Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1958, p. 7

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ThIlere May bo somne argumrent &4 to vwetber or not there is nedistinct race of Canadians,. Eut no onie will deny that we have a distinct c-limnafe. Infc, me have several climatesai E anadian. For thaf reason the £1lGwer and vegefable seeds wYle Rww and the nursery stock we plant must be specially selecfed for Canada. Something that May give wonderful results in Eng- t;lnd or Virginia or the South seas1 tould lie a terrible flop hiere. Wbeni one selects seed from a. Ca- nadian seed catalogue, one caln ke sure that that-seed is suitod o Canada, that, in moSt caseS, it kais been field ested unde-r ac- tuai Canadian conditions and is *orpecially bred for our shlort TDUt quick growing cirnate. LAWN WORK EAIRLY The rnew gardener la f0tocuc inlined Vo rush thse season and(î get ouf dligging bardly beforo te last SnoxV, drifts have moîlt- 1d. Much m'ore barm than good resuits from this haste wvitli mest gardon jobs. But thecre is osmo wo cari hardly start f00 soon. That is ropairing, rebuild- inig the lawn, or s-tarting a brand slow onie. Grass grows best when tfh e weather is cool and moist andi ' he sooner the seed is planted i the spring the btter. 0f course, we Cani't or shouldn'f start o make or dîg while the roil is the ioast bit niuddy. But "eon before the lasV snow goes 'ne can Put up a wire around Vite lawn o protect it from w-andering children and &ad lf s w-,ho sbofldV know btter, Thon, ;t littIe iater we cari îmoothl out î>ny burrps and f ili any boes ~ ire-seed. Witb the new lawn to-be, too, we should start ra-king and ievelling just as -,aon as the soil is dry enough. ýGrass, it should be rueembered, 1ýi a plant just like a« flower. orý vegetable, and if we want it Vo 416 well, we plant the best seed .available and in good fineai FOR AN EARLY START About this timoe in the cooler, parts Of Canlada e? rvhee the Peal spring 500111 to -have been wxnduly delayed, onte car, get aj head start by rowing some seeds cef the enderer sorts of flowors endi vege table in sliallow trays or flower pots andi putting in a >unny window. With a bit of lack and if we follo-,w directions, we ean get a substantial supply et sýt.rted plants, such ias zin- nias, marigolds andsu ich tl'ings in the flowers and toratoes, peppers iant even a f ew extra tary Meons inte vegtble Uine. These boxes shoulti be watered frequontly andi turneti irounti frequenly so that te plants do' not geV spindly. WOT TO» DEEP One of te corm-tonest Mis- taites of the new oaridener is o plant fuar too deep. Littbe seeds lilce that of aster, zinnias, por- tuba, alyssumn, letfuice, carrots, andi so on, is mierely pre-ssed in thse ground with perhaps a iny bit of thse finest soil or sand NAME YOUR BRAND - WeIi branded îs this telephone booth .;n Tucumcari, N.M. What ap- pears to be "Greek" iettering on the glasslof the booth is in reality îthe cattie brande in use throughout the area. Every poy phone booth in Tucumncari 's decoraited with the brands to let visitons know that they reai- y are in cattie country. ZETA Bedazzles Watctiers Outside there -was snûvw.The roads were covered with a sheet of ice. Traffic, eut adrift froma time, gi ngerly feit its delayed andi darkéning way across Berk- sbire. Inside H-arwell, in a, concrete shelter in a onetime aircraft hangar, Britain's H-power ma- ~chine ZETA lit in, perfect safety a wihirling nuclear fire that flared for a fraction of a second at temperatures a thousand timres as