Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1958, p. 6

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I4IRSTj * thus;iasm will return, and you e wifl know the joy of creating *a hobby of your own. *1 prediet that soan your *rolmwill have disappear- * d, and you wifl now fe - *deep relief that the present *temiptation has passed, The *resulting peace will bring its *own reward. WOES 'OF 15~ 4Dear Anne Hlirst: 1 arn 15, and a 19-year-oid- boy -1lkes me. I lost interest in hilm, and tried ta have hlm date xny cousin, who is attracted ta hl.It workcd out- -But now whien 1 sec them tù- gether I get jealous! '"Shall I get intcested ini s6mce- one else? - C.P' RIDING HABIT-Dresseci in a nuWvs habit, actress Audrey Hep- burn bicycles past ci group of natives in Stanleyville, Belgian Congo. She's costumed for her rais in "The Nun's Sory", being filmed on location in Africa. One wio bas at somne limre îearnt ta swim, or ta ride a bi- cyce never quit. forgels the art. He rnay be out af practîse but lie doesn't f orget. And thiat sems to apply ta farrniing as well. Once a fanmer alwaysa frrner even if the hands, ate no longer actîvely engag-ed ini doing far .chares. The interest le stiUf there. That seerns tla be~ the way with 1artner anywý%ay, Why ee shoid lie taise lie-,trouble fto ride in the cab af & milir-tanis trucks and find out for binrseif just what happens to tiec iiihk shipped in bllk ta the dainies? Just before we hft the lai-m tiere was quite an* agitation ta induce dairy farinérs ta "go tank" inistead of shippir.ig mis in cans. At tic lime it scemecÀ ta us like a Iremendous outlay for equipment, more than a hundred-acre f armcr couid af-. ford. But nowi the idea lias real- ly caught on and in sanie dis-. tricts farmers shipping ta lýcal daïines are tic onily one wi,7o continue ta use cans, chilcd in a mli-cooler befon. siipping. Ofne of aur farmner neighbaure ;s a munli-trucker and goes by here nearly eveny day sa Part-. ner arranged ta ride witl.ih hl one one of bis trips. Partner al.- ready knew bow buhhc milk was handied athe l ari but lbad no idea what liappened alLthte dalry. Here, is bis account. At tie dairy wbere hie wenî Ibere was roorn for Iwa tank Iruacks ta back up bita tbc build- ing and stop at a gîven spot. Here a plastic base was con- nected ta the tank nozzle. A xotor was then started which dreîv, the mnilk fromr the tank and foi-ced il into a vat on, scales wliere it wam automnati- caly weighed. From hthere tbe mnili, went inta the processing plant. Whilc Partner was there thirec tanks, carrying about six tonýs af milS wreempticd, wvashed, and out agairt in about ithirty minutcs. And in that tine Partiier nqýver s-aw, one drap of mnilS! As soon as a tank was emipty a mnan dropped into it tiougli a manhole aI the top and thor- ougbl1y wasbed anid scrubbed the inside oIflice tank. Alter lic came out the tank, was insed again. Ther a sterilizin-1g coi- pound was forced int the tank, and sealed. Then tic trucker went ta work, liosing and wash- ing dw the oulside of hie truck, and it wass ready for tbce ne-xt day. i Waiting at thie hoading raî-p lier. were also quitei a large numiber of sinaller trucks readly ta picik up tbeir daily quota af sani-seal packages and bottilea ta be deivered la lb. Stores. T-hus the wholle process is ac-. complishied with spee-,d and ef- aciency and frani 1h. tume1h. ,jiilk leaves tie cows' uddcre at lie various f ans until il 2eacies yovr doorstep il is flot once touched by human bande. FEKtraordinary,e,îsn't Ïit? flow different from - a f w years ago.' Do you remembe-r how allen ï'you lound a certain ~axourit of what appearecd ta k. dirt aI the, béttei of & milk bottle ? In tact a smiallpercen-. tage f sedimentation was al- lowci by tie Health a-uthorit'ey as il wasn't tliought passible that mnilk could b. dclivercd 100% pure - as it- is btoday. 