a seep at ,a gang grn; ln Hall wa'y is tLhe hn- oue -anul shhcid ,recel- for iectLing a into the -most is- hall are offeredl [air, color consult- work ;o xsar le - these pg.Fat lU.Ne, 1, SCI400L BAND - L By W .R. VAL V1RT The wild west was tamed at1 the turn of the century. The adcventurers and pionee-rs who made 'the Klondike blaze with goldien stories have long 1ince died away. There is a new breed of piorneer now. These people ar e steadi'ly puýshing the known, bounrdaries rof Canada elver wid~- er and in them týhe spirit of ad- venture si'II lives. Moost CaPnadians hugý the south- ern bouindary of theic country andi ci ties sucl as Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver contalin the -bulk of the country's po 'p- ulto;thousands ïand thu sanidS ofpeople talk -with pride of Canad.a's rapidly growing ining î indnstry but not many -f themn have had. the opportun- ity I have of taking ,a look7at this indùtiry "in thefes-o at least one smiall segýmenit of it. !n ugs of this year I lef t Winnipeg anid f Iew north and west to the toWni of Lynn Lake, Manitoba, where Shierritt Gor- don Mines Limited are located, nid spenit one of the mnost pleas- ant weeks of my hifce in this comurity ith people Who are a part o if *te mining industry. These people are undoubtedly Canada's pioneers of todaY and they are alIso, undoubtedly, the miost highly-paid, piolleers since Toronto to visit I'Ùgtrst 54,h it Was.ý owledge of what ?erhaps I can be hinking, becauseý mîisimpressio-- mining tovn 1 group of hard- ganmbing socia )ut a bareý exis- nunity o, shac:ks, there- is littie or or social a-ctiv- ýth some concerni ýgt fîtin.i) that I ý,at Winnipeg. ;ops respectively he Pas andi Flin hast leg 't0 Lynn, teresting ta note ng place on the s-fIat, ricb, fr gradually becos-. 1LAKE, MANITOBA .s thne manager, said - "We run 1two shows nightly, seven tio ni.ne,. p.m, six days Da week, summer aànd winter. Smmeýr attefidance is flot, too good. because our sumnmers in Lynn Lake are shrort and people liîke Io take advan- tage of the good weath1er. HO-o. ever, our theater is well pa- troniizedl during theý winter and %ve try to provide good, enter- tainment. " Thethae is a cre- dit to the town- four hundred comnfortable seats and featu,1ring- a wiîde-vîi3iore creen. t vwas bulîýt by Calvei-t Construction Com- pany and pronbeBiD a. vert commrrented, wiTth pardon- able pride, "This was a huirry- up job; the first show was pre- seInted to the puli ess thanî two mnths from- the day we i Ly-nn Lake-P is under a. Local District fýorm of Governm-ent' with C. R. el the Adçimîni- trator and S. G. Gudgeon his Assistant. Mr. Gudgeoni, in Mr Neely's absence, was -most cco- operative in supplying 'inform)Ya- tion pertinent te this article. The Local Governmiert Distric't 3f Lynn Lake coversruhl four hundred square minles centered by the townïsitüe. Annual budg'tlets are pre-pzred and submitted 1to the P r o vi n cia1 Government. Mo ne y is raised partially L'y taxation, but Shierritt Gordon Mvines IiieiProvicie the bulk cof the-nioney required ta mun thie community. To quote MIr. Gudgeon, "Hl-undreds of thou-. Esands of dollars were and are being spent byý Sherritt Gordon fr:ee ef charge to t'he mnici- pality. Ou r tcow n pl.annrin.g scheme is suich as to require ra assure a high standard of homes andicmeca build- ings.Yo have doubtless seen 11ha may new modern homes are under constructioni. Certain areas are classified as 'residen- tial districts',Ind cthers as 'busi- n-ess oDr commnjercial distrirts', note this niew subdivision oif 101 ilots noýrw being cerdfor future homes. ~ Even a cýurSory exa- minajtionr of the impressive - page planring schýeme mdei û bvî - tat much thought had timus- ,giy in- to tne prse of the ette- andi uuîiplinformaion o to proc eed. Vickers Products Britannia Bay P,'O., ODttawa, Ontarie, ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL Chrstm-ias Carda. 