bot as the surfacé of the sun. Reporters -- more rep)orters than the Harwell Atomic Energyý Research Establishment had ever seen before at one timie- saw the flash in a mirror, dark- lY. WheY groped for under- standling and the words to con pass it. The cdock said it was 4:15 p.m. The caiendar said iV was Jan. 23, 1958. These were but partial facts. Toý the reporters it was just 1another day, yet also obvipusly a ie-w bour in a new P.ge. Wbich was confusing. Swimming in an, ziftLed lîightly over. Bi.gger seeds like those of peas, ho ans aý nasturtiumns sbould ho plantod about haîf an inch deep, corni and beau, an inch dep nd potatoes, gladiolus, dahlias- six to eig-ht inches deep. MIAKE THEM WORK "It's pseless sowinig seeds Vwe foot deep," Fothers advised bis neighbour over the gardon.fence. "I know,' was the reply, "but :t annovs the biýrds." abtrsesa, they clung Vo the ewladfacts hey hIad graspjed. WVithin a yenr ZETA. w'll fair srasthe temperature nol On thfe surface but at theý way cen- ter uf the sun. The sun burnsII there at 115,00U,00 degLrees cen- tigra-de. ZETA n'iay ge oVo5. A new British k-puwer mfi chine is about Vo lie bu ît v'hich is; to touch btenI0Oi000 and ?U0,000,000 ~g.e Thenetsp after tha-t %will lie to deusigni a praicti 'cal therm-i nuclear power staition. This may be bulît in 20',,yeaiY tunie. 'Uhis statioin l ay directly pro- duce electricity,'ciiuttîng out al- together ftho costly and cumiber- somne heat exchangler and steam ýturbine gear of today's A-power Stations. The fuel will be son vsater. Supplies of coal Mfay lasf 100 years, suppieis of uran,-iumn 300, but supplies of deutleri'um (f romn sea water) wil ho available for at beasf 1,000,000,000 years. But the newspaperm-enwaf ed more. They wanted Vo freeze a momen.t of history, too. Just whaf kind of' a mark wvas set on the nighf of Aug. '10, 1957, between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. whcn neutrons ,were thrown out of Jeuteriuni gas heated by Zeta Vo temperatures between 2,00,000 and 5,000,000 degrees Centigrade? HaGd H-power been produeed by Zota? No, said the research- ors, no power at al, 1H or non- What had been done? Let's have te facts, said the nows- moiP-n. LeVt's pin if dlown. The nlatural scientists on te plat.- form of Cockcrof t fall-inicud- ing Sir John Cockcrof t himàself, who 25 years ago discovereti atomic fusion -- smiled and sighed and riod again. Well, asked the reporters one after other, phrasing i, first this way and thon that, was if the f irst- finie a conitrolled thermo- nuclear reaction had keeri oh- tainedti in a laborafory? Wll, n~o, noV exactly, said the natural scientisfs. They ,voüld not dlaim oven that. They we(-re flot sure yet. Sir John said hoe was 90 per cent certain. But no man work- in on Zeta would, on the record, go as far as that. Problom Romains "Woitl, if none of your te- zearchers wili say tbey have donc- it, Sir John,"' one corre- spondent a s k e di plain ive1y, "1will your press off icer perhaps say i? Tension dissoived in a great pulse of H-laugh er. But the problemn remainied. Whâttholin was te-,"remaritable British scientific achievemrent?" Vo u ise Sir Johni Cockcroft's own After aIl, there are ofter mna- chines, as we uow have learneti, in Briain and in te United States whicb have produced tenlperrtures of 4,000,000O, 5,000,- 000, and 6,000,000.0 degrees and mcay also have produced a fu- sion reaction, wtritos John Allen May in The Christian Science Modcnitor. "Look,"' at last said te heati clf the Zefa program, Dr. Peter Clive Thonemari. Hoie