Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1958, p. 1

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E -I Orono, Ontario, Thursday, M ARPC H 6th 1958 Subseription $i5~ IAttend Co-op Dinner Declare Dividend. For 19571, ndre-d and fify attenided lthe key banquet andmetn ham, County Farmierý's Ca)- un Tuesclay of this week. whiah bas over tire past years was again held in hip Hall, Or-ono and vvas Smemibers of? tie Co-op a-1 heir wîives. Thins gathering miain auditorium of the ,ceived glowing reports of mnents of the locul co-op- v(ýnen. IV was in the anuay that hs oiganiv-i Guide News Gu!idles catmiceci at 7:1.5 p.mi. by openlingil- vthninspection. Tlie Guideý topec for- the meeting was "FuanIN Vo pase; a TI play aIt gi Vaoal of 3 p! Af er otallil found +hat Nigt"lwe- e six gi-oups passed hrogh.You lhad renderfoot Test andi Vhen e whsre y ou could geV a points for the one gamï-e. gup Vire sumns Hw-'as guides w-on insteati of eteThe Vie was tien hie tyiuag of a knt and Lell, Marlensýn Grahani and beckwere Vhs final Coneider Addition T o Hospital The regular ineetinig of the Board of Dîrectors of Meinorial Hospital, Bowmnanville, was held iia the Auxil- iary Rooîm- on Wednesd uy, February .9th- at 8 pain. The main itemn of bus- iness -nas the discussion o)f the mec- es'sity for an extension o the hospit- al. Mr. Wilkins, te adîmnîstrator, re- ported that although nwe have a 5D-ý bed hospital, ln Jianuar-y Nwe had a datily areniage of 55 patients. AI- though this is sosnew'bat igher titan in sone mo'nths, still if presents a rean problelm and it -,as decided titat an addiition wozld be necessary ia the very near future. A cotiit'tee of Har'ry Crydlernuan, Glen HIughes,; Dr. Runidie, S'tan Wil- kins and Ivan Hlobtbs, -was asked to unjf '"lIl' 'S. - subrnir estimartesand spsuirueatios. Tn- epatrols the1n nn t heir- - cornes. Mrg. Trrei, Mar Foud, Te Can-adian Red Cioss stoekpiles t it a" Su1Mjo ndHeerR erodreif1upie-tovrenPaehue etcompluýeeAhesecond c's.V uane uck delbvery of reliefs rau, The eetig wa cl'se itir a fwwndisaster strikes. You arue there an(wrd tam Cptain, t! olboued 1b1tirougir your (donation ta t'le Canla- SPiraer and Taps. dIian RediCos stire gathe- - hol Letter And Brs providedi bir' n Presented A OpnHou of tire local Co- attf to he imeet- d, along niWlthr and mrs. dardonl iinist, MNr. and trucker, Mr. and ýnd Mr. anllas On TuesdMay atrna ram two! tafur ocl'c Open floiuse wa ieldl in thre OronioPblcSciool win he naotyort mothers 0'f studlenrts and, inteeste perons ttenided. The par- ents vie evir oik of the pup'Ils, were ntertinedandi served lunch1. MViss K. Foster, principald of Vire sehol wl~oiedthe moth1,1ers and spokeon 4dfterent phiases oftVite stihool. She outlined tire z, sitem ofý pres.