cuteCari, le seen on lVay 3, 19 3 clchN-SL. aler :0p Andrenvs Cuch saa. a-p AupyJo Ust r . a-p jFR SALE" RUÎER OR --Bo~b audry, 1 SLE G Rry i, u nd La in. (neAd -aepeVoauca 35Areil roe rick bunse, BW od RI8 oo - the irth tersn ulsRletfunn a ,3orgrgL. at~~~ ~~ OihaoGnnl pital on MarChshpBaea us, raePt 2'7th, 1958. - 1,0,tre-e oiXsTrs.H ORSL Oce mile west roo. Phne 16410. Quantity oef fist cass nîi d hay, WarIs iyTretmnt . -p 310 cents a bale.- Necessar> Dtring ApUI Bic oiRseAun , je en W.~~~~~~~~ PWasonaroLv upctd5ro 1m -, Vilebatinocn, ciU WStock henjed. lu Iiiete ses Nn. Comm]lissionler, raid today tint fa- LtM. li Bt y .. en in 271 fahunships M llsouc it k-,Phone Fi tBe 167fte 6 a-c1

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