bas a deep, confident, patiýent, and amuseti Australian voice, "'Look," ho saiti, "this question, bave we produced a con troled H- pçwer reaction? It's really irre- levant. "We have helrd a ring of gýas inside a metal tube-hield IV there at these vasf tempera- titres wiftouf ît iV elting ifs con- fainer--held it for ce1'ativcjy longÏ ;periods. That is OUT succesa. Wekniow howVo do if. Thaf la our breakthrough. When wo eV up o higher temperatures, as we e il, we are bounid to geV a 'hermronueclear reacion." ZETA'S particular v4ai u e seemis Vo ho in ifsscae.If ;i> easier in Pa big machîie tVo ýeep a ing of star-fire flaring for usefuLl ipe.-jods. Andi ZETA is by far te bigg,1esf piece of expori- mecntal H--power hardware in the world. If w.7eighil, aout" 150 tons. IV stands in ifs sheiter looking like the engines of a ship, a3 great thicit circular mefal tue threaded hiorizontauly through fwo pright circular electrical tranisformera. The diamyefer ()f te tube is one miet or. The dîamneVer- of te circle if makes is three mefers. (The bore of ite tuibe of the Los Alamo:s "perhapsatron" l Vwo inicites.) Iniside thaftuWbe te heaf of te sun la r-epr-oduiced in flashesý of a f ew tho-us-andfths of a seconid every 'en seconds. Tite flash is a ,vhirîngý electric cir-cle of gas and of fired and fiusing atonis, 30 cenitimeters thick, kepf in place and iaway froni te wl of ie tube by the iïnvisýible checkreins andi guiding rids 0f ACZNTS \WANTE1CL GO INTO 8BUSINESS bue fo yur~'tsel] oui hexcti±r wares, wtel;s ad other producta not foind( in tores. No consptition. Prof.. its Up to ý00. Wite now for irea dlential whoIesale price shecet. Murray Sae.381>2 St. Lawrence Mlontreai. ARTICLES FOR SALE 10 Razor Blades only 8~ Double edlged, fine surgical steel. Uncwsditfon- allv guarainteed. No. Cf.0D. We pay potg.Zimxermnan, Box '225, Saxton WIIOLESALE! liollow ground doubla edge RïLzor Blades. Top Quality! 100- ,$100 200 $1.7.5, 500 -$3.75, postpaid. Refundable! John P. Martin, Wterford Worlss 12, New Jersey. BAB'? CHICKS YOUR, best market - eggs broîlers, mieat Birds? We have the right chicks for them. Eggs - pullets ,neludting Aines ln-Cross, bred for mpaximumn pro- ductiôn. Other choices. Broilers? <(Order March-April), See Local agent or contact Bray Iatchery, 10 John N., Hamilton. BIRDS CANARY Breeding and Care, ques-. tions answered, for 3 dimes, self adi- dIresseri envelope, Flow to sex birds, 10Iva Thom,, RO. Box 349, Dan- ville, Illinois. various magnetic fields. The next stage is to keep these short, rapid pulses going for a fuili second and to get thern to a hundred million degrees.' "It requires the design of electrical1 engineering equip- ment which no one has yet even evsgd~ Dr. Thonemnann declaqred, without batting an eyelid. He seemed confident. So did the reporters, They still were flot sure who had done w.hat first, but this they understood: H-power is cominge; nothing catn stop it -now. Trappe.d Sy Qhost Among the gruesomne ruses em-ployed by detectiv'es to trap a crimninal ,,,Ps one employed ili the United States about a hun- dred years ago. The cashier of a bank in Mis- sissipi was found murdered and over 130,000 dollars were miss- ing. The authorities suspected a~ man namred Drysdale who ap- peared worried and nervous. Ai detective bearing a very strikinig reserrblance to the murderred man was crdered to follow Drys- daae about, and show himisefl suddenly at intervals. Meanwhile, another detective mnoved into, Drysdale's hotel and became friendly .,ýith hrm. Then the haunting of Drysdale