1 aise rerenber Ihât if a new hired hanclwere engaged among Otherqulestions lie was gener-. ..ly askd-l. If he could milk, and 2. If lie were a "ýwet" or "dry-hand xilker." Partner àiev- er alawed wel-band mthlking in is stable-for whici 1, was veryJ' lhankful. The. very thought of it used ta make me feel sicis. 1But yet ih was qui.I, a counnon, practise when we fist started farming. A lot of fanmere claimed il was better for lb. caws! Apparently little tiought was given ta the cansumners and liaI was ýbeforc the dayq aI enforced pasîcurizatian! In the old days peopie MusI certaily have devehoped a sort of immu- nization otierwisa lubercuhosi.n and unduhant lever would have been miore ceinnion tian liey were. Reniemee, taa, how chil-. dren used ta love to be arcound at mnilking lime ta get a drink of warm mrilk straigit frarin lhe caw. Ugli . .. I used ta wonder bow lhey cauld drink il! Yes, looking back over aur lhirîy-.six years of farmiing it lsecxtraordinary ta note the~ changes Ihial have taken pla4ce _-.and most of tiem a decided iniprovernent froïm a saliitary point af vicw. But ,dan't farget ahli these improvemnents are re- flected, and are a part, of the increase in aur present day cost aIo living index. We pay for 1 vhaî wve get, whelher il is -ln 1lbh maS. and texture of, a ne-w dress or thie ixnprovaod quallity ai tch& mýlk we buy. nie same applies ta eggsý. Reniýember wien liens used ta scratch for their living and thie egg-yolks werc, dans and allen sineht and lasîed quite strong? The eggs we gel now are iglit in cohour, nild in flavoul' but lie price w.e pay for them i.inchudes charges, Ipi- shippingl, candling, grading and somatinies delivening. Ali tbe faimer gels is lb. cast of pro-. ducing lb.eggUs, whicl i icludieeý lhe cost of raisin- the hens fri ciicken-.bood. Canadian lasses o n wvi- I c battle-.fielIds of th. Second WonidI War totalh ed aven 40,000, In the sanfie period 8MO00Cainadians died ço' cancer on Itie homne ront. Lost WiI-Is It Bobbing At Sea? witli net and lner beau ana P x#rlc-nd of biýs. W. had a fine ,*venlng, and lie gave nme a tre- r endaus lift. Since tien he and 1have been going outI alten la- gether; up ta now I've been a, good girl, and, of course, intend tstay Ihat way. 1 just see-nita need fun, but 1 amrraLly ba3dly confused - ~'Tou see, Annie lust, I do't wvant uny husband ta Sind out, I'd like ta knaw what you think atbout it ail. WORRIED" ]PLAYING- WITR FIEE *It îs your sense of guilt that *confuses yaù. Yoi.u know your *husband wouhd not approve *of yaur dating an.yy man-par- * icularhy Ibis one,- for you say *'y.e beeiu a good girl," whici * zeveahs your feelingr for i *better than lhe words you did, *not -write. Subcoriscious"ly you * nticiaeth e srt of ni-anosi- Mroderm £tîqvotte by Roberta Lee Q.When a girl becomee c... gaged, te Il proper for her t* Show bier ring te h*à trlends, or tO watt for them to ask to See it? A. Except in the case of very good friends, it is better for her ta wait for someane to notieg the ring- befo v holding up lieq hand and displayinig it. Q. When oee S 4dlning ait a club wherc there is da»ehInZ what should be don.e with tle napkin when rtsing to dance? A. Lay àt anfolded on th4 table beside the plate. Q. What le tthe proper way te eat an apple at the dinner table A. First quiarter the apple, anï theni, usîng the fifDgersý ,pea cad quarter. Love jiest LUnes PRINTED PATTERN ~Wtch out for a bottie kokb -ing anv the waves tbis Spring. Therc's a chance it cauld bring yau $5,000 a m-onth for lhf e plus a useful suice of a $6,000,000 for-, tunetý An ot-o-ýrk mari bas a!