-ningliadians and 'bars tastu- detswhia ras started this ye ar la the scdrool. Students on obltainrng ,-a certain nuinber of mnts for Ïaleadem- le ac-oinipllshnents and othe> achieveý- mý-ents were aswardied cat or bars~ as tire case may ho. l-Nargery Tyrrebi ruas presented witir te Sehool Letter badge by Vire prin- cipal. Bars -mere, also presented, atý the Open Hanse ta Sh-ielu Rarrahall se musi 1cal n Uiher s. T ire mu sic forlhe ateno as under te irectoru thre m'usie tea,,cher, Mr. Coblisoni. Thre Gis(e Club wvihioh is an ev.,tra currica- ar uiee at thre schsuo is be*.iug \el reeiedbyted h students of grade sevea anld eg.Sfilver rcol- bection was talken up and n-- sum~O which, was domate-1ils tE e ireVuned ev- er ',)y the students Voeire restoraitioni of a new rifnk lai Orono. Orà'n,-Distr'c1 Credit Unilli ffIds Anal Meetinig Sone tw,ýenty-five attended the a- nual m-eeýting of the Orono and Dis-1 tiiCredit Union recently wbhielhwas hel diln the hasement oft the Tnýnship Hall, Orono. Mrs. Joan Hamer of the- Manihester Cr.edt -Uion wns the guest apoaker. - Ivrs. Harner poinited o)ut the growth of the Manchiester Union whicib. la one' year adrvuinces frcen assets of $5,00' ta assets of $65,00. This in- crease sbce said wnas tostly due Vo ïthe tremendaus effort of the irectors tol expi&'nd the Union and its services toa the people of the area. Th1~e three etirin.g direetors,! CIýVe Lanb, AU ?Allen~ and AIf Perrin were re-appointed the Board o3f Direetors ' Mr.Wellington F'ýarrnioa ne ako re- appointed to the redit Conunittee.; Mrs. A. Loueks replaced l'vr. Roibt.ý Moffint On the Supervisory fommiitrtee,ý Assets at the end of? the .year ofi the Oi'ono and District Credit Union aronted ta $6,029 of whlc _h$5,2 was sharecpitcI. Loans miade duinglý týhe iyear totialled $5,360 ith a sum of $,495 beingreIadInrstc- leictid fLrom1t he 10an1s aniounted C1 $3029.60. Net profit for. the yelar i6 During t'he year a numîbeof e rnmebenroiled in the nin Orono Red Crcvss Making Appeal The Oronmo Red Cros.s arýe wco-- dluctLing their annu-Lal eampaign forî fïunds.ý The drive has 'been -Drganizd! and enasrsare mkn hi rounds of the Townsh!P of are The funds coll te ieuedh hthbe local group )in ir ndr taigaami 1se prtonis direCted ta t'he Cnaia n~nn to abe- used in their variousprjets Foremost of the OiaRed ras prmtosis the Svaw-inbrig n a fe- ty, instructions nt thne Orono park -a- sumnsner and the issujiug af Vi P.min, Capsules to the varîcu1S public soho1s lin th,? Towiiip oS C larkii. Both thesýe prlognaiis zare to bc oarried out again this year. Allocation For Orono Organ- ization Raised To $925.0'01 Orono Chamber Committees Brin g In Sound Project& Reports of four cominmittees and genýeral activities of the Orono Cham-- ber of 'Commerce point A an actve futures for this group in the Village of Oro-no. Thursday eveniag of last week saw twen'y-two take part in the rgardinner meeting of the cham- ber in the Orono Restaurant djner, 'The m§,eting was cbaired by te plrss- ident, Mr, A. J. MCGIl. A btter wa's receiveti froua the Un- iversity of Toronto stating that they had posted the Oronio Charnbe's re- quest for a dentist on their bulletin board. A letter -,as abso received tram the Lake Onitarlou Developiient Ass>ociation. asking that the Chainaber join the Association. it was brought Vo the attention o ail the members preýseat that tnei iiLrtam itistrI& igh School Board 'aù ooked %wibbafavoý(ur on the bcat ing ot the new ýiîgb SchooilaVe Orono areas M V addebl poined out that the Board nwoulci now makýe ar- raýngementms tasecue laiif-or the a. eshool n lhbuws ipe ouldÈ teu openea for iiithe 19,)9 tem, he voeu 8 abuî-ld tne new.s,-ruinl heOooalea. Mr.