25 al different, wth envel1opes, $.45. VWortb double, Satisfaction or cash r efuinded. Money orders ony>, please. Ming, 103.1 Pape Avenue, Toronto. GIFTS Prom The lIoly Land To Youi Ha)nd-carved olive woed camel caravan, 3 camels and driver, 4"4',high, ,ust $3.25 postpaid. Satisfaction gnaranteed, Free list of other unique religious gtfts. Holy Land Imports, 1991 Gien Unrja, San Jose 25, Californià, USA. ORGANICALLY grown potatees, Car- rots, beets 6ý. Stone grounid whola- wheat fleur, bread or pastry l2ý, Ivan Martin, Winterbournce, Ont, PUMP - $8.95 KIIEAL 'or draining, filing, i5praylng, irrigating. Sl"1rcîy, rust preef aUloy. Pumpal,, 600 gailons per bouir wltb 'À HfP. MOtor'. Oileýssbearinlga, ' "suction W'dlscharge. C.O.D. Guaranteed. Mor- risen Sales, 6223 Mountaixi Sights Dept. W., Mentreal. SELECT Gýiftis and Househeold itemns fromx our big beautiful Catalogue. Send today, it's free. Expeet sonmething dif- f erent. Cepper City Products, Box 386, home, New York. HAND KNITTING MACHINES l'OR plain and Dlamond Socks. Seeconda band ini perfect condition, f, 1- ~an-, writh i bber attachiment $35 - wAlhout Rlbber aittachnent $20, AUTO KNITTERS LTD. ï1101 Victoria, St. Lambiert-MVontreal 23. BABjY CISICKS NOW it is easy, to get K-137 Klmrber- chicks in Canada. What coleur egg doas it lay? Answer7 Pure white. Ques- tion: fow big a bird is the K-137? Ans- wer: The mature body wveight of the IÇ-137 has been establishedà at around 4U4 to 4½ý' pounds. Question: How is the egg quality? Answer: The egg quai- ity la good, shal h ticknessý excellent and the percentaga of firmn albumen is high. As neasnred by actual break- ont, te 7h.California liandeni Test, K-17 aeraefi7.7 Haugýh imita, or 56 llaugh nuits beýtter than the averagle cf ail entriJes. For details and imiber catalogue write Scott Poultrlc Çarnl, Seaforth, Ontario, or Tweddie chi*k Hetcherles Ijmited, Fergus, Ontario. MýIXED ,cliieks. Pullets. lWrite for list tarted) Breller chicks. (Order lnuad ývance If possible) _Meat bird.5, dual purpese cockerels. Asl, for faîl liatS, Bray MHatchery' 129 John N. IHamilton. THfE preef efsthe pudding is ln the eating and. tte proof ef the egg laying- ability of our special egg breeda lar the repeat, orders that we are receiv- Mng. Our lbest by far for rmaximumn eg.g production Is our n e w Kimiber X-137 strain cross White Leghorn. We aise recommnend Warren Rhode Island )ied, Âmes In Cross Serles 400, Cali1- Lria Grey X While Leghorn, Rhode fsland Ried N White Leghoin. Al vpopu- lur d ual purpose breedaý;. Breler Ch-cits: Vantress X Niehols No, '12, Vea- tress X Aabor Acres White Rock, Arbor Acres White Rock, Indian River Cross, Tnrktey Poults for hezvY r0asters or lnrkey 6brellera. Laying Pulleta.Cata- logue, TWEDDLE CHIOR HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO FOR $ALE $1500 DO0WNnand yn own la nea rly new cement block Shah garage, serv- ice station, lunich bar, and equipmnent. On Neý 12 Hlghway Mn the village et Sunderland. Full price $17,900 with tise hast