Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1958, p. 8

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'IerAune Ilirst: Over two 0years ago 3.I meta gilandti e've been goiug steady ~ve sice.At first she titi not jove me, but hu i -me- she gew , -,arevery much, u Ikp istalliig -iarriage -- because mny awidowed ehe as against il. iThe ýgirl was 1,3ways taîkJdug naia0anti makinig plans, and i id l tku.ow bow1I was hurt- Iurg lher,)1 slould add lIaI I,, ýým 10 Ilye-ars oltier, b)ut we gol ilu odruly; weýve pever aýdn argument, oly a fcw ininor d -i-ffrenices. "I fot engaged at C*-iýi-as. iV o'Lher wvas very mudli up- set, w-ljich rcsulted lu mny feel- ng tatway too, 5ou1Inmade no îimediate plans1. 1,was even oltemy fiîance. "Maifjrne Sb e grew mo1,re andc moeconfuas-diWe lhad 'i good talk, anti she sait sIc wasn't sue h waýjteti lu go tîirouglit xtlI.Ipleadeti, and tiven set w dngdllý SIc aslked for And ý1 now she lias decided flot te mar,,ry me! She dlaimis her lox ecresedsomre timne before, butlie! had feit obliged. She> tr'sno other mani, and thajt se is3fGnd of me bt-'t 'tliats Mo enougli foïrmariage. "kowno-,,,how mirîný(h 1do" Iwoeher. I arntrying drýsirte- lto get her back, pronin any-tinjg. But lier mmdiic seems to be miade Up. "1Do you think ilu time Sew corne to love ME agait'? Or' is there no peI certainly need your advce. ýHURT" MOTH1ER P Vs. FIANCE *Why should the girl want * tomar a lukew,,arm ilover - hohs vaciliated time an(, *again between lis two loal- i ies? She took you at, your *word, and planned lier %red- Sding wt i the f aitli in the ý' world. Even after sbe accept- &W dYou!, you dîd flot set the date. Tliat mnust haýve been t1u theSLststrawVI. 598 All ha oeSet formoe tredibtic)n ai bornes. Simpl ~~~tW oh t w 1î K-ticîsts n le diee r es!g2 1 Novi tlisie wil liaâve "oi-e o f you, you suddenly admit *that she is essential to your *ý happiness. You ar 0sudes- perate you, will poieany- *tig.Why would she be- l" le v e yoCu? *You are- a little late, rny *frienid. t Sin-ce you ask, lowever, ~ thre ae to courrses open: *Let lier alone, and give.lier * lime to find out wbvethe-r you are necessary to lier lappnes * Or, pu-t Doin anactive camjpaigu. * onlt a day pass ,vitliout Somre ,word, aj caîl, a nlote, a *bxof flowvers, Maybe sh ,vwifl le toucliodc, maybe not. *Your mother biudis you w?ýithk t heIrdtoa silver cordi, auid *you h-ave*be weak enoulgl *o tjet lieýr puIll le strings.Sbe *believes lier world 'will end o~ n theo day you take a wîfe. *(Even nw will you le strong *enctugh to li, ouir own if e?) * '~ late" are sorrovful *words. Hl",you have lost îlte *gir, il isbeae she was plaýy- *ing second fiddle and finally * oeup. Tliat was not gooti *enough.'So slie deciareti her *love hlidcoltand su savedi * ler pride. Perbaps lic really * las stoppeti loving you, per- Sliaps n-ot. Onfly slie knows. * My opinion is of no use. It *is hers th-Lý ataters. LITTLE GIRL COMPLAINS "Dear Anne Hirst: J arn ineariy 14, and I 1arn so mad with rni-y motlier I eau liard-' jly bear to speak to lier. There is a oy myage who wanls 10 taike m-e out, buit she won'tlia of 1t, su lie takes out otlier girls! "I