ï Waddl nbght- enedtir meeingont uie proceaiures, whwaU everop Ibm is 1,5poinit Lo nu.U-ouo tJt.ticîIaIrman o! theCvi cLominittesepoteio n a mdeeting w !ucnhad eenI hebd by thisj commntes.fie stated chat the eomx-ý property eaýt of Highwvayý 115 te zonemýd asIds t ilwienznngs taken up fOr the area. The camte abso recoinmended the piacing of Ghamber of Cmec in at eitheri endi of the Village amd these signs! wilcost lan tie neighbourhood of? $190.00.'T'ire nmeeting tpproved Chis. IV was also recoininended by Dhe Civic comittee that proper "Stop signs" be erecated on certain side streets w:hich corne to tire Counity r9ad runnîrug Virough th Village.1 This along with a propkosal Vo paint ines for angle parking ont the Main Street is ta be aken Vo) the Orono Police Trustees at their nextt mee-ting. a gr5ael- Hopaedfortint t etho ed fo ttenr GiJean t, Jyor d S, ipsoi, On Tuesday, Marcir 4th, tire regul- est University in Jiapan, calld "The ly parking on tire Main Street would am gi rear scepeiforcVitee o-ooerfiern ,a mteriJepnssalebfonmoGo daSicinp- nn lu titis area- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Terry Carelon and B'annie Cowrrar eeig0 h Oon AtrnnI.U"asViskuavrywr l Tir ~îes spake M. Jlia Sni-irforhavag'11 pecet aadeiestad-Auxiliary of ire W.M.S, nas hebd 1Japan "Tite jnipan Internationaltmsae itposiAtt ore paking as The gus pae r uinSntiA aig7 ecltaaei tn-iin te Sunday Sehool no-aom of ire Christian Universýity" situa ed:12 titis ae. A ireu pesel n te cars ilitodu-ed y M Brc(c inn-. n. 11 R Ber te cijaiman. f 1hsUnited Claureir, ruit 21 ia at tenaine. miles nurtitw'est of Tokyo, a 350- are . The peaer, ie aid masonetiýe aiMr.H. ý Bet, haiman Of h1Tire Presideat opened tire meeting acre University Canapus, and in July mness section. co:-op. mianager in Virginia pior Voi orotio Public Sdhool Truste Board, vt an iispiring message Vo iail, fol-1 1958. tire Wor-Ild's Convention on Tire Civie Comnnittee also r-ocaom- 2-ales for 1957 antouatecl Vo $2ý21,tî58-. spoke brlefly Vo tire gathering point- owed by Vire singinag of aHymn and 1clanstian Education 1wibI hè held tihere m!jed enu apia ii -wiihias down sonemirat tou tire Year ingouthtie importance of eduuationi. prayer. Mrs.2 Poi-ter led Vh- iedevot- The the,me for titis convention ISspning nd a cleaninup ot taire ravis 19,î6. IIowever liopointedi ont taV He stres3sed tire c oeFi a at ionab period, eaig on pa:rt eof"Christ is tire Way, tire Trtt andiat tie Tannery Hillbwitich is located' tIepereatage ofgross ntargîn Mas iuteitbtre ieprnsadPaub's letter tVO the Philippinfrttrgie"i iecnr ttetia i eo btter Vian lu 1956. Tis >psrcentage tire e arescni tre nisto a rregivin)g a ittbe a f tire backgrouald of Rev. ýAmiy Shaff1e, lison Dmandationis ou?,Vite eomnmîittewere en- Mer 1957 rmas 16.6%51 2 Nt ir hmeaSEcioo-metwk. Pnu& Wlte- Paul - "Tire