Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1957, p. 6

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"Sheiïs a grand girl, mature ind responsible. She and lier lattier have always been cd- v-oted, but now she is defing hinm and delares if the lad can't' corne lhere she will mxeet hlm soehreele.I a't blame her, eithr. Evert if thecy Should iel1ope, 1Iwoula fe-el t is ber fhrsf ault. "He bhas always been s0 proud bef he Today they scarcely spjeak7, and ha is cepressed anid ~~~~~o er ieabe Q ankhe e-x- peeýt she can kecp on lovig him whenli3isat od&4ý with ber future husband? - TRO'",LED MOTHER" ft ritoes happen, that eocca.sioni- *ally a father Is so jealous oLf bis daughter that he violently reject.ý the idea, of her falling in love with anty mans. Fle re- 1 uses ta.0ad1mt this aven tai himself, but the sense of gulit *growS upon hinm. Most fathers expect their daughters ta mar- r:y, anrd only hope she wifl ind ï younig man wortby of ber.- SYou husbanïd must begin ~ tbiink ri!ber happiness insteadà o~ f bis loss wben she maries. Toi deny a *woma's riglit ta Slove; antagýonýzes bier so coiri- *plc-,eey that for years ahead she rnmay not bce able ta io4'ze hi~wholeheartedly again, lesbould be reminded that lyorState the : fir1 couldi Shave m rarried a- year ago with- litlfy-Cut, Sew! PRINTED PATTERN eac4 ômte £fa,"d '35"~ A boy whu drinks is niot fit ta) date .aInice gr.your ima- threr lias done the onl thng she could in thecircumita-nces, and you wJIll-have ta obey hLr ta th- Itter,.or you may 1find yourself in gravTe trouble. Tel! the lad youcuntsce hlm o&gair. until be bias learii- ed ta, contra! bis wea.knerss and can winyour mtersappro- val. If be in ircerely cres for ,,ou lienwllconduct imiself like a g-entleman, give- up biýs dirininrg, and in other i-ways pr e be worthy of youÀr lave and your f aitb. lIt may take quîte a wie but -neca dýo aýIlai this - iflbe wýIll. L.ýast week tcamne itaan rend with plenty of heat, humnidity and a bad etectrical storm-ï last- ing ost of aura night. It rained so, fast and made su.-ch a noise c ýolýtd't bear tbe sump pum wrkng. I had visions of the water back-jing up anid flooding the basement.- But I didn't get up ta see! Partner, of coursze, ,vas sleeping soindly --he aïlways says wh-ywry about Pa stari, you eýa't stop it. That is very trute but somrehow ït isn't much eomfort if you're !Ying awake listening to it. Ta- day, thank goodness, the weath- er is bright and cool, Just the kirnd of day 1 like-and good weather ta catch up ani odd jobs that-ive been wiaitirsg for just ,,uch a time. Not thÉat î wasted miuch ti-me last week, wbat witb canning-, 4jelig" nitting and mýaking pIllow-cases for aur new bop'ita .a spending maney. Ah yes, anid thereby bangsa tale-on accounit af which i.Parý,tne.r says 1 moke hlm rnocV - It's like this--one way and onother I fdo-)aàlotof sewing a ndc several times Partner bias sug- gested that 1 get .,ryself an edec- trie seming machine. But I ai- ways said 1. didn't need it, that the machine 1Ihad kýtil1l did a goüod job Besides thiat it bas a sentimental value. Wheni we first camne ta Catnada-that wias in 1919-we settled on the Sas- katchewan prairie. We -bad very littie money, certainly not much ta set tip bouse with, and a bby on the way. Besides, that thereee caws and hens ta bu7y before we could start mak- ing a liing, There were mrany thing-s we hadta do without, and Iid'tmind. But there wsone thing I1 was tdetermined ta' have and thot wos a sewing. mnachine. Partner was quite willing 'btecouse h e knew I woud ake good use ofL it. Sc w7,e went shopping for a msa-c cine-con-trary to the advic2e af prairie farmer-friends with whcm we were 'staying. What wve bou--lt was a t'able mode) a l.ittIe motar kpt on it. 1. was rCeo'ly mnthe lIuxury cdasand miy machine continued tao do goodwrk So, every time, Part- nec suggested a 4ne-w machine f. came uip with sonme excuse-for not geLting it, But *o0f late I have begun ta weaken. New mnachines, with backward and forward stitclliný darners, and buttont-bole makers are really wonderful, LBesides thatl, they are sOoropact, taking up littie îpace, whereas rny 'alid falthful' "vas 80 curaberso.-e the onily place for it was down in the basement-and tatswbere I had to work. e cut a long stary ehort 1 took advantage of the spe-cial Exh-ibition aoffer and _a had a new console electricevse- inig machine sent here. 0O1ld FthuWei]>, I still bave it. 1 arn tbinking of lending it ta a frienid of minle rather than sel! it or give lit 3sway. And why was Partiïr mad? B ecause b re saiid, ,-e-,:c -,for M y o wn1- f.low are invitations te) a brdishower issued? A. Since these are informa,, affairs, the invitations maiîy be moide by teleph1ones, note, cards, or eveni in persani. Q. May Qcaudies be used on the dinner table, even ii they are not te be lighted? A. Yes; cgnrdles are alýwaysý correct on the dinner oýr supper table. Q. Weld it be proper when leavlnig a hospitaI te tip a trained nurse who has beeau unusuail'y klnd and efficieut? A. It ie, bette~r not ta doth. 1ýTïrses- belonig ta the profession- a! class arnd miglit resent this. A nice gif t, bowever, is in gýOA Q.Is it ever preper for a lady te assist a Zentleman on with his c..oat? A. Only if le isvery aid, feeble, Or cripple. Oth1,erwise, Q.I - irl has e parents anid She bas ne, meanls o! glvl-ng a Party to arnoeunce ber engage- A. Her best way ta do this È> 1tlro-ugh the ociety-neýws page of her local newýpaPer. Q. Is it Improper to blow ai spoonful of soup or coffee before Ukiiig it juto the nmotth? A. Not if the b-lowing 15 Jovlý very gently and inconspicuouasfï. Refrain from "bl)owing up a ,storm7n. Cut-sot-cd~dy -just th* dol! a tot waxts. B3roti er.iaià siîster doils moke a "f4aiLy'for a little youngster. Patterni 634: patterni, directions4- ýfo0r two 12-incb sock dOlk-3 clo t he s, hair-do, face pattersi. Easy seig-cuddly pal. Send 17HIRTY-FIVE CENTe (stamps cannot be acceptedi, usC postal note for safetyý) fOr thia pattern ta Laura Wheelerý, Box 1, 1123 Eigh-teenehi St., New TaroDto. Onit. Prinit plainly FATTEEN NUMBER, your NAMIE and AD- Two FREE Eatternls aS0 i lt tai Our reader - -printed ivIghi inj our 1957 Lau ra Wbeelel' Needlecraft Book. I5ozens Ot other designs yau'll want taor..- dejr-- easy fas-clnating handi- wiork for yourself, your hoMàes* gifts, bazaar items, Send '25 centi for yow copy u hsbakt~ da)y ISSUE 45, - 1957

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