have to go 1 o bcd at 9ocok e ven if girl friends are liere. I've been emb,,arr-asse-d so often 'liat now 1 won't see tbemn "don't want to go witli just anlybody, I j ust want a steady bloy friend. Ailmyfied1 bv thrand 'nibeg,,inninig'to bute? tthç. I 1cant talk ith Mr a ,bou,, t il.1don't knoly what wýor-ds 10 say, but it's a relief trte to yo.Wili you lbelpi \1A'D ANDI MISERABLE" * Youýr mother kuuwvs youl *better than aniyonec else, an-d * asý good reasous for lier ules. *n lury opinion, she isrglt * You wiLl be snart lu obey *them aïniabjly, adwibn *argumenit. * lina girl youri age goes, * wilh only one boy she uisuaïliy * Looks idculous. She is likely * lu!et hIer ernlotions run awvay - wil lier, and lu think hiem 'dates are tIc most imnportant 'events in lier life .Tilat isnýt *thec way to) becorne a smnart, * iteestngaud ciattr actilv e *youing woman wuhon, uia few *ycars, tle tnicest boys wilf wauî * ludate. 1 -I know that yourbe-tm 1 hbour embarrasses youl. ff thie * motîers o! youir frieutis- arc * -u scref1ul, île daiyna *corne whenlly wish tleuy had *been... Take mny word for *j and wle you arelaf ew, *yasoldeur yOuu ilbeg - *fui for ïthe;se ules thiat yoý(u *reseu1Ltotday. STiien you ilI smile ai this No elfrspdifggirl V.ill mary a Mama's boy if she kaows il. Jif ae iïilovcl'erisis your smaeetbeart. Otherwise Y ouý irs wil1g? herbsC togY Bo ,123EgheitS O, ede) by bea e a 0 write a îîote ipinees aller e aunouulce- muent lu tIc sîn~eî e, - o e os rnau'Ks n atidi en lu s airea y cx- us nul nu oarnducatu a ion> o! île BEST S.OGAN-Deplaying he r ,work and tie mecd!ii won for ber, Dônna nrreteposesý proudly aftler rumh in the N~ew York Poice AtLecteogue aonnualBotehodPoster Contesi. Donna wcs awarded the medal for the stsikgan at Wold Brotherhlood Headquarlers. iNGERIl ew~zP. ott) r One of our former f armýý neIgli "ours blioneti me the other day and said -- 'YOu ,Àshouit be gl1ad yo-u are nul ou the faminrigît nuow - you wuuld neyeýr liave got, out of. your lane for the drifîs. Anti, becausE ù o! le wnd, it hac- been sci oold aound here tlIaIt Mary. (another neigîbour) bas even been borrowing blan- ke ts!' 7 We can beliee il. We cOn w0l renembier wvhat dmfting sniow roult do tW our long Mae a Ginger Farrn. Ai-i we kno.w h w imrpossible jil-was ta hleat île bouse witî a bîi wintibluwing. -We cctainly du fecI tliauk!ul we are iiv iuglua mureshîwIterwa-- ButpuwtIcpattemu iO! OUr' fam-iiy h as taken. a strangeIý_ tvs.Ever since tliey liave been marrieti Bob anti Joy have been living at Qakvile -- jusI iAU ileýs frorn lere. Somretimels BSol wasworiugat Oakville, corne- ,imies at Cooksvile, wIe-rev-er tle laIïppeneti 'to le need n mSl. Naw le won't be wo rkîngý at cilleýr plant - but at, itn ouly a short distance ro Gingecr Farn, anti for a differen Lupu.Frieudis are now thili- ing w sha reget lving ici I lIe isîqet. hat is pot su bu tlht v,-ill g ive us a beter opr runiy cfkeeping in toucb wilh tlehi_ miier placesý, o!hichi we hve qnyf uitimEmories. At Oakvlle e lenuinteresIt AtMi! ,ltu w uwa tcl tIc prgesof Higlwnay 401 antide ~ut îa appenis lu the oid f t amn till be wnderfL for usadBob W_11 enjoyben lis fr~i's pï