tWonld's - trougi tins year, is a d eae o' darsed by -Mie entire m1eeting. profit for tire year amotinte4 Voa6.4% Tire arous grades in te scitool 1asaor.Tirougir iis inlun e Virtis conventiop nad la July WHilb e Mr. Donald Staples reported for or an ama-ul t f$[1l. Thins peue"- etraiiiit ogsw hrusa irat cituOchin la Europe w'as fiie irprnsFiejite-ýicl-ileCiiitenetn age ià greater titan la formier years. ejoybîe tentuieofairMe atternoon. (Does thut rmeanaany+Jing -tavigirrprnt onelusno ie giulueCmmteinein Graes ne nd we Vogtusti mn s taDtVo Japan and tien on Vo lier wtcris, Voassis'tlte Agrie'ultural Grdsoa n tasngtgthr sCaniadaVoda, Pau's iras not an ir -A recommnnwnati-on xas pnssed atidi grades tires and four, five and. port ln Auigala, Atnica. - Society to fuiteu proi-ate tireti Vire ineetin~g o deelare a 311cdividend six andi savenai dacit greýuP eas b %ite Ho md plen tnnd es, During tire busýiness periad, nitichir la rono. MIr, S'taPle tae1i h zo neiibrs n nir1957 business sang Viree tti e Oht. P b igsiprced ote md sd llowed tire treareMs în irBodcntmligth Vo embrs n troi nunI~xs Tie Oort Pub-as a prisonier, but oven tien, lire ias s us-gv atecuri, M aAr- ar oarda ofmpaigt payaible ia 20 years nitirut interest. iu Sohool Glbee Club, over Vwentymk ovet ttr Rmngad, gav neouaigfiaoapriaeof a MryGoRudand IV twas aIse passed nuA o<ei au ite mmbr bop ided deligittu a adsmee fas ltes aereport for tire irst Vira mordiis of if ias wondered iU tire Cemuberý 105,5 dividerds Qis yea rii r-tnaumn rtrtni eaarsdnlemrn l rsn.dîsPre he yWa, andanaounced tint tire coli could hielp Vo assist lanVire opertoni uarato a suai ý-,of $5,492.00_____________________tcbstirutW - a sae rm in o-bctona treWord a o Paero tremchne in i oPeunesi -T dfd pieticai ctapter, Tre 4ti cacter ofService, ireld in lu ono United Crucrgatred furtlier % ie Vi aclune 10 Tie e i-ctt ee eeCo-operatmves mere now- la tirPe r- eia hpe h W hp fon Pe'bruy 21sV, amaounting Vto $20, purcirased. ta tire organlnatioitreptaciag ;theS leuni businiezssand tins is being pat f- Pî'ans, spcibyVie8ttvrsras orwarded Vo tire Treasflrer ot Thre Merchiat's Coi-mnittee rendedi wito reamed. Tire titre ise xvedirectors ronizet by Mirir members. Mrs. Armnstrong and Mrs. M. J. "Tire W'omen's lidnrCiuro Counleil are Messrs. Donald Saples, Jrosd(ogrtltot ere extend'ed rtf bn ar rtngtr nulotfanda"Tiés tund is used Vo) pro-ý qu"usrllband Doald Metcn& lte hetie uritantCounty Fed«raiai, et-rSL butia, reantly rsic isa-Kngvide Cinistian LhieratmurnlauailpartsIoi b nsL- t otle wsrere John Hoimes, Agricltue py its predsident, l~Tay- S.crriOuirbomh s-otfVireWorlM E rnest B rlson andi Genn ickell. l or.Air P er ri, president of tie O r- g s u l o si t us sa , nd n r id s A re rt r m Vh C n s ira S e - Dusng irecouse f Vte ttei a a n md District Credif Union spoke fou , :-roa ok ir ddossby driMtpdeparmtintoft Qmairaras-In 1 Duutbthinome of thegen nfen of tire ften tu es AMrs. x cenney, Bey et Quinte -byt, aa n u u stia ieA lc to four dans nere ireld wiltir W-eiington p O~i no nt nprszn rnoi President, andi Miss W"a for tire Orono gnou-ps for 1958~, is Farrow vand Robet Hata-i-t oaci ruin-1OfteCjdt lonad npa7iL'fiias.