beg-an in earnest. Severailtimes the "ghost," ap- peared to Drysdale, and when, ,white-faced, he pointed il out to bis new friend, the latter ýn- :sisted that he saw nothing and that it must be Drysdale-'s'inervesý. Once, Drysdale found bl1ood smeared on his pillow, and lookl- ing up, he caught a horrici glimpse of a blood-simeared face at his winclow, Eveni at work ho had no resL. for officiais of the batik, care- fully instructed by detectives, declared that they saw nothing when Drysdale pointed a shaking h-and at the figure which was hiauinting himi. Then Drysçlale began Vo wali; in his sleep and, one night. îhdwdby detectives, he got eut of bed and led the way to a certain creek. After a timne he returned to his lodgings and got into bed. Thie poli ce searched the creek near -where he had. stood and found the stolen moniey under a stonie. rCoýnfronted with this evidence, Dry/sdaILe onfessed. He said that he had got into debt and was pressed for money. He smashed bis friendl's head with a hamn- mer, burned his blocod-spa-ittred clothes, an\d hid the go-ld anrd notes where the police found them. Aftersing the cýonfes- sion he mirade an excuse to g iInto aRn0ther roýoxn, seized a guri end shot himse-l. Use your spare time w Lbild an interesting and profitable businiess rcareer. lJnderlne course that Interests You- Bookkeepting 0 Cost Accotinyg : Shrthad0eTypewrvitinig e Stationary engineering *Short Story Writlng i uniorý, IntermiedIate, igher *Chartered Secretary ACL. *BusLne,ýssEnglish and Correspondene Wiefor free ctalogue to<daY. Mhyoth-er courses froin vbicb teochoose. Bay 1 Charnce Sireets, Toronto, INSTRUCTION IPERSONAL EARN more! tiookkeeping Salesmian- ship, Shortband], Typewritlng, etc. Laes- sons 50,e. Ask lor free circullar No. Canadian Correspondence Courseî 1290 Bay Street Toronto MACI4INERY BATTERY operated electicai portable crâne onru-bber wvheels, swing turn". table, 20-foot boom, 4-wbheel drive Gatchel Auto., Sudbury, Ont. PFoR sale a'il makes and mnods of rebuLili chai' n sws orri $0,0o00ind Up. Write for our latest listing to: Millr Power Tools 519 Slmrpron St..,1Fort William, Ont. MECIIANICAL PARTS REPAIRS SAVE $SS on exýpensive ring job! Vermi 1 culite "Comp)ression-Seal" seals rinigs pistons. Gives new motor performance. Proven product guaranteed.$3, Burma.n's Eniterprizes, ilept. G. Caimp- bell's Bay. Quebec. DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PARTS AND SERVICE FOR Bryce, Caterpillar, Ford, C.A.V.. Amierican Bosch, etc. Dems Ltd., Thornhiil, Ont. MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXOPN'5 NEURITIS AND> RIEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOQD RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.5Express ColIct POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tornnent of dry eczemai, rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve wil not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecza- ma; arne, ringwormi, pimples ami foot eczemia wll respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardiess cf how stubborn or hopeless they sei Sent Post Fret on Recelpt of Price PRICE $3.00 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue E8et TORONT~O OPPORTUNITIS FOR MEN AND WJOMEN BUY wholesale $27,95, retails $79.95, menas 30 jewel Swiss automnatie self- winding calendar watelh. 2 year wsr- ranty, money baclc guarantee. Write for free catalogue. DAMAR 1MPORT2ERS 21 Westmnount Ave., Toronto. CANADIAN Patent on Animal Trai for sale 'or trade. Make offer! BeSt offer takes. 