Sebouimates. i~ n cIs sun's fisst irîïkl- Thee ls aso ee H ec en indu atr ' amly Jry e ~ Tbev wr i een île ds 1 fics i pw eui Dave ani Dave asieligquite prout -llad been P(,l "u tIcdetiot Jor lthe firtlie atiwas elsueniuclf o aurowu lih fairs ,ýý- imporvtnt o LuS b ut net uM wuldsîaking gsio foiaé. But ilerewas an item. 0fnws[ aIweklIhaI may oC, imO tant luailo! us aI sOaine nie.r terwdrcty rindi- î-cly i an k gý,ouducs i, lad nulIoludo wtbatoin Noîs uti missie o tLr unin apbeo dsryv antidolseru tube sed lu cases o! brain 1haemp11Irrlage oi thrxnoss.Use asau nj- tion it gues luowomk jimediatelyý dlissolves tle blood dlot and gives the patient a gooti chance roi recover. It is a wonderful pie(- of uews; reassuring liîlth u l4ps o! pèoleufeig!o hiîCl biood pressuare-whliC5, icidenlally Includes mysel!. Ji coursc e be ave 1luo emernber th.-at lui somne cases an un! or- tunate2 person may be strickFil ,uite suýddenl 'y anti be beyonti lip before a dloctor can eveil lie calleti. TIche OIrincarri-t restore l! e, but if 1 interpreï its. uses correctliy ilcansav îilves if a doctor, readlies a P- tient before il is tua laIe. Wlal au ag we Ilve lu. On the, une bau-td destructive forc s blujilding up ailmost e' rywere o0n tic oller liaud mried i cai ecen-1ce coutý 'inually makiug dlis- coveries lu ,relieve sUffering andi prolong 1fe.Discuveries Ihat pertain tu animnal as weli as luman 11f e. Years agu if a cow got,, -evrthere xas lutile Ch5ance o!flber )eoey o île "et" amesalorg, gves Bossie a shol o! penicilliný andi before yenu know il shc's Vp o b-er f cet atain. TIc same geels for a cal! wý,itl "tIc scou-rs". 1,u years gonle by nMany a pour 11111e ca!dic f home remiedies faie tuulbring about a cure. Now tncr,, iare, auti-biutic-S for this andt Ult LANNUE1IHRSTj aéni4 1!ujâ do nd a Caiflibas littie Ption e- cep), to grow\ and tirive. Thanký goodue2ss, in tlie case, of aý male, he doesn't know that le ie nay later appear as veal cutiets )rn somnebody's dinner tab1ce Th2 f ernale bas a better time. Sh-e Ls olten aillowed to mature and produce lier off-sprîng year afteýr year. She may. know the joys of rnotherhood by havin, lier caif stay with lier. On the otlier liand she may, vuevcr see lier baby a-s tlie caif ?rnay be taken away frorni lier directly it is born and fcd -by liand. At Ginger Farn it was sometirmes donc one wa,, someitimes the nthr, depending upon liow badly-we needed the etamik. Itwa always a great grieft o me when B ossie was nt al4we(J to kcep lier calf. An-d Ilie poor littie cal! - neyer to f eel th1-e caressing- motie-tnge icking her.-liead 1 and cars. HowI wiSh - as it opce musit have been - f.arrniug,ý foliowed os$y naturc's laws cosraisin,- their owncav, foal runingwith them.es hefis roarng the ordhard, eachi with a Clutch l cik;e with tir iarbs and a SOW wih Coîurse,, faringii is, now abu- nes.s - and Iamn a sentimenta idealist -wn it cornes to countryý living'. So gluess ti uta wlweare nu longer activeEy egedin farming. TIce coin- imerdiai side of it neer did apD- peýil to meo. if we liad - f arr-ned 11y wy ewould cranyhv gonle broke! Modem Yi ouai An 1 MotUnromnantic Wl)iere dlid you propose to your: wi ?It's one chance in fourý that you were sitting- in a car when you pDpped thle question. Pa least, that is wliat Dr. Paul, Popence thinks Iollowïvng a study1 of oVer 1,00013rriag-le pr-oposais., The m-rodlem iyuung man is mnost uurvomantic. .In the.oldenrdays lie would f ail on bis knce, look rapturously intu lhis girl's eyes and imnplore hcer to be,.his bride. Toaaccording toDr Popen- oe, he wanders windlowv-slioppi.ng with lier and w,,hile they stare at fuarniture lu a showroomn windowv he is as likely asfot to say. "Hwsabout youl and mie fixiflg Uýp a little ov nest?" Dr. Popenoe, as 'hea-d of Ilie l'os Angeles Institute of Farnily Relations, studied 1,181 nmarriage proposais and fPouud tliat 25 per cent were ade ilu motor,~cr whileIe couple were pre s'ornewbierc. Prýoposais made in ie girl',- home camre close to motor car proposais witli a totalofl 23 lper cent, while proposais on theý street, lu restaurants, parks and. lunullier public places accounted for 20 per cent of the total Holiday time is not quite sc) dangerous for the baclielor as sonie people believe for only 13 per cent of Cthe proposas ana- lyseti by Dr. Popenoe were mfati1e W, 11le on holiday. Parties, dinners andi dances may be places wbere romanrtie attach-ments; are mnade but cer- t ainly tliey are not condïucive to marital ties, for orny 10 per cenit of al marriage proposais were mnade at sucha everlts. Did you send your proposai by w v.ire or. letter? if you fiid you f ail Jito a dass by yourse lf !or the modern maIe is too 'bash- fui to vwrite or wire-only 6 per cent o!f the total proposed lu thim wva y, The odd-rnan-oiit wlio proposes 4523 A jiffy Priiýled Pallerul. HaIf- Sizers ýý- bok su smnaml luthise brightü, breezy style. Sew-ea-TY -nu oside opening Just uinbut- ton shouL)dcxs, slip il o n quirk! Cul lutofit the shorter, tfuller - gure. Print 'et pattemu 4523: Ilaie Sizes 14i/2,16,- 8,201/, !'?!A. 24 ½-, Size 1P' re-quires 4ï% yards 35-indli !abric. Printeti directions oen c pattera part. Easier, accujralte. Senti FORTY CENTS (41 (stamps cannot be acceptet; uie postal -note for safetLy) for Ie patternu. Please pin l pan SIZEi NAMýE anti ADDRE8B& ni STYLE NUMBER. Senti, order lu ANNE ADAM~ Box 1, 123 Eighleeuth St., -N.1 iToronto, Ont. ti'ha,'he Wendebaorm triplets are a lUtie shor-t al thyfoion a cko ini~i Dallasbome. LefI l rihf la ena while dse~gb aaht orj while prodd ing ý,a 1lin ias cage is a rarity, for oil 'Y 3 Per cent of the total a nUmhe0r'of Px'ý- posais aalse ewre munusuaI, i:kc the coupmle wlio mefnt rccently and went roiler skcating.. The youjng man, hloding the gir! baud and raptulrously looking inito lier ceyes, gave lie-r a-ri i- gagemnrt ring as, thcy skate4.. To cap that, tliey werc miarried as tbcy skated around an arena witli a parson o)n rollers skating WILD) AND WIDE, Hassanein Meictwali, of Alex- aendria, Egypt, bLew bis top whecn lis fiaucce 'cont-iniued cliidiug liirn, about his -iear-sIghtednes,- Whipping ouI a revolver liefItrl twoshots at lier at a rangýe about two feet-and, miss;ed bot!i Obey îlte traffic sagns -te are placed there f!Or OJ PRITEDPATTCERN

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