Imm q-s 'Ie on the cc interest 'û runiV y life- nce this grouip kfs vn V h at thýey assisted ini proilotinig a tA-e OrnYair aýt fair, tirne. endthi n ik, And lus Affect era1 in The ietiwcd tisasohig ~fCe'- on othe'r apcs« ~cey tbas a- mcraticeocctmtries to thbc-fact that Rsi n~~i syteawhi kpoduehcilg s4oientiants and miuch, greater pace thanar they. This is already Vo a slight, degree with recent anl- fuiuther assistance tg Universities from th- riment. This catching up, will however tak' soillennre rcorgallizing cf our eduea - late yeavs the cry has been ehat e-ducatio)n the ceountries greatest luterest was the cs 1 not to ýas great a degree the resuIts. 'ver the past yearîs fvued e g-ord has 'been mwarned of leontccountries are ~o rnnin f studentbs ismta orshoiild it lie carried rQu, dereof choice, as it does ifofeedoincf coc n ~iin ourcourntry. Ernphasis se wh'o hvaVs bib y n tien bygiigthei geae kth îthin he OddeUWKOIO ail, Vrono, Comimunion Sers sta't4ng'at:30 pc1 n aten Cerne al visWour ýarî us booths~ eaiGa of int&eset e býoth aûuls and chiî,j -;<E'TE Acl ren. Plan n enjüyi g a ýCl«p t À e weave ih !Wi'thl yollr fteildS. Vrders are now be- con fin rcialfly in-,g taken f r Chi smas es n li~~ de tact M-is. H rry/Cornish or M4J adilabnle1 in Du Gordon Watsi ýC-CWr..te PVý,h 40(Y-)Rich* U, N OUR Service Guaran tees Com fort with Economyl1 3.: repair wori or de- fpCtive parts êr Conftrols of your oil brner, at onu ?etra cast. Ail this for o 10w annual maintenance charge plus the cost of the Oil you use. Not onIy is it the finest kind of heating servce, bujt the Most eco- nomkcal and satisfactory. Phone Us NOW For Details For Your Hov5e Orono Fuel & Luinher Orono Outarlo A Crile nilSpace efater igoqdý Phne OoJ i- - la-; Chidn'a s 4"v0nd ltraip&s; Phne W Oro 1208, Or. 41-p Orono Electric COINTR'lACORS FOR FAMand ILOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES prompt and Guaranlted Repairs tc al kn of Eletrial Equipment, and Appliancs Such aï Motors - Water Heaters Radios - Stoves - Ironsl IIaCKAYE'S WATCH&CLOCK MAIN ng FOON Phone DR. R. J. TAGGART Barrister and Solicitor a-Mi « 4G nmeMA pm JACK REID Auctioneer andl Valuator ,SPecializec in Farm and Furuiture sales conisuit me for terms and dateýS Phon 5 r18 TED JACKSN Auctonei. nd a1uli0r "n et tQà PM".- or is saViln to ner cotage Thei skiflfr#rf is suviug regutarty io buy 0 new boat E. LYCETT Om~ BROS, manid You probalb jeasons for /One way to fyou want wl Ideposits iny Tt t-akes w'li Swithout thi Sawve ..Ï- OINT NIATI,.NýG - Lýj ,