1-Zetc'ern Trap Co., 2904 Uaccoon, Des Moines, Iowa, FLORIDA! Complete Sunday papers lroin Tampa, St. Petersbuzrg, Bradeni- ton, $1.00 eaeb, ail three $2."0 postpaid. Pasadena Press, 3130-22nd Avenue, St. Petersburg 12, -Fionida. LADIES ask for free literature about Our Nylon special. Write E4wards. Dept. A4, Box 178, Station '«E", Hamnil'. ton, Ontario, BE A HAIRPRESSER ,IN CANADA'S I.!ADING SCHOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good %ages. Thousa nds of succe.ssful Marvel raduates. Amierica's Greatest Systemn flustrated Cataloguie Free Write or Cali MARVEL HAiýRRS51MrG #CHGOLe 358 Bloor St. w.«'Tereilte Branches: 4 Kng St. W., Hamilton 72 Rfi<eau Street, Ottawe PATENTS 1ETHERST~ONMAUGH & C oaapaànY3 Patent Attorneys, )lstablis-hed 1890. ff00 University Ave., Toronto- Patente au couritrîies, LO-CH SLO Re st liom# Siderly folks, Convalescents; 24-hç1ýr nuinf caye. Difficuit cases our rspecialtyv Write Lock Sloy, Winiona Int. UNWANTED KAIR VANISHED away with Saco-Pelo. S Peo t differnt. It does not~i5Ov or remove bair froin the surf ac10 bot' penetrates and retards growth of utý. wanted hair, Lor-Beer Lab. LtW., Steý,. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2 B.C. $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five dlx personal requirernents. Latest catai logue included . The Mýedico Agen'CY, Box' 22 Terminal0 Q" Toronto. Oiii. SEEDS HIJLLED SUNFLOWER SEEDS $1,10 ib. Nutritionai infofination 10f. A. Taylor, B-63, Killarney MAan. swi NE YORKHIRE Fo Sal Boae frorij quallfied parents; two secomil anN fourtb litter registered sows due ,pii§ five bred gilts. Wfllfred Rhamne, Route 1 Mooreiflcld, Ont. WANTE D ,5,TEERS wanted to grass; choiçe pas.- ture; average gain, last scason M7 pouinds. Jimn Carroll, Omemiea, Ontario. STEAMýý traction or portable engin, wiantedl. Aiea want catalogues; on1an- gines, threshers, wagons, anid bgi State price, etc., first latter. Box )65 ,23 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. WYANTED - old colored pctures pub- Usbad by Currier amnI[vas. Sen tidtlij for offers. Also palintings by the Cana. dian artists Krleghoff and Kîaie, ALFRED R. DAVISON East Aurcrs N.Y. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Itch.Itch ... 1Wat Vary first uise of eootbing coollng ig çuid, D. D. D. Prescription poIt1ve)y re1ievoe raw red itch --caused by eczemz, .rushea, Graee 6 tatnleme 39c trfial bottle mnuet >atisfy or snoney back. Dt pniifier. At ragedruist foi- D. D.P Mr TOmMNI6IIT To b. hcppy ond Irasiquil lesteal ef nervous or for o good night'm sieep, teklê 5,elicin tablèts ecrdinig 10 dîrectîorsà SEDICIN, iO-qq V llveftti Sum-ma 15 Thýe summna %15prlnts an ayt'od pmantrerord of ail adding/iIstlpg calculat.lons rnquired in an orifIce. Thîs, han.apratd mchIne, wMh baddi and sbtace,18fltted wlth a devlcfo multcata ad gîvqesbhe credit bal- ~ ancas. The Summa 1.jbas a 10-key keyboard, and a simpfle swïtch contrrot wIthfour posiIons for tl, btca. kubtroctbei and ron-add. rOlivetti (Canada) Ltd.~ TORONTO-237 Yonige re-Tl:EMpie 2-,2781 HAMILON-398 Mcin Street East-Tel.: JA. 9311 KITCHENER_", COntarjo Sïreet South--TelI. S$1. 5-47211 Qlivelfti deOans in eHciilesvc,ýexesConadca, Wri*te fv r ax me, 'Jour nacrait depkIr to Dapt e, Olivetti <cancdtd. l 237, MONG STPEET JOPONTO N N <N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N. 'N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 N s N N N 'k N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N N N i N N N N N 'N N N N N

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