(ruruNssn r - tire tact tint aibl memiber deposis, tms nt ur isoayfoiriedi Va $9)25.00. A. motion Vint we ing n $5,001Feed yoither, Avtur sYri Tirrnpon6 bgset ~oop erilierwere insuradNM. John 1Holmes ed- Tokyo, Japan) weres stimutblng ma. accopt Vire challeng-e, iras eaRinied, Bsl Tircondroundi of t1r 'md aadiso 6artrveli ofery 6-0agaOr Agir iteadedi tianstsuVotire ladies ot KrBrby etlasisi, unging ail Vo conse.rate ni, nitittis onportunSýity foe aVe p ,-dows for. tire Lakesirhore and te1rtiz oer. 6 ws fAW piiMru, Reid replying on tirûr ho-otn'trie and,talents, noiVo Christ- us, mne need rsrentiusiasm for ionne-le ague ean ionvgeV underway. The ha&f.Hoe ao anked tire efetalit.: Inn ser'icefui p'nnning la theirrntis aiteadi. Lut;Brmnil-roo Cmie o comng o trs GO s averisig ns or hei ea'oylb prgra1. Tire Study for Vire day "Studeats why stop at $925.0o. Lef's aieiïiiç,it!tlir suvenfi gamie of je serresWêti manager. Mn. Smithin l hiis nddress, Mr. Gardon Watsan revienedi thirlaTireNeows, la Je-p)an", iras intra- $,000.; Cobrourg on Tuesday aiigit wlh gav congr?,tulated tne success and effec- finacial report of tie Durhum Coun- du-ced by Mms. Haroldi Goode ead fMrs. .D L'gaes reporeiVis111tesieCobnstingh omoe1 ienless of t&lalCo-op. lie point-ity Co-operativeandi stateci Viat over V. Rpbinsoi.niaPveY inteeStiug la gr eat ineod ton used cl'otirig, both tirs final round. Tirir oppos3itiontfon ed Voa he purpose -oft.-iec-eie tire past pide Yeans Vie ttlsales a- wny, elgiftelling us on Educration, al;home andi ovenseas. Womea 'are1 tihsrounc iR il lijndlsny wiro dama- moivem)en't ai V te lle-aliigigad rie- rnu-nted tVo over $,4,.Tire grass as carriedion,0ntire Protestant busy naking qults and knitting foradi Port Hope 4-2 in theirsenti-final sponsiiy it iras V ts A coimminuity It iras poitsde out tint te'A gni- ciuirhsrols, cierges and universi- tie Sping Cofthing Drive. Tire date senle. ead its nmembers. "Th irenentrns it cultural Societylirad i narney otirerlies, also lairospiftals, Vtraing la ton packing mas set for tire seondi Tire Tuesdiny gae, playedi buBow- serves a iasf have quality andi value." hatir-a it mnnlc il li c0ame ta iecrrce uidn niCrita redyl WVhfr tutl mntile enit ta te Combines là-a 'lit sets tire pace to-day la the grain inurance on Vhe building. Aay arn- jLendersliriip. Comsmrnitiiy lite is grea t-uirer. lutire meamean Lwnvit>t on coaf 7-2 aadV1ils feature iras one aranaket," ir-e said. Tire Co.opeVntivus ounit beyoud tire itsurance ioy 1ly enrkclietiby Graduates ftram tisse a entendeci tua ny one la tire cen- afthesbetter gantes of tire sereSSl a-re rua on a busirae-ss-like basÏiseHomili have to corne tram tire commuiin-[ Christian Colleges. mumnty to plan ta help in"lu tusortiry Ga for Vie Combinles irere by Son- ~also poinitud tVo Vie tact dt irmanlyity. MNse Drummiondi odiOfetb(Vite NV. uadertalring. - y Hoper 2, Junior West 2p sadiAt, by Carm an Cornish, reported Vhs. , tion taken in endeavguring Vt e ecure<- dentiist. lt was recairnended by the meeting bhat