- ieady found 5uch a botùle and legal exp)erts /bchieve there, may be another get-ricb-quick botIe flaating arcoind. This arnazing prospect hinkes cn the "lostwill" of Mrs. DaîLýy Alexander, the Sinýger sewt9 machine heiress. Wben shc dîed in 1939, exppctant benef"ia; e searched the gaunt, e1npty mari- -ion in Grosvenaor Square whe sbéý had liv 'I al9ne. zýiex-arr-y seràeant-maj~or went over ev 1-y i :h of ,h e house with a ie-detector, probing'f or a sale or som, ther secret rceptaéle beneath the plaster or filaoboarcs. The oxt4y knrivn> wil wa/'one )Mrs. Alexanderhadsgndtit years earl ier.' Yet she wyas P,- ways talking tof 'makiri.-wi .l,, leaving, lber af'fairs in "-Verfct order - and servants testif:ed that on two occ/asions t-hey had been a-sked to witness. wills. iThen a ya1ung lairvoyacn searched th(ic bouse, running iiMs hands over 1h., wafls tae eiit wbat lie ealled "sympaýth.etic vi.- brations." Thougli le did not find the will, lie scored saonie palpable lbits. Hceliad neyer metDas Alexander beforte lier death, 'but was able ta) describe the way îhe used ta stand ',eide th, fireplace. The lest will, he de- clared, was co\ceaIed in a blacki vaeo a settîco f Ydllow sllk., Whatis12 thie mid.picturs - ifnût of a blac-bottl* an a yelaw beach? in 1949 an uepoe restau,- rant worker narned Jackç Wurrin askilling lim-e oni a Sani trai-. cisc&,beach when lie idly kicked nt a baIlle and n)(.ticed somethin,-ig tucked inside. It proved to e bP, piece of paper w ilh tle words,. 'I leave my entire estate bt th ucky persan who finid2 tus bc- tle, and ta my attorney shart and share alike-. Daisy Alexan-. der, June, 20, 1937." Wurm hthougt Lhe dcmn just a joke, it wag thi-ea monthst Ibefore h. hear& of the 'Londort wM lhurnt and filedl his daim. Then friends Ytemernbered Mr5, .Ahexander's habit of throwing botthes into the sea, wonderiing where they wouhd go.. Experts on cean Current5 testified that a bottIe droppcd -into the Thames -ouId wash ta the E-7nglïsh chaa-. nel, on ta the North Sea, through ïhc Bering Strait mb tiithePacifie ond so=thward in twelve years. Jack Wuarm faced seven yeýarb of legal wranigling before tic wilh was upheld. Now, besid-es is3 share in lhe main- fortune, his dividend from sewing ma- chine stock wil me $75,000 a year. There's stith just a sporting chance tiat Mrs. Alexander signcd 1a hater wlll and flung tiat in turn inito lie ocean. It miay have drifted thousand.s of rmIles. Or it may have remnained tanghed Inwed near home. You icôuld find il aI yrur fee t any Lime! 4792 *4zZV-"-10-20 The "Ezapire-Princess" -- thie smiart Printed Pattern fashiaus the lovediest lunes for your flg~- utc. Graceful dress with scoop nevlk, empire bodice, arnooti flttt.d, flarinig ;silhcniette; haoler. Prinited Pattern 4792: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18> 20. Six. 16 dress and baiera require 4-% yards 35-inch fabrie, Prî.nted directions on eachi paî- terni part. Easier, accurate.. Send FIFTY CENTS (stampm cannot be 2ccepted, ulse posztai note for safcty) for this pattera. Iplease print plainly SIZË, NAME, ADDILESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send çorder ta ANNE ADAMS, Box l, 123 Eighteenth St., New Taronto, Ont. ISSU1E 14 - 1958 WHAT GIVES? - The mairques signs of a Son M atea, Calif., theatre are a bit incortgruou3 os they advertise a maovie "adult.% only" and then a streamner undcrneath reading 'KirJdies Ma- inee Today." Forunateiy parçnts founci ouI t the kidcfle m-atines was strictly -cirtocr,,s so the yý- -D--t d:d-nl !lhavc to miss îi s wezkly moDvis. I ; i zi-

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