terms. M. Balard, Sunderlanld, i24 Ont. Representing Oi.ve 1q30we, Broker. H ou C-,.an .1? By Anne Ashley 4.HQW can 1 keep eheese fresh f4eF a long Urne? A. Cover it v4îth a tlhin coat- Ixijg of paraffin. Bef or. serving ftmove tho paraffin. Q.How can 1 relieve tbEý pain A. Try applyinig the white of an eg 5$. Whll JT'S PROVEN - EVERY SUFFERE'R OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS' SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEOY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33S ELGIN OTTAWA. $lI.25 ExKpress Fprepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAIjISHî the torment et dry eczemao rashes and weeping sldn tirouibles. Post's Eczema Salve %il net disappoint yenu, Itching, scaling and burning ecze- mna; acune, ringworin, pimples and foo0t eczama will respond readily te the ýstainlass dorless inimnent regardlasa of h)ow stu-bborni or hepeleas they seem. Sent Fost Free on Receipt of Frict, PRicE $3M00FER JIAR POST'S REMEDIES 2"65 St. Clir Avenue Eat TORONTO OFFORTUNITIES FOR MIN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Oppertnnity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignied prefesjsien; geod wages. Thensanda t ncesfn 'MarvalGraduates. Amferica's Graatest Systemn fillutrated Catalogue Fre.l Write or Cali MARVEL I4AIRDRESSNG SCHOOLS 158 Bloor st. W., Toronto Branchesr 4e4 King St. W., Hamultonn '72 Ri4deau Street, Otw PATENTS Patent Atterneya, Etab1isýhad18M0 600 Vniversity AeToronto. Patents aU ceunitrias. PERSONAL SMOKING,> Drinking stepped naturafly. Se n d $1.00 for Copyrighted Beeket. Addraas: Stop Smioking, P.O. lBox 343, Pecahitas, Virginia, $1.00 TRIAL citer. ITwemty-ftve deuze fersonal requirements, Latestcta logne includad. The -Me dico Aganicy, Box 22, Texrminal "Q"' Terento. Ont. swiNE LANDRî'ACr, breed I.s thse faste&t gro-OW gag breed of FwIne m Canada.efyen havan"t Landrace neweventnaily yen will have, theni, Why? Becau.p they will.make yen more meney fronî a commercial standpoint and If yenl start with top quailty stock, yen wlll sel a lot etf breeders In yonr lecalty. We have oýn.e f the larges4 and heat harda; lf imorted Landrace hi lnCaniada. Juate reevdanether imnportation cf eut- standing ïlu plg sowsa.Offerfoime- *te de5îvery, Weanlings, four mentis eld, six enenth old sews and bea3rs, guarantaed ln >9 gsows, serviceable beaa, al fIroi mported stock. cata1- FERGUS LANDRACE SWIME F-ARMI rERGUIS ONTARIO [SSUÈ 45 - 9' SLEEP TO-NIGHT AND REI.IEVE RERVOSNESS directions lae a se .wüy îte duc. sle er quie' it .nrves cwhes~ns SEDICIN $i.oo- *4.95 floree Oly SAFETY CHIMNEY lie pitei er prlica ey Ils brcl; slie5 usea.50 b55 i tetisiý'W îe llaiIS 1 Dei fîsa ýIsr iîa-prûo an sd scd-preet. Ers- so ii.esgia!eere'd ad gsamefld f 511 ee Craderirtars sud CMIII pprqve4. FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELUNG i î, f t nty ! :s e.[s e e-t Wrfite tGï Iret ladeï. KaG2Rîtu Products Lkited DOWT MISS THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL.WINTER FAIRIý SEÉTHE HORSE SHOW STARRING, SEVEN M~TERNAT 1NAL JUMPING TEAMS, - .SEE MODERN FARM EÇUIPýMENT., THE-SH-EEP AND fWINE SHOW,..- "FASHIONS IN WOOL." PAGEANT... FRUITl AND VEGETAýLE DISPLAY - LîVE- STOCK AUCTINS. THERE'S FUN FOR EVERYONE OfflNG INTERNATIOAL. YEAR AT THE R~OYAL! THE 'COLISEUM TORONTO GENERAL ADMISSION - ADULTS-7e- C41LPDREN-2etý 1 %Zem ehake gre-et ïunate ef sur N "a N N N N N N N N N s' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ýe in-