two of the cominittee, g£o to the Toronto University and irt- terview any prospective dentists -ýhr mnîght be eneouraged Vo Jocate fit Orono. At the samne time they 2niighit itriwanv doctor on locating in Orono ater first having intervee Dr. McKenzieta see if there was ne of another Doctor iia Orono. Mn~ Cornish pointed ott ha g survey of Vhe Orono business --.ien~ had 'been taken and that it appeared that somse ebsHeed suore houri couid be arran.ged. It was felt that ail would joitn wiîth thesnajority li ýa sýtore hours, It -,vs tdiecided Vo cdreu-. late tw') petitiotinwhhconid 'ce sfgi- ed. One, woffld be for the store Vo be. open every day and ciosed oni Wednes- day alternioon and Stidaý,y vng. The other petitio-n vwould be taav the store cosed on ?Mopinys. it was also suggeeted that the three garages an the Village could rotate eery 3rd Sund'ay. Mr. C. W.'iLllngs adMr. J. CG, G;ney both r o )d nth oni tion of the Anclua ulig wýhic'h ýnias rucentlyderoebyfr ,Ind whih hs bee'n used asth i- luge arena. It 'vas feut that the repiring of the pruesetbuilding 'ould cos t, least $10,000whih it is fitW cW Yo theý aottof the isurance. Tw scùhols of bthouglit exist, one wthre- paiinthepiszent builing îand ejz- teningthefront aboutt ten feet ta- the north.i lit this new en!d a basement ing rowms and a pribper h1etiýng plant coulibu be ~alied This plan woild ntince-ase the icek surface of t-ha- toL-~ vo ould itinctease the aeat-. inig capa-tciy for specýtators. If wa fcet t the ice surface wus barge~- enioLgla as it n'on stnds. Thle zco5& he OMO ur as Vhougl-. would run ln the nsighbourhood at r$4,000. It as poln±ed out that th-- south haif of the buildiiin can tje re- paired whdl1e the north hiaîf wili havwe Orono Skieis Do 1WeII In Co mpetitiora On Suirday at Dhe Osâlawa SkiOtt north of the Village of Or1ono tàe-ý- Osha'wa SM Club held their flIrst iniainSki irig coetest, Th#e snow ondiuion as ideailfor the e- veuit and aiso the other niaues wh,-kkc The cltainjum rewsoe! thle botte i Cs u Canada. Haýns F4eier won tie event w\ith juiimps o)f 93 anid 100 t fet ButLMZZor)' rti junrped 90 and 95 feet. ln the junior sao race DXck Ruth- tr1r ý f Ororiu toôk 'ýto)p honours ývith his brot.heýr Dajve taking secontL. DikRujçtherford also xvon tire cross- outyanti downhii hani1si1 P cneeheud ear'iier this seasion... Joan Ruitherfiord, sister of thre twtz junior winners, 'won Vl icelies sialloill on Sunday. etLi*ndsay£l -,akeshore Finls? Cobourg hlad on Vhe two )prevoUasý Agamnes ta1ken victo'-ies and prir ta- the Tuentay game had t \ ictrya and aàiecopaedwth the Comtibinez- thlre vto)jes and na tie. The Cobourg vicoris crneon Saturday , lest whera 1Vhey seored three ovetzmie perie& goalýs îtadefenat the BOCs 10)-7. Theu agais n on Mndry tise Cobourg crewri { binesý -JThe schedule for th, LÀndsýay,-Cor- s 4'- N 4' s 4" -s 4' 4'- s 4' 4' -4 4'- 4' s s- s- s-- s i.- 4- 4' -s s -4' 4' -s 4' s N N 4. s s -s -s 's s' n 'a s' s' s s' '-s s -s N N 4 4 s s 4'- N s 4. 4' s' s 'a s s' 's 4' 's- s' s s i. s